30 hot photos of Yana Koshkina that you can look at all day

Who is Yana Koshkina: biography, personal life, husband and children

Let's start with who Yana Koshkina is, highlighting some facts from her biography and personal life, including regarding the presence of a husband and children. The new sex bomb of Channel One is 27 years old - she was born on April 22, 1990 in St. Petersburg. From an early age, the girl showed good athletic abilities, so her parents sent Yana to the rhythmic gymnastics section at the age of 4. Later, the talented athlete Koshkina even became a master of sports. At the same time, the future star of the show “Kings of Plywood” was engaged in synchronized swimming. Who knows, perhaps today we would know Koshkina as an outstanding athlete if cinema had not entered her life. In high school, Yana tried herself as an actress, making her debut in the TV series “OBZH”. She liked this experience so much that after school Koshkina went to enter the Academy of Theater Arts. At the same time, the spectacular student worked part-time as a fashion model and participated in various castings.

Details from her personal life - does Yana Koshkina have a husband and children?

But the real breakthrough in Koshkina’s career occurred after she moved to Moscow. The young actress persistently knocked down numerous screen tests and luck smiled at her. Yana began to be called to minor roles in TV series, including “Road Patrol” and “A Word to a Woman.” Then there were episodes in “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Interns”, “Kitchen”. But most of all, Koshkina was remembered by television viewers for her role as Snezhana in the comedy series “CHOP.” It was after participating in this project that Yana woke up famous and the girl received numerous offers, one of which was her debut as a presenter on Channel One. Today, the outrageous girl has no children and no husband.

The heroine of “Molodezhka” Svetlana Savchuk

After Koshkina began starring in the new season of Molodezhka, she began to be recognized not only as a participant in projects on the TNT channel, but also as Yana from the series Molodezhka. She got a difficult role in the film, she played a heroine for whom the main things in life are money and power. In order to achieve her goal, she is ready to do anything, even betraying a close friend. In the film Molodezhka, Yana played the role of Svetlana Savchuk, a cunning and powerful woman who cannot live without intrigue. Yana Koshkina did an excellent job with her role. On the screen we see a beautiful and fragile woman, under whose mask hides an insidious and envious personality.

What was presenter Yana Koshkina like before plastic surgery: photos before and after operations

Evil tongues claim that real fame came to presenter Yana Koshkina after several plastic surgeries (before and after photos below). And although the girl herself prefers not to comment on questions regarding her clearly changed appearance, experts say that plastic surgery has taken place in her life. Most likely, Yana underwent at least two operations - mammoplasty and rhinoplasty. Koshkin always had a good figure: even at the dawn of her film career, Yana could boast of a slender body with appetizing curves. But today Koshkina’s bust looks clearly more magnificent than before. The girl’s breasts look disproportionately large, and its shape suggests thoughts about breast correction.

A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery by presenter Yana Koshkina

In addition, the actress's nose has also changed. Early photographs clearly show a small hump and a thickened tip. Now Yana’s nose has acquired a more neat and sophisticated shape. In addition to plastic surgery, cosmetologists also clearly worked on Koshkina’s appearance. With the naked eye you can see enlarged lips and corrected cheekbones. See below for a comparative selection of photos of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery.

Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

Before plastic surgery

Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

In which episode of “Molodezhki” does Yana appear in the series?

Yana Koshkina does not appear on the screens of the television series right away. We see her heroine only in the fifth episode of the fifth season.

Right from the very first episodes it becomes clear what Svetlana Savchuk is like. In the fifth episode, she accidentally sees her friend Natalya and Ruslan Zhdanov’s brother Vitaly kissing near the car. Svetlana immediately understands that Natalya is having an affair with her husband’s brother. Svetlana uses this information against her friend, she begins to blackmail her, and asks for money for silence.

Nude Yana Koshkina: hot photos for Maxim and Playboy magazines

Yana Koshkina also gained a share of popularity, especially among male fans, from hot photo shoots for Maxim and Playboy magazines, in which she poses completely naked. Of course, the pictures are erotic, not pornographic, and they can even be classified as photography. But this does not in any way negate their frankness and complete nudity, which not everyone agrees to. However, Yana Koshkina has already become famous for her assertive character, and it is unlikely that she regarded a candid photo shoot as something immodest and shameful. Moreover, the young actress simply loves to attract attention with shocking behavior.

A selection of hot nude photos of Yana Koshkina for Playboy and Maxim magazines

Next you will find a selection of hot nude pictures of Yana Koshkina, which she took for the popular magazines Maxim and Playboy.

Naked Yana Koshkina for Playboy

Hot photos of Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine

Relationships between characters

The family of Igor and Svetlana Savchuk has very difficult relationships. Svetlana constantly tries to manipulate her husband and puts pressure on his weak points. Igor has problems in the team, since a new goalkeeper, Bakin, has arrived. Igor Savchuk really doesn’t like the idea that someone can take his place, for this reason he constantly mocks the new goalkeeper. Svetlana spends her free time not only with her husband, but also with her friend Natalya Zhdanova. However, behind the outer mask of friendliness lies envy of the status and position that Natalya has, because she is married to the captain of the Brown Bears team, Ruslan. However, Natalya Zhdanova herself is not a simple heroine; she constantly weaves intrigues and cheats on her husband with his brother Vitaly.

Yana Koshkina: erotic photos in a swimsuit from the personal Instagram of the presenter from Channel One

Yana Koshkina, now a presenter on Channel One, pleases her fans on her personal Instagram with erotic photos in a swimsuit. Her page on the popular network is replete with bright images with half-naked breasts and revealing dresses. The girl also loves to share provocative pictures and videos from work with her followers.

A selection of erotic photos in a swimsuit from the personal Instagram of the presenter from Channel One Yana Koshkina

For example, after Yana Koshkina became the host of the show on Channel One, the girl regularly posts behind-the-scenes photos and videos that were not included on the air of “Kings of Plywood.” In many of them, she openly flirts with studio guests and even with her married partner Pavel Priluchny. In addition, the girl is happy to share the latest news from her personal life. For example, after candid photo shoots for Playboy and Maxim (October 2017), hot Koshkina herself posted several naked pictures on Instagram. In addition, on the actress’s page you can find other erotic highlights - in swimsuits and even topless. But photos before and after plastic surgery, which undoubtedly happened in Koshkina’s life, cannot be found on her Insta.

Yana Koshkina in a swimsuit, photo

The role of Yana in “Molodezhka”

The fifth season of the series “Molodezhka” was called “Adult Life”. In the continuation of the film, the heroes had to face new obstacles, as well as establish good relationships with the old players of the Electron team, which later became known as the Brown Bears.

One of the new actresses of Molodezhka is Yana Koshkina. She plays the role of the wife of one of the members of the Brown Bears team. The name of Yana’s heroine in “Molodezhka” is Svetlana Savchuk. Her husband, Igor Savchuk, is the goalkeeper of the Brown Bears.

Personal life

Yana Koshkina absolutely loves to be the center of attention. However, the girl leaves her personal life behind the scenes. There is no information about the star's boyfriend on Instagram. But the girl posted a mysterious photo where she is fooling around with a man, but he is not visible. Koshkina mysteriously captioned the photo: “Don’t even try to guess who it is. But we have been friends for many years." Maybe this is the beauty's man.

The TV presenter admits that she prefers intellectually developed men with good upbringing. The girl honestly admits that a man’s material wealth plays a big role for her. Koshkina would not date a man with an earthly profession and an average salary.

The actress is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. She regularly travels, goes shopping, visits gyms and spas. It will be difficult for a girl to refuse all the benefits, so she practically puts a price tag on herself, declaring that she needs to be well provided for.

For a long time there were rumors about Koshkina’s affair with Garik Martirosyan. Some newspapers wrote news that Garik allegedly gave Yana an apartment in the center of Moscow. Koshkina denied the information, saying that she could no longer read this nonsense. The actress has never had a relationship with the comedian.

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