Causes and signs of age-related changes
Smoothing face creams - choosing an effective anti-wrinkle product
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Facelift: circular or without surgery, facelift at home
Circular facelift With age, the skin loses its tone, becomes inelastic, and flabby. Wrinkles give about
Why does the skin on your face peel and dry?
Why does the skin on your face peel and dry?
Dry sensitive cracking skin: causes Dry skin can be caused by a wide variety of factors:
Types of redness and causes of their occurrence on the face
One of the patients, a French teacher, told the following story: “At the beginning of her career, her
Subcutaneous mite. Which procedures are prohibited and which are recommended?
Treatment of acne Treatment of Rosacea Treatment of demodicosis “Subcutaneous mite” sounds very unpleasant, and for many
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Can I wash my face or not? Cosmetologists recommend washing with cold water. But she shouldn't
How to remove expression wrinkles
Choosing an effective cream to eliminate facial wrinkles
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10 coffee body scrub recipes you can make at home
Every girl who loves herself and her body strives to take care of her own appearance. Cosmetic
Hot and cold wrap - what to choose and which is better?
28 Dec 20201907 Greetings, dear readers! In this article we will talk about wrapping
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Skin regeneration is a process of cell restoration, accompanied by the synthesis of various compounds at the molecular level.
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