Hair removal with neodymium laser: advantages and contraindications

It is no secret that laser hair removal today is not only a well-known, but also a very popular procedure that can effectively solve the problem of unwanted hair.

But the effectiveness and duration of the effect from its implementation largely depends on the quality and type of equipment used.

Depending on the point of impact of the laser beam, a laser can be distinguished, the target of which is melanin located in the hair shaft, and equipment that affects hemoglobin (this is what the hair follicle in the vessel feeds on) .

The latter option includes a neodymium laser, the characteristics of which we will now describe in more detail.

How does the procedure work?

Nd:YAG laser gives excellent results in the treatment of vascular formations. It removes even deeply located vessels and vessels of large diameter. The principle of its operation is the thermal effect on the affected area: by heating, it then glues the vessels, leaving after the procedure only a slight redness, which passes very quickly.

When treating acne, it acts on the protein shell of bacteria, thereby reducing sebum secretion and reducing the possibility of the formation of closed comedones. It also allows you to accelerate the maturation of existing inflammations, their rapid resorption, and prevents the appearance of new ones. To obtain a lasting result, a course of 8-10 procedures is usually required, 2-3 procedures per week, and as a result, you quickly and permanently get rid of acne. Also, neodymium laser is very effective in combating oily facial skin.

Laser correction and scars are well removed, making them smoother and less noticeable, smoothing out the tone of the face as a whole.

Depending on the complexity of the defect, one or two procedures or a course may be required.

Before and after photos



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