Reviews about doctor Mgaloblishvili David Givievich

Mgaloblishvili David Gigievich

I hope you have enough patience to read my review.

I followed David Givievich’s Instagram for two years, I really liked his work, it was very individual, his noses suited only a specific person. I signed up for a consultation, during which D.G. made 3D modeling and explained the operation plan in detail. (Everything took place at the Garant Clinic on Vavilova 97.) I liked everything about 3D, I was inspired and anticipated the result. In addition to rhinoseptoplasty during the consultation, I added bullhorn, navel correction, and removal of a cutting after epiendectomy. In total there were 4 operations, with a discount of 390 thousand rubles. Without thinking twice, I decided to have the operation, having quickly read reviews about the surgeon and the consequences of the operations (this was my biggest mistake, because nothing frightened me or alerted me). I settled into the room, put on stockings, the doctor came and made markings for the operation, went into the operating room at 9 o'clock in the morning and... woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning from terrible pain in my elbows, heels and lower back. (During this time, my husband called the clinic several times, thinking that I was no longer there.) Then the worst days of my life began! Opening my eyes in a completely dark room alone, with a catheter in my urinary tract, I began to call for help. My nightmare was the realization that I was completely alone! No one responded or came. The bunk was catastrophically terrible! It felt like I was lying on some kind of pile of logs or on rails, it was all so crooked. I climbed over the side of the bed, picked up the bag with my urine and wandered to the toilet, which is not in the room, but in the general corridor of the clinic! I felt as if I had been run over by a tank and that I was dying. I tried to remove the catheter myself, because... there was an irresistible desire to evacuate. Sitting on the toilet with the toilet door open, I saw a sleeping orderly in blue clothes at the end of the corridor on a yellow sofa. From the toilet she wandered towards him and began to wake him up. After that I could no longer sleep. My arms did not bend at the elbows from pain. As I later learned from another surgeon, all my pain after the operation was associated with incorrect body position. They were also required to place an anti-bedsore mat on the operating table. As David Givievich later reported, during the operation he placed a pillow under my tailbone (?!!). I was discharged the same day at 10 am. At that time I had no complaints about the operated parts; apart from my purple bedsores, I didn’t feel anything else. I asked to be left in the clinic for at least another day, since I came from Anapa completely alone, and I did not have any help, but they refused me this.

Next was regular restoration according to the doctor’s recommendations. Seen him on the 4th day - removed some stitches, a bandage on his stomach; and on the 10th day I took off the splint, I saw a neat nose, which I was very happy about. That day I flew home and continued recovery efforts.

After the third month, an S-shaped curvature of the nose began to appear. After 8 months, I came for a consultation with David Givievich, he saw the curvature of the nose, agreed with it, said that we would wait a year and it would be possible to correct it under local anesthesia, assuring that it was a minor thing. By the age of one year, the swelling had subsided, the curvature of the nose became more pronounced, depressions appeared, and the whole nose seemed to be plowed up. I went to the doctor again for a correction. After an hour (!!!) of stormy communication with the doctor, he refused his words spoken during the previous consultation, contradicted himself, the expression “already under the pitchfork” is 100% suitable for this person! As a result of the conversation, he asked, “Did I really expect a perfect nose?” (it’s strange if I came for a crooked nose, right?), said “your whole face is crooked, how can your nose be straight?”, “It was your muscles on your face that did this,” and in the end, when he couldn’t do anything anymore come up with, said that I have an excellent, even nose and that I am inventing some non-existent problems.

After this idiotic hour, we went to the treatment room, where he administered local anesthesia and removed the most obvious lump of cartilage from the bridge of the nose, sealed it and poisoned it back home. You will never see a photo of my smooth and beautiful nose (according to the surgeon) on his Instagram feed (where he posts only his successful works)!

I know cases where a surgeon admits his mistakes and tries to correct them, but here you will be made to look like a fool with a crooked face.

What is my conclusion after all of the above? I never advise anyone to contact this “specialist”! I consider the positive outcome of operations performed by this surgeon to be an exception. Now I’m looking for a surgeon for secondary rhinoplasty, this time I’m already very afraid to trust anyone’s pictures. If you have encountered similar problems, perhaps you have had a successful secondary rhinoplasty and have the surgeon’s contact information, write to me

Mgaloblishvili David Givievich

I hope you have enough patience to read my review. I followed David Givievich’s Instagram for two years, I really liked his work, it was very individual, his noses suited only a specific person. I signed up for a consultation, during which D.G. made 3D modeling and explained the operation plan in detail. (Everything took place at the Garant Clinic on Vavilova 97.) I liked everything about 3D, I was inspired and anticipated the result. In addition to rhinoseptoplasty during the consultation, I added bullhorn, navel correction, and removal of a cutting after epiendectomy. In total there were 4 operations, with a discount of 390 thousand rubles. Without thinking twice, I decided to have the operation, having quickly read reviews about the surgeon and the consequences of the operations (this was my biggest mistake, because nothing frightened me or alerted me). I settled into the room, put on stockings, the doctor came and made markings for the operation, went into the operating room at 9 o'clock in the morning and... woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning from terrible pain in my elbows, heels and lower back. (During this time, my husband called the clinic several times, thinking that I was no longer there.) Then the worst days of my life began! Opening my eyes in a completely dark room alone, with a catheter in my urinary tract, I began to call for help. My nightmare was the realization that I was completely alone! No one responded or came. The bunk was catastrophically terrible! It felt like I was lying on some kind of pile of logs or on rails, it was all so crooked. I climbed over the side of the bed, picked up the bag with my urine and wandered to the toilet, which is not in the room, but in the general corridor of the clinic! I felt as if I had been run over by a tank and that I was dying. I tried to remove the catheter myself, because... there was an irresistible desire to evacuate. Sitting on the toilet with the toilet door open, I saw a sleeping orderly in blue clothes at the end of the corridor on a yellow sofa. From the toilet she wandered towards him and began to wake him up. After that I could no longer sleep. My arms did not bend at the elbows from pain. As I later learned from another surgeon, all my pain after the operation was associated with incorrect body position. They were also required to place an anti-bedsore mat on the operating table. As David Givievich later reported, during the operation he placed a pillow under my tailbone (?!!). I was discharged the same day at 10 am. At that time I had no complaints about the operated parts; apart from my purple bedsores, I didn’t feel anything else. I asked to be left in the clinic for at least another day, since I came from Anapa completely alone, and I did not have any help, but they refused me this. Next was regular restoration according to the doctor’s recommendations. Seen him on the 4th day - removed some stitches, a bandage on his stomach; and on the 10th day I took off the splint, I saw a neat nose, which I was very happy about. That day I flew home and continued recovery efforts. After the third month, an S-shaped curvature of the nose began to appear. After 8 months, I came for a consultation with David Givievich, he saw the curvature of the nose, agreed with it, said that we would wait a year and it would be possible to correct it under local anesthesia, assuring that it was a minor thing. By the age of one year, the swelling had subsided, the curvature of the nose became more pronounced, depressions appeared, and the whole nose seemed to be plowed up. I went to the doctor again for a correction. After an hour (!!!) of stormy communication with the doctor, he refused his words spoken during the previous consultation, contradicted himself, the expression “already under the pitchfork” is 100% suitable for this person! As a result of the conversation, he asked, “Did I really expect a perfect nose?” (it’s strange if I came for a crooked nose, right?), said “your whole face is crooked, how can your nose be straight?”, “It was your muscles on your face that did this,” and in the end, when he couldn’t do anything anymore come up with, said that I have an excellent, even nose and that I am inventing some non-existent problems. After this idiotic hour, we went to the treatment room, where he administered local anesthesia and removed the most obvious lump of cartilage from the bridge of the nose, sealed it and poisoned it back home. You will never see a photo of my smooth and beautiful nose (according to the surgeon) on his Instagram feed (where he posts only his successful works)! What is my conclusion after all of the above? I never advise anyone to contact this “specialist”! I consider the positive outcome of operations performed by this surgeon to be an exception. Now I’m looking for a surgeon for secondary rhinoplasty, this time I’m already very afraid to trust anyone’s pictures. If you have encountered similar problems, perhaps you have had a successful secondary rhinoplasty, write to me

Reviews about doctor Mgaloblishvili David Givievich

Olesya 2020-09-20

Positive: I hope you have the patience to read my review.
I followed David Givievich’s Instagram for two years, I really liked his work, it was very individual, his noses suited only a specific person. I signed up for a consultation, during which D.G. made 3D modeling and explained the operation plan in detail. (Everything took place at the Garant Clinic on Vavilova 97.) I liked everything about 3D, I was inspired and anticipated the result. In addition to rhinoseptoplasty during the consultation, I added bullhorn, navel correction, and removal of a cutting after epiendectomy. In total there were 4 operations, with a discount of 390 thousand rubles. Without thinking twice, I decided to have the operation, having quickly read the reviews about the surgeon and the consequences of the operations... - read in full Positive: I hope you have enough patience to read my review. I followed David Givievich’s Instagram for two years, I really liked his work, it was very individual, his noses suited only a specific person. I signed up for a consultation, during which D.G. made 3D modeling and explained the operation plan in detail. (Everything took place at the Garant Clinic on Vavilova 97.) I liked everything about 3D, I was inspired and anticipated the result. In addition to rhinoseptoplasty during the consultation, I added bullhorn, navel correction, and removal of a cutting after epiendectomy. In total there were 4 operations, with a discount of 390 thousand rubles. Without thinking twice, I decided to have the operation, having quickly read reviews about the surgeon and the consequences of the operations (this was my biggest mistake, because nothing frightened me or alerted me). I settled into the room, put on stockings, the doctor came and made markings for the operation, went into the operating room at 9 o'clock in the morning and... woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning from terrible pain in my elbows, heels and lower back. (During this time, my husband called the clinic several times, thinking that I was no longer there.) Then the worst days of my life began! Opening my eyes in a completely dark room alone, with a catheter in my urinary tract, I began to call for help. My nightmare was the realization that I was completely alone! No one responded or came. The bunk was catastrophically terrible! It felt like I was lying on some kind of pile of logs or on rails, it was all so crooked. I climbed over the side of the bed, picked up the bag with my urine and wandered to the toilet, which is not in the room, but in the general corridor of the clinic! I felt as if I had been run over by a tank and that I was dying. I tried to remove the catheter myself, because... there was an irresistible desire to evacuate. Sitting on the toilet with the toilet door open, I saw a sleeping orderly in blue clothes at the end of the corridor on a yellow sofa. From the toilet she wandered towards him and began to wake him up. After that I could no longer sleep. My arms did not bend at the elbows from pain. As I later learned from another surgeon, all my pain after the operation was associated with incorrect body position. They were also required to place an anti-bedsore mat on the operating table. As David Givievich later reported, during the operation he placed a pillow under my tailbone (?!!). I was discharged the same day at 10 am. At that time I had no complaints about the operated parts; apart from my purple bedsores, I didn’t feel anything else. I asked to be left in the clinic for at least another day, since I came from Anapa completely alone, and I did not have any help, but they refused me this. Next was regular restoration according to the doctor’s recommendations. Seen him on the 4th day - removed some stitches, a bandage on his stomach; and on the 10th day I took off the splint, I saw a neat nose, which I was very happy about. That day I flew home and continued recovery efforts. After the third month, an S-shaped curvature of the nose began to appear. After 8 months, I came for a consultation with David Givievich, he saw the curvature of the nose, agreed with it, said that we would wait a year and it would be possible to correct it under local anesthesia, assuring that it was a minor thing. By the age of one year, the swelling had subsided, the curvature of the nose became more pronounced, depressions appeared, and the whole nose seemed to be plowed up. I went to the doctor again for a correction. After an hour (!!!) of stormy communication with the doctor, he refused his words spoken during the previous consultation, contradicted himself, the expression “already under the pitchfork” is 100% suitable for this person! As a result of the conversation, he asked, “Did I really expect a perfect nose?” (it’s strange if I came for a crooked nose, right?), said “your whole face is crooked, how can your nose be straight?”, “It was your muscles on your face that did this,” and in the end, when he couldn’t do anything anymore come up with, said that I have an excellent, even nose and that I am inventing some non-existent problems. After this idiotic hour, we went to the treatment room, where he administered local anesthesia and removed the most obvious lump of cartilage from the bridge of the nose, sealed it and poisoned it back home. You will never see a photo of my smooth and beautiful nose (according to the surgeon) on his Instagram feed (where he posts only his successful works)! What is my conclusion after all of the above? I never advise anyone to contact this “specialist”! I consider the positive outcome of operations performed by this surgeon to be an exception. Now I’m looking for a surgeon for secondary rhinoplasty, this time I’m already very afraid to trust anyone’s pictures. If you have encountered similar problems, perhaps you have had a successful secondary rhinoplasty, write to me

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