Chapped hands and tiptoes? Selecting hand cream and hand care in winter

Caring for your hands in winter is no less important than caring for your face and body. If you accidentally forgot your gloves and ran around in the cold, you will soon find that the skin on your hands is cracking, pimples and irritation appear. So, the already dry skin of the hands reacts to low temperatures, lack of vitamins and lack of regular care.

Have you noticed that the skin on your hands is cracking? This is a signal that the upper layer of the epidermis is destroyed and you need to restore it as soon as possible. Today we will determine what hand care is right for you and what hand cream to use every day as a preventative measure.

Main manifestations of wounds


In this case, pain occurs due to damage to the nerve endings that were located at the site of the injury. Over time, swelling may increase, which also leads to increased pain. The severity and degree of manifestation of pain depends on factors such as:

  • location of the defect, concomitant damage to large nerve trunks;
  • type of weapon or conditions of damage (asphalt, garden, bicycle, sharp object, etc.);
  • psychological state of the child.

In essence, pain is an adaptive defense reaction of the body.


Any damage to the skin or mucous membranes is in one way or another accompanied by damage to blood vessels (capillaries, arteries, veins). The nature and degree of bleeding depends on the type of damaged vessel. The larger the vessel and the higher the pressure in it, the more massive the bleeding, and vice versa. It is worth highlighting those places on the body that are accompanied by more heavy bleeding: face, head, neck, hands . In these places, the tissues are better supplied with blood. The condition of the blood coagulation system plays an important role. If a child has a minor abrasion or scratch, which is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and pediatric hematologist in order to exclude a disease of the blood coagulation system. This may also be indicated by the appearance of a large number of bruises for no reason.

If a small abrasion is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to consult a hematologist.


This phenomenon is associated with a reduction in the elastic fibers of the skin. As a result, the skin edges of the lesion diverge. Many surgeons know what Langer's lines are. They indicate the course and direction of the fibrous structures of the skin. For this purpose, incisions are made along these lines, which leads to rapid healing of the incisions and reduction of gaping. Accordingly, when a defect appears perpendicular to these lines, a wide divergence of the edges of the defect develops.

Dry hand skin care products

The best professional hand skin care products:

  1. Estel Beauty Hair Lab Winteria Mask. Mask based on cocoa, shea butter, sunflower, almond. Provides intensive nutrition and hydration of the epidermis. Gives velvety, softness. With regular use, your hands acquire a well-groomed, neat appearance.

  2. Ollin Service Line Nourishing Hand&Nail Cream. Cream with the addition of almond oil and ceramides. Creates a protective film on the surface, protects against aggressive environmental factors. Prevents dryness and flaking. Has a softening effect and prevents nail brittleness.

  3. Estel Professional M*Use Hand Cream. Saturates the dermis with nutrients, restores hydrolipid balance. The skin becomes soft, elastic, velvety.

  4. Gehwol Gerlasan Hand Cream. Moisturizing cream with aloe extract, topioca starch, urea, jojoba oil. It has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave a sticky layer. Has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly heals wounds and cracks.

  5. Ayoume Enjoy Mini Makgeolli Hand Cream. The cream is produced in small pyramids. The composition is rich in nutrients that provide the necessary level of hydration. The packaging is convenient to take with you on trips, just carry it in your cosmetic bag.

  6. Insight Body Nutritive Cream. Suitable for dry, severely cracked hand skin. Effective in the fight against existing free radicals. Regular use of this product provides anti-aging effects.

  7. Sothys Velvet Hand Cream. Velvet cream, rich in vitamins and oils. Well nourishes, moisturizes, restores the skin of the hands. It has powerful softening and regenerating properties.

  8. Davines OI Hand Balm. A rich balm with a delicate texture developed using an innovative formula. Provides intensive hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis. It is an excellent prevention of the appearance of age spots. Has anti-aging, anti-radical action. Promotes active production of melanin, prevents the destruction of epidermal cells when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

  9. Holy Land Hand & Body Cream. Delicate cream enriched with fruit extracts. Evens out the skin structure and prevents overdrying. Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, adds velvety, softness.

  10. Christina Illustrious Hand Cream SPF15. The cream protects the skin from the negative effects of direct sunlight. The composition is enriched with glycerin, curcumin extract, vitamin E, jojoba oil. Such a powerful cocktail quickly removes dry hands and normalizes the hydrolipid balance.

  11. La Ric Liquid Glove. A product for instant hand skin care. Protects the epidermis in adverse weather conditions. Envelops the surface, creates a film that ensures complete safety. The protection period is 6-12 hours.

  12. Secret Key Hug Me Moisture Steam Hand Cream Citrus. The cream is made using innovative steam technology. Has a pronounced moisturizing and nourishing effect. Quickly soothes irritated, damaged skin. The composition includes almond, coconut oil, lavender extract, rosemary, oregano. Does not contain chemicals or fragrances.

Professional hand skin care products are basic cosmetics that relieve dryness. They are also useful for preventive purposes. The Maroshka online store offers various lines aimed at combating dry skin on the hands. In our catalog you will find the most effective creams, masks, balms, gels. After placing an order, delivery is carried out within 1-2 days in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekb, and other cities of Russia.

Types of wounds

They can be:

  • Operating: applied deliberately for the purpose of performing an operation.
  • Accidental: as a rule, these are household damages.

Depending on the nature and conditions of the damage, wounds are distinguished:

  • chopped;
  • I stab;
  • bruised;
  • torn;
  • crushed;
  • chopped;
  • bitten;
  • mixed;
  • firearms.

In children , cut, puncture, bitten, mixed, and also superficial (abrasions, scratches, etc.) predominate. Particular attention is paid to bites that result from an animal or human bite (for example, another child), as they are the most infected. This is due to the large number of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. They are most often complicated by infection.

According to the degree of infection there are:

  • Freshly infected. As a rule, this damage occurs within 3 days from the date of its application. Defects with soil contamination are especially infected.
  • Purulent. An infectious process develops in these lesions. Microbes, when multiplying, lead to increased inflammation, necrosis, and also contribute to the appearance of pus. Children with purulent manifestations develop symptoms of general intoxication: nausea, headache, dizziness, weakness, lethargy.

Wound healing and factors influencing this process

The wound healing process can be disrupted by many factors.

Healing is the process of repairing damaged tissue and restoring its integrity. During the healing process, certain processes occur. We will not dwell on them in more detail, but will only indicate those factors that may disrupt the healing process:

  • Age. As a rule, this applies more to older people. The child's body has great regenerative capabilities. This is due to the high level of anabolic (construction) processes in the body.
  • Attachment of infection.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Poor circulation in the wound area.
  • Chronic diseases (diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, diabetes, tumors and others).

Healing complications

  1. Attachment of infection . Most often, a nonspecific purulent infection develops. The threat is tetanus, rabies, diphtheria. Therefore, injuries that have been bitten and contaminated with soil or old metal objects should be immediately examined by a surgeon with a number of preventive measures taken (administration of anti-tetanus serum, rabies vaccine).
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Divergence of defect edges.
  4. In some cases, healing may be complicated by a hypertrophic scar or keloid . They are an abnormal scar that can spread beyond the defect area and also contribute to the development of complications.

Products for treating wounds in children

Below we list the most popular and affordable means for treating superficial wounds in children:

  • Iodine. Suitable for superficial abrasions, but not for deeper injuries.
  • Diamond green.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is the drug of choice for first aid in the treatment of superficial abrasions in children. Allows you to clean abrasions and scratches well. An equally important property is stopping bleeding.
  • Furacilin. To prepare a solution for topical use, dissolve the tablet in water.
  • Miramistin. It is also an antiseptic for topical use. Allows you to prevent suppuration. If a purulent process occurs, it allows you to fight it. A pleasant bonus will be the possibility of using this remedy for acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats and pharyngitis in children.
  • Chlorhexidine.

An antiseptic helps prevent suppuration.

To speed up healing, ointments and creams can be used such as:

  • Levomekol;
  • Betadine;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • cream Bepanten plus.

How to make regenerating cream at home?

You can make a nourishing and effective regenerating cream at home. To do this, you need to purchase certain components for cream making in specialized stores: lanolin, liquid lethicin, beeswax, apricot oil and glycerin.

Place 1/4 cup of apricot oil, 7 g, in a glass container. beeswax, 1 tsp. liquid lethicin, 1 tsp. lanolin. In a water bath, the components should be dissolved and mixed until smooth, and then gently brought to a boil. Remove the container from the heat and leave to cool. Glycerin is added to the cool mixture, after which it is thoroughly kneaded again. The finished cream is placed in sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator.

The wide range of restorative creams presented on the modern market makes it much more difficult to find a really good product that can eliminate the effects of negative factors on the skin of the hands. But, knowing which components must be included in the composition, and also based on the severity of the problem you have, you can easily select the optimal product at a price that suits you. The main thing is not to get carried away with the use of regenerating creams, since, according to most cosmetologists, powerful products are not intended for daily care.

First aid for a child for superficial wounds

When such a situation arises, parents ask themselves: “How to treat the wound? How to properly treat a wound? What is the best remedy for treating a wound?

Before helping a child, parents need to wash their hands with soap and use an antiseptic. Next, in this sequence, you need to follow a number of instructions and actions:

  1. Assess the extent and nature of the damage. It is very important to understand whether the baby has a deep or superficial wound.
  2. Rinse and stop bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide is best suited for this purpose. You can also use a solution of furatsilin and chlorhexidine.
  3. Next, you can treat the skin with a drying antiseptic, for example, iodine solution or brilliant green.
  4. Apply an aseptic (clean) dressing.
  5. In the future, it is important to change the dressings regularly. It is also possible to use ointments and creams discussed earlier, which will speed up the healing process.

In case of deeper defects, heavy bleeding, wounds that have been bitten and contaminated with soil or old metal, you must urgently contact a surgeon.

Wounds are quite common, especially in young children. The task of parents is to provide timely assistance to the child in order to prevent infection. You must have a minimum first aid kit in your first aid kit. Do not self-medicate and, if threatening injuries occur, consult a doctor.

Hand skin care tips

Hand skin care rules:

  • regularly wash your hands with products that do not contain drying ingredients;
  • wipe with a dry, clean towel until moisture is completely removed;
  • use moisturizing and nourishing creams daily;
  • wash dishes and do wet cleaning only with protective gloves;
  • to avoid vitamin deficiency in the body, regularly take multivitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Carry out home spa treatments 1-2 times a week - baths, masks, compresses.

Experts recommend using professional cosmetics for preventive purposes.

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