Homemade potato face mask for wrinkles using fresh potatoes

You can almost always have beautiful and glowing skin if you choose the right components for masks. Many of them are provided by nature and almost all are at hand. There would be time, and most importantly, the desire to use them.

One of the most affordable products that can always be found in the house is potatoes. If you prepare it correctly and add the necessary components to the composition, then with regular use it intensively and consistently cleanses the skin, nourishes it, whitens it and visually makes it younger. That is why such masks are popular among women. In addition, almost no contraindications have been identified when using potato masks. And the reviews from women are entirely positive. In this article we will review popular and quite effective potato masks and reveal the secrets of their preparation.

Beneficial properties of potatoes for the face

The skin of the face, neck and décolleté looks young only when its cells are not deficient in essential microelements and vitamins. And we don’t even suspect how rich potatoes are in various substances beneficial to the dermis. It contains a maximum of B vitamins, as well as E, C and others. There are trace elements, such as iron, selenium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Namely, this set of beneficial substances has a positive effect on the microrelief of the skin, cleanses and tightens enlarged pores.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the appearance of black dots on the wings of the nose, which are unpleasant for women, and has a disinfecting and healing effect. Saturates cells with moisture and gently affects the microrelief of the epidermis.

Non-surgical Italian blepharoplasty DROT

The unique technology of non-surgical blepharoplasty will allow you to restore youthful skin in the eyelid area without surgery and without complications. The effect of the procedure will be no worse than that of expensive plastic surgery. The technology allows you to get rid of sagging skin over the upper eyelids, bags under the eyes and, of course, wrinkles.

A Clinic successfully uses the technology of non-surgical blepharoplasty DROT (DROT), which was developed by Italian scientists. It is based on a combination of RF radiation and fractional CO2 laser.

For eyelid lifting, S-Pulse and D-Pulse pulses are used, which have not previously been used in laser dermatology. For eyelid surgery, the Stack mode is also used, with which you can vary the depth of penetration of the laser beam. The use of different types of laser pulses in combination with RF radiation allows doctors to work at different depths of the skin, depending on the task at hand. As a result, eyebrows are raised, sagging tissue on the upper and lower eyelids is removed, the skin is noticeably thickened, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

It is extremely important that with DROT blepharoplasty there are no scars on the upper and lower eyelids, changes in the natural shape of the eyes and bruises. Due to the high temperature during laser blepharoplasty, the possibility of microbes entering the skin is eliminated, which means that the risk of infectious diseases and various complications disappears. The rehabilitation period is short and does not imply major changes in the usual pace of life.

The technology can be used to correct existing age-related changes in the periorbital area, as well as for preventive purposes for all skin phototypes.

After blepharoplasty, the look immediately becomes open and youthful. And this effect promises to last up to five years.

Zadiran Alina Valerievna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences

Benefits of potatoes for the face

Masks made from vegetables, including potatoes, are suitable for all skin types. Including sensitive and problematic ones. Among other things, potatoes are a completely affordable and quite effective cosmetic product. This is because the vegetable is saturated with vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to the skin, but everyone should choose from the many masks in which the main ingredient is potato for themselves, knowing about their problems. So, the reason why potatoes are used so often and with good results in masks is, of course, a set of useful microelements and vitamins.


  • ascorbic acid – tightens and cleanses pores, removes toxins;
  • thiamine, riboflavin – participate in redox processes, collagen synthesis;
  • phylloquinone , and this is a rather rare type of vitamin K, which resists the appearance of pigmentation on the face.


  • selenium – increases the protective properties of the epidermis;
  • lutein – prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the skin, which are the cause of aging.

In addition, vegetables consist of 75-80% water and potatoes are no exception. Therefore, the skin will be hydrated. Starch exfoliates dead cells and fights pigmentation. Including age.

How it works

Potatoes contain a variety of substances that have a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect:

  • Potatoes consist of 75% water, so they are able to moisturize the skin well.
  • The starch contained in the tubers gives the skin silkiness and smoothness, and also gently whitens the skin.
  • Potatoes contain B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, niacin, folacin). Thanks to them, a potato facial mask normalizes the production of elastin, collagen, and sebum production.
  • Potatoes contain vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that smooths out wrinkles, tightens enlarged skin pores, and gives the skin firmness and elasticity.
  • The vitamin K contained in tubers prevents the appearance of freckles and age spots.
  • Choline, which is part of potatoes, promotes the healing of microcracks and has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is very useful for people with problem skin (acne, pimples, blackheads).
  • Selenium strengthens the immune system.
  • Lutein found in potatoes protects the skin from sun damage and moisturizes dry skin.
  • Potato juice accelerates skin regeneration processes.
  • Potato decoction has a strengthening effect on nails and prevents them from splitting.

Thus, the prepared potato face mask is universal in its effect on the skin.

Indications for use

What cannot be taken away from cosmetic preparations made from potatoes is their versatility. The products can be used from the age of 18. This is usually done if the following problems appear:

  • skin aging;
  • the appearance of blackheads and enlarged pores on the skin of the face, especially around the nose.

Botulinum tonsin injections

This popular method allows you to get rid of dynamic (facial) wrinkles that occur during active facial expressions, as well as prevent their formation.

Botulinum therapy is recommended by the FDA (the most prestigious medical organization in the USA). The essence of the method is to administer microdoses of inactivated botulinum toxin so that the muscles around the eyes relax and wrinkles go away. The effect of the injections lasts 3-4 months. This time is enough for the wrinkles around the eyes to smooth out.

It is necessary to understand that botulinum therapy does not help with sagging skin on the eyelids and swelling.

Recipes for the best potato masks

Potatoes can be used without any other ingredients. But usually this vegetable is the basis to which other useful components can be added. The choice depends on your skin type. So, boiled potatoes are suitable for all types, even sensitive ones. But basically it is used more often to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes.

Raw tubers are more saturated with useful elements and act more effectively, but it is better to use for oily skin. Below you can find the most effective masks.

When selecting tubers for preparing a mask, you should not take spoiled ones or those with greenish skin. If there is no choice, then the peel from such tubers should be cut off as thick as possible.


Raw potatoes are considered a universal product for creating a mask because they are suitable for all skin types and work to solve almost all problems . Such as, for example, loss of elasticity, the appearance of acne and blackheads. It gradually regenerates the skin. Nourishes and restores it.


There is no need to buy expensive masks to get a lifting effect if you regularly use potato-cucumber mask.

It is enough to peel and grate a fresh cucumber so that the useful component of the mask is ready.

You just need to grate the raw tuber, add half a glass of warm homemade milk and one tablespoon of squeezed cucumber juice. Mix well until the mass is homogeneous and without lumps and apply to the face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Regular use once, or preferably once a week. Wrinkles from the face will gradually disappear. This product is one of the simple refreshing masks.

It is not advisable to apply potato masks with the addition of cucumber juice if there are pustular rashes on the face.

For problem skin

For problem skin, it is better to prepare a lotion. After all, potatoes are a good antiseptic. You need to grate a medium-sized tuber and squeeze out the juice. Add chamomile decoction (a good anti-inflammatory agent), stir and wipe your face. Gently follow the massage lines with a cotton swab. The product is used against acne, including teenage acne, blackheads and inflammation. You can also use clay for oily skin, which can be selected in the article.

If you add 25 ml of alcohol to the lotion, it will be stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days.

From raw potatoes

The product is prepared without any addition of other products. You need to take one tuber. After peeling, grate on a fine or medium grater. Place on cheesecloth and squeeze. Then lie down, cover your face with towels (so that the juice lingers and does not drain) and apply the mask with a wooden spatula. Leave for at least half an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry with a napkin. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a week. The mask will relieve the skin of acne. Including youth.

You can simply wipe your face with peeled and cut potato slices.

From boiled potatoes

A mask made from boiled potatoes, quail or chicken egg yolk and homemade milk will perfectly soften and smooth the skin, restore its firmness, radiance and elasticity. It’s simple to prepare the product: boil a medium-sized tuber along with the peel. Mash thoroughly with a fork until pureed, add raw chicken yolk and a glass of boiled hot milk. Apply the mixture to the face and décolleté area. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. The skin is moisturized, softened and smoothed. Gradually it becomes elastic and elastic again. Regularity of use: once every seven days. Masks with mumiyo have similar properties, recipes for which can be found here.

This product will be more effective if you cover your face with a warm towel after applying it.

For wrinkles

A level tablespoon of potato starch is poured into a small container. Add cold water, stirring thoroughly. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Add three drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply for 7-8 minutes, rinse with cool water acidified with lemon juice. It is enough to use once weekly. The product copes well with expression wrinkles.

From potatoes and sour cream

Add the same amount of kefir or sour cream to the puree. Mix the ingredients very thoroughly. Before starting the procedure, cleanse the skin with toner, and then carefully apply the product while lying down. After 20-25 minutes, everything can be washed off with cool water. Application frequency: twice or even three times a week. The result will meet all expectations: the skin will look rested and toned. Yeast masks, which can be prepared according to the recipes at the link, have good anti-aging properties.

If the procedures are carried out regularly, a noticeable lifting effect is obtained.

For acne

A mask of potatoes and honey perfectly cleanses pores, soothes irritated skin and at the same time moisturizes it.

Preparing a potato mask for acne is not particularly difficult. Select a medium-sized tuber, peel it and prepare a puree. Preferably without lumps. Add a tablespoon of May or acacia honey. However, any will do. Again, all this needs to be mixed thoroughly and can be applied to the face. After 1-12 minutes, wash off the mask. Anti-acne masks with clay are also very effective.

For dry skin

For dry or partially lost skin, a mask with cream and oil is suitable.

It will moisturize the epidermis and saturate it with useful substances. Cooking sequence: boiled potatoes, preferably with skins, mash them thoroughly, add two dessert spoons of homemade cream and one teaspoon of cold-pressed olive oil. Apply the composition to your face, hold it there for 20–25 minutes, and then rinse with water. After the mask, apply the usual nourishing cream for this skin type. There are quite a few options for masks for dry skin and it’s easy to choose an effective one.

A mask with cream and oil is better washed off with warm water.

For oily skin

A mask for oily skin tones well, increases elasticity, and removes oily shine. The drug should be prepared in several stages:

  • wash and grate the tuber on a fine grater, add the juice of one lemon;
  • beat the whites with a fork. Add to potato-lemon mixture;
  • pour in two tablespoons of light beer;
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly again and can be applied to the face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

In winter, moisturizing masks for oily skin are more suitable, which can be prepared according to the recipes in this material.


Better suited for normal skin. The result of regular use is that pigmentation disappears, pores become smaller, and the skin rejuvenates. Acne may even disappear. You will need to prepare the mask: potatoes, egg, olive oil. Boil one tuber, mash, cool slightly and add one chicken or two quail eggs. Stir. Then pour a teaspoon of oil into the mixture. More egg masks here.

The mask is applied for 15–20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

From potatoes and oatmeal

An oatmeal mask rejuvenates. And if you combine it with potatoes, it will be a significant help for tired skin. Preparing the product, as always, is not difficult. It will take a few minutes, but the result will exceed all expectations. To puree one tuber add a level tablespoon of oatmeal, 30 ml of milk and a little nourishing cream. Stir and let sit for a few minutes. And then apply to previously cleansed facial skin. After 15 minutes, you can wash everything off with warm water. Application frequency: once a week. Anti-wrinkle masks with honey and egg also have good anti-aging properties.

American blepharoplasty Fraxel

The Fraxel procedure is performed on the lower and upper eyelids up to the eyelash edge. For this purpose, special narrow (7 mm) nozzles are used. Fraxel is often used to treat crow's feet, lower eyelid wrinkles and upper eyelid tightening.

Fraxel renews human skin and frees it from all defects. A thin laser beam forms thousands of micro-zones of influence on every centimeter of the skin, in which old and defective collagen is destroyed. At the same time, around each microzone of exposure, many viable cells remain, which are activated under the influence of heat. During this process, which can take from several hours to several days, skin free of defects appears in place of each microzone.

After the laser fractional rejuvenation procedure, the skin structure itself changes. It becomes smoother, moisturized, elastic, less susceptible to inflammation and rashes. In this case, the surface of the skin is not injured.

The effect after using all laser procedures is long-lasting – up to five years or more.

General rules and tips for use

For a potato mask to be beneficial and effective, simple conditions must be observed:

  • It is better to apply the product to previously steamed and cleansed skin;
  • Do not use potatoes with greens on the skin;
  • for inflamed skin, a mask made from boiled root vegetables is better suited;
  • The preparation should be done immediately after peeling the potatoes. The longer it sits, the less moisture remains in it;
  • When using various components for a mask, you must first check your skin for sensitivity to them;

Before use, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the mask to the forearm and wait a few hours; if there is no reaction, you can use the mask on the face.

  • For a lifting mask, freshly prepared puree is more suitable. While still warm, it is applied to the face;
  • the consistency should not be too thick or liquid;
  • After washing off the vegetable mask, apply your proven nourishing cream.

Procedures must be regular. Only then can the desired effect be achieved.


When using masks, precautions must be taken. The tubers contain the toxic component solanine. It accumulates in old vegetables that lose their elasticity, and in raw materials that have turned green from light. Potatoes of this type should be completely excluded from the menu and list of cosmetic ingredients.

Another type of contraindications for masks is rosacea, rosacea and any wounds: from herpes, rashes, and so on.

Potatoes are always at hand and easy to use. Let your face be young and your body healthy.

Who is it suitable for?

Homemade potato masks have pronounced antioxidant properties. With regular use of the product, collagen synthesis is restored , metabolism improves, local immunity is strengthened, providing reliable protection to cells.

To increase the effectiveness of homemade masks, they include additional ingredients in addition to the main ingredient. The choice of additives is made taking into account existing problems.

So, the composition includes:

  • milk, butter, yeast, fermented milk products - for normal skin ;
  • yolk, butter, cream - for skin prone to dryness ;
  • egg white, oatmeal, lemon juice - for oily skin ;
  • aloe juice, vitamins, glycerin - for any skin type .

Potato masks will be useful at any age. They will help teenagers cope with emerging acne and pimples. At the age of 20-30 years, a potato face mask can be used to moisturize and nourish.

At an older age, this home remedy is recommended to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out existing wrinkles . But potato masks are especially useful after 40-45 years, as they effectively exfoliate dead cells, prevent skin aging, and restore elasticity.

Interesting! During the rejuvenation course, a potato mask against wrinkles can be used around the eyes. This delicate product effectively evens out thin skin, removes dark circles and swelling.

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Important nuances

There are different versions of potato masks; the compositions are prepared from raw and boiled tubers , as well as from ready-made starch.

Preparing raw tubers is simple, you need to rinse, peel and rinse the tuber again, and then grate it on the finest grater or grind it using a blender. It is recommended to boil potatoes for masks in their skins, and it is necessary to peel and mash the finished tubers while they are still warm.

When carrying out anti-aging procedures at home, adhere to the following rules:

  • The composition should be applied to clean skin. It is advisable to steam your face a little so that the pores open;
  • after applying the mask, you must lie quietly, relaxing your facial muscles, you cannot talk or use facial expressions;
  • duration of the procedure is half an hour (unless the recipe specifies a different exposure time);
  • You need to wash off the composition with plain water or herbal infusions, then it is advisable to wipe your face with cosmetic ice;
  • the effect can be noticed after the first time, but to get a lasting result, you need to carry out a full treatment, including 15 masks. The frequency of procedures is once every three days.
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