Vitamin face mask with A and C for face and skin at home – 7 best recipes

Vitamins are vital for our body and skin to maintain immunity, youth and beauty. Each vitamin has its own purpose. For example, ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is responsible for the smoothness, elasticity and tone of the dermis. A lack of ascorbic acid leads to dull complexion, loss of firmness and elasticity.

The beneficial substances that enter the body with food are not completely absorbed, so it is necessary to ensure additional supply of vitamin C to the skin in the form of cosmetic masks.

Types of Vitamin C

In the pharmacy you can find many varieties and forms of ascorbic acid. Now pharmaceutical companies produce two types of drugs:

  1. Dietary supplements that contain vitamin C are recommended for use for the purpose of prevention;
  2. Medicines are used to treat a lack of ascorbic acid in the body, and to prevent vitamin deficiency.

Dietary supplements and the dosage form of the drug are found in the following types:

  1. Liquid form (solution for injection) - sold in ampoules and used for rubbing into the epidermis undiluted, and can also serve as an additive to daily day or night cream.
  2. Capsules - approved for oral use or for preparing masks. The capsule form of the vitamin is more economical, as it has a small volume, due to which it is used immediately.
  3. Tablets or dragees are used internally and act on the epidermis from the inside.
  4. Effervescent tablets - used to dissolve in water and take orally.
  5. Powder - used to prepare a solution for oral administration or used as a component of a cosmetic mask.

Before purchasing, you must check the expiration date of the drug.

Recipe for a universal remedy

Most often, experts recommend using a face mask with carrots and ascorbic acid. For preparation you will need:

  • vitamin – 1 ml;
  • finely grated carrots - tbsp;
  • small yolk.

For cooking, you can use a chicken or quail egg. The second option is preferable and will bring much more benefits. The egg moisturizes well and improves the penetration of active ingredients into cells.

The product is spread in an even layer and left for 7-10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. Then apply moisturizer to the skin.

Benefits of Vitamin C

Due to its beneficial properties, ascorbic acid is widely used in cosmetology, since it can be used to improve the condition of the epidermis, prevent premature aging of the dermis, and rejuvenate the body from the outside and inside. In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps stop the process of withering of the epidermis and restores tone and elasticity to the skin.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Ascorbic acid not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also has other beneficial properties:

  • helps reduce age spots;
  • participates in the maintenance of connective tissues;
  • takes part in the production and synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • has regenerating properties;
  • protects the epidermis from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • prevents the formation and growth of cancer cells;
  • takes part in all chemical reactions occurring in the body;
  • promotes overall strengthening of the immune system;
  • helps get rid of scars, scars, post-acne;
  • eliminates gray and dull complexion, etc.

Features of vitamin cosmetics

Cosmetic preparations based on the organic compound vitamin C enhance the effect of retinol and tocopherol, which are responsible for the youth and beauty of the epidermis. When used together, the production of your own collagen and elastin improves. As a result, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones become less noticeable.

Can also be used in combination with hyaluronic acid to eliminate dryness and flaking. Hyaluronate prevents moisture loss. The components work well in pairs, improving each other's action.

When combined with peptides, age-related changes are eliminated and fading is inhibited.

Effect on skin

The vitamin has the following effects on facial skin:

  • stimulates cell regeneration:
  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates hyperpigmentation;
  • has antioxidant characteristics;
  • helps restore damaged epidermis;
  • protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevents photoaging;
  • is a prevention of rosacea;
  • promotes healing of wounds and injuries;
  • reduces irritation;
  • relieves swelling and dark circles in the eye area.

A face and body mask with natural ascorbic acid can be used for any skin type, including problematic skin prone to irritation.

The product is used 6-8 times a month. The effect lasts for several days.

In what cases is it indicated?

Preparations with vitamin C in the formula have the following effects:

  • Boosting immunity. It affects not only the body, but also improves skin immunity. Resistance to external factors improves, protective functions increase, it is more difficult for viruses and infections to get inside.
  • Rejuvenation. It has good antioxidant properties. Prevents the destruction of dermal cells as a result of free radicals. As a result, the grayish tint of the face is eliminated, the surface is leveled, firmness and elasticity increases, and the likelihood of developing skin cancer, which is difficult to treat, is reduced. A lifting effect is observed without beauty injections and plastic surgery.
  • Sun protection. Activation of the production of natural collagen leads to protection of the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation. The self-regulation mode is turned on. True, for this you need to wait at least 4 hours for the action to begin.
  • Protection against slagging. Helps remove waste and toxins from the body and dermis. Thus, swelling and blockage are eliminated, blood circulation and metabolic processes are accelerated. Toxins are eliminated through sweat and human waste products without causing harm.

...and a few more useful properties:

  • Improving microcirculation. So, together with blood, the dermis and epidermis receive oxygen, minerals, amino acids, protein, etc. The natural shade returns and tissues are formed.
  • Elimination of rashes. The pores are narrowed and cleaned of impurities, creating a barrier for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Pimples, blackheads, and blackheads appear much less frequently or disappear completely.
  • Positive effect on blood vessels. Strengthens the walls and increases permeability, as well as their elasticity. The blood formula improves, blood clots are eliminated, the formation of vascular networks and dilated capillaries is prevented, and the risk of hemorrhages and bruises is reduced.
  • Shade alignment. Ascorbyl Glucoside, stabilized with glucose, lightens pigment spots, freckles, darkening, resulting in lighter and more uniform skin tone.
  • Elimination of signs of fatigue. Cosmetics quickly relieve the consequences of lack of sleep, stress, and poor nutrition. Skin looks healthy and fresh. For maximum results, you need to sleep only on a pillow in the position – on your back. You can't lie face down.
  • Prevents scar formation. After operations, it is used to soften the surface and prevent the formation of unsightly scars or scars that differ significantly in shade from the rest of the skin.
  • Removal of dead cells. Cellular renewal is stimulated. Superficial particles are rejected, and young healthy tissue is formed. The stratum corneum is removed no worse than with peeling.
  • Relieves irritation and inflammation, accelerates the healing of damage.

Beautiful young woman blowing her nose

Precautions and contraindications

A mask with natural ascorbic acid for facial care can work wonders. However, like any other product, it requires proper use and compliance with safety precautions. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the epidermis.

Contraindications for use are:

  • rosacea;
  • herpes in the active phase;
  • rashes;
  • purulent wounds;
  • scratches, abrasions and other skin damage;
  • allergy;
  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • iron metabolism disorder;
  • serious liver and kidney diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • menstruation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • varicose veins

The body must receive the vitamin in sufficient quantities. In this case, it is necessary to avoid oversaturation. Hypervitaminosis leads to a red tint to the skin.

The benefits of vitamin C masks for facial skin

Cosmetologists are confident in the effectiveness of using cosmetic masks for facial skin with the addition of vitamin C, because it has only a positive effect on the epidermis:

Effect of vitamin C on the skin

  1. Protects skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to ascorbic acid, skin immunity is strengthened, so the epidermis becomes less sensitive to harmful solar radiation.
  2. Rejuvenates the dermis. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the acid prevents the formation of free radicals, promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, thereby preventing the aging process, smoothes existing wrinkles, and restores firmness and elasticity to the skin.
  3. Removes toxins from the body and epidermis. The acid binds together all harmful substances, toxins and heavy metals, and then successfully removes them from the body and epidermis .
  4. Fights acne and pimples. The vitamin promotes deep cleansing of the skin, tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, blocks the spread of pathogenic microbes, thereby reducing inflammation and acne.
  5. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The acid, penetrating into the dermis, improves microcirculation in cells, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood clotting, and prevents the formation of rosacea.
  6. Whitens age spots. The acidic environment improves the color of the dermis, evens out the tone of the face, reduces pigmentation, gets rid of freckles and makes the face fresh and rested.

Ascorbic acid has a mild antiallergic effect.

general information

Using face masks with vitamin C helps maintain tone and even out tone. Ascorbic acid affects the body not only from the inside, but also when used externally. Ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes;
  • lightens pigmentation;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • strengthens blood vessels, preventing the manifestations of rosacea.

Nu-Pore, Collagen Essence Face Mask Set, Aloe & Cucumber, 2 Single Use Masks, 0.85 fl oz (25 g) Each


198 rub.

More details

Cosmetic products are produced in various forms: fabric masks for one-time use or ready-made formulations in tubes. You can prepare products with ascorbic acid yourself. With regular use, there is an increase in skin tone, a decrease in the intensity of pigmentation, smoothing of wrinkles and narrowing of pores.

Indications for use

The right facial care product can help combat many skin problems. You should select components for a treatment mask based on the characteristics of your dermis type.

Vitamin C promotes skin cell regeneration

Vitamin face masks have the following indications for use:

  • gray and dull complexion;
  • aging and fading dermis;
  • pimples and acne;
  • loose skin;
  • age spots and freckles;
  • loss of tone and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • enlarged pores and oily shine.

Recommendations for dry skin

You can solve the problems of dry skin with the help of a kind of cocktail, for the preparation of which you need to purchase one ampoule of vitamin C, vitamin E, two tablespoons of milk powder, two teaspoons of freshly squeezed orange juice and one teaspoon of honey.

The ingredients must be mixed well. Your skin will really like this mask.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

Masks with vitamins are available ready-made in the store, but the effectiveness of homemade cosmetics has been repeatedly confirmed. A homemade face mask is in no way inferior to industrially produced products in effectiveness, and sometimes even surpasses them. Below we will look at recipes for effective cosmetics with vitamins, prepared at home:

With berries

The product is suitable for any skin. It is best to use this mask for women over 30 years of age, as it perfectly removes spider veins, lightens age spots, smooths out wrinkles and nourishes the epidermis. As a result of using the medicinal composition, the dermis becomes firmer and more elastic. The mask contains: several strawberries, 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid.

Benefits of strawberries for facial skin

The berries need to be mashed to a pulp, then add the ampoule and mix thoroughly. The mixture should be quickly applied to the cleansed face and décolleté, avoiding the eye and lip area. Keep the composition for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Vitamin cocktail

Suitable for girls with any skin type. The mask can be used starting from the age of 25-30 years. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect: smoothes wrinkles, reduces pigmentation, evens out skin texture, improves complexion. Ingredients for preparation: 5 drops each of tocopherol and retinol, 1 ampoule of vitamin C, daily care cream. Add vitamins A, E and C to any cream that you use for skin care, mix and apply to your face in an even layer. Keep the mixture on your face for 25 minutes, then wash off any remaining cosmetic product with a contrast shower.

With banana and oat flakes

The mask can be used to cleanse any type of dermis. There are no age restrictions for the use of cosmetics, which means that the product can be used by both very young girls and more mature women. Oatmeal acts here as a peeling, removing the stratum corneum, gently exfoliating and cleansing the epidermis. The cleaning composition is prepared from 2 tbsp. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. banana puree and 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid.

Benefits of oatmeal for skin

You need to add banana puree to the oatmeal, then pour out the contents of the ampoule and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to a clean face, leave for 20 minutes, then wash with cool water.

With aloe vera

This composition well nourishes, tones, moisturizes the skin, and also smooths out wrinkles and improves complexion. The mask is suitable for any type of epidermis. It is better to use this remedy after 30 years. The composition includes: 1 ampoule of vitamin C, A and E, 1 tsp. aloe juice and 1 tsp. liquid honey. Combine all ingredients together, mix until smooth, then apply to cleansed face and leave for 15 minutes. The mixture is washed off with cool water.

With clay

It has a nourishing effect, improves complexion and skin condition, removes dullness and yellowness. Recommended for use for both dry and oily dermis. Can be used from the age of 20 years. Prepare a mask of 2 tbsp. white or blue clay, 1 ampoule of vitamin C. Add the contents of the ampoule to the clay, mix until smooth, then apply to a clean face. Keep the composition on your face for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With sour cream

The mask is recommended for use for dry and sensitive skin, as it has a deeply moisturizing effect, nourishes, makes the skin soft and velvety. Prepare a mixture of 1 tsp. spoons of honey, 1 tsp. sour cream and liquid vitamin C. Combine all ingredients together, quickly apply an even layer to the face and leave for 20 minutes. It is better to wash off the mixture with cold water. When using a cosmetic product for oily skin, sour cream should be replaced with kefir.

The use of sour cream in cosmetology

With almond butter and honey

This version of the cosmetic product perfectly evens out the complexion, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, stops the onset of aging processes in the skin, reduces pigmentation, and restores a healthy and radiant appearance. The composition is suitable for any skin aged 30+. To prepare you need to take 8 ml. almond oil, 1 tsp. honey, 1 ampoule of retinol and tocopherol. First you need to combine the oil and honey, mix, then pour in the vitamins and mix again until smooth. Quickly apply the mixture to a clean face and décolleté, leave for 25 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The course of application is at least 5 procedures.

Terms of use

Products with ascorbic acid provide maximum benefit only when used correctly. Below are the main recommendations for use:

  • Before application, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned;
  • A light massage before the procedure will increase efficiency;
  • before use, you need to perform an allergy test on your wrist;
  • after preparation, the composition must be used within an hour;
  • Do not mix ingredients in metal containers: this leads to rapid oxidation;
  • It is better to use cosmetics 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • the mixture must be at body temperature to be most effective;
  • should be applied along massage lines with a special brush or clean hands;
  • exposure time should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • It is better to rinse off the mixture with warm water;
  • After use, it is better to stay at home for 2-3 hours.

The procedure should be repeated no more than 2 times a week. The effect is noticeable after 3–5 procedures.

Rules for applying masks

The effect of a cosmetic procedure largely depends on the correct preparation of the mask, as well as on its correct use. To ensure that the therapeutic mask does not harm the skin, but rather brings maximum benefit, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • To enhance the effectiveness of the cosmetic product, you can add retinol and tocopherol.
  • It is recommended to add fresh fruits, vegetables or juices to anti-aging masks.
  • The vitamin composition should be prepared in plastic or glass containers, since ascorbic acid is destroyed upon contact with metal.
  • The prepared mass must be used completely. You cannot store the finished mask in the refrigerator, as it will lose all its beneficial properties.
  • To prepare a cosmetic product at home, you should take vitamin C in ampoules or capsules.
  • Before applying a cosmetic mask, you should do an allergy test.

  • At the initial stage of using a vitamin mask, you should add no more than 10 drops of liquid product or no more than half of 1 tablet.
  • You need to apply the composition to a cleansed face, or better yet, to a pre-steamed one.
  • The mask is kept on the face for no more than 25 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water, and then wipe the dermis with an ice cube and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  • You can make a mask with vitamin C 2-3 times a week. The general course of using the vitamin product is 15 procedures.

You cannot go outside immediately after a cosmetic procedure!

Review of products with ascorbic acid from famous manufacturers

Face masks with vitamin C can not only be prepared at home. Pharmacy cosmetic products are no less effective in helping to improve the condition of the dermis. They contain ascorbic acid and auxiliary components that complement the action.

Therapeutic skin mask with vitamin C, Innisfree

Innisfree, Skin Treatment Mask, Vitamin C, 1 Pack. (Discontinued Item)


199 rub.

More details

It is convenient because it is sold in packages for one-time use. The fabric form of release allows you not to bother with products, but simply use it while relaxing. According to reviews, it lightens post-acne, deeply nourishes and relieves puffiness. Some comments indicate that if there is excessive dryness, it may not provide enough hydration.

Vitamin C 21% Ample Mask, Elizavecca

The Korean formula contains not only vitamin C, but also a number of other useful components:

  • willow bark extract;
  • purslane extract;
  • oregano leaf extract;
  • Camellia oil.

Moisturizes well, prevents inflammation, relieves irritation, and deeply cleanses pores. Reviews indicate that the result of use is clean, smooth, moisturized and radiant skin.

Vitamin C mask, Alpika

This composition is suitable for the fading type. In addition to ascorbic acid, the product uses the following ingredients:

  • lingonberry leaf extract;
  • bearberry extract;
  • lemon essential oil;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • resveratrol.

Feedback on use: maintains tone, lightens pigmentation, deeply moisturizes, tightens pores and eliminates fine wrinkles. With regular use, a decrease in deep wrinkles has been noticed.

Radiance-boosting mask with clay and vitamin C, Derma E

Derma E, Radiance Enhancing Clay Mask with Vitamin C, Turmeric & Kale, 0.35 oz. (10 g)


255 rub.

More details

The composition containing clay, glycerin, turmeric and kale extracts effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Tocopherol promotes smoothing. Reviews indicate that the product contains shimmer, which gives extra shine. Therefore, it is better to use the mask at night.

Velvet mask with vitamin C, BRTC

BRTC, Vitamin C Velvet Mask, 5 Masks


918 rub.

More details

The product is designed to combat signs of wilting. It lightens pigmentation and deeply nourishes. Contains extracts of apple, kiwi and lemon, substances of group B. Reviews note that it deeply moisturizes the skin and slightly lightens age spots.

Moisturizing face mask-serum with vitamin C, Andalou Naturals

Andalou Naturals, Instant Brighten & Firm, Hydrating Face Serum Mask, Brightening, 1 Single Use Sheet Mask, 0.6 fl oz (18 ml)


449 rub.

More details

Serum containing stem cells, turmeric extract and ascorbic acid quickly moisturizes and maintains an even tone. According to reviews, it nourishes well. But some buyers noted a pronounced tingling sensation after use, and therefore it is better for those with sensitive dermis to refrain from using this product.


Like any other pharmaceutical drug, ascorbic acid has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the mask procedure.

Skin sensitivity is checked using an allergy test by applying the product to the crook of the elbow or wrist.

Vitamin C for facial skin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • there is a rosacea network on the face;
  • there are open wounds, abrasions, cuts and ulcers;
  • there is an individual intolerance of the body;
  • in case of diabetes mellitus;
  • for diseases of the veins, for example, varicose veins;
  • when metabolic processes of iron-containing pigments in the body are disrupted.

Mesotherapy with vitamin C for the face

Subcutaneous use of ascorbic acid is justified for aging epidermis, pimples, acne, or to eliminate facial and age wrinkles . Injections should only be done by a professional cosmetologist in a beauty salon. This procedure is called “mesotherapy”.

The mesotherapy procedure includes several stages:

  1. First, the epidermis must be treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Next, vitamin C is injected subcutaneously into the patient using a sterile instrument.
  3. Then you need to check that the oval of the face is maintained, after which you can give injections on other problem areas.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during periods of exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, as well as in the presence of open wounds and injuries on the face. If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, the result will not be long in coming: age spots and wrinkles will become less noticeable, and the skin will take on a healthy and radiant appearance.

How to use fabric masks?

It turns out to be as simple as shelling pears. You need to remove it from the bag, unwrap it, straighten it thoroughly and place it on a clean face, pressing it tightly to the surface of the skin, for about 20 minutes.

After removing the mask, it is recommended to do a light facial massage and blot the remaining residue with a napkin.

And that’s it, the result is on your face. The skin is radiant, full of energy, and the natural process of its renewal has been launched. Simple and effective.

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