Beauty calendar for women after 60 years – facial care, cosmetic procedures and products

By the age of 60, women, as a rule, have already developed a clear and effective self-care regimen.
But this particular age limit has some peculiarities. And it would be great to reconsider your beauty habits and make adjustments.

Famous beauties beyond age and time

Top 5 reasons for a woman to take care of her appearance after 60 years - examples of successful and beautiful ladies

Why do I need all this torment - you can’t return your youth... Are such sabotaging thoughts creeping in? Drive them away!

And that's why:

  1. With the onset of menopause, the condition of the skin will stabilize in the future. Minimal exposure to hormones makes our skin predictable.
  2. The negligible production of natural collagen does not contribute to the smoothness and firmness of the skin. You have to deal with sagging and sagging.
  3. During this period, your skin type may change, especially often from oily to dry. This is due to changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Excess melanin causes hyperpigmentation.
  5. Facial care after 60 years requires attention to the nuances of aging skin. Often these are manifestations of swelling, hypersensitivity or peeling.

Of course, it is not easy to maintain a positive attitude and belief in your attractiveness. Especially if there are no inspiring examples nearby. But just looking at successful and beautiful women at an elegant age, you also want to pick up a jar of cream. And lipstick. And be well-groomed every minute of your life.

One of my friends calls herself a retro style girl . No, she doesn’t give the impression of a grandmother breaking into a teenager’s disco. At 62 years old, she looks the part, but at the same time she is very attractive and feminine.

When asked how she manages to keep herself together and where she gets so much motivation to take care of herself, she replies: “At 65, Christie Brinkley smiles at me from the covers of magazines. They say she made a deal with the devil. And I concluded - I won’t say with whom!”

An excellent example is one of the Bond girls - 68-year-old Jane Seymour . This ageless woman makes the most of life, but knows how to limit herself in time. “If I want pasta now, I eat pasta with pleasure. But only half the portion!” But this is only half - no, not a portion, but Jane's secret. The actress is also proud of her good genes and does not have bad habits, arranges fasting days, drinks a lot of water - and, while caring for her face, remembers about her décolleté, neck and hands.

And the secret of attractiveness, according to 70-year-old Meryl Streep , is understanding and accepting your strengths and weaknesses. “Our life is reflected in wrinkles - joys, difficulties that made us wiser, moments of happiness. That’s why I love my wrinkles.” Since her youth, the actress’s skin has been dry and prone to flaking. Therefore, moisturizing and nourishing creams do not leave her cosmetic bag. Among her beauty secrets, she reveals her love for facial massage, increased attention to the skin around the eyes and maintaining the shape of the face during visits to a cosmetologist.

In addition to their beauty secrets, all these women still radiate vital energy thanks to their fulfillment.

And it's never too late to become successful. We have already talked about women who “turned off age”

Hormone replacement therapy

It would seem, how are care for mature facial skin and hormone replacement therapy related? The connection is the most direct. The fact is that the skin ages when the production of collagen and elastin is noticeably reduced. This occurs after the first signs of menopause appear and is caused by a decrease in the level of female sex hormones.

If you start hormone replacement therapy at the first signs of menopause, the production of collagen and elastin will remain at the same level. This means your skin will age much slower! But you need to keep in mind that it is necessary to start taking hormones and taking care of your skin when menopause occurs.

The best homemade masks

Japanese facial massage is the key to beauty after 60 years

The youthfulness of oriental women at a very advanced age evokes admiration, envy, respect... No one is indifferent. Along with heredity, eating habits, lifestyle and ecology, the traditional secret of the unfading youth of these women is Japanese facial massage .

Thanks to the good lymphatic drainage effect, stabilization of blood flow and activation of collagen production, noticeable results can be achieved within two months of procedures.

In general, such a massage can be an excellent alternative to beauty injections after 60 years .

Indications for Japanese facial massage using the Asahi method:

  • Deep age wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes.
  • An emerging or already formed double chin.
  • Unhealthy complexion, excessive pallor.
  • Swelling.
  • Loose skin.
  • Maintaining the tone of aging skin.

The Japanese massage technique is considered universal and suitable for any type of face, however there are contraindications and precautions:

  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Colds and ARVI.
  • Inflammations and open wounds on the face.
  • Thinning subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • In case of rosacea, the use of scrubs and peels is excluded, the oil base must contain a venotonic component, and the affected areas are not massaged. Silicon is first included in the diet.

If the procedure suits you, then do not miss the opportunity to saturate your skin with microelements and maintain its elasticity.

Massage should not bring discomfort. Pain syndrome is mistakenly considered to be a confirmation of the effectiveness of the procedure. This is wrong. A slight headache or dizziness is acceptable due to the flow of blood to the head area.

Japanese massage has a cumulative effect, so you should not interrupt the course due to the lack of noticeable changes in the first days.

Natural lymph flow is resumed gradually.


To look younger, a woman at 60 needs not only to follow the recommendations of stylists. A lot of positive emotions, cheerfulness, walks and a calm state of mind will help slow down the aging process. So go for walks more often, enjoy life and do what you want. This will help you stay young.

Face cream after 60Haircuts for 60 year old women photoModern haircuts for women 60 years old photo

Home care for face and neck skin for women over 60: natural remedies rule!

Professional care comes naturally. But you also need to pamper your skin with home treatments. Especially if there is a proven recipe using improvised means.

We begin facial skin care after 60 years , as before - with the usual cleansing, then we will do peeling.

This can be a gentle exfoliating scrub prepared at home:

  1. Oatmeal-honey - a mixture of rolled oatmeal flour and runny honey.
  2. Manno-fruit - a mixture of 20 g of chopped fruit pulp (any) and 15 g of semolina.

Choose the composition that suits you personally. Individual intolerance to honey, fruit acids or other components is a contraindication for the use of such mixtures. This rule applies to any home cosmetics.

After peeling, use a toner and move on to the mask stage.

Facial care after 60 years requires saturating the skin with fatty acids from oils for its smoothness and softness.

We suggest you make an oil mask weekly to improve facial tone and strengthen blood vessels:

  • Heat 1 teaspoon each of jojoba oil and wheat oil in a water bath. Add 1 tablespoon of cocoa and 1 ampoule of vitamin B12 to the mixture. Apply the mask to your face for half an hour, then wash off with warm water.

And to maintain facial contours and accelerate cellular restoration, do a course of 10 lifting mask procedures at home:

  • To do this, pour a couple of teaspoons of spirulina into green tea (hot). In a separate container, pour a tablespoon of gelatin with hot water. After it is completely dissolved, mix with seaweed and a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the finished mask for 15 minutes, then soften with hot water and carefully remove from the face.

The curd and citrus mask provides a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of honey and a couple of drops of orange oil and apply for 15 minutes.

Delicate care for the area around the eyes can be done frequently, even every other day:

  • A mixture of chopped cucumber, parsley and 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt is applied for 20 minutes and then removed with a cotton pad.

It is best to complete the procedures with self-massage techniques followed by application of cream.


Thanks to rare biologically active substances, it gives the skin a healthy color, freshness and elasticity.
45-55 years

At this age, the skin begins to suffer even more from dehydration. Moisture quickly leaves the skin, dryness , wrinkles only deepen, and increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation . The skin becomes thinner and loses its “framework,” which causes sagging .

An anti-aging cream after 45 years should promote skin renewal, restore its tone and “seal” moisture.

It’s good if the cream contains collagen , hyaluronic acid , plant proteins , vitamins and natural extracts .

Anti-aging creams PURE LINE after 45 years contain a complex [PHYTOcollagen] from seed proteins and wheat germ oil, as well as extracts of arnica and honeysuckle.

Salon procedures for women aged 60+

After 60 years, a woman’s beauty largely depends on professional care.

Optimal treatments for maintaining mature skin:

  • Chemical peeling to improve and even out complexion, especially in cases of pigmentation and scars.
  • Hylauron or Botox injections to smooth out wrinkles.
  • Face massage.
  • Facial reinforcement is the introduction of threads under the skin to tighten the face. Not the most pleasant thing in the world, but it will noticeably tighten up sunken cheeks, a blurred oval face and a sagging chin.
  • Mesotherapy – smoothing the face by injecting vitamin cocktails under the skin.
  • Diamond microdermabrasion improves the appearance of the skin by cleansing its upper layers.
  • Laser resurfacing – tightens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, evens out the complexion.

Before signing up for procedures, first go for a diagnostic consultation . A cosmetologist will assess the situation and select the ideal treatment based on your time and financial capabilities. Yes, these procedures are not cheap. Did you know?

In conclusion, we would like to remind you that the vigor of spirit and body of women of an elegant age is achieved not only with jars and injections. In previous issues of our beauty calendar, we talked about the benefits of yoga and other activities, the principles of nutrition, and even the influence of the environment on our appearance. Don't forget these secrets!

And be in love with your age, you are beautiful in it!

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