Can professional cosmetics help get rid of blackheads?

The maximum number of sebaceous glands is located in the face, shoulders, upper chest and back, on the scalp and in the ear area. Therefore, in these areas, the skin can become oily (oily seborrhea) and lead to the appearance of blackheads (comedones) and acne. After 35 years, the glands begin to reduce their activity, and the skin most often changes towards normal. But if you don’t want to just sit and wait for old age, when the problem will solve itself, there are several effective ways to improve the condition of your skin now. These include: cleansing, peeling and proper cosmetic care. Today we propose to consider the 10 best remedies for blackheads - according to reviews from cosmetologists and ordinary customers.

Blackheads or open comedones are clogged with excess sebum, mixed with dead old cells of the upper layer of skin, bacteria and external impurities, ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Dimensions are usually from 0.1 to 2 mm. The color can range from yellow to black. Sebum acquires a dark color during the process of oxidation with oxygen. Most often they are located on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin and upper back.

Closed comedones are almost the same thing, but locked under a thin layer of skin and not oxidized by oxygen, but capable of turning into an ordinary pimple. They may rise above the skin or be felt as small bumps when passed by hand. They are most often located on the forehead, cheeks, cheekbones, chin, neck and chest area.

Comedones are non-inflammatory elements of acne and, when constantly present on the skin, lead to persistent enlargement of pores.

Causes of comedones:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands with increased sebum production (for example, in adolescence). Most often under the influence of sex hormones androgens.
  3. Replacing sebum with fatty acids for beneficial linoleic acid.
  4. Comedogenic effect of some external cosmetics (too oily).
  5. Increased keratinization of cells in the upper part of the follicle and blockage of its mouth.
  6. Insufficient skin cleansing.

What does the law say?

First you need to understand the difference between cosmetics and medicines. If we consider the issue from the legal side, then according to Russian and European legislation, cosmetics have an effect only on the surface layer of the epidermis and cannot change the characteristics of the skin and affect its functioning.

The Technical Regulations of the CU 009/2011 state that perfumery and cosmetic products (PCP) are substances that must be applied to the surface of the skin, teeth, oral mucosa, lips, nails and external genitalia for the purpose of cleansing, imparting a new or changing an existing odor. , correction of appearance, care for them63.

The term “professional cosmetics,” which marketers love to use, is described vaguely in the technical regulations. PKP is designated as professional and is intended for use by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to provide cosmetic or hairdressing services63. From the definition it follows that any product that a cosmetologist uses in his work automatically becomes professional.

Treatment: collecting a set

Moving directly to the selection of products for acne and pimples from the pharmacy assortment, we will highlight several groups among them that can be combined with each other. Such complexes will increase the amount of the check, but will most likely be more effective than individual drugs.

Antibacterial agents. Drugs in this group can have a systemic effect (prescribed by a doctor - for example, doxycycline, clindamycin and erythromycin) and a local effect (in the form of gels and creams that contain clindamycin or erythromycin with zinc acetate).

Hygienic skin care. The arsenal of cleansers for acne on the face (tonics, scrubs, lotions, facial washes) will differ depending on skin type. You can also use herbal decoctions (chamomile, string, sage, coltsfoot, oak bark, celandine) as skin care products. It makes sense to use them for wiping the face and washing.

Vitamin and mineral complexes. These should include retinol, riboflavin, as well as ascorbic and folic acids.

Sorbents. These drugs remove toxins from the body, normalize intestinal function and support its microflora. Examples of such acne remedies are available in every pharmacy: activated carbon, dioctahedral smectite, polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide and hydrolytic lignin.

Probiotics. They will help restore the intestinal biocenosis. The best probiotics include lactulose, bifidobacteria longum and bifidum, enterococcus fecium, as well as lactobacillus acidophilus and kefir fungi.

Penetration of cosmetic components and skin barrier function

From jurisprudence let's move on to anatomy. One of the main functions of the skin is barrier. But this does not make the epidermis and dermis impenetrable. The skin can easily pass through particles whose molecular weight does not exceed 500 daltons. Such substances include AHA, salicylic, glycolic acids, which are used in peelings, as well as some peptides, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Although most cosmetic components penetrate only into the epidermis, they can have an indirect effect on deeper layers. This explains why a cosmetic product can help get rid of blackheads. But the effect will be short-lived, because it is necessary to influence not only the comedones, but also the causes of its occurrence, the links in the pathogenesis of acne, and only medications can do this.

Features of using cosmetics against blackheads

Today, to combat comedones, manufacturers offer you and me, dear girls, various products. How to understand it and determine which products help reliably get rid of acne and blackheads?

Green clay mask for tightening pores, 100 ml, THE SKIN HOUSE

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Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

First of all, keep in mind that to get excellent results, cosmetic products must be used in a comprehensive manner. Here is the optimal scheme for using remedies for blackheads:

  • Wash your face in the morning and evening with a special product, such as Charcoal Foam Cleanser from ROLAND;
  • Use a facial scrub regularly (for oily skin - 2-3 times a week, for normal skin - 1 time). This could be “Anti-blackhead scrub with brown sugar and cocoa” from THE SKIN HOUSE;
  • periodically (at least once a week) use masks: “Cleansing film mask” from A’PIEU, “Oxygen mask with mucin and charcoal” from THE SKIN HOUSE, “Black film mask against blackheads with Moroccan volcanic clay Special Care" from TSURURI;
  • If necessary, use “first aid” products for local removal of comedones. These could be “Scrub sticks against blackheads with Moroccan volcanic clay” from TSURURI or “Charcoal nasal cleansing strips” from CETTUA.

At the Phytomarket Evalar store you can purchase various effective remedies for blackheads. They are made from high quality natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin.

How to treat blackheads* and what causes comedones?

When answering the question of what causes blackheads*, it is worth mentioning cosmetics (regardless of which segment it belongs to - medical, professional, mass market). If it contains comedogenic ingredients, it can cause comedones. Also among the culprits in the development of acne are hormonal imbalances, certain medications, gastrointestinal diseases, stress, etc.

If you regularly suffer from acne, and the blackheads are hardly noticeable, it's time to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will figure out why blackheads* appear and prescribe adequate treatment.

For acne, Clindovit®6 can be prescribed. This is a drug in the form of a gel, the main component of which is clindamycin6. It exhibits antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and also helps reduce free fatty acid levels6. To reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, it is recommended to combine Clindovit® with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or with benzoyl peroxide28.


Development mechanism

The development of acne is promoted by a huge number of factors, which can be divided into several groups.

Physiological factors:

  • The proliferation of acne-causing bacteria is Propionibacterium acnes. The contents of the sebaceous glands with keratinized epithelium serve as a suitable environment for this.
  • Hormonal disorders. This is why acne often appears during hormonal changes in the body (adolescence, premenstrual period, pregnancy, abortion). Increased levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone, also contribute to the appearance of acne. Therefore, acne often develops with hyperandrogenism.
  • Diseases of the digestive system. More than half of the cases of acne are associated with the presence of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially with a violation of the intestinal biocenosis.
  • Increased production of sebaceous glands. Increased production of sebum leads to its thickening and weakening of its bactericidal properties. As a result, blockage of the excretory ducts occurs.
  • Hyperkeratosis is increased keratinization of skin cells. Dead cells further clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  • Disturbances of the microbial flora of the skin.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Immune disorders.
  • Chronic foci of infection.

Lifestyle factors:

  • A state of prolonged stress.
  • Nutrition. The appearance of acne is promoted by a diet with a predominance of carbohydrate foods, seasonings and spices.
  • Long-term use of cosmetics that clog the pores of the sebaceous glands: powder, foundation, blush and fatty creams.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules - insufficient cleansing of the skin and squeezing out blackheads.

Other factors:

  • Prolonged contact with toxic and polluting substances.
  • Taking certain medications (for example, glucocorticoid hormones).
  • Humid and hot climate.

Cream "Klenzit"

The dermatotropic product is produced in India. In terms of composition and properties, Klenzit is almost completely similar to Differin ointment, but has a more affordable price. There are differences in the chemical purity of drugs; different technologies and medications of varying degrees of effectiveness are used in production. In addition, “Klenzit” has virtually no side effects (with the exception of minor skin irritation), but “Differin” is very drying in the first weeks of treatment and can cause painful redness and the emergence of new foci of inflammation. Judging by the reviews, “Klenzit” seems to many to be a more effective remedy than the original drug, so you can start therapy with it, and, if necessary, switch to “Differin”.

Rules of application

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The ointment is used to treat mild to moderate acne. In moderate cases, it is better to use the drug not as a remedy on its own, but as part of complex therapy, together with medications for oral administration. Contraindications for use are pregnancy and lactation, the presence of cuts, wounds and burns on the skin, intolerance to individual components of the drug. It is not advisable to use ointment for blackheads on the nose with other products that dry out or irritate the skin (salicylic ointment, calendula tincture, etc.).

It is recommended to use Differin daily. The ointment is applied locally to problem areas, but it can be applied to the entire face. This should be done about an hour before bedtime. The course of treatment for blackheads and pimples should last about a month, but sometimes the process lasts for three months. The practice of using the ointment shows that a visible effect can be noticed after one or two weeks of use, but after some time the skin condition often worsens. Almost always this phenomenon is temporary and does not mean that treatment needs to be stopped.

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Differin ointment

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Pharmacy preparations Differin gel and 0.1% Differin cream are supplied to Russia by the French dermatological company. The active ingredient in the ointment for blackheads and acne is the organic acid adapalene. This is a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid. The substance reduces the production of sebum, prevents the appearance of new comedones and promotes the disappearance of existing ones, and heals active foci of inflammation. According to information from the instructions for use, Differin also dissolves plugs in pores, which are blackheads.

Precautionary measures

The instructions for use of Differin indicate that the drug contains potent retinoids, so it requires caution when used. Blackheads disappear in almost all cases, but some side effects may occur. Most often, the skin becomes dry, so during treatment you need to make nourishing masks and apply neutral creams more often. You should refrain from treating affected, chapped or burned skin with Differin. Other undesirable consequences include possible burns or allergic reactions on the skin, so it is better to use Differin under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon

When understanding the question of how to get rid of blackheads, you need to mention salon procedures. They are considered the most effective, because they help to quickly cope with the problem. At home, you will have to deal with defects longer, and it is not always possible to eliminate them. By contacting a professional, you can quickly cleanse your face and even out your tone.

Salon procedures:

  • Mechanical cleaning. The effective procedure takes place in several stages. It helps to quickly get rid of blackheads.
  • Mesotherapy. The drugs help improve skin health and get rid of dark spots. You will need to complete the full course to see clear results.
  • Chemical peeling. With its help, it is possible to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of blackheads.
  • Phototherapy. This procedure is not painful. A special apparatus is used for it. In 8-10 sessions it will be possible to eliminate acne and blackheads.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure is considered gentle and therefore suitable for many people. It will be possible to reduce pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Salon procedures help to quickly and effectively cope with skin defects. Additionally, you need to properly care for the dermis and select suitable cosmetics. In this case, you will be able to forget about blackheads forever.

Clinical researches

The La-Cri Atoderm line is distinguished by clinically proven effectiveness. The line was developed jointly with Professor Denis Vladimirovich Zaslavsky, chief specialist in dermatovenereology and cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.


  1. E.G. Sanakaeva, S.A. Masyukova, I.V. Ilyina, E.V. Vvedenskaya and others, Modern therapy of acne and acneiform dermatoses, Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 2013.
  2. M. Yu. Anisimova, Acne (Acne vulgaris) from the perspective of evidence-based medicine, Journal of Reproductive Health, 2010.
  3. E.G. Sanakaeva, S.A. Masyukova, I.V. Ilyina, E.V. Vvedenskaya and others, Modern therapy of acne and acneiform dermatoses, Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 2013.

Photos acne

Photo album on the disease

Vishnevsky ointment

All ingredients of Vishnevsky ointment act in a complex manner, enhancing each other’s effect. The product softens the skin, cleanses pores of blackheads, heals wounds from squeezing out pimples, relieves swelling, stimulates blood circulation, removes ulcers, has an antiseptic effect, eliminates foci of infection, and helps restore damaged tissue.

The most common way to apply ointment for blackheads is spot-on, but for severe lesions you can use the product in the form of compresses. Problematic skin with inflammation over the entire surface can be treated with masks. To do this, you need to cut holes for the nose, mouth and eyes in a piece of gauze, apply Vishnevsky ointment to the fabric base and leave it on the face for three hours. For sensitive skin, it is enough to keep the mask on for about an hour, and then wash with warm water or chamomile decoction.

Sulfuric ointment

A cheap and effective ointment for blackheads, which acts as an antiseptic and provides long-term results, is used locally. You need to leave the composition on the skin for three hours, then you can treat it with an antiseptic or wash it with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Sulfur ointment at a concentration of 33.3% is suitable for treatment. The course can last for two weeks. Judging by the reviews, sulfur ointment for blackheads is very effective, and is also a completely natural remedy, so it rarely leads to side effects. Contraindications for use are pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance. This is the fattest of all ointments, which has a persistent unpleasant odor.

Comparison table of characteristics

Basic information regarding each of the funds presented today is contained in the table.

NameViewA countryShelf life (months)
AFYcream filmChina12
"CLEARSKIN" by AVONtonicRussia/Poland30
"Pure skin face toner" from OriflametonicSweden12
Neutrogena Visibly ClearscrubFrance36
Gel mask against blackheads “Clean&Clear”gel maskFrance36
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