Does a black face mask help with blackheads*?

Pimples, comedones, blackheads are the nightmare of almost every teenager and young girl. An ugly reflection in the mirror, sidelong glances and mockery as a result cause the development of complexes and lead to a negative psycho-emotional state.

Modern medicine and cosmetology offer both drug treatment and various cosmetic procedures. They are often expensive, painful and are used for severe cases of skin lesions - acne. The effect of facial cleansing in a beauty salon is sometimes short-lived - the pores of the face become clogged again.

An inexpensive and effective way to solve the problem is a mask against acne and blackheads. In addition to cleansing and anti-inflammatory effects, it will moisturize the skin and nourish it with beneficial microelements. You also need to devote some time to facial care - washing with herbal infusions and gel, using a scrub once a week. The daily diet should contain less sweets, fatty and fried foods and more vegetables and fruits.

Ingredients of a black cleansing face mask

One of the main secrets of the popularity of this cosmetic product is color. It is achieved due to the presence of one of the following components156:

  • Charcoal. Has an adsorbing and detoxing effect. Helps remove impurities and cleanse pores.
  • Clay. Narrows pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Therapeutic mud. It contains beneficial microorganisms. Promotes the formation of collagen fibers, activates regenerative processes, and has an antiseptic effect. Therapeutic mud is a plastic material; it is easily removed from the skin without injuring it.

Before you make a black mask from activated carbon, think about whether it is worth risking your skin health if you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product.

Black activated carbon mask with egg: recipe

Boring blackheads prevent many women from looking calmly in the mirror. If you try to cover them up with foundation, your face becomes rough, and the imperfections are still noticeable. It is better not to hide the problem, but to solve it . Another useful recipe is a combination of activated carbon and eggs. Due to the fact that the egg has a sticky consistency, using such a mask can cleanse the pores of existing impurities.

The egg will give the mask the necessary stickiness

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablets of coal
  • 1 egg white
  • 10 g sugar
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice

The rules for preparing a mask are as follows:

  • Grind the tablets and mix with egg white, stir until smooth.
  • Add sugar to the mixture, stir until the granulated sugar dissolves
  • Add lemon juice
  • Apply the resulting mixture to your face; for convenience, you can use a cotton pad.
  • After the first layer has dried, apply another
  • After applying the second layer, take a horizontal position and wait 20 minutes
  • Rinse off the mask with cold water and apply nourishing cream

Such a mask will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin, and after 2-3 uses you will see that the blackheads from problem areas have disappeared.

Recommendations for using black face masks for blackheads*

When carrying out home cosmetic procedures, you must adhere to the following recommendations156:

  • If you are using the product for the first time, you should test it by applying a small amount to your wrist and leaving it for 10 minutes. The absence of a reaction in the form of redness, burning or itching will indicate the possibility of using the mask on the face.
  • Preliminary cleansing of the skin is required.
  • The product is not applied to the area around the eyes.
  • The composition should be kept on the skin for no more than 10 minutes. If you feel that the time is not up yet, but there is a feeling of tightness, sprinkle your face with water. Otherwise, the process of removing the product will be painful.
  • If, after removing the mask, its particles remain on the skin, they should be removed with warm water, or you can use a cosmetic sponge.
  • After washing your face, you need to blot it with a napkin and treat it with tonic.

Finish the procedure by applying moisturizer.

Mask recipes

Depending on what components are included in the masks, they can eliminate oily skin and tighten pores. Blood circulation in the facial skin improves, thereby healing small wounds faster, and damaged cells are restored faster.

Masks should not be applied to the eye area or areas with hair. After the procedures, it is advisable not to go outside for an hour. In order not to harm your health, you need to spread a little of the selected mask on the skin, in the area of ​​the wrist or the inside of the elbow joint, and wait 20 minutes. This will avoid an allergic reaction and its consequences. If there is no redness or other negative manifestations, you can safely apply this mask. You need to make masks no more than 2 times a week ; after the skin condition improves, you can reduce the number of masks at your discretion.

With activated carbon

There are several options for a mask based on activated carbon:

  • Aloe + activated carbon. Grind three tablets of activated carbon, add aloe juice, a little crushed sea salt (can be iodized) and warm water until it becomes mushy. Apply with a brush to the skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Gelatin + activated carbon. Mix two crushed tablets of activated carbon with gelatin and warm water, place in a water bath so that the gelatin dissolves. Cool, add warm water if too thick. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream so that it is convenient to apply it with a brush. The mask - the film should remain on the face for about 20 minutes, then remove it and rinse the face with cool water.
  • Milk + activated carbon. Combine a little kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk with 2 crushed tablets of activated carbon, add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Combine all components and apply for 20 minutes.

Benefits of a black face mask

Removing open comedones is not the only benefit this product brings. It also has the following actions156:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • saturates cells with useful minerals;
  • removes toxins;
  • tightens pores;
  • soothes irritations;
  • normalizes complexion;
  • mattifies the skin;
  • relieves swelling;
  • refreshes and tones the skin.

They should not be used too often.

How does it affect the skin of the face?

Pharmaceutical charcoal is an absorbent of organic origin, used in medicine against intoxications of various etiologies. Its cleansing abilities are actively used by cosmetologists.

Tablets are used as the main component of home remedies for blackheads and spots. Its particles attract dirt molecules, dead cells, and sebaceous secretions. When removed, the mask pulls out impurities from the pores.

Effect of sorption properties of coal:

  • cleanses, tightens pores;
  • gets rid of unaesthetic blackheads;
  • evens out complexion;
  • reduces skin oiliness;
  • soothes inflammation.

How to make a mask for blackheads*?

You should not use recipes for black face masks for blackheads* found on the Internet. Since self-prepared cosmetics can, at best, be useless, and at worst, cause allergies, irritation, redness, itching and other negative phenomena. It is especially dangerous to mix ingredients purchased at the pharmacy, for example, hydrogen peroxide, activated carbon, acetylsalicylic acid.

A film mask made of black coal and gelatin can injure the skin. By removing it, you also remove the upper protective layer of the epidermis. It is unclear whether the comedones will be removed, but the skin will remain defenseless against the negative effects of the environment, and its sensitivity will increase.

What are blackheads

Oily skin needs to be cleansed at least 2 times a day

Comedones or blackheads are enlarged pores with clogged oily secretions, accumulated impurities in the form of dust and a peeling layer of the epidermis. They can appear in any person, but most often form on oily skin. Enlarged pore ducts pose a threat to the onset of inflammatory diseases of the epidermis, since infections and bacteria can freely penetrate inside, causing acne and boils.

The harm of a homemade black face mask

Here are 3 main reasons why you should avoid using a homemade black face mask156:

  • Not suitable for everyone. If you have sensitive or dry skin, this product will not suit you. It dries and tightens the skin, in your case this can develop into pain.
  • Skin tightening. The composition should not be kept for more than 10 minutes, as it has a drying and tightening effect. This may damage the skin. Homemade black masks with charcoal, gelatin and milk especially often have this effect.
  • Unpredictability of the result. At home, it is impossible to maintain the correct balance of ingredients and the exact concentration of active ingredients.

It is not at all necessary to make a black face mask with your own hands; you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product.

What are the reasons for their formation

There are many known factors that provoke the appearance of blackheads on the surface of the skin. Among them are:

  • inappropriate skin type or insufficient care using inappropriate cosmetics and neglect of cleansing compositions;
  • frequent use of low-quality decorative cosmetics (foundation creams, concealers, powders), which can clog pore ducts;
  • the presence of hormonal imbalance in the body (during pregnancy, adolescence, menopause);
  • hot summer period of the year, when the skin begins to actively secrete sebaceous secretions;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, fatty, fried and sweet foods) and unhealthy lifestyle (low physical activity);
  • genetically predisposed to the presence of oily skin and wide pores;
  • frequent stress, increased emotional overload;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system of the body against the background of a malfunction of internal organs/systems;
  • taking certain types of medications and medications;
  • abuse of alcohol-containing compounds, which promote even more active sebum production.

Oily skin must be cleansed at least 2 times a day, using special cosmetics aimed at normalizing the secretion of oil by skin cells, narrowing pores and disinfecting.

Rules of application

To maximize the effectiveness of charcoal, skin with dots needs to be prepared for a homemade black mask: wash with cleansing gel, micellar water, foam. Then steam your face. Pour boiling water into a small container, sit over it for 5-10 minutes, covering your head with a towel. The procedure can be replaced with a hot bath or shower. Exposure to hot, humid air will open the pores, making the gland ducts more accessible to components.

Home control of cosmetic defects should be carried out according to the following rules:

  1. A charcoal mask for blackheads is applied to relaxed facial muscles. You cannot talk or smile during the procedure - the leftover mixture can form micro-creases in the epidermis.
  2. Formulations with gelatin should be warm. The cooled mixture cannot be distributed evenly over the face.
  3. Keep the home remedy for 10–20 minutes. You can remove the film after it has hardened, carefully picking it up by the edge.
  4. The course of manipulation lasts two months, then take a break for six months. You need to make a mask for spots once a week.
  5. Do not use the composition on inflammation, acne, acne, or other rashes.
  6. After home cleansing with black charcoal, use a rich cream or moisturizer to restore the skin's moisture balance.
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