How to use a black face mask for blackheads?

The problem of blackheads and clogged pores is relevant in any season. It is especially important for combination (prone to oily) and oily skin.

Many girls have already stopped fighting blackheads, because they appear very quickly, pores become clogged instantly and not all cosmetic products are able to remove them.

But today we will learn about an effective remedy - a black mask , with which you can simply and quickly remove acne.

You can buy a ready-made mask, it’s called Black Mask, or prepare an equally effective remedy at home.

Below you can find out the composition, method of using the black mask for blackheads and contraindications.

Black Mask film mask: action, instructions, composition

This mask is a powder, it is sold in sachets, one sachet is for 1 procedure.

Effect of the Black Mask mask

The manufacturer of the product assures that its cosmetic product is intended to:

  • make skin soft and smooth,
  • remove acne on the face painlessly and effectively,
  • prevent the appearance of spider veins on the skin,
  • enrich the dermis with nutrients,
  • tighten, smooth the skin,
  • produce a peeling effect,
  • slow down the aging process,
  • protect your face from harmful environmental factors.

Composition of the black mask Black Mask

The instructions for use of the black mask indicate that it consists exclusively of natural ingredients :

  1. White clay - whitens the skin, dries out acne, tightens pores.
  2. Castor oil – nourishes, moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  3. Activated carbon – removes dirt and dust from pores and has an adsorbing effect.
  4. The series - tones the dermis, fights acne, and prevents the aging process.
  5. Wheat sprouts - tighten, make the skin soft and velvety.
  6. Riboflavin - thanks to it, the skin breathes well, the face acquires a healthy color.


Blackheads are open comedones formed as a result of clogging of the mouths of the hair follicles with sebum along with dead cells.
The only effective way to get rid of them is to clean the skin and penetrate deep into the pores. Film-type masks have been on the market for a long time, but not all of them can boast of being particularly effective. However, Black Mask has established itself as a product that has a noticeable effect on the condition of the skin. It helps get rid of acne and blackheads.

Some of the main features of this product are ease of application, speed of action, and absolute naturalness - there is not a single synthetic component in the composition.

The manufacturer declares the following list of effects:

  • refreshes the skin and gives it a rested look;
  • tissue tightening;
  • normalizes the amount of sebum produced, and thanks to this, the surface of the face ceases to shine and becomes matte;
  • if you use it correctly and regularly, you can get rid of puffiness;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • significantly improves metabolism in cells, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • helps get rid of blackheads and unpleasant pimples;
  • soothes and relieves redness;
  • tones;
  • in case of advanced inflammatory processes, it blocks acne in a short period of time, it dries out and disappears after a short period of time;
  • improves facial contours;
  • provides protection from the harmful effects of external factors;
  • supplies the dermis with useful substances and minerals;
  • enhances collagen production.

The photo shows the result of using an organic anti-acne mask (before and after):

The drug is recommended for use by people who suffer from the most common skin problems:

  • increased fat content with a tendency to rashes;
  • uneven texture;
  • the presence of acne and comedones;
  • unhealthy dull complexion;
  • early aging;
  • the presence of redness and inflammatory processes;
  • fatigue and swelling of the face;
  • irritation.

Recommendations, tips

You already know how to use Black Mask correctly, but now we suggest you remember (or write down) the following recommendations:

  1. Before using the mask, the skin needs to be steamed. This is easy to do: add water to a small saucepan and put on fire. When it boils, you need to place your head above the steam and cover it with a towel for about five minutes. Second option: you can take a hot bath.
  2. While the black mask is in effect, it is advisable to remain calm: rest, lie down, watch TV.
  3. Before applying the mask, be sure to check your skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of black care product to your wrist. After an hour, remove it, if redness, itching, and peeling do not appear at the site of exposure, then this mask can be used.

Review of effective masks

Today you can find many effective products on sale. In addition to the main ingredients, they contain additional caring components - essential oils, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts.

The most popular means include the following:

  • Pilaten Black Head Pore Strip;
  • Bioaqua;
  • Freeman;
  • Estee Lauder;
  • Shiseido;
  • Belita-Vitex Black Clean;
  • Avon Clearskin “Cleansing Pores”.

In order for any of the listed masks to give the desired results, the instructions for use must be strictly followed . Therefore, before using the product, you need to read the information on the bottle.

Typically, such masks are recommended to be applied exclusively to problem areas. After 20-25 minutes, the film is removed with a sharp movement.

Making a black mask at home

In order not to spend money on a black mask, Black Mask, you can prepare it yourself at home.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • water or herbal tea,
  • Activated carbon,
  • black clay,
  • gelatin.

A black mask prepared at home is multifunctional; it will also work as a peeling – removing dead skin particles. Your face will be smooth and any makeup will fit perfectly.


What substances give the black mask its cleansing and regenerative properties?

  1. Black clay narrows pores, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also eliminates inflammation. It must be remembered that this substance can greatly dry out the skin, therefore, in order to maintain normal hydration, a composition containing clay cannot be kept longer than the developers advise.
  2. Charcoal, which, thanks to its absorbent properties, literally sucks out impurities, will help prevent the appearance of acne and pimples.
  3. The composition includes therapeutic mud, which restores and rejuvenates the skin as collagen fibers are formed.
  4. To give the skin a healthy and fresh look, make it firm and elastic, cool and eliminate swelling, black algae extracts are used.

Making a black mask at home

For 1 serving of film mask you will need:

  1. 2–3 teaspoons of water or herbal decoction (yarrow, oak bark, fenugreek). You can also use blackcurrant juice. It will additionally lighten the skin, tighten pores and even out the tone of the face.
  2. Dissolve 2-3 tablets of activated carbon in the water part . It is able to penetrate pores and draw out impurities.
  3. Add an incomplete teaspoon of black clay . This is an excellent adsorbent. It perfectly softens the skin and evens out its tone.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. The final component is gelatin. Choose only one that is made according to GOST. Gelatin is collagen, and collagen is skin elasticity. It turns out that we combine care, cleansing and cell renewal.
  6. Mix again . Let it sit and swell until the gelatin absorbs moisture.
  7. Melt the mixture in the microwave (set for 20 seconds) or in a water bath.
  8. You need to constantly stir the mixture; it should not boil, otherwise the gelatin included in the mask will not set.

  9. When the gelatin grains dissolve , you need to remove the mixture from the heat and, stirring constantly, wait for the mass to cool (25–30 degrees). The mask should be viscous and plastic.

Precautionary measures

Be careful and careful!

Under no circumstances should such a mask be applied to the eyebrows or hair growth area. Once dry, the mask becomes elastic and, when separated from the skin, can depilate hair and disrupt the shape of the eyebrows.

In order for all components of the product to take full effect,
20-25 minutes are usually enough .
The mask should be kept on the skin until the product transforms into an elastic film. It is this condition of the product that allows you to cleanse the pores as effectively as possible and not harm the skin. If the mask has managed to completely harden, then it may be extremely reluctant to lag behind the face.

For people with high sensitivity, removing the black mask can be a very painful procedure.

In such cases, it is better not to take risks and not to forcefully remove the product from the skin, but to wash it off with warm water and soap or face wash gel. This will avoid unnecessary pain and prevent injury to the skin on your face.

You need to remove the mask only after it has completely dried. To do this, you need to pick it up with the edge of your nail and carefully pull it up and towards the main body of the product. The black mask should come off with some effort, as if there is a second layer of skin on the face. This method must be used until the product is completely removed.

In the event that there are stains on the skin from the coloring components (coal, black clay, dirt and the like), it is recommended to rinse the skin with water.

Note! The water for washing after the procedure should be slightly warmer than room temperature, so that too hot or cold water does not have a negative effect on the skin pores.
In addition to the active ingredients, (gelatin, pectin, agar), various essential or base oils, salts or vitamins can be added to the masks

Each of the additives changes the properties of the mask and allows you to select an individual composition based on your skin type.

You can also use cleansing lotions that can remove mask residue and dirt from the pores.

How to use homemade black face mask?

Apply the product to a previously cleansed face using a cosmetic brush. Leave the mask until completely dry, this will help achieve the maximum effect of cleansing the pores, since when the mask hardens, due to its adhesion, it can easily and completely remove plugs from the pores.

You will see for yourself how long it takes to remove the mask. If the mask has not yet hardened, then there is no need to rush to get rid of it. You can easily check whether it has frozen or not: gently run it over the mask with your fingertips .

If there are no black marks left on the skin, it means that the mask has cooled down and you can get rid of it. You need to remove the black mask carefully so as not to injure the skin.

How to rinse off correctly

It is not difficult to remove a black mask from your face; you need to pick up the bottom edge with your fingers and gently pull it up, just like with a fabric mask.

Afterwards, you can wash your face with warm water and wipe your face with toner. The cream will complete the deep cleansing procedure.

If the composition stays on the face without being removed, then it must be sprinkled with water, thereby soaking the hardened black mask.

Black Mask from various manufacturers is available on the market. These are Chinese, Korean brands, as well as Russian and American companies.

How often should I use a homemade mask?

A black mask prepared at home can be applied up to 3 times a week - if the skin is oily, it is abundantly covered with acne. And also no more than 2 times a week, girls with dry skin should do this mask.

A black mask for blackheads can become your faithful companion in the fight against acne. The main thing is to know how to use a black mask to prevent problems such as skin redness, peeling, and allergic reactions.

You need to leave the mask on for as long as indicated in the instructions. You need to remove the mask carefully so as not to damage the skin or cause yourself pain.


  1. The basis of any black masks, incl. and Glamglow masks, is charcoal or activated charcoal, as it helps well against blackheads, acne, and excess oil.
  2. In addition to fighting acne, these products can be used to treat other signs of aging.
  3. Black masks are divided into liquid and powder, differing in their original form.
  4. If after using the drug your face turns red, you need to provide yourself with primary care, and then consult a doctor if necessary.
  5. Among the best such tools, you can find a suitable option for almost everyone.
  6. Failure to comply with contraindications may lead to adverse consequences.
  7. It is not difficult to wash off the mask correctly, but it is very useful as part of general therapy.

Why is the face wash black?

The main “trick” of this drug is its rich charcoal color, due to the peculiarities of its composition. Today, the most common options for cleansing masks are:

  • with cosmetic clay;
  • from activated carbon;
  • with healing mud.

Each of the ingredients is probably familiar to you, since they are actively used in many cosmetic preparations.

The components are united not only by their dark color, but also by their excellent cleansing properties. The main difference is consistency.

Features of each:

  • The most pleasant, oddly enough, is mud, since it is soft and plastic, so it can be modeled well with your hands and can be removed without any problems - with water.
  • Clay ones are dense and heavy, so you will feel the lightness only after you remove it from your face.
  • Options with activated carbon are the most effective, but they strongly tighten the skin, harden quickly, and are sometimes difficult to remove, since they cling very tightly to the skin. However, all the unpleasant sensations are more than compensated by their effectiveness.

How to take care of your skin at first

After the mask, you must apply a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream.

You can use an egg and lemon mask to tighten pores.

Take a teaspoon of lemon juice for one egg white, mix it all well, and then apply it to your face and leave it until dry. Then the mask should be washed off with cool water.

After the procedure, you should not go outside for several hours . There are no other skin care features after using the Black Mask.

Use of activated carbon

Activated carbon is a very good remedy for cleansing not only the intestines, but also impurities on the face. Its use as one of the main elements when preparing a mask is due to its high cleansing properties and beneficial effects on the skin.

Cooking recipes:

  1. Charcoal with milk and gelatin. When preparing, you will need 2 tablets of coal, which are crushed to a powder state, 1 tsp. edible gelatin and 2 tsp. cool milk. Mix all the ingredients and place in a warm place to allow the gelatin to swell. After this, everything needs to be heated until hot and applied to the face in two layers. It is very important that the mixture is hot, but does not burn your face.
  2. Activated carbon with clay. Since all of the components in this mask have quite effective cleansing properties, it is quite effective in getting rid of blackheads. To prepare it you will need a crushed charcoal tablet and a little blue clay. You need to add a little water to the resulting mixture, but it should not become very liquid.


Black Mask is a completely affordable product for any buyer. The price of this drug in Russia is about 990 rubles. It is worth keeping in mind that this product is not sold in pharmacies. It can only be ordered online. However, according to consumer reviews, you should not make purchases on dubious sites. Unverified intermediaries may well sell a fake. Only upon delivery of an order placed on the official website can you be completely sure of the authenticity of the purchased product. The product will be delivered cash on delivery to any city in Russia and within the optimal time frame.

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