KOLLOST micro - a new formula of a time-tested drug

Static wrinkles, excess skin flap, visibility of the underlying anatomical structures under the skin due to the small thickness of the subcutaneous fat. All this requires combination therapy using hardware techniques. However, often expensive equipment and the accompanying rehabilitation period baffle both the doctor and his patient.

One of the indicative injection techniques that does not involve a long recovery period is the introduction of collagen directly into the dermis in order to create an endogenous collagen framework. A new development based on the unique patented PoliONICol® and MICRONONIC® technologies - COLLOST micro - copes with the task perfectly.

Collost is a natural injectable collagen, which is as close in structure as possible to human collagen, promoting the restoration of the dermis by activating collagenogenesis and improving dermal characteristics.

The mechanism for enhancing the synthetic activity of connective tissue cells under the influence of collagen is that the products of its biodegradation stimulate the synthesis of elements of the dermal matrix: collagen, elastic fibers and glycosaminoglycans.

COLLOST micro is a new universal preparation, adaptable due to the different possibilities of material hydration for a different range of aesthetic indications and combined in one procedure with other techniques (botulinotherapy, mesotherapy, contouring, thread lifting).

Advantages of the COLLOST micro form:

  • The highest concentration of collagen among analogues presented on the aesthetic medicine market.
  • The protein composition closest to humans in terms of amino acid composition.
  • Elimination of the risk of prions (due to processing under alkaline conditions).
  • Effective tissue hydration. Thanks to the innovative technological process of deamidation, the number of negatively charged functional groups increases, which leads to the attraction of water molecules to the collagen fibers.
  • The material is enriched with biomimetic fibrous particles.
  • Availability of fibers for recognition by fibroblasts. Achieved through a patented powder grinding process (microstructuring), which includes several types of grinding.
  • Reproduction of the structure of the extracellular matrix. When hydrated, the fibrous particles form an elastic, injectable scaffold.
  • Formation of a coherently dispersed system simulating a three-dimensional protein matrix.
  • Induction: the fibrous structure of the material serves as a natural signal to trigger the processes of bioreparation and remodeling - the fibers induce biosignaling.
  • Conduction: in addition to exhibiting inductive properties, fibrils (fibers) can promote the bioconduction of collagen, creating a favorable environment for cells.
  • Preservation of collagen fibers even after intense repeated shaking - proven using a vibration test followed by microscopic analysis.

Treatment of stretch marks

Removing stretch marks is a troublesome procedure. For a long time, the only radical measures against stretch marks were chemical and laser peeling, as well as surgical removal of stretch marks. However, skin restoration using each of these methods is accompanied by painful sensations and entails frequent complications. At the same time, acting on old stretch marks was especially dangerous. A real revolution in the category of “treatment of stretch marks” was injection therapy using COLLOST® collagen gel.

How to get rid of stretch marks using COLLOST® gel

COLLOST® collagen gel is a unique biological material based on natural collagen. The essence of the collotherapy method is that injections of gel into the area of ​​stretch marks lead to the synthesis of one’s own collagen, which entails a complete restoration of the elastic properties of the skin.

In clinical trials, COLLOST® gel against stretch marks has proven itself to be a highly effective alternative to traditional methods, since it reduces all their negative manifestations to almost zero. Aesthetic surgery has given a worthy assessment to the new biomaterial, which makes it increasingly in demand.

The essence of the method

The structure of collagen macromolecules serves as the basis for directed cell migration. KOLLOST micro microfibers, created using PoliONICol® technology, allow fibroblasts to migrate directionally and over a greater distance than usual, acting as a natural inducer of biosignaling - the body’s launch of bioreparation and remodeling processes. Thanks to MICRONONIC® technology, an increased number of negatively charged groups are created on collagen molecules, which promotes tissue hydration. The implant, gradually dissolving, is replaced by autologous tissue, which in its histological structure is similar to the surrounding tissues.

COLLOST micro before hydration


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Mechanism of action of collagen biomaterial

  1. Aseptic wound process in the area of ​​intervention, release of inflammatory mediators, leading to provoking a response of the body in the form of stimulation of fibrillogenesis in the area of ​​correction.
  2. Proliferation of fibroblasts and growth of nerve fibers (increased macrophage reaction) - resorption of heterologous collagen by macrophages.
  3. Production of a thermostable polypeptide factor that enhances DNA synthesis and fibroblast proliferation.
  4. Stimulation of the synthesis of your own collagen and the formation of a new autodermal layer. It acts as a template for the formation of new tissue, provides directional contact between epithelial cells and fibroblasts, creating their optimal migration and orientation. The cells that “populate” the collagen matrix begin to synthesize their own collagen and other components of the intercellular matrix, which gradually replace the bioimplant.
  5. Formation of a three-dimensional matrix: elastin – collagen – hyaluronic acid – glycosaminoglycans – water – essential elements.

Interestingly, Collost allows you to work with different morphotypes of patients.

For finely wrinkled type, flabby atonic elastotic skin, the drug provides retraction, thickens the skin and smoothes the bottom of the wrinkle. For the deformational-edematous type, while not being a hygroscopic drug, Collost does not create swelling and allows tissue to be retained by working with the trabecular-ligamentous apparatus.

COLLOST micro after hydration


  • Scars on the skin of the face and body (atrophic, post-traumatic, post-surgical, post-acne, stretch marks).
  • Age-related skin changes (static wrinkles, elastosis).
  • Hypotony of the skin in various areas of the face, neck, décolleté and body (age-related, occurring after pregnancy, lactation, sudden changes in body weight, unbalanced diet).
  • Excess skin flap.
  • Restoration of facial and body skin after laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, insolation, plastic surgery, as well as preparation for them.

Stretch marks on the skin of the body - causes and treatment

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks can be different. Striae on the skin are a natural consequence of its excessive stretching in case of pregnancy. The skin also suffers from similar deformations when the body quickly gains weight due to overeating or taking hormonal drugs, or, on the contrary, when losing weight quickly.

Removing stretch marks is not an easy task, but with an integrated approach and the use of special techniques, it has an effective solution. The sooner you start treating stretch marks, the sooner you will be able to clear your body of them.

Advantages of collagen biomaterial in the treatment of age-related changes

  • The interval between procedures acceptable for the patient is 2–3 weeks for a course of 3–5 procedures, which allows you to safely continue the procedures after vacation without interrupting the course.
  • A clear and easy level of work for a specialist. The drug requires intradermal administration.
  • Fast recovery period. The visualization time for “papules” as a “depot” of the drug is several hours when using COLLOST micro.
  • Ability to work with different groups of patients, including deformation-edematous morphotype. The drug is not hydrophilic, unlike HA.
  • Possibility to use BTA and Collost in one procedure.
  • Convenient release form – 150 mg of micronized collagen in a bottle.
  • Safety. Without being bound cross-linking agents (as in HA-based fillers), Collost is a blood-soluble drug that cannot lead to vessel embolism.
  • Versatility of use. It is used both for the correction of resting wrinkles and for diffuse therapy of the dermis, skin flap reduction, and smoothing of scars.

Prices for collost injections in Moscow

A drugVolumeCost, rub.
Gel Collost 7%0.5 ml8 400
Gel Collost 7%1.0 ml9 900
Gel Collost 7%1.5 ml12 400
Gel Collost 15%1.5 ml17 200

A cosmetologist will help you determine the exact number of injections required, as well as the number of units for using the drug in different areas, at your initial appointment.

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The introduction of Collost gel is used in cosmetology for the treatment and prevention of:

  • Initial signs of aging
  • Couperose
  • Wrinkles that occur in people who spend a lot of time outdoors
  • Rosacea
  • Gravitational tissue prolapse
  • Stagnant spots on the skin

The drug helps get rid of various types of scars, including stretch marks and post-acne.

Beauty injections using Collost are indicated before laser resurfacing and deep chemical peeling procedures. They are also necessary for restoring the skin after deep cleansing.

Collost can be applied to any part of the body.


Administration of Collost is contraindicated only if:

  • Intolerance to the drug components
  • Bleeding disorders

You should avoid administering the drug during an exacerbation of a chronic disease, as well as during menstruation, pregnancy, or while you are breastfeeding.

About the procedure

  • Duration
  • 30-60 minutes
    • Periodicity
  • 1 time 14 days
    • Drugs
  • Collost
    • Anesthesia
  • Emla, Akriol
    • Recommended course:
  • 3-5 procedures
    • The effect occurs:
  • Increasing effect during the course of procedures
  • Why Collost is better than other beauty injections

    Often, for wrinkles or other skin changes, cosmetologists recommend undergoing various procedures, for example, mesotherapy, Botox injection or biorevitalization.

    What is better - Collost or other types of treatment?

    ProcedureEffect durationresults
    Mesotherapy5-7 monthsIncreasing skin tone, improving its appearance, moisturizing
    BiorevitalizationOn average 6 monthsDeep hydration, reduction of small wrinkles
    Botulinum therapyUp to 10 monthsSmoothing wrinkles, reducing sweating
    Filler injectionAbout 6-8 monthsVolume restoration, modeling, skin hydration
    Introduction CollostFrom 6 to 12 monthsComplex effect: smoothing wrinkles, eliminating blemishes, eliminating scars, moisturizing the skin, treating rosacea

    Stages of the procedure?

    Introduction Collost does not require preliminary preparation. You call the clinic, make an appointment at a convenient time - and you don’t need to follow any diets, hide from the sun or refuse to take a hot bath.

    Before proceeding directly with the administration of Collost, the doctor will conduct allergy tests to find out whether you are hypersensitive to collagen. If after 15 minutes there is no redness at the injection site, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to the procedure, which takes place in 4 stages:

    1. Skin cleansing
    2. Anesthetic treatment. This step will make the procedure painless
    3. Administration of the drug using linear, micropapular, tracer or layer-by-layer techniques
    4. Applying a soothing cream

    What areas can Collost help with?

    The drug is used to restore:

    • Facial skin. The gel eliminates purse-string, frontal, nasolabial wrinkles, normalizes complexion, eliminates post-acne and vascular spots
    • Areas around the eyes. With the help of Collost, crow's feet, age-related drooping of the upper eyelid, bags under the eyes are eliminated
    • Necks. The procedure helps to get rid of wrinkles on the neck, which are difficult to remove with other drugs.
    • Belly. Collost removes stretch marks and scars in this area
    • Breasts. This eliminates sagging skin and smoothes out wrinkles in the décolleté area.
    • Hips, buttock areas. Injectable collagen has a lifting effect, eliminates stretch marks and spider veins
    • Backs. In this area, injections are performed in the presence of stretch marks, post-acne or hypertrophic scars
    • Limbs. Collost moisturizes the skin, restores its tone, eliminates spider veins

    Post-acne treatment

    Skin changes after acne are actually scars.

    Collost solves this problem:

    • It fills the space under such a scar, lifting it
    • Being absorbed, it gives rise to the formation of healthy tissue inside the skin, which will displace scar tissue.

    Thus, the effect of introducing Collost during post-acne lesions will be their gradual smoothing and restoration of normal skin texture.

    Collost for removal of scars and stretch marks

    If a scar is essentially a “pile up” of collagen fibers, then stretch marks (striae) are areas of rupture of collagen and elastin fibers. Both of these problems are solved by the introduction of Collost: healthy skin is formed at the site of injection of the drug, and it replaces both the scar and the striatal defect.

    Collostotherapy is the method of choice for the treatment of scars and stretch marks. It is an excellent alternative to laser treatments or chemical peels, which are harmful to the skin and can lead to serious complications.

    The drug is effectively used to treat skin that has undergone age-related changes.

    It triggers the restoration of the dermis at the molecular level, therefore:

    • Not only facial wrinkles are smoothed out, but also folds in the lower third of the face and on the neck
    • The oval of the face is tightened
    • Moisturizes the skin
    • Reduces the severity of age spots
    • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized

    Recovery after the procedure

    The rehabilitation period after the injection of Collost takes several minutes - until the traces of injections disappear. No restrictions are required on this or subsequent days.

    The final effect of Collost injection will be noticeable after 2-4 weeks.

    Consequences of the procedure

    Collost is a natural remedy, the molecular structure of which is completely identical to that of humans. Therefore, the drug does not cause complications . Only in some cases, redness occurs at the injection site, which quickly passes.


    • How long does beauty last after injection of collagen concentrate?
    • Reviews from our patients indicate that the effect lasts from 6 to 12 months.
    • How often should Collost be injected?
  • If you want to slow down aging, it is recommended to resort to the procedure every 9-12 months. In case of pronounced skin changes, the first 3-4 courses should be carried out every six months.
    • Is the procedure painful?
  • Introduction Collost is not accompanied by pain, since the clinic’s specialists pre-treat the injection sites with an anesthetic gel. All you will feel is a slight discomfort
    • How many procedures are needed to get the effect?
  • The issue of the number of procedures is decided individually, depending on the condition of the skin. On average, this is from 2 to 6 procedures.

    To answer these, as well as other questions related to the Collost injection procedure, our doctors provide free consultations.

    You can make an appointment by simply calling.

    We are waiting for you at the clinic!

  • Our doctors

    Konorezova Victoria Vladimirovna

    Doctor Dermatovenereologist

    Vaganov Nikolay Vladimirovich

    Plastic surgeon

    Romanova Liana Gadzhibalaevna

    Doctor Dermatovenereologist

    What they say about our clinic

    Features of the preparation of the injection form of the drug COLLOST micro

    The drug is hydrated by adding 5 ml of saline solution, water for injection, plasma, silicon, liquid one-component mesotherapy drug, then shaken vigorously and left for 15-20 minutes.

    During the process of hydration, collagen microfibers intertwine to form a unique coherently dispersed system - an elastic injectable scaffold that reproduces the structure of the extracellular matrix.

    COLLOST micro injections are carried out using linear, short-line, papular, and point injection techniques.

    Depending on the severity of the problem and the area of ​​correction, the amount of dilution solution can be varied:

    • to correct the face-neck-décolleté area, you can use all 5 ml of the finished form of the drug;
    • for working with problem areas of the skin with many wrinkles and reduced tone - a more concentrated form due to hydration with a smaller amount of solution;
    • for simultaneous work on moisturizing and compacting the skin flap - with the addition of low concentration native hyaluronic acid;
    • to smooth out superficial wrinkles and relieve tension in the neck-décolleté area - with 5-15 IU of BTA;
    • for the treatment of problem skin, post-acne, treatment of alopecia - with patient plasma.

    Adverse reactions and complications

    The expected side effects are similar to those of all injection procedures: swelling, redness, pain, ecchymosis in the injection area - all such phenomena disappear within a few days.

    If the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, or the drug is administered incorrectly (all this is observed when procedures are carried out by illiterate, unqualified specialists), the risk of severe complications increases sharply: an infectious process, tissue ischemia and subsequent necrosis of skin areas, vascular embolism. In the best case, you should avoid such complications, contact certified medical centers and be honest in your communication with your doctor. If suspicious symptoms occur (whitening of the drug injection area, persistent redness, increasing pain), you must immediately contact a specialist!

    Authors of the material: Doctor Chilikova D.V., cosmetologist Lachinova N.M. All rights reserved.


    COLLOST micro is a universal, safe drug suitable for correcting age-related changes and aesthetic problems of patients of different morphotypes, gender and age, easily combined with other injection techniques.

    The indisputable advantage of COLLOST micro is the unique fibrous structure of the material, which acts as a natural inducer of biosignaling - the body’s launch of bioreparation and remodeling processes.

    KOLLOST micro microfibers create a favorable environment for fibroblasts. The increased number of negatively charged groups promotes tissue hydration, but does not cause swelling, even in the periorbital area.

    The undoubted advantages of using COLLOST micro include activation of lymph microcirculation, improvement of trophism, and a significant increase in skin turgor.

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