Biorevitalization with Neauvia Hydro Deluxe: features and reviews

Beauty no longer requires sacrifice! The beauty clinic “Mark of Quality”, headed by doctor Alla Legun, is pleased to present you an innovative organic product based on hyaluronic acid Neauvia Organic/Nyuvia Organic. Thanks to scientific research in recent years, a breakthrough has been achieved in the creation of a new generation of fillers - more effective and safe!

These fillers can solve almost all age-related problems of the face and neck that are not amenable to non-invasive correction methods. Each of them has its own area of ​​application, and together, contour plastic surgery with Neauvia Organic preparations at the Quality Mark clinic gives results that one could only dream of yesterday.

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers have revolutionary new capabilities compared to hyaluronic acid preparations that were previously used in contouring.

Time will turn back, and your face will again become the way you remember it 10-15 or even 20 years ago.

The Neauvia Organic brand is controlled by the Swiss company MATEXLAB with headquarters in Lugano and its own production in Italy.

The main focus of the company is the production of injectable preparations for contouring, biorevitalizants and a wide range of cosmeceuticals for post-aesthetic medical skin care procedures.

The company's foundation is made up of Neauvia Organic injectable implants (fillers) with ultra-pure hyaluronic acid and a unique PEG cross-link, which still have no analogues in the world. This drug has a super-strong and elastic structure of molecular bonds, and is easily administered and perfectly distributed in tissues.

New technology for producing hyaluronic acid

Today, it has become possible to synthesize laboratory HA from the bacterium Bacillus Subtilis (Bacillus subtilis), which is probiotic and non-pathogenic for humans. To obtain it, technological and scientific innovations are used (extracellular extrusion method) using only distilled water without chemical reagents, therefore, there are no residues of any contamination from bacterial residues.

Advantages of hyaluronic acid synthesized from the Bacillus Subtilis strain compared to the traditional Streptococcus strain:

  • Purity
  • No toxicity
  • Organic product
  • Safety and shelf life
  • Possibility of using high concentrations of hyaluronic acid
  • Exact molecular weight

The last factor turned out to be key to imparting fundamentally new properties to NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers - resistance to external loads, elasticity and maintaining a constant shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding to carry out biorevitalization with Neauvia products, you need to carefully study their positive and negative aspects.

Among the advantages are:

  • safety;
  • uniqueness of the composition;
  • complete absence of probability of rejection ;
  • long-term preservation of the results ;
  • the ability to carry out in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures.

The main disadvantages are the high cost, the presence of contraindications, and incompletely studied side effects.

Neauvia biorevitalization is an effective method in combating signs of age-related changes at any age. However, to achieve the desired result, you need to be careful when choosing a clinic and specialist.

Best rheological properties

Rheology is a branch of science that studies the fluidity, viscosity of materials and their resistance to deformation. It has been scientifically proven that NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers do not migrate in tissues and have the best rheological properties based on three main characteristics:

  • Cohesiveness - retains its shape and does not spread
  • Viscosity and elasticity - completely restore shape after compression or other physical activity
  • Plasticity - have maximum plasticity

Thanks to such excellent performance, fillers create and even out facial contours without putting pressure on surrounding tissues, which guarantees natural results without the filler migrating into the tissues.


Biorevitalizants from the Neauvia line are recommended for problems such as:

  • asymmetry of the oval face;
  • scarring;
  • thin lips;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • unevenness ;
  • severe ptosis ;
  • the appearance of wrinkles , regardless of the degree of their manifestation;
  • scars.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult a specialist.

Addition of calcium hydroxyapatite

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid provide better skin hydration. But this is not enough for an anti-aging effect. Collagen plays an important role, the synthesis of which slows down over the years. And this problem was solved!

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers contain calcium hydroxyapatite, which stimulates the production of collagen by dermal fibroblasts. Thanks to this, they not only replenish soft tissues, but also contribute to their natural restoration. This achieves a double effect of contouring – corrective and rejuvenating.

The concept of using calcium hydroxyapatite is used by other companies, but Neauvia Organic Stimulate has a number of differences:

  • Small molecular sizes
  • Gradual release of particles during degradation process
  • Safe concentration without side effects

Neauvia Organic

Verified by an expert
Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: August 01, 2022

Review date: November 16, 2022

Neauvia Organic turns back time

Have you noticed that your face looks different than it did ten, fifteen years ago? Remember what it was like. The same features, but something, or even a lot, has changed.

These changes cannot be hidden under makeup. Anti-aging masks and creams do not give the desired result.

What's the matter?

The causes of age-related changes are known - this is a slowdown in metabolism and regenerative processes in the dermis. As a result, it loses volume, density, elasticity, and lacks collagen and hyaluronic acid. Hydration suffers, dryness occurs, folds and wrinkles form, and then wrinkles and folds.

But what is especially striking is the change in facial contours due to the fact that soft tissues atrophy, their deficiency occurs, and depressions form. What to do about it?

Laser resurfacing and other hardware procedures promise to rejuvenate the skin, but their possibilities are not limitless.

And yet there is a solution!

This is contour plastic surgery based on hyaluronic acid. But not the one we have gotten used to, but a new one, more effective and safer. Thanks to scientific research in recent years, it has been possible to achieve a technological breakthrough in the creation of a new generation of fillers.

Today A Clinic presents the newest line of contour fillers – NEAUVIA ORGANIC
These fillers can solve almost all age-related problems of the face and neck. Each of them has its own area of ​​application, and together, contour plastic surgery with Neauvia Organic preparations at A Clinic gives results that one could only dream of yesterday.

Time will turn back, and your face will again become the way you remember it 10-15 or even 20 years ago.

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

How is this possible?

It's all about new technologies and scientific developments carried out in leading modern laboratories. Their result was the creation of innovative products that restore youth.

What is the fundamental difference between the new fillers?

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers have revolutionary new capabilities compared to hyaluronic acid preparations that were previously used in contouring.

1. The world's first most natural drugs.

Nyuvia Organic contouring preparations consist of stabilized hyaluronic acid. This means that the molecules in them are stitched into long chains. This structure ensures the drug’s resistance to splitting and a long-lasting contouring effect.

Previously, molecules were cross-linked with chemical agents that had a toxic effect. Therefore, their concentration had to be low for the filler to be safe for the skin. But the low concentration of the agent limited the strength of the cross-linking. Hyaluronic acid molecules were not strong enough, which limited the durability of contouring.

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers used a fundamentally new, completely safe cross-linking polymer – PEG, which has been used in medicine and pharmaceuticals for many years. But until today it has not been used in contouring preparations.

Its use gave amazing results. There is no need to choose between safety and durability of the effect.

This non-toxic, hypoallergenic and completely biocompatible polymer is not only completely absorbable and excreted from tissues. It provides a number of additional benefits:

  • reduces the effect of enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid, which increases the durability of the filler and the duration of its action,
  • is not perceived as a foreign body and does not cause an immune reaction,
  • minimizes the risk of filler rejection, inflammation or granuloma formation.

Thanks to these qualities, Neauvia Organic fillers have become a breakthrough in the creation of fully biocompatible contouring preparations with prolonged action.

In fact, these are the world's first biomimetic fillers that completely imitate biological material.

2. New technology for producing hyaluronic acid.

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers use laboratory hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. In its production, technological and scientific innovations were used, which gave it new properties:

  • ultra-high degree of purity,
  • guarantee of safety, lack of toxicity,
  • possibility of high concentration,
  • safety and shelf life,
  • exact molecular weight.

The last factor turned out to be key to imparting fundamentally new properties to NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers - resistance to external loads, elasticity and maintaining a constant shape.

3. High strength polymer network.

In the creation of NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers, the latest polymerization technology was used for the first time, that is, cross-linking of hyaluronic acid molecules. This made them much more resistant to mechanical stress and thermal effects.

Neither mechanical loads nor heating now affect the durability, integrity, and strength of contour plastic.

If previously fillers based on hyaluronic acid were partially destroyed during laser, ultrasound or radio wave procedures, now they have become resistant to them. This made it possible to achieve a fundamentally new level of compatibility between hardware and injection cosmetology procedures.

4. Best rheological properties.

Rheology is the indicators of fluidity, viscosity of materials and their resistance to deformation. NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers do not migrate in tissues and have the best rheological properties based on three main characteristics:

  • retain their shape, do not spread,
  • completely restore shape after compression or other physical activity,
  • have maximum plasticity.

Thanks to this, they reliably replenish soft tissues and even out the relief of the face, keeping contours and volumes unchanged for a long time. This essentially means conserving time!

5. Addition of calcium hydroxyapatite.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid provide better skin hydration. But this is not enough for an anti-aging effect. Collagen plays an important role, the synthesis of which slows down over the years. And this problem was solved!

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers contain calcium hydroxyapatite, which stimulates the production of collagen by dermal fibroblasts. Thanks to this, they not only replenish soft tissues, but also contribute to their natural restoration. This achieves a double effect of contouring – corrective and rejuvenating.


Thanks to the combination of unique properties and qualities, the use of innovative developments and scientific methods, NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers in A Clinic provide the best results in contouring:

  • the skin becomes well hydrated,
  • nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves are smoothed out,
  • wrinkles are reduced,
  • fine wrinkles disappear in the area of ​​the lips and eyes (“marionette lines”, “crow’s feet”, etc.),
  • scars, stretch marks, post-acne disappear or decrease,
  • the facial contour tightens and becomes clearer,
  • the contours of the nose, chin, cheekbones are improved,
  • the relief of the face becomes as youthful as before, and the skin becomes more elastic and toned.

Contour plastic surgery with NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers not only corrects and eliminates age-related changes in the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. It rejuvenates the skin, returning it to the state and mode of renewal in which it was ten, fifteen or even twenty years ago.

At A Clinic, NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers are also used to increase the volume and improve the shape of the lips.

Filler line

The NEAUVIA ORGANIC line of drugs at A Clinic allows you to solve almost any problem associated with age-related changes in the face, neck, hands, and décolleté.

1. HYDRO DELUXE - a drug for intensive biorevitalization of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté. Provides hydration, a well-groomed appearance, smoothes surface wrinkles, enhances collagen production, gives a restorative effect, and improves skin quality. Biorevitalization is carried out in a course of 3 - 4 to 6 procedures. The effect lasts for 3 - 6 months.

2. STIMULATE - filler for filling deep folds, wrinkles, restoring the volume of cheekbones, chin, lower third of the face, temple area, improving facial contours. Provides a long-term effect of biostimulation, revitalization, activates collagen production, increases skin elasticity and density. The effect lasts for 18-24 months.

3. INTENSE - a drug with increased viscosity and concentration of hyaluronic acid for dense skin, used to fill deep wrinkles and folds, increase the volume and contours of the lips, and volumetric modeling of the face. The effect lasts for 12-18 months.

4. INTENSE LV - a medium-density preparation with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid for thin skin, filling shallow, medium wrinkles, nasolabial folds, volumetric modeling of the face, cheekbones, correction in the area around the eyes, nose, cheeks, chin, for lip contours. Also used on the back of the hands. The duration of the effect is 12-18 months.

5. INTENSE LIPS – used to increase volume and improve the contours of the lips, eliminate purse-string wrinkles around the mouth. Has high elasticity and durability. The effect of contouring lasts for 8-12 months.

6. INTENSE RHEOLOGY – a preparation for smoothing thin horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and purse-string wrinkles around the mouth. It is used to correct early signs of age-related skin changes on the face and hands, and has a rejuvenating effect. Duration of action – 6-12 months.

7. INTENSE FLUX – superplastic filler with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. Used to correct delicate areas - near the mouth, around the eyes, on the neck, to restore volume in cases of moderate soft tissue deficiency. The duration of the effect is 7-9 months.

NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers for men

At A Clinic, NEAUVIA ORGANIC fillers are used in anti-aging and corrective contouring programs not only for women, but also for men who care about their appearance. The preparations are developed taking into account the characteristics of men's skin. Thanks to this, they provide long-term, lasting results.

1. HYDRO DELUXE MAN – a drug for biorevitalization of the face and neck. Improves hydration, gives a well-groomed appearance to the skin, makes it more elastic, dense, stimulates collagen production. The effect lasts up to 6 months.

2. STIMULATE MAN – a preparation for volumetric modeling of the face, improves contours, smoothes wrinkles, stimulates collagen production. The effect lasts for 18-24 months.

3. INTENSE MAN – filler with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid for filling nasolabial folds, smoothing out deep wrinkles, replenishing the volume of soft tissues, and voluminous modeling of the face. The duration of the effect is 18-24 months.

The NEAUVIA collection represents a wide range of anti-aging injectable drugs


Release forms

: 1, 2.5 and 5 ml

HA concentration

: 18 mg/ml and 0.01% calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA)

Indications for use:

The filler is used to moisturize and restore the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and body, stimulate collagen synthesis, increase elasticity, density and firmness of the skin. Restores a healthy and even complexion.

Period of complete biodegradation:

6 months.

Course duration:

3-4 procedures every three weeks.


Release form:

– 2.5 ml

HA concentration:

18 mg/ml and 0.01% calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA)

Indications for use:

A unique product designed for men who take care of themselves. Helps moisturize and restore the skin of the face, neck and body, stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen. The skin becomes more elastic and dense.

Period of complete biodegradation:

6 months.

Course duration:

4 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks.


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

26 mg/ml, 0.01% calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA), PEG reticulating agent

Indications for use:

This filler is ideal for people 35-40 years old. Improves the general condition of the dermis, restores the volume and quality of tissues, especially in the middle and lower third of the face, perioral area, décolleté, and hands.

Period of complete biodegradation:

12-18 months


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

28 mg/ml, 0.01% calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA), PEG reticulating agent

Indications for use:

The filler has a dual targeted effect on skin cells - it performs the standard function of a dermal filler and additionally stimulates the activation of fibroblasts to stimulate the production of collagen, which improves the structure of soft tissues.

Period of complete biodegradation:

12-18 months


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

22 mg/ml, reticulating agent PEG

Indications for use:

The filler does an excellent job of correcting the first signs of aging at a young age - fine superficial wrinkles. It is also used to add volume to the lips, correct lip contour, rejuvenate the skin of the hands, restore the soft tissues of the earlobe, and correct eyebrow wrinkles.

Period of complete biodegradation:

6-9 months


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

24 mg/ml, PEG reticulating agent.

Indications for use:

The filler is designed specifically to solve problems in the perioral area. Using the drug solves the problem of drooping corners of the lips and lack of volume.

Period of complete biodegradation:

12 months.


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

26 mg/ml, PEG reticulating agent.

Indications for use:

Medium-density filler is designed to smooth out mild wrinkles, correct lip contour and lip volume. Can be used to moisturize the skin of the hands and feet.

Period of complete biodegradation:

12-18 months


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

28 mg/ml, 1% CaHA, PEG reticulating agent

Indications for use:

Dense filler is intended for modeling facial shapes, for example, replenishing the volume of cheekbones, tightening the contour, filling deep ones. It is possible to implant filler in the intimate areas.

Period of complete biodegradation:

15-18 months


Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

: 26 mg/ml, PEG reticulating agent

Indications for use:

It is considered a multi-valued filler, which allows correction in different areas. Often used in particularly delicate areas such as lips, neck and eyes.

Period of complete biodegradation:

8-12 months


An exclusive drug only for men!

Release form:

1 ml

HA concentration:

28 mg/ml, reticulating agent PEG

Indications for use:

The filler has a good effect on denser dermal layers and responds to the rapidity of natural aging. Used for volumetric modeling of facial contours, volumetric correction of the upper, middle and lower thirds of the face, and correction of skin creases.

Period of complete biodegradation:

8-12 months

Composition and effect of the drug Nyuvia

Mass sales of Neauvia Hydro Deluxe biorevitalization product began in 2015. Neauvia is manufactured by the Italian cosmetics corporation MATEX Lab. The drug contains a solution of hyaluronic acid. In the manufacture of the product, a probiotic is used - a colony of Bacillus subtilis bacteria.

The main component of the composition is ultra-pure hyaluronic acid, stabilized polyethylene glycol. The molecules of Newvia Hydro Deluxe are durable and can withstand any cosmetic procedures.

The drug is administered in small doses under the skin. Hyaluronic acid promotes water retention in epidermal cells, replenishing the age-related lack of substances that provide elasticity. The greatest effect from the procedure is achieved after a month and lasts for at least six months. According to patient reviews, rejuvenation lasts up to a year; after a course of procedures, as a rule, 2-4 procedures are enough.

Before the procedure it is recommended:

  • Stop taking medications that can cause changes in blood counts about a month in advance.
  • On the day of correction, it is better to give up coffee, fatty foods, smoking and alcohol.
  • In some cases, a course of vascular-strengthening drugs is prescribed to minimize the appearance of hematomas.
  • After the procedure, it is recommended not to go to the sauna or bathhouse.

The cosmetologist gives these recommendations during a preliminary conversation on an individual basis, taking into account a complete medical history.

Recommendations for use

Biorevitalization is used in cosmetology for correction. Main indications for using the product:

  • Violation of the oval of the face;
  • Thin, dry or in need of correction lips;
  • Scars, scars and post-acne;
  • Various disorders of the skin structure;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Bags under the eyes;
  • Flabbiness of the skin.

Before performing biorevitalization, you need to prepare: do not take blood-thinning medications, do not visit the solarium, sauna, or fitness. Before the procedure, do not eat heavy food, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Carrying out the procedure:

The biorevitalization procedure involves several standard steps. With contour plastic surgery, the doctor first draws the area to be corrected.

  1. Removing decorative cosmetics.
  2. Disinfection of the skin with an antiseptic.
  3. Application of anesthetic as agreed with the client.
  4. Opening the filler package, checking serial numbers, batches and expiration dates, entering information into the file cabinet. At the Quality Mark clinic, the doctor always gives the client a sticker with this information!
  5. Injection with the selected drug.
  6. Repeated disinfection.
  7. In the case of facial modeling with contouring, it is possible to additionally apply an anti-inflammatory agent and light massage upon completion.
  8. Issuing necessary recommendations for the rehabilitation period.

What experts say about the drug

Experts claim that an Italian laboratory has developed a unique high-quality biorevitalizant. Bacillus subtilis, from which the main component is obtained, is considered a non-pathogenic probiotic for humans, therefore hyaluronic acid is hypoallergenic and safe.

The crosslinking agent polyethylene glycol reduces the immunogenicity of the substance. The human immune system does not react to the medicine as a foreign agent, so side effects occur less frequently, and the effect of the filler is longer. In addition, the drug is resistant to high temperatures. This is the only biorevitalizant with such properties.

Reviews from real people about biorevitalization Neauvia Organic Hydro Deluxe

Irina, 24 years old, Moscow:

I started getting lip augmentation at the age of 19. I give injections every 1.5 years, sometimes more often. I have tried many drugs, so I have something to compare with. I consider Newvia filler for lip augmentation to be the best, since the result lasted much longer than all its analogues. The procedure itself is painful. The product does not contain lidocaine, so with repeated injections I asked to apply anesthetic ointment. On average, 10 injections were given per procedure. The whole process took 15-20 minutes. I am very pleased with the result. I found a cosmetologist who doesn’t do duck lips. Therefore, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the clinic and the work of the specialist before performing injections. And, of course, I recommend using Neauvia Organic Stimulate, it met all my expectations.

Maria, 38 years old, Novosibirsk:

I met the biorevitalizant Newvia Organic Hydro Deluxe two years ago. The skin of the face began to fade, wrinkles appeared. A friend advised me to take a closer look at this substance. The beauty salon praised it very much and I didn’t find any negative reviews. So I didn’t think long about it. The procedure itself lasted 20-25 minutes. The injections were painful, immediately after them papules appeared on the skin, which disappeared quite quickly. I was pleased with the result. The skin is fresher, there are no wrinkles. The first effect appeared almost immediately. Friends noted that I began to look younger. I highly recommend this drug.

Irina, 35 years old, Orel:

I had never visited a cosmetologist before; I took care of my face at home. I was satisfied with the condition of my skin until I turned 30. Wrinkles and circles under the eyes began to appear on the skin. The face began to look constantly tired. I decided to go to an appointment with a cosmetologist. He suggested giving Nyuvia Organic Hydro Deluxe injections. I am afraid of injections because of the pain, so I was given an anesthetic ointment before the procedure. The administration of the drug was almost painless. Immediately after the injections, my face began to look 10 years younger. No wrinkles, the skin tightened, the circles under the eyes disappeared. Among the disadvantages, I note the high cost of the procedure.


  • Inflammatory process in the area of ​​proposed injections
  • Autoimmune system disorder
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Taking anticoagulants, that is, drugs that thin the blood
  • Tendency to form keloid scars
  • Hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid
  • Chronic diseases in acute form
  • Psychosomatic disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Oncology
  • Infectious and viral diseases (fever, ARVI, fever, etc.)

NB! It is very important to choose a truly highly qualified specialist, whose education can be judged after submitting an attestation document.

Comparison with other brands of fillers

Filler nameManufacturerMain componentPlace of applicationDuration of action
Neauvia OrganicItalyhyaluronic acidinjected into various areas of the face, lips, neck, handsfrom 9 to 12 months
Juvederm Ultra SmileUSAhyaluronic acidused for lip augmentationfrom 8 to 12 months
ElanceNetherlandspolycaprolactoneused to smooth out wrinkles in various areas of the faceup to 4 years
StylageFrancehyaluronic acid, sorbitol, lidocainefor the area around the eyes6 months
Amaline SoftRussiahyaluronic acidfor the area around the eyes and bridge of the nose10 months
SculptraFrancepolylactic acidused to correct the shape of the face, cheekbones5 months
Teosyal UltimateSwitzerlandhyaluronic acid with lidocaineused to correct face shape1.5 years
RadiesseUSAcalcium hydroxyapatitesmoothes wrinkles, corrects facial contours, restores volume to cheeks and cheekbones12-15 months
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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