Vector lifting with Radiesse in Krasnodar

Radiesse is a modern cosmetic product that serves to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate the production of its own collagen. It is based on calcium hydroxyapatite, the unique composition of which allows you to maintain the effect longer than when using fillers based on hyaluronic acid (more than 12-15 months). The drug has been well studied by specialists and there is no doubt about its safety: it does not cause inflammatory reactions, does not migrate and is completely eliminated from the human body. Another advantage of using radise is its hydrophobicity: unlike hyaluronic acid, this drug does not attract water, which means it can be used in patients prone to swelling.

Radiesse consists of an aqueous gel carrier and microparticles of synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite suspended in it, in the form of so-called microspheres. Immediately after the procedure we see the filling effect. Once in the human body, the gel is gradually absorbed by macrophages and excreted from the body, and the microspheres are enveloped in collagen and connective tissue, thanks to the active work of fibroblasts. 2-3 months after administration of the drug, the carrier gel is finally removed from the body and the filling effect goes away. But being inside, the active substance of the drug stimulated the skin's production of its own collagen. Thus, we achieve the effect of not simply filling the necessary areas with gel, but the appearance of a dense frame consisting of our own tissues, which determines a longer duration of the result obtained. Therefore, Radiesse fillers are used to bioreinforce the skin, creating a framework that prevents the action of gravitational ptosis.

The essence of the Radiesse lifting technique

Today it is generally accepted that facial modeling is carried out using 2D and 3D techniques. Do not be confused by these numbers; all symbols have been introduced to facilitate mutual understanding between cosmetologists.

It is necessary to say about the Radiesse vector lifting procedure that it is an excellent stimulation of the body’s production of collagen. The basis of the drug is synthetic microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite and a gel carrier. It is thanks to them that the necessary lifting effect is achieved.

How does it work

Radiesse, produced by the German company Merz, is a unique dermal filler that differs from conventional fillers in its mechanism of action. Interestingly, the drug was originally created to correct defects of the skin and subcutaneous matrix in HIV-positive people. This fact speaks in favor of the safety and inertness of Radiesse.

The active ingredient in Radiesse is calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) dissolved in an aqueous gel. Natural hydroxyapatite is present in the body in the form of mineral salts of bone tissue. Its main task is to stimulate collagen synthesis. It is this property of CaHA that is taken as the basis for cosmetic purposes.

Gel microspheres with CaHA enter the dermis, where they activate the production of its own collagen fibers. This effect of Radiesse is long-term: from 9 to 12 and even 24 months. Hydroxyapatite itself, having started the cycle of collagen synthesis, is excreted from the body.

Radiesse vector lifting – indications and contraindications

The drug is used if the patient wishes to eliminate age-related changes in the skin, slow down involution processes, which depend on many external factors - from lifestyle to ecology. Radiesse lifting is used for:

  • restoration of facial oval;
  • smoothing wrinkles in the lower and middle third of the face;
  • restoration of volume of cheekbones, cheeks;
  • correction of nasolabial folds;
  • eliminating marionette wrinkles;
  • thickening of the neck skin;

But there are also a number of contraindications.


inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​exposure to the drug;
allergy to the components of the drug;

tendency to hypertrophic scars;

the presence of other permanent implants in the insertion area;

systemic diseases.

On the day of the procedure, try not to drink too much coffee.

Individualization of therapy

Before the procedure, the patient's suitability for therapy should be assessed, as well as the patient's need for anesthesia. The outcome of therapy depends on the patient. In some cases, additional therapy may be required, depending on the size of the defect and the patient's needs. Additional injections may be given, but only after sufficient time to evaluate the patient's condition. Repeated injections should not be performed earlier than seven days after previous therapy.

Vector lifting Radiesse - procedure diagram

Cosmetologist's comment

Oksana Grigorievna (@kosmetolog_krd)


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To put it simply, Radiesse is a cosmetic preparation for non-surgical face lifting and long-term correction of deep wrinkles, and Radiesse vector lifting is a technique for administering the drug along Langer’s markings - the line on the face and body of maximum tension.

Regardless of the correction zone, the drug, with the vector injection technique, is injected according to the following scheme:

  1. after makeup removal, the cosmetologist marks the lines (vectors) along which he will work with a cannula, injecting the required dose of the drug intradermally;
  2. preliminary puncture sites are anesthetized with lidocaine.

The correct injection technique gives a natural lifting effect without distorting the natural contours and oval of the face.

You need to know that Radiesse vector lifting of the middle third of the face, temporal lifting, Radiesse vector reinforcement and other procedures involving the introduction of Radiesse are carried out by a cosmetologist with a higher medical education, who has been trained and received a certificate for the right to use the drug in his practice.

Recovery after a session

High temperatures lead to a faster breakdown of the substances that make up Radiesse, so in the first week or two after the procedure it is advisable not to go to the sauna or take hot baths. It is also not recommended to go to the pool or actively engage in sports until the punctures heal (this will take a couple of days). To avoid swelling, drink enough clean water, do not abuse alcohol, and avoid fatty and salty foods. It is advisable not to sunbathe in the first days. When going out in the sun, apply a sunscreen selected by a cosmetologist.

If you are prescribed other cosmetic procedures, follow the schedule of clinic visits recommended by your doctor.



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