Correction of the orbit and nasolacrimal groove with a preparation based on hyaluronic acid

The skin of the orbital area ages quite quickly. This is due to a number of structural features:

  • lack of a sufficient amount of PFA (the main depot of stem cells);
  • thin skin, which is devoid of sebaceous glands and, accordingly, is susceptible to the harmful effects of the environment;
  • tendency to edema;
  • a fairly rapid decrease in the volume of deep fat deposits over time.

When aesthetically correcting this area, the doctor should carefully select patients for the procedure and strictly follow the technique of introducing fillers in this complex and delicate area to prevent possible complications.

In my practice, when working in this area, I use and recommend to my colleagues Restylane® products, since these drugs have weak hydrophilicity and a high G* index (the ability of fillers to prevent tissue pressure)1.

Patient selection

The best candidates for this procedure with HA fillers are patients with good tone and minimal skin ptosis, with mild to moderate tear trough deformity.

Patients with very thin or “transparent” skin, significant ptosis, or extremely deep tear troughs are “poor” candidates for correction of this area with fillers, as there are high risks of visualization of the drug.

For patients who have pronounced “fatty hernias” of the lower eyelids, injections of HA fillers also most often do not bring satisfaction with the result of correction; it is better for them to be recommended surgical intervention.

How often does swelling occur?

Correction of the nasolacrimal trough very rarely causes complications, but much depends on the qualifications of the doctor, the correct selection of the drug, and compliance with recommendations during the rehabilitation period. Edema is not a complication - it always appears to one degree or another, but can be more or less pronounced. How long the swelling will last after correction of the nasolacrimal trough depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the drug used, and the number of punctures.

The main techniques used to correct the nasolacrimal groove area:

  • Spot.
  • Fan.
  • Retrograde linear.
  • Using a cannula.

The most gentle are injections using cannulas and the fan-retrograde technique. After injections, the rejuvenation effect is noticeable, but it can be finally assessed after 7-14 days. The result is smoothing, filling in depressions, visual rejuvenation of the face, elimination of dark circles under the eyes. Normally, swelling after correction of the nasolacrimal trough goes away on its own within a few days (up to two weeks). If the reaction persists longer, contact a cosmetologist - he will find out the possible causes of this phenomenon and give recommendations on how to relieve swelling. If the gel is administered excessively, hyaluronidase injections are performed.

Clinical cases

Patient 1, 32 years old

Restylane® filler. A 25G cannula was used. Approx. entered at one time. 0.01–0.05 ml

The total volume of injected filler is 0.3 ml on each side.

Patient 2, 40 years old

Restylane® filler. A 25G cannula was used. Approx. entered at one time. 0.01–0.05 ml

The total volume of injected filler is 0.3 ml on each side.

Patient 3, 34 years old

Restylane® filler. A 25G cannula was used. Approx. entered at one time. 0.01–0.05 ml

The total volume of injected filler is 0.3 ml on each side.

Is it possible to eliminate swelling on your own?

It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of swelling, since it is a normal reaction to tissue injury and the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin (the element attracts water). To minimize the risk of complications, take into account contraindications for correction of the nasolacrimal trench and follow the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period:

  • In the first 2 weeks after the procedure, saunas, swimming pools, steam baths, and hot baths are contraindicated for you. Staying in the sun for a long time or visiting solariums is also not recommended.
  • You need to take care of your skin carefully and only use those cosmetics that your doctor has approved for use. Give up decorative products for a while (do not mask swelling and bruises - this may prolong rehabilitation).
  • Touch your skin less with your hands to avoid infection at the injection sites.
  • Use sunscreens with a high SPF factor.
  • Put off all cosmetic procedures for a while - they cannot be done immediately after filler injections.
  • Ask your doctor what absorbable creams and decongestant gels can be applied topically to quickly relieve swelling and other side effects.
  • Any self-massage in the area of ​​contouring is contraindicated.

All recommendations are clear and easy to follow. There is no need to make sacrifices - just choose the right method of rejuvenation, a proven clinic, a competent doctor, a suitable drug and limit yourself a little for 1-2 weeks after the procedure. Now you know what to do if swelling occurs after correction of the nasolacrimal trough.

GMTClinic is a business class clinic. We employ only professional cosmetologists who use proven quality products in their work. All this allows us to guarantee maximum effectiveness of procedures and the absence of side effects. Appointments are by appointment only - choose, book an appointment and take a step towards your ideal beauty.

Line of drugs STYLAGE

Stylage fillers in Moscow are available in several variations. This gives the specialist the opportunity to select the most suitable type and dosage to correct the required area. The line includes the following drugs:

  • Stylage S. Quite liquid filler. Used to get rid of small and medium wrinkles. Can be used to correct the area under the eyes, periorbital area, lips. The result lasts for up to 9 months.
  • Stylage M. A denser gel, suitable for the correction of deep wrinkles. It is used to eliminate nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lip and nose correction, and hand rejuvenation. The effect lasts for up to 1 year.
  • Stylage L. High density gel. It is used to correct nasolabial folds, shape the chin, eliminate skin creases, and rejuvenate the hands. Gives effect for up to 1 year.
  • Style XL. The densest filler in the series. Suitable for volumetric facial correction and contour restoration. The result lasts up to 1 year.
  • Stylage Special Lips. The drug is intended specifically for the lip area. It allows you to adjust the volume, improve the contour, get rid of asymmetry, and level out age-related perioral wrinkles. The result lasts for 6-9 months.
  • Stylage Hydro and Hydro Max. These fillers are intended for biorevitalization. Use on the neck, arms, and décolleté. They include unstabilized hyaluronic acid, which promotes tissue rejuvenation. The effect lasts up to 4 months.

The price list shows the cost of injections with Stilage drugs. The required number of sessions is determined by a specialist.

The filler injection procedure lasts about 15-40 minutes. The cosmetologist first determines the correction zone, the number of injections, and the injection technique. Thanks to lidocaine, injections are painless. The final result will become noticeable in about 1-2 days, after the final restoration of the skin. Stilage preparations have proven themselves well in cosmetology and are in great demand both among specialists and patients.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

Serious rehabilitation is not required, but it is better to avoid cosmetic procedures for two weeks. This applies to peeling, steam baths and massage.

There may be slight swelling and redness at the injection site. The effects do not require treatment and will disappear on their own within a few days. If additional hardware or injection procedures are necessary, they should be discussed with your doctor.

To speed up recovery, on the day of correction it is recommended to apply a regenerating cream with panthenol or aloe vera. You should also not use decorative cosmetics for several days.

It is not recommended to resort to sports and heavy physical activity. It is better to sleep exclusively on your back, avoiding your face touching the pillow. If pain occurs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Non-surgical method for getting rid of nasolacrimal trough

There are two options for getting rid of the nasolacrimal groove, which do not require the intervention of a surgeon. Injection lipolifting. This method involves filling the depression with adipose tissue and leveling the area. The method differs from surgical intervention in that you don’t have to cut anything; the injection is made using a syringe. The effect will be noticeable for about 2-3 years. Then you will have to perform the procedure again.

Contour plastic. Fillers are injected into the cavity near the eye. The main part of these drugs is hyaluronic acid. The drugs can be easily simulated, so this method is not dangerous, the drug can be easily distributed throughout the entire area. Before the procedure, the area is numbed with local anesthesia. The amount of filler needed for the procedure, as well as the depth of injection of the drug, is determined individually. This method is considered the safest and most affordable option for getting rid of the nasolacrimal trench.

Correction of the nasolacrimal trough

What is the procedure?

Plastic surgery of the nasolacrimal groove is carried out according to the following algorithm:

· the face is pre-cleaned; · the intervention area is disinfected; · markings are made; · An anesthetic gel or cream is applied to the areas where injections are planned.

When the anesthesia has already taken effect, filler is injected into the skin with a thin needle.
Up to 0.5 ml of the drug is injected into one zone. After the injections, a light massage is performed to evenly distribute the injected filler. The injection sites are treated with a disinfectant composition, after which a soothing cream is applied. How long does the effect last?
The length of time the results last depends on the filler.
A synthetic drug guarantees an effect for up to 10 years, a biosynthetic one for up to 5 years, a biodegradable one for one year. In addition, the age, characteristics of the patient’s body, and compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period are important. How is the recovery period different?
Rehabilitation begins immediately after the procedure and consists of some rules:

· wipe your face several times a day with disinfecting compounds as prescribed by the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, use cooling compresses;
· massage, solarium, sauna, bathhouse are prohibited for 2 weeks; · During the week you cannot sleep face down, physical activity is prohibited; · It is not recommended to use moisturizers during the week; · do not use decorative cosmetics for 5-7 days; · if there are bruises, use special ointments; · exclude alcohol and air travel for 5 days; · Take antihistamines for 10 days. Are there any contraindications?
Such an intervention is not completely safe, so there are some contraindications, if present, the procedure should be abandoned:

· fatty hernias on the lower eyelids;
· stretched skin; · presence of chronic diseases; · degeneration of collagen fibers; · wounds in the area of ​​filler injection; · high blood pressure; Allergy to injected drugs; · disturbances in blood clotting processes; · predisposition to the appearance of scars; · temperature; · recent eyelid or eye surgery. What drugs are used?
Contour plastic surgery is performed with fillers having different compositions and duration of action.
These can be synthetic, biosynthetic, biodegradable agents. It is not recommended to choose a drug for injection on your own; a preliminary consultation with a therapist and cosmetologist is necessary. How to prepare for the procedure?
Two weeks before the session, aggressive cosmetic procedures are prohibited; solarium and the beach are not recommended a week before the intervention.

For 5-7 days, you need to stop using blood thinning drugs, alcohol, and reduce physical activity.
Do not use cosmetics on the day of the procedure. What are the chances of side effects?
Negative effects can be extremely rare in the form of swelling, pain, inflammation at the injection sites of the filler, displacement of the gel, and hematomas.
Such situations may arise as a result of the use of low-quality drugs or the lack of experience of the cosmetologist. What are the benefits of the procedure?
Injecting fillers into the nasolacrimal groove has the following advantages:

· no bruises under the eyes; · elasticity and tone of the skin; · facial wrinkles are smoothed out; · minimal damage; · minimal pain during the procedure; · absence of hematomas, edema, vascular damage; · side effects are possible in rare cases; · There are practically no contraindications.

Ways to eliminate nasolacrimal groove

The choice of ways to combat the nasolacrimal groove is quite wide. Each of them has its own pros and cons, but it’s worth noting right away that massage, cosmetics and folk remedies are effective only at a young age and in the presence of minimal skin wrinkles. If the tear trough appears under the influence of age, genetics and other serious factors, only more radical methods offered by modern plastic surgery will help get rid of it.

With the help of massage and gymnastics

Special exercises will help reduce the superficial nasolacrimal groove. Experts recommend regularly performing the following complex:

  1. Massage the area of ​​the wings of the nose in a circular motion.
  2. Without stopping the circular movements, move along the nose to the eyes.
  3. Reach the inner corners of the eye and lower back to the wings.
  4. Repeat the first three steps at least three times at a slow pace.
  5. From each wing of the nose, carefully move your fingers to the inner corner of the eye, and then move diagonally from the wings of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes.
  6. Repeat the previous step at least three times.

These are basic exercises that need to be done daily 2-3 times during the day.

At home

Manufacturers of skincare cosmetics do not produce products that reduce or remove the nasolacrimal trench. To do this, you need to use high-quality moisturizers in the eye area, which help maintain youthful, elastic skin, moisturize and tone it.

To prevent and reduce superficial nasal tears, you can use creams, patches, and fabric masks. It is important that the products contain a good dose of hyaluronic acid, natural extracts, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Folk remedies

The most effective natural ways to care for the skin around the eyes are masks made from natural ingredients. You can use lemon essential oil, potatoes, yolk, honey, sour cream, grape juice.

It is important to remember that natural products, like cosmetic care creams, patches or masks, only affect the surface layer of the skin. They do not penetrate deep into the epidermis and do not strengthen the muscle frame. Therefore, you should not expect a quick and pronounced effect from them.

Cosmetology procedures

Moderate nasal tears can be removed using the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Contour plastic with fillers. An injection method in which the correction of the nasolacrimal groove is carried out using special fillers. Most often, the main component of fillers is hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that does not cause allergies. Special preparations fill the space in the crease and thus even out the fold. Filling with filler brings a pronounced rejuvenating effect, removes medium-depth creases, and eliminates asymmetry. The skin looks tightened and healthy.
  • Mesotherapy. A rejuvenation method in which special medicinal preparations are injected under the skin. The treatment is carried out in a course, helps to get rid of superficial wrinkles, dryness, and delays general aging of the skin. Provides a good lifting effect.
  • Plasma therapy. The method is similar to mesotherapy, but instead of drugs, plasma is injected into the skin - the liquid part of human blood, which accelerates tissue regeneration, stimulates rejuvenating processes, and improves blood circulation. After the injections, the skin begins to produce young collagen and elastin, and shallow folds are smoothed out.
  • RF lifting, or radio wave lifting. A hardware technique in which the problem area is exposed to radio frequency radiation. Electromagnetic pulses stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, sagging skin disappears, superficial wrinkles are leveled, and a general facelift occurs.

In the fight against the nasolacrimal groove, such popular procedures as Botox or taping are rarely used. This is due to the fact that these methods bring too little effect due to the physiological characteristics of the crease.

Benefits and Applications

Stylage filler is used to form aesthetic facial contours and replenish moisture reserves. With its help, you can correct cheekbones, cheeks, facial contours, and create a fashionable jaw angle. Injections help cope with age-related wrinkles and deep skin creases; Stylage for lips will easily add volume and attractiveness. It is recommended to use fillers from the age of 30, since at this time the processes of synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid are disrupted, and the first age-related changes occur.

Advantages of Stylage preparations:

  • Lasting effect up to 12 months thanks to 3D Matrix technology;
  • More uniform and natural distribution of the gel under the skin thanks to IPN-Like technology during the production process of the substance;
  • Rejuvenating effect due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition;
  • The painlessness of the procedure is associated with the presence of lidocaine in the preparation.

Specialists are happy to work with this filler. After it there is no swelling or compaction, it is evenly distributed and gives a long and natural result. Therefore, Stylage is often used to correct asymmetry.

How to make your nasolacrimal trough less noticeable at home

Massage and proper care. In the reasons section, we mentioned back and neck problems. Therefore, you should start with them. Here are some exercises:

  1. Exercise with a roller
  2. Foam roll exercise
  3. Exercise with a ball to relax your shoulders and neck
  4. Orbicularis oculi muscle relaxation exercise
  5. Another exercise to relax the back of the neck
  6. Door Sag
    A great exercise for opening your shoulders.
  7. Intensive “Advanced – upper face”. It contains the best exercises that will help remove nasal tears, wrinkles between the eyebrows, as well as dark circles under the eyes, swelling and bags.

How to prepare for the procedure

Cosmetologists do not put forward serious requirements for preparation for the procedure. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since over time, fillers are removed naturally and require updating.

A preliminary conversation is held with a cosmetologist, during which the conditions and methods of performing manipulations are discussed. The specialist will examine the problem area and determine the presence or absence of contraindications. After selecting the appropriate filler, a date and time for the procedure are set.

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