How hyaluronic acid is beneficial for joints and beauty. How are hyaluronic acid injections done?

Changing lip volume

With the help of injections of drugs containing hyaluronic acid, you can achieve significant changes in appearance. The most popular procedure in aesthetic medicine is changing the volume and shape of the lips.

This service is used not only by young women who want to make their lips more sexy, but by people of all ages who are faced with the following problems:

  • purse string wrinkles;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • disproportion;
  • curvature of the lip line.

Using hyaluronic acid, you can change the shape of your cheeks, cheekbones or chin, which makes your facial features more harmonious.

Hyaluronic acid is superior to other drugs for increasing lip volume and has the following advantages:

  • naturalness _ After the procedure, the lips become voluminous, but without excessive plumpness, and their contour is clearer;
  • facial expressions are not disturbed;
  • there are no complications , because hyaluronic acid is as friendly as possible to the body;
  • rejuvenation of the skin of the lips occurs due to the stimulating effect on metabolic processes.

Botox injections

How they work

Botox under different brands - Dysport® (AbobotulinumtoxinA), Botox® (OnabotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin® (IncobotulinumtoxinA), RELATOX® (Botulinum toxin type A complexed with hemagglutinin) - contains purified and weakened botulinum toxin, which blocks the nerve signal and, as it were, freezes muscles. As a result, some wrinkles are softened or completely smoothed out.

The method is effective only for eliminating expression wrinkles, that is, those that form as a result of facial activity on the forehead, between the eyebrows, at the base of the nose and in the corners of the eyes. Such injections are not always able to remove wrinkles and folds caused by tissue sagging.

Elimination of wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

Injection cosmetology has long rivaled cosmetic surgery in effectiveness, largely due to the use of hyaluronic acid. Fillers containing it are among the most popular. Their advantages:

  1. Safety . Hyaluronic acid, being part of cellular metabolism, is perfectly accepted by the body without causing side effects.
  2. Instant effect . Immediately after the filler is injected, the wrinkle is pushed out and the skin surface is smoothed.
  3. Rejuvenation . Hyaluronic acid, located under the surface of the skin, additionally stimulates regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to the formation of new cells and increased skin elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are used to correct the following problems:

  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • marionette lines running from the corners of the lips to the chin;
  • eyebrow wrinkles;
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • wrinkles on the bridge of the nose;
  • mesh wrinkles around the eyes;
  • scars and scars after injuries or acne.

Hyaluronic injections for the face: procedure progress

First of all, the cosmetologist needs to talk with the patient and find out what result he expects from contour plastic surgery. The doctor selects the most suitable filler and outlines the injection area.

Immediately before the procedure, the correction area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and a cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the skin.

The filler is injected subcutaneously using a syringe or a special cannula. Injections of hyaluronic acid for the face in various areas require the use of certain techniques:

  • To correct wrinkles, liquid fillers are injected under the skin, linear filling or a delicate technique is used - blanching (suitable for eliminating wrinkles in the periorbital area);
  • To give cheekbones, chin and other areas additional volume, softlifting with high-density fillers is used.

The average duration of injection correction is 30-60 minutes. After injections, slight swelling and redness of the skin may appear. These symptoms disappear on their own after a couple of hours.

Treatment and rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid

The use of hyaluronic acid is effective for treating skin diseases and preventing aging. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are injection techniques for rejuvenating and healing the skin using hyaluronic acid and various vitamin complexes containing it.

The essence of the method is simple: a specialist uses a syringe to inject microdoses of hyaluronic acid in various concentrations, or preparations containing it, under the patient’s skin.

Such procedures stimulate metabolism, rejuvenate the skin and treat many diseases. They are indicated in the following cases:

  • wrinkles _ Regardless of the depth of wrinkles, it is possible to achieve a significant effect of reducing or completely eliminating them for a long period. The technique works great in combination with the use of fillers;
  • dehydrated skin . Often this phenomenon is not associated with a lack of moisture in the body, but with a decrease in the natural production of hyaluronic acid. Its artificial introduction additionally saturates the skin with moisture.
  • aging skin - helps to launch metabolic processes, restore the production of its own hyaluronic acid, even out skin texture and improve complexion;
  • ptosis - sagging tissue is associated with decreased production of collagen and elastin. The introduction of hyaluronic acid helps restore skin turgor;
  • enlarged pores . This phenomenon is often associated with skin dehydration. One of the wonderful properties of hyaluronic acid is its ability to bind water. Its additional introduction helps to increase skin hydration several times;
  • acne and acne . Among the causes that cause them are metabolic disorders, increased production of sebum, and loss of the skin’s ability to cleanse itself. Hyaluronic acid normalizes metabolism, including the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Restores the natural ability to exfoliate dead skin particles;
  • scars . A course of mesotherapy can significantly reduce the severity of scars, regardless of their origin, be it post-acne, a scar from an injury, or the consequences of a surgical operation. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the growth of new tissue, making scars less noticeable or eliminating them altogether;
  • pigmentation disorder . The appearance of age spots is often associated with congestion, age-related changes and skin aging. Cocktails with hyaluronic acid restore natural processes, saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements and stimulate its renewal, which can significantly reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • rosacea . Spider veins are a sure sign of damage to thin vessels. The introduction of hyaluronic acid, which promotes tissue regeneration and elimination of the defect, will help restore the natural appearance of the skin;
  • stretch marks are a blemish that occurs as a result of damage to the skin in places of strong tension. Hyaluronic acid helps eliminate breaks, even out skin texture and tone;
  • hair loss . Hair loss associated with metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency can be eliminated thanks to the stimulating effects of hyaluronic acid. It helps restore metabolic processes and improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements included in the cocktail. As a result, hair loss stops, and the condition of the hair improves, it becomes thick and shiny;
  • cellulite . Lumpy skin is often a sign of severe dehydration. Injections of hyaluronic acid restore water metabolism, tone and help smooth out the skin texture;
  • preparation for plastic surgery, chemical peels, laser dembrasion and the postoperative period . A course of hyaluronic acid injections will help increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the operation, reduce the risk of complications, speed up healing and shorten the rehabilitation period.

Biorevitalization: a catalyst for rejuvenation and self-healing

This rejuvenation technique is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the middle layers of the dermis.
For biorevitalization, non-stabilized HA is used, which has maximum stimulating activity. After injections, the proliferation and differentiation of cellular elements accelerates, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and other components of the intercellular matrix is ​​enhanced. Skin hydration improves; by normalizing the water balance, its elastic properties are restored. The purpose of hyaluronic acid injections is to increase the regenerative potential of the dermis, speeding up the processes of facial skin restoration at the molecular level. The procedure triggers self-healing mechanisms and creates optimal conditions for rejuvenation using internal reserves. The effect does not appear immediately. It takes time to form a pool of new cells and update the intercellular framework, but the result lasts for a long period.

After the procedure, the following processes occur in the dermis:

  • Water balance is normalized, hydration of the intercellular matrix is ​​restored.
  • Cell division accelerates, the number of fibroblasts - cells that synthesize collagen, glycosaminoglycans, HA and other important molecules of the intercellular substance - increases.
  • The collagen framework is renewed qualitatively and quantitatively. More “young” fibers appear, and the number of connections between them increases. The skin becomes more elastic and resists negative influences more successfully.
  • Angiogenesis increases. New blood vessels appear in the dermis. Improves nutrition and oxygenation of tissues.

The processes described above are the basis for deep skin rejuvenation at the molecular and cellular level. Regeneration, catalyzed by hyaluronic acid molecules, does not “mask” aesthetic imperfections, but helps eliminate them. The reasons that could lead to the return of the cosmetic problem also disappear. Thanks to this feature, a persistent cumulative effect is observed after the procedure, which is easy to maintain with short preventive courses.

Cosmetologists recommend taking a course of facial biorevitalization if you have the following aesthetic problems:

  • Deterioration of the elastic properties of the skin.
  • Dehydration (dry skin), decreased turgor.
  • The appearance of small wrinkles.
  • Deepening of skin folds (nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves).
  • Strengthening microrelief.
  • Deterioration of facial skin color.

The number of facial biorevitalization sessions required to achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect depends on many factors. Of great importance is the patient’s age, the severity of involutional processes, skin type, the thickness of subcutaneous tissue, the preservation of elastic function, and the degree of dehydration.

The effect of the rejuvenating course depends not only on the number of procedures, but also on the patient’s disciplined attitude towards the rules and recommendations that should be followed after biorevitalization of the face. What you can and cannot do after the procedure is discussed in the second part of the publication.

Rehabilitation period

To avoid complications and enhance the effect after any injection procedures with hyaluronic acid, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • During the day, try not to touch the injection areas and avoid exposure to them during sleep;
  • use antiseptic drugs recommended by a specialist;
  • do not use cosmetics unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor;
  • avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, after the ban on the use of cosmetics is lifted, apply sunscreen to the skin;
  • do not overheat, do not visit the sauna and bathhouse;
  • refuse any care and therapeutic procedures, unless otherwise recommended by the cosmetologist;
  • If you suspect complications, contact a specialist.

Hyaluronic acid for the face (injections): cost at the Sharm Gold clinic

Hyaluronic acid injections in the face: filler price
Juvederm 3 (1.0 ml)RUB 17,900
Juvederm Volbella (1.0ml)RUB 20,250
Juvederm 2 (0.55ml)13,000 rub.
Juvederm 4 (1.0 ml)RUB 18,700
Juvederm VoliftRUB 19,800
Juvederm VolumaRUB 20,300
Juvederm Hydrate (1 ml)RUB 14,800
Juvederm Smile (0.55ml)RUB 14,200
Radiesse (0.8 ml)RUB 18,900
"Radiesse" (1.5ml)29,000 rub.
Juvederm VolumaRUB 19,500
"Belotero Basic"RUB 18,200
"Belotero Intense" (1.0 ml)19,000 rub.
"Belotero Soft" (1.0 ml)RUB 18,200
"Belotero Voluma" (1.0 ml)RUB 20,100
"Pluryal" Plureal VOLUME (1.0 ml)RUB 18,500
"Pluryal" Plureal Universal filler (1.0 ml)RUB 16,800
"COLLOST" 15% 1.5 mlRUR 16,200
"Regen BTS-SP" 1 blue tube13,000 rub.
"Regen ATS-SP" 1 tube - red13,000 rub.
"Cellular Matrix BCT-HA" 1 tube (yellow)22,000 rub.
"Cellular Matrix BCT-HA" 2 tubes (yellow)40,000 rub.
"Regen ACR-C Extra"32,000 rub.
"Regen ACR-C PLUS"35,000 rub.

Show all price

Contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid

The use of hyaluronic acid may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • acne in the acute phase;
  • rehabilitation period after deep peeling or polishing;
  • blood diseases, bleeding disorders, or taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • skin diseases;
  • skin damage in the affected area;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes virus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • viral infections and fever;
  • trypanophobia and other mental illnesses;
  • age up to 18 years.

The effect of hyaluronic injections in the face

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is a procedure during which a cosmetologist injects filler under a wrinkle or skin fold and fills the insufficient volume with the drug. This allows you to model your appearance, correct facial asymmetry, smooth out wrinkles, scars, scars, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Hyaluronic facial injections are also popular among women who want to increase the size and volume of their lips.

To prevent pain and discomfort, half an hour before the injections, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic cream to the affected area.

The result of contouring with hyaluronic acid is noticeable immediately after injection correction, but the final assessment of the result can be made in a couple of days, after the slight swelling in the injection area has subsided.

Preventing Diabetes Complications

One of the main problems with diabetes is impaired vascular function. Sugar primarily damages endothelial cells - the inner lining of veins and arteries. Normally, they produce the so-called endothelial relaxing factor (nitric oxide), which serves to stimulate the dilation of veins and arteries. Endothelial cells damaged by excess glucose cannot perform this function fully, resulting in chronic vasoconstriction. Microcirculation is disrupted, primarily at the level of capillaries. It is circulatory failure that causes the most common complications of diabetes , namely:

  • Retinopathy (visual impairment);
  • Nephropathy (impaired kidney function);
  • Diabetic foot (formation of non-healing ulcers);
  • Gangrene in diabetes.

Hyaluronic acid increases the production of endothelial relaxing factor by 19%,[4] which may delay the development of diabetes complications. Since hyaluronan enhances regeneration and wound healing, it can also be useful for already developed diabetic foot syndrome , which was proven in joint work[5] of Taiwanese and American scientists.

“Hyaluronic acid increases the production of endothelial relaxing factor by 19%, which prevents the development of diabetes complications”

On the other hand, a group of researchers from the USA found[6] that hyaluronic acid can enhance the destruction of smooth muscle cell proteins in the vascular wall, thereby accelerating the development of diabetic angiopathy (a neurological disorder of vascular function).

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