Injection of hyaluronic acid into the face: cost, types, contraindications

The effect of hyaluronic injections in the face

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is a procedure during which a cosmetologist injects filler under a wrinkle or skin fold and fills the insufficient volume with the drug. This allows you to model your appearance, correct facial asymmetry, smooth out wrinkles, scars, scars, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Hyaluronic facial injections are also popular among women who want to increase the size and volume of their lips.

To prevent pain and discomfort, half an hour before the injections, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic cream to the affected area.

The result of contouring with hyaluronic acid is noticeable immediately after injection correction, but the final assessment of the result can be made in a couple of days, after the slight swelling in the injection area has subsided.

What happens after 8 weeks

About 35% of patients said they were almost completely free of pain during this period. Approximately 11% stopped taking anti-inflammatory drugs, and 40% reduced their dose by 20 times! Even those who continued to take this group of medications still reported noticeable relief in their joints.

In practice, Noltrex works longer and more effectively than sodium hyaluronate injections

Intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate into the knee are performed according to the following scheme:

Who is recommended for facial hyaluronic acid injections?

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is recommended for patients with the following problems:

  • deep nasolabial folds and “crow’s feet” (wrinkles in the corners of the eyes);
  • horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  • sagging cheekbones, sunken cheeks;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness of facial skin;
  • asymmetry of facial features;
  • irregular chin shape;
  • unclear lip contours, their inadequate volume;
  • signs of photoaging of the epidermis;
  • dry and dehydrated facial skin.

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid fillers is the fastest, most delicate and highly effective way to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings, which negatively affect not only the patient’s appearance, but also his internal state, causing the development of numerous complexes.

When to start biorevitalization procedures

Injections of biorevitalizants are used for visible rejuvenation of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, hands and any other parts of the body that the patient wants to “revive”.

This is one of the most effective methods for preventing photoaging and restoring the hydrolipid mantle of the skin after exposure to the sun or after a frosty winter, etc.

The very first manifestation of age-related changes is the loss of moisture in the skin. This process is associated both with the failure of protective barriers and with a physiological age-related decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. In the first stages, we can only cope with external means, depending on our genetic characteristics, but only up to the age of 30. Then, starting at the age of 35, the moment comes when we need to start “preventing” aging. Yes, that’s right: by starting to work with the skin on time and regularly – by “biorevitalizing” it at least 2 times a year – you can significantly slow down all age-related changes .

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid: types and areas of treatment

The popularity of facial contouring is explained by the absence of complications and the immediate effect - rejuvenation and renewal of the face.

Hyaluronic acid injections for the face are performed on the following areas:

  • on the lips – the procedure is carried out to increase the size of the lips, give them volume, and correct the contour. Beauty injections into the lips help eliminate wrinkles around the mouth, scars after injuries and surgical interventions, as well as solve the problem of drooping corners and asymmetry of the lips;
  • on the nasolabial folds - injections of hyaluronic acid into the face eliminate networks of facial wrinkles and age-related skin creases in the area connecting the wings of the nose and the chin;
  • on the cheekbones – correct congenital or acquired insufficient expression of the zygomatic arches by increasing them;
  • chin – hyaluronic injections for the face help change the size and shape of the chin, which ensures its flawless and harmonious appearance;
  • on the forehead - eliminate deep vertical and horizontal expression wrinkles, the interbrow fold;
  • on the nose – hyaluronic injections for the face correct the shape of the nose, improve its proportions: eliminate asymmetry, straighten the bridge of the nose, correct the tip and wings;
  • on the ears - they replenish the volume of the earlobes when they sag, thereby rejuvenating them, eliminating traces of injuries, sprains after wearing massive earrings;
  • in the periorbital area – smooth out the relief of the skin around the eyes, successfully replacing surgical blepharoplasty;
  • on the body – contouring with hyaluronic acid allows you to visually model your figure and mask aesthetic skin imperfections on different parts of the body – cellulite pits, atrophic scars, protruding blood vessels of the arms, etc.
  • on the genitals - contouring of intimate areas with hyaluronic acid improves their aesthetic appearance and functionality. It is relevant for ptosis and laxity of the labia, birth and postoperative defects, insufficient accessibility of the clitoris, its severe hypoplasia, hypermobility of the urethra and other pathologies.

The above areas are the most popular among patients who undergo beauty injections. Hyaluronic acid injected into problem areas allows you to correct any defect and restore your former aesthetic appeal.


Injection cosmetology (popularly “beauty injections”) is a branch of aesthetic medicine and an integral part of modern methods of rejuvenation and prevention of aging.

The use of injection techniques is aimed at solving a variety of problems: smoothing wrinkles and folds, replenishing missing volumes and providing a lifting effect, correcting facial asymmetry, improving the quality and color of the skin, reducing pigmentation, pathological vascular network and the severity of acne, restoring the water-lipid mantle of the skin.

Of course, it is very difficult to understand the indications for injection procedures and at what age to carry them out, especially if you are still very young and it seems that it is too early to resort to such serious procedures. It is important to note that injections, like any cosmetic procedures in principle, should not be done in accordance with any age categories, but solely according to indications!

In the case of injection techniques, everything is too individual!!!

Hyaluronic injections for the face: procedure progress

First of all, the cosmetologist needs to talk with the patient and find out what result he expects from contour plastic surgery. The doctor selects the most suitable filler and outlines the injection area.

Immediately before the procedure, the correction area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and a cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the skin.

The filler is injected subcutaneously using a syringe or a special cannula. Injections of hyaluronic acid for the face in various areas require the use of certain techniques:

  • To correct wrinkles, liquid fillers are injected under the skin, linear filling or a delicate technique is used - blanching (suitable for eliminating wrinkles in the periorbital area);
  • To give cheekbones, chin and other areas additional volume, softlifting with high-density fillers is used.

The average duration of injection correction is 30-60 minutes. After injections, slight swelling and redness of the skin may appear. These symptoms disappear on their own after a couple of hours.


The word itself comes from the Latin “bio” (life) and “revitalization” (restoration). In a general sense, biorevitalization includes all rejuvenation techniques that, through subcutaneous or intradermal administration of biologically active substances, improve the condition of the extracellular matrix.

These are preparations based either on hyaluronic acid alone , or its combination with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts - in this case the method is usually called bioreparation.

Who should not receive hyaluronic acid injections in the face?

Contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • hemophilia;
  • viral and fungal dermatological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • hemocoagulation disorders;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Hyaluronic injections for the face should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women, or during menstruation.

Preparations for the procedure

In the manufacture of preparations for facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, various components are used in cocktails. In this case, the technique can be:

  1. Allopathic. The cocktail is supplemented with components that improve its effect on the skin. To enrich the composition, synthetic minerals, acids, vitamins A, B, E, plant and animal extracts, and fat burners are used. To achieve different effects, substances are usually mixed with each other; they are very rarely used in their pure form.
  2. Homeopathic. When making a cocktail for the face, homeopathic herbal ingredients are mixed. Thanks to this recipe, the naturalness of the technique increases. The main disadvantage of using homeopathy is the occurrence of an undesirable reaction in people prone to allergies.

Mesotherapy preparations can be used to influence different areas of the epidermis, some of them improve the overall condition of the skin, while others nourish, help achieve a lifting effect or reduce weight. Sometimes the huge selection can be confusing or confusing. After consultation with an experienced cosmetologist who has been trained in all possible variations and methods of influence, you can choose a meso-cocktail that is suitable specifically for your skin.

Hyaluronic acid for the face (injections): cost at the Sharm Gold clinic

Hyaluronic acid injections in the face: filler price
Juvederm 3 (1.0 ml)RUB 17,900
Juvederm Volbella (1.0ml)RUB 20,250
Juvederm 2 (0.55ml)13,000 rub.
Juvederm 4 (1.0 ml)RUB 18,700
Juvederm VoliftRUB 19,800
Juvederm VolumaRUB 20,300
Juvederm Hydrate (1 ml)RUB 14,800
Juvederm Smile (0.55ml)RUB 14,200
Radiesse (0.8 ml)RUB 18,900
"Radiesse" (1.5ml)29,000 rub.
Juvederm VolumaRUB 19,500
"Belotero Basic"RUB 18,200
"Belotero Intense" (1.0 ml)19,000 rub.
"Belotero Soft" (1.0 ml)RUB 18,200
"Belotero Voluma" (1.0 ml)RUB 20,100
"Pluryal" Plureal VOLUME (1.0 ml)RUB 18,500
"Pluryal" Plureal Universal filler (1.0 ml)RUB 16,800
"COLLOST" 15% 1.5 mlRUR 16,200
"Regen BTS-SP" 1 blue tube13,000 rub.
"Regen ATS-SP" 1 tube - red13,000 rub.
"Cellular Matrix BCT-HA" 1 tube (yellow)22,000 rub.
"Cellular Matrix BCT-HA" 2 tubes (yellow)40,000 rub.
"Regen ACR-C Extra"32,000 rub.
"Regen ACR-C PLUS"35,000 rub.

Show all price

How does mesotherapy work?

The active ingredients can be different: from vascular protectors and other registered drugs to vitamins, microelements, lipolytics and plant extracts, for example, artichoke extract. Often hyaluronic acid is also present in cosmetic meso-cocktails, but this is not a necessary component.

Hence the various effects and wide scope of application. Each component of the solution has a different effect on skin tissue. For example, during lipotherapy, lipolytics destroy the membrane of fat cells, accelerate lipolysis - the breakdown of fats - and even out the structure of the skin through collagen synthesis.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Injection facial correction is practically painless thanks to the use of topical anesthesia and the use of a very thin needle to administer the drug.

In recent years, the demand for hyaluronic acid injections for the face has increased sharply. The price in Moscow for these procedures is quite affordable for everyone, since the doctor can select a filler taking into account the patient’s financial capabilities.

The result of the procedure lasts from 1 to 2 years. If desired, injections of hyaluronic acid into the face can be repeated.

There is no risk of developing negative consequences of the procedure. Over time, hyaluronic acid “resolves” in tissues on its own.

No special preparation is required for the procedure. A few days before the injections, it is enough to refrain from alcohol, smoking, caffeine-containing drinks, avoid taking anticoagulants, and visiting beaches and solariums.

What they say a month after the start of the course of injections

Many patients note that during the first to third weeks after the start of injections, stiffness in the joint gradually decreased. If at the end of the first week 31% of respondents say this, then by the end of the third their number increases to 37%. After completing the treatment of arthrosis and osteoarthritis with this method, the effect persisted for 7-9 months.

As for the pain syndrome, a decrease in pain a month after the first injection was noted by 39% of patients, which is twice as much as in the previous case.

Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is positioned as a natural healing of the skin and more. Instead of drugs, the patient’s own plasma is used here, processed in a special way and enriched with platelet-derived growth factors. Plasma therapy is also called plasma lifting or PRP therapy - all these are synonyms.

How does it work

Plasma enriched with growth factors helps remove cell components destroyed by photoaging, activates fibroblasts that produce collagen, improves and renews skin tissue.

Multiple studies confirm the results: smooth texture and tone of the face, less noticeable wrinkles and stretch marks, a slight lifting effect.

When it helps

In aesthetic medicine, plasma therapy is recommended to be used:

  • for aging skin, as plasma lifting improves relief and color, relieves swelling, reduces wrinkles;
  • in the treatment of acne and post-acne, atopic dermatitis and eczema;
  • when restoring skin after aggressive procedures.

Plasma therapy is often used in combination with other techniques, such as fillers, chemical peels or laser procedures. This is how PRP helps the skin recover faster after procedures.

How long does the effect last?

According to scientific research, the results of PRP therapy appear faster and last longer in younger patients - up to 35 years. For such people, it is enough to repeat the injections after 12–24 months.

Side effects

If the conditions for plasma therapy are strictly observed (taking blood on an empty stomach, no exacerbations of herpes infection for a month, etc.), there is usually no adverse reaction.

Indications and when to start doing mesotherapy

Due to the diversity of the composition of drugs, mesotherapy in cosmetology is used:

  • to rejuvenate the skin and improve its quality;
  • in the treatment of acne, correction of pigmentation, stabilization of the vascular wall;
  • to combat alopecia;
  • during lipomodelling, when you need to remove excess fat and shape the contours of the face and body;
  • in the complex correction of stretch marks.

The dermatologist selects the dosage and drug or their combination, focusing on the problem. There are no ready-made solutions.

Starting from adulthood, if you have the above problems, you can start doing mesotherapy procedures.

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