Cranberry face masks for wrinkles, acne and age spots

Small red berries have enormous healing properties. They are used not only in the folk treatment of various diseases, but are also valued as an effective cosmetic product. According to cosmetologists, cranberry face masks perfectly cope with age and expression wrinkles, as well as acne and blackheads, and eliminate skin pigmentation. Specialized stores offer a wide range of cranberry-based cosmetic skin care products. However, a high-quality product can be prepared independently at home.

Benefits of cranberries for facial skin

The beneficial properties of red berries are provided by the vitamin and mineral complex included in the composition. Ascorbic acid in cranberries is almost like that of citrus fruits, so the fruits have a pronounced sour taste.

Antioxidants help in the fight against aging, potassium regulates water balance, lignan activates regenerative function. Fruit acids improve subcutaneous metabolic processes, relieve inflammation, and increase elasticity. Each element has a valuable quality. Nature itself has combined them into a single formula that has a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Nutrients per 100 g of product

Mineral composition
Potassium119 mg
Chlorine6.7 mg
Sulfur3.9 mg
Phosphorus11 mg
Magnesium15 mg
Calcium14 mg
Manganese0.36 mg
Zinc0.1 mg
Iron0.6 mg
Aluminum48.1 mcg
Copper61 mcg
Rubidium44 mcg
Alpha tocopherol1 mg
Ascorbic acid15 mg
Retinol3 mcg
Kholin5.5 mg
Biotin100 mcg
Pantothenic acid0.295 mg
Niacin0.2 mg
Fatty acid
Saturated0.011 g
Polyunsaturated (Omega-3, Omega-6)0.055 g

Cranberries are used in cosmetology due to the following valuable qualities:

  • promotes collagen production;
  • Provides gentle cleansing of the skin from dead cells;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • heals minor injuries;
  • eliminates pimples and acne;
  • smoothes out shallow folds and wrinkles;
  • lightens pigment spots, acne marks;
  • activates biochemical subcutaneous processes at the cellular level.

The rich vitamin composition helps solve various skin problems if you correctly combine the ingredients for mask products.

Composition and properties of the berry

Cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C, no less than citrus fruits. It contains acids, antioxidants and other components necessary for the skin:

  • Vitamins and acids moisturize, nourish the surface of the face, and treat skin pathologies.
  • Pectins get rid of spider veins.
  • Fructose and glucose give tired skin a healthy look.
  • Betaine is a substance that has the property of relieving irritation.
  • Organic acids dry out pimples and prevent the formation of new ones.
  • Bioflavonoids get rid of wrinkles.


The berry also contains micro- and macroelements that contribute to the normal course of all cellular processes.

Indications for use

The berry is used as an independent component of a mask or combined with other products. It all depends on the nature of the cosmetic problem and skin type. Suitable for pimples and acne.

Masks are indicated for those with increased fat content of the epidermis, wrinkles and folds. Those with aging skin and those prone to rosacea should take note of the cranberry recipe.

It should be used in courses, extracting maximum benefits from the berries. The systemic effect on the tissues and cells of the epidermis of the vitamin and mineral composition helps restore the lipid-water balance, activate metabolic processes, and launch the regenerative function. Intensive nutrition and hydration, as well as stimulation of collagen production leads to excellent results:

  • improves complexion;
  • the contour is tightened, facial and age wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin is cleansed of toxins and dead particles;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • provides a rejuvenation effect.

Benefits of berry masks

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Among the benefits of cranberry masks, the following should be highlighted:

  • tone sagging and tired skin;
  • deeply moisturize;
  • thoroughly clean enlarged pores of fat and other impurities;
  • nourish;
  • exfoliate dead cells;
  • soften;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • mattify oily skin;
  • have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Cranberry fruits very rarely cause allergic reactions.

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A cranberry mask will moisturize, nourish and cleanse your facial skin. It rejuvenates and eliminates age spots. However, it must be used correctly to get the maximum benefit from it.

Recipes for cranberry face masks at home

Facial skin needs systematic care. Each time visiting the salon for procedures is expensive both in terms of time and money. An alternative option is masks at home.

Anti-wrinkle to smooth out shallow folds

  • Place the contents of the gelatin packet into a bowl, add water until the mass swells;
  • Squeeze the juice from 1/4 of a lemon;
  • beat thawed or fresh cranberries (1 tbsp) and grapes (10 berries) in a blender;
  • combine gelatin with lemon juice and berry mixture;
  • heat the mass in the microwave to 20-25 degrees.
The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep15 minutes
Subsequent proceduresice cubes, moisturizer
How often to use2 rubles/week
Well4-6 weeks

For dry and oily skin

To regulate lipid metabolism, it is recommended to rub the skin daily with ice cubes made from cranberry juice. To do this, you need to mash a handful of berries and squeeze out the liquid, which is mixed with water (proportions 1:1, 2:1). The poured mixture into molds is placed in the freezer. The product is used in the morning or after masks. Life-giving ice helps narrow pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and gives freshness to the face.

To eliminate dryness, use a mixture of grated cranberries (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tsp) and olive oil (1 tbsp).

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep20 minutes
Subsequent procedurescontrast wash, moisturizer
How often to use2-3 rubles/week
Well4-5 weeks

For aging skin

In a ceramic bowl, combine swollen gelatin (2 tbsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp), grated grapes and cranberries (1 tbsp each). Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for about half an hour. The product perfectly tightens the contour, gives elasticity, and evens out the complexion.

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep20 minutes
Subsequent proceduresice cubes, nourishing cream
How often to use2-3 rubles/week
Well6 weeks


In a small non-metallic container, combine grated cranberries (1 tbsp) with chopped oatmeal (1 tbsp) and a beaten chicken egg.

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep15 minutes
Subsequent proceduresWashing with cool water, moisturizing cream
How often to use2-3 rubles/week
Well5-6 weeks


Cranberry juice is mixed with avocado puree, olive oil and semolina. All components are taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. This composition not only cleanses the epidermis well, but also tones it.

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep20 minutes
Subsequent proceduresice cubes, moisturizer
How often to use2 rubles/week
Well4-6 weeks

To tighten pores

Mash lingonberries and cranberries (1 tablespoon each), add orange essential oil (4 drops). When applying a mask, it is recommended to use a fabric base.

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep20 minutes
Subsequent proceduresice cubes, washing with broth
How often to use2 rubles/week
Well6-8 weeks weeks


Mash cottage cheese with cranberries in a bowl (1 tablespoon of each ingredient). Add a pinch of salt to the mixture (on the tip of a knife).

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keep15-20 minutes
Subsequent procedureswashing with cool water, wiping with ice from lemon juice
How often to use2-3 rubles/week
Well5-6 weeks

Anti-acne juice with essential oils

Mix 5 ml of cranberry juice with tea tree essential oil (2 drops). To thicken, add oatmeal (ground to flour). You should get a paste-like mixture. Apply it pointwise to inflamed areas. Try not to touch healthy skin.

The need for skin preparation+
How long to keepapply at night
Subsequent procedureswashing with warm water or herbal decoction
How often to usedaily
Well1-4 weeks

general description

Cranberry oil is extracted by cold pressing the seeds contained in the berries of the plant. It is also possible to process the seeds using carbon dioxide extraction, obtaining a pomace that differs minimally in quality from the product obtained by natural extraction.

Cranberry seed oil is fatty, with a characteristic viscous consistency. The substance has a pale yellowish-greenish tint, less often a color in yellow-orange tones. The smell of the product is weak, herbaceous, there may be a slight bitterness or sweetness. Some trace notes of berries in the aroma. In mixtures, the unobtrusive aroma is indistinguishable.

Cranberry oil is not widely available. The substance is used in home cosmetology. The product is sometimes found in industrial skin care products.

Attention! They like to add oil to anti-aging, seasonal cosmetics. This option is more common in products for dry skin.

Cranberry juice for facial skin

The use of cranberry juice to solve cosmetic problems has some peculiarities.

  1. Before choosing one or another recipe, you need to find out what type of skin the skin is.
  2. Frozen berries retain most of the beneficial substances, so the mask can be used all year round.
  3. Before applying the product, it is tested for allergies.
  4. Those with sensitive skin can also use cranberry juice, but it is recommended to dilute it with water before mixing with other ingredients. If there are signs of irritation, it is better to refrain from using berry masks.
  5. In the process of preparing the mask composition and applying it to the skin, you need to wear a hairdresser's cape. When cranberry juice gets on clothes, it forms a permanent stain that is almost impossible to remove.
  6. Before applying the mask, the facial skin is cleaned and steamed with a hot towel (napkin). This will open the pores, allowing organic compounds to penetrate deeper. The areas around the eyes and mouth are not treated.
  7. To prepare the mask composition, use ceramic, plastic or glass containers. An oxidation process occurs in a metal container.
  8. To get the maximum benefit from the procedures, it is recommended to carry them out in a course (1-2 months with a regularity of at least 1 day per week).
  9. If the product contains fatty ingredients, you need to wash off any remaining product with warm water. In other cases, it is suggested to use a cool liquid (running water or herbal infusions). At the end of the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied.
  10. You can enhance the cosmetic effect by consuming the berries internally. It is taken into account that cranberries are contraindicated for those whose gastric juice has high acidity.
  11. The cranberry mask acts like a salon procedure - superficial peeling. To prevent burns or dry skin, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the session time. If you feel severe discomfort, you can wash off the mixture earlier than the specified period.

Cranberry juice is obtained from fresh and thawed berries. You can simply wipe your face with it or mix it with other ingredients. The main requirement is to choose only products of natural origin. Each recipe is unique in its own way thanks to the right combination of ingredients. They should not contradict each other, as this will make the procedure ineffective.

Most often, cranberry juice is combined with the following products:

  • fruits (apples, grapefruit, lemon);
  • berries (grapes, lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries);
  • natural honey;
  • citric acid;
  • dairy products (cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk);
  • gelatin;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • powdered oatmeal.

The combination of ingredients is selected taking into account the condition and type of facial skin.

Cranberry juice mask recipe

A mixture of chicken eggs, cranberry juice and sour cream is considered universal. It provides deep nutrition, hydration, and rejuvenation. The preparation algorithm is simple:

  1. Mash a handful of berries, squeeze out the juice (the recipe requires 1 tablespoon of juice).
  2. Separate the egg yolk.
  3. Add 2 tbsp to a bowl. l. sour cream, add other ingredients, mix gently.

Apply the product to the face with a wide brush. The session lasts 15 minutes. A good addition is to wipe the skin with ice from a decoction of mint, sage or nettle.

The mixture has a liquid consistency, so it is recommended to apply it using a cloth base.

Terms of use

Cranberry oil is considered a base oil. The substance can be used in its pure form. The product will not harm the skin. Although the product, given its high cost and activity, is usually used in mixtures. Concentration for regular use is recommended not higher than 10%, for intensive courses - up to 50%.

Situational therapeutic, course or regular use of cranberry seed squeeze is possible. The substance is introduced into daily basic cosmetics with a concentration of 3–5% of the total volume.

For cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to use cold-pressed cranberry oil, although extracts are also suitable. The squeeze of plant seeds is oily, but is easily applied to the skin and is quickly absorbed. During use, it is possible to create a feeling of the presence of a dense film.


Cranberry is one of the foods that can cause allergies. Initial use is accompanied by testing of the composition. If after applying a small amount of cranberry juice to the back of your hand there are no signs of irritation, you can undergo a cosmetic procedure.

In addition to allergies, there are other restrictions on the use of cranberries:

  1. The presence of damage to the skin in the area where the mask is applied (the acidic composition will aggravate the situation, which will slow down the healing process).
  2. Dermatological diseases with signs of damage on the face (acid irritates the tissues, which leads to an exacerbation of the pathology).
  3. Hypersensitive skin (redness and itching appear after contact with fruit acids).


Ekaterina, 23 years old

In spring my face becomes freckled. To lighten yellow spots, I use frozen cranberries. I make juice from the berries, mix it with ground oatmeal and apply the mixture to the skin of the face. After a week of treatment, the freckles disappear. This recipe can be made universal by enriching it with essential oils of orange, rosemary or grape seed.

Alexandra, 38 years old

I use fruit masks in summer and winter. Most often I prepare them myself from seasonal berries. I like cranberry most of all; it can be used for masks all year round, since the frozen product preserves microelements valuable for the skin. To smooth out wrinkles, I use a recipe in which I combine the juice of red berries with finely grated potatoes and egg yolk.

Features of purchase and storage

Cranberry oil is not widely available for sale. A copy can be ordered in a specialized store or online.

The bulk of manufacturers are located in America. The product is produced in small batches. The cost of a high-quality version with a volume of 5–10 ml will be at least 300–500 rubles.

Cranberry seed oil is stable and does not tend to oxidize or go rancid. If storage conditions are met, the substance remains unchanged for at least 2 years.

By the way. If the product is kept with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator, then the oil can be used for up to 3–5 years.

Spoiled vegetable pomace may have an unpleasant odor, increased viscosity, and discolored color. It is difficult to understand that the normal state has been disrupted. Typical qualities may vary significantly depending on the batch and raw materials used.

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