The most effective face masks for wrinkles after 50 years

After fifty years, the skin reacts to the slightest irritation, wrinkles and cracks appear on it. And she needs more careful care than before. In addition to lines of cosmetic products that support the beauty and healthy appearance of your face, you can also use home methods that are no less effective than professional products. After 50 years, masks should become an integral part of comprehensive care; they will help the skin maintain freshness and elasticity.

  • For oily skin
  • With honey, yolk and aloe
  • Multimasking for combination skin
  • Masks for the skin around the eyes
      With avocado
  • Smoothing based on mashed potatoes
  • Based on yolk and butter
  • Types of anti-aging masks
      Cleansing “Green cottage cheese” with kiwi
  • With oatmeal
  • Starch based
  • Anti-aging herbal
  • "The Mask of Cleopatra"
  • Pull-ups
      Anti-wrinkle with gelatin and olive oil
  • Lanolin anti-wrinkle
  • With yeast and chicken protein
  • Kefir-protein
  • Tonic
      For sagging skin with paraffin
  • With olive oil and almonds
  • Nutritious
      Pear with avocado
  • With clay and avocado
  • Refreshing
  • Cucumber monomask
  • Cucumber-clay
  • Moisturizing
      Yeast with milk
  • Moisturizing with turmeric and honey
  • Anti-aging masks 50+ at home

    Cosmetology is constantly evolving, new anti-aging products and procedures are appearing. But the advertised methods can be easily replaced with homemade masks. Natural compositions do not penetrate deep into the dermis, but help visually smooth out age-related changes in the skin. In addition, they are a good prevention of the formation of new wrinkles.

    It is easier to prevent and delay external signs of facial aging than to wait for an “advanced case”

    There are several types of masks that differ in focus:

    • whitening agents - fight pigmentation;
    • tightening - have a rejuvenating effect, but are more suitable for oily and combination types, because they cleanse and narrow pores;
    • moisturizing - maintain hydrolipid balance, which is useful for everyone at any age;
    • nutritious - replenish the lack of nutrients, a salvation for dehydrated and sagging skin;
    • modeling (lifting) - strengthen turgor, allowing you to slightly correct and tighten the oval of the face;
    • toning - give a rested look, refreshing and improving microcirculation.

    Massage lines indicate areas and directions of least stretch of the skin

    It is important to understand that using masks occasionally will not bring positive results. Depending on the composition of the procedure, do it from 1 to 4 times every 10 days. In this case, you must follow the general recommendations:

    • the skin must be cleansed in advance, using a scrub or soft peeling;
    • the mixture should consist only of fresh and proven products;
    • the metal oxidizes, so the ingredients are mixed in glass, ceramic or wooden containers;
    • natural masks have no expiration date - they are used immediately after preparation, and the remains are thrown away;
    • the mixtures are distributed over the face from bottom to top, strictly along massage lines;
    • after application, it is advisable to minimize the effects of gravity by adopting a horizontal position;
    • keeping the mask on the skin for more than half an hour is pointless;
    • When removing the mixture from your face, do not use soap or cleansers.

    Signs of skin aging

    The aging of facial skin depends not only on the years lived, but, to a greater extent, on various toxins that enter the body with water, air and food. Constant nervous tension and depression can speed up the natural aging process. Facial skin aging is characterized by the following signs:

    1. Decreased skin elasticity. This weakens its tone and causes sagging and deformation of the face shape.
    2. The appearance of wrinkles. A network of wrinkles appears over the entire surface of the face. Natural expression wrinkles noticeably deepen.
    3. Swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, bags under the eyes.
    4. Change in natural complexion and appearance of age spots. The face takes on an earthy or yellowish tint.

    Women are very sensitive to their appearance, so they themselves notice the shortcomings that appear.

    At an early stage, it is quite difficult to independently detect signs of aging, so starting from the age of 25 you need to regularly visit a cosmetologist and follow his recommendations.

    Effective recipes for face masks after 50

    The effectiveness of home remedies depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Finding a suitable recipe can only be done experimentally. In addition, the quality of the products used influences the effectiveness.

    Express mask with lifting effect

    Fruit acids and starch improve the appearance of the face, visually rejuvenating it. Just 1-3 procedures will allow you to get rid of wrinkles, albeit temporarily. A course of 7-14 masks, done 1-2 times a week, will tighten the skin.


    • 1 tbsp. l. Hercules;
    • 1 tbsp. l. milk;
    • 1 apple;
    • 1 medium potato.


    1. Potatoes and apples must be peeled, washed and grated on a fine grater.
    2. Grind the Hercules with a coffee grinder. Or take ready-made oatmeal. Heat the milk, pour it over the cereal and leave for 15–20 minutes.
    3. Combine and mix the ingredients.

    An apple-potato mixture for the face goes well with lemon, honey and chopped nuts - these components fight pigmentation and wrinkles

    Ginger mask

    Ginger has a lymphatic drainage effect. Improves blood circulation, due to which it increases tone. The effect appears when used 1-2 times a week for 3-4 months.


    • 1 tbsp. l. applesauce (without additives);
    • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed ginger juice;
    • 1 tsp. base oil;
    • 0.25–0.5 tsp. lemon juice;
    • 30–50 g banana puree.

    Preparation and application:

    1. Separately mix the crushed fruit pulp and juices. Combine by adding oil.
    2. The mask is distributed, avoiding the area around the eyes and sensitive areas.
    3. Exposure time - from 10 to 30 minutes. Then the remaining mixture should be removed with a damp cloth and washed. Afterwards, be sure to apply cream, serum or lotion to the skin.

    Masks with the addition of ginger increase natural renewal and regeneration, but are not at all suitable for dry, sensitive or thin skin

    Firming clay mask

    Cosmetic clay is more suitable for young or oily skin, but in the right combination it can be used after 50 years. The tightening effect is achieved in 3–5 months. It is advisable to make such masks no more than 1-2 times a month. Ingredients:

    • 1 tsp. yellow, red or pink clay;
    • 2 tsp. honey;
    • 0.15–0.25 tsp. turmeric;
    • 1–1.5 tbsp. l. milk.

    Preparation and application:

    1. Mix liquid honey thoroughly with turmeric powder. Dilute the clay with warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream.
    2. Combine the mixtures into one. The mass should be as homogeneous as possible.
    3. Apply evenly to skin. Wash with cold water after 15–20 minutes.

    Turmeric enhances the effect of clay, improving local blood circulation, but be careful - too much of it can turn the skin yellow

    Modeling the oval face

    The recipe has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect. Yeast is rich in B vitamins and amino acids that help slow down the aging process. They restore the protective layer of the epidermis, and a course of 15–25 masks (1–3 times every 7 days) will get rid of fine wrinkles and reduce deep wrinkles.


    • 20–30 g natural yeast;
    • 2–3 tbsp. l. warm milk;
    • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
    • a pinch of cinnamon (on the tip of a knife);
    • 1 tsp. olive oils.

    Yeast-based masks are used to eliminate nasolabial folds, “bulldog cheeks” and a double chin


    1. Thoroughly stir the cinnamon and butter into the honey. Pre-mash soft yeast, just mix dry yeast with milk. The mass should not be liquid. Place in a warm place for 30–40 minutes.
    2. Heat the honey mixture in a water bath to 30–35 °C, and do the same with the yeast. When the temperature becomes approximately the same, combine the components of the mask.

    The finished mass is applied in 1–3 layers and left for 15–20 minutes. During the process, it is advisable to ensure that the mixture does not dry out. To do this, periodically spray your face with water. At the end of the procedure, wash your face.

    Video: lifting mask for youthful skin

    Mask with Botox effect

    To achieve at least a partial effect of Botox, intensive nutrition and moisturizing of the skin is required. At home, glycerin, an emollient that increases the permeability of the epidermis, can help with this.


    • 20 ml sour cream;
    • 10 g kelp powder;
    • 15–20 ml aloe vera juice;
    • 20–25 drops of glycerin.

    Glycerin can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store

    Preparation and application:

    1. Pour the algae powder with juice and wait 15–20 minutes.
    2. Add sour cream and glycerin, mix thoroughly.
    3. Distribute the mask over the face and neck, and rinse after 15–20 minutes. Wipe the skin with cucumber juice or tonic.

    The product has a double effect: moisturizes and at the same time retains moisture inside the skin. This allows you to remove facial wrinkles. The course consists of 10–14 procedures at a frequency of 2 times every 10 days, after which it is advisable to switch to 1 prophylactic mask every 1–2 weeks.

    Video: banana mask

    Mask with yolk

    The recipe nourishes dry and dehydrated skin, eliminating sagging and parchment effect. Ingredients:

    • yolk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. flower honey;
    • 1 tbsp. l. corn oils.


    1. Beat the yolk for 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and stir vigorously for about 10–15 minutes.
    2. The mask is applied for 10–20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

    The rejuvenating course includes 20 procedures performed up to 3 times a week. The product softens and slightly tightens the skin, making wrinkles less noticeable.

    The white mattifies the skin and tightens pores, while the yolk nourishes, smoothing out expression lines

    Potato mask

    Starch whitens, mattifies and tightens the skin. Ingredients:

    • 30–40 g peeled potatoes;
    • 1 chicken yolk;
    • 10–20 ml baked milk.


    1. Grate the potatoes. Squeeze out the juice and mix with the yolk.
    2. Add milk. If the mixture comes out liquid, you can thicken it with flour or starch.

    The mask is used 1-2 times a week and is safe for the skin around the eyes. Apply for 10–20 minutes; for convenience, a damp cloth or gauze is placed on top.

    It will take about 2-8 weeks to see the effect. The composition eliminates dullness, oily shine and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

    Instead of fresh potatoes, you can use boiled or pre-diluted potato starch

    Anti-aging rice mask

    Rice is rich in B vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy food for mature skin. Ingredients:

    • 30–40 g ground rice;
    • 5 ml sea buckthorn oil;
    • 2 egg yolks;
    • 5 ml of vitamins E and A (10–15 Aevita capsules).

    Both cereal ground with a coffee grinder and ready-made rice flour are suitable. Coarse grinding additionally scrubs the skin. Preparation:

    1. Separate the yolks from the whites and gradually stir in the rice.
    2. Heat the oil slightly in a water bath. Add liquid vitamins to it (squeeze out the contents of the capsules).
    3. Connect the components. If the mass is too thick, for oily types, dilute it with kefir. And if it's dry, you can add a little milk.

    The mask is applied for 5–15 minutes, then completely washed off. The recipe allows you to smooth out wrinkles and signs of age-related pigmentation, brightens and mattifies the skin well. For a visible effect, a course of 10–20 procedures is required with an interval of 3–5 days. Repeat no more than 2 times a year.

    Flour can be made from different varieties of rice, choosing the most suitable option for your skin

    Tomato mask for aging skin

    Tomatoes are a natural source of potassium, vitamins PP, C, E, A and B. They also contain pectins with acids that help neutralize toxins and free radicals.


    • 1 tbsp. l. ripe tomato pulp;
    • 10–20 ml cream;
    • 10 g rice or potato starch;
    • 5–7 ml vitamin E.


    1. Pour cream over starch and stir. The consistency of the mass should be homogeneous and thick.
    2. Grind the tomato pulp into puree. If the skin is too dry, you can add 1 tsp to the recipe. sour cream or honey.
    3. Combine both mixtures. Then add liquid vitamins and stir for about 2-5 minutes.

    Apply the product to the face and neck, rinse after 10–20 minutes. The mask slightly lightens age spots and removes fine wrinkles. A course of 7–10 daily procedures will restore skin elasticity. For prevention, 1 application every 7–10 days is sufficient.

    Tomatoes and fresh pulp can be replaced with tomato paste, but make sure it does not contain salt, any seasonings or other additives

    Flour mask

    Flour-based recipes are relevant for combination, problem and oily skin. Although once every 2 weeks will be useful for normal types - the composition cleanses, mattifies and tightens the skin. Ingredients:

    • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
    • 2 tbsp. l. ripe avocado pulp;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 tsp. honey;
    • 1 tsp. sour cream or milk.

    Preparation and use:

    1. Chop the avocado and mix with the egg. Gradually add flour, rubbing out any lumps.
    2. Combine sour cream with honey and add to the main mixture.
    3. Apply a thick layer to the face and neck. And after 10–20 minutes, remove excess and wash. Repeat 1-2 times a week.

    Avocado is a nutritious and oily fruit, which is why it is often included in anti-aging products 40+

    Gelatin mask

    After 50 years, it is undesirable to use “pure mixtures”, because they are too rough for mature skin. But still, gelatin consists of animal collagen - one of the substances directly responsible for youth.


    • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 1 tsp. honey;
    • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
    • 0.5–1 tsp. aloe juice


    1. Heat the milk by dissolving honey and juice in it. Pour in the gelatin and leave for 15–30 minutes.
    2. Separate the white and beat until a stable foam forms.
    3. Once the gelatin absorbs the liquid and “dissolves,” it will need to be dissolved. You can use a water bath or microwave, but be careful not to let the mixture boil.
    4. Stir the yolk into the still warm mixture. Gradually add protein.

    Do not allow the composition to cool completely, otherwise it will be difficult to apply. The mask is distributed in 2–4 layers (suitable for the décolleté and neck areas), after applying the last one, leave for 15–20 minutes. The course of procedures consists of 10–14 sessions up to 2 times a week. This is enough to restore the oval of the face and remove facial wrinkles.

    If removing a mask with gelatin from your face is too painful, increase the amount of milk and apply the product in more generous layers - this way the effect will be rejuvenating, not cleansing

    Pore ​​tightening mask

    This recipe helps maintain skin elasticity by temporarily solving the problem of enlarged pores.


    • 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
    • 1 tsp. honey;
    • 0.5–1 tsp. lemon juice;
    • 0.5 pcs. yolk.


    1. Grind the cottage cheese with liquid honey. Add the yolk to the mixture.
    2. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, pour in the juice and mix again.

    The mask is distributed in 2-3 stages, with a break of 2-3 minutes. After applying the last layer, wait 15–20 minutes and wash. The effect is visible immediately. Citric acid helps narrow pores and even out tone, and thanks to the nutritional properties of cottage cheese and honey, the face looks rested. Temporarily removes minor wrinkles.

    To maintain a positive result, a curd mask with lemon and honey is done regularly - from 1 to 3 times a week

    Cabbage mask

    White cabbage is a source of vitamins A, C and K, which help prolong skin youth. About 20-30 masks (2-3 times a week), prepared on the basis of this vegetable, will tighten the oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles.


    • 150–200 g fresh cabbage;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 1 tsp. red clay;
    • 2–5 capsules of Aevita.

    Preparation and application:

    1. Boil the milk and pour it over the finely shredded cabbage. And when the mixture has cooled (after 20–30 minutes), drain off the excess liquid and mash the vegetable into a paste.
    2. Stir in the clay and contents of the capsules. Distribute over face, neck and décolleté, and after 15–20 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

    For dry skin, clay should be excluded from the recipe, and white cabbage should be periodically replaced with sea cabbage.

    Toning lifting mask


    • 1 tsp. gelatin;
    • 1. tsp. chopped plantain;
    • 1 tsp. chamomile flowers;
    • 1–2 tsp. lemon juice.

    In the absence of plantain, you can take parsley, it also tones and refreshes the skin. Preparation:

    1. Mix the herbs and pour half a glass of hot water. The liquid is placed in a water bath for about half an hour, then it needs to be cooled.
    2. Strain the broth and pour gelatin over it. Leave for 10–20 minutes.
    3. Add lemon juice and return the mixture to the water bath. Until the gelatin dissolves. Allow to cool to a temperature comfortable for the skin.

    The mask is applied in 2-3 layers, avoiding the area around the eyes. It is worth distributing it with a brush and quick movements - as it cools, the gelatinous mass will thicken. Leave for no more than 30 minutes, during which it is recommended to lie down. And after hardening, carefully remove from bottom to top or wash with warm water.

    The mask is made once every 10 days. A temporary effect is visible after 1-3 applications, while permanent changes will require 2-3 months.

    Lifting gelatin and protein masks involves strong tightening of the skin, which over time leads to a facelift

    Eye mask

    The recipe allows you to instantly refresh your skin. The mask moisturizes, nourishes and brightens - a course of 15-20 applications in 3-4 days will reduce the severity of “bags” and facial wrinkles.


    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 30–40 g boiled potatoes;
    • 0.5–1 tsp. olive oils.

    Homemade compresses made from grated potatoes, tea or cucumber slices can temporarily refresh the skin around the eyes.


    1. Boil potatoes without adding salt. Peel and mash into a puree.
    2. If you are prone to swelling, then instead of fatty sour cream you should take milk or cream. Combine the ingredients and mix well.

    The mask is distributed directly onto closed eyelids and the skin around the eyes. For convenience, you can apply the mixture to cotton pads and apply. After 15 minutes, wash your face.

    Video: lifting mask for the skin around the eyes

    Starch instead of Botox

    Homemade cosmetics with starch will help refresh your face as if you had Botox injections.

    Why is potato starch so useful?

    1. It contains B vitamins, which promote cell restoration and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
    2. Vitamin C – rejuvenates cells, improves complexion.
    3. Vitamin PP – removes “sleeping” cells from sleep.
    4. Calcium – sets in motion metabolic processes.
    5. Iron – enriches the epidermis with oxygen.
    6. Potassium – moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis.

    Starch compositions are suitable for women with absolutely any skin type, even the most sensitive. For young girls, starch will help remove oily shine and dry out acne, and for women over 50 years old, get rid of wrinkles and saturate the dermis with moisture.

    Brewed starch is considered more effective; it nourishes better than dry starch. To prepare recipes for different masks, you should first make the base:

    • First of all, take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry starch, pour 100 ml of cold water, green tea, milk or herbal decoction, stir.
    • Pour in another 50 ml of hot water, stir quickly until the starch thickens. There is no need to bring to a boil. The base is cooked like regular jelly.
    • The starch mass can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days, no more.
    • Various components should be added to the cooled mass.

    Rules for applying potato masks

    1. Before applying the product, you need to steam your face, then the vitamins will better penetrate the pores of the epidermis.
    2. Apply several layers to form a dense film. Let each layer dry, then apply the next one.
    3. After time, wash with warm water and apply moisturizer.
    4. The minimum course is 10 sessions, which should be carried out every other day.

    Starch masks have a cumulative effect, so the result is not immediately visible. And after 10 sessions you will look not 50 or older, but 5-8 years younger, based on the degree of neglect of the skin.

    Contraindications and possible consequences

    It is undesirable to use tightening masks in several cases:

    • age less than 25 years;
    • any damage to the skin - wounds, burns, scratches, etc.;
    • allergy (intolerance) to the components used;
    • thin, weakened or visible vessels, including rosacea and “stars”;
    • any inflammation - acne, comedones, etc.;
    • recovery period after injection or surgical rejuvenation.

    Negative effects do not occur so often, most of them being an allergic reaction, lack of results or worsening of the facial condition. The reason for this may be either ignoring contraindications or excessive abuse of masks that are not suitable for the skin.

    If you are overweight, anti-aging care using homemade masks often turns out to be ineffective or even harmful, making wrinkles only more pronounced.

    Skin irritation is not necessarily due to allergies; itching and redness can be caused by the use of spoiled products

    Operating principle

    Natural components fill the skin with vitamins and microelements, accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and increase the protective functions of the dermis. When metabolic processes are activated, cell regeneration occurs and the epidermis is renewed, which gives a rejuvenating effect.

    Some berries and fruits with a high content of fruit acids have a good lightening effect and allow you to remove age-related pigmentation on the face. Most products allow you to tighten some parts of your face and even out its shape.


    Like many girls who take care of their faces, I choose not only purchased products, but also homemade masks. If you choose them correctly, they are no less effective. I have combination skin, so I prefer rice mixtures - they help cleanse and tighten pores, as well as give my face the porcelain smoothness of Japanese beauties. By the way, the mask surprised me with its effectiveness; the result is already after 1 use. I prepare it like this:

    1. I wash about 60 g of rice, add water and leave overnight.
    2. In the morning, I mash the soaked cereal with a fork or in a mortar. To the point of mush. It is better to drain or drink excess water.

    After the rice mask, the skin became more matte

    I apply it for 15 minutes. During this time, the mask dries out and begins to tighten the skin, absorbing everything “extra.” I use it 1-2 times a week. The effect was good even without first cleaning the face with a scrub. Although it seemed impossible to achieve it the first time.


    I've heard a lot about how tomato masks tighten pores. Although I wasn’t specifically looking for a specific recipe, I remember that you need to cover your face with tomato slices (as they do with cucumbers) or mix tomato pulp with oatmeal.

    I decided to try the last method on myself. I prepared and applied the mask, preparing to wait 15 minutes. But after 3, my whole face lit up! It stung unbearably, although my skin is not soft. And she usually withstands different scrubs calmly, because I didn’t expect such an effect at all. I immediately washed off the mixture, but even after washing my face, my face just burned. I smeared it with baby cream and it became a little better. Although the redness subsided only after half an hour... in general, this mask is not for sensitive and irritated skin.


    Bananas are one of my favorite fruits. I prepare a variety of cocktails, desserts and pastries... they also help to maintain beauty. From time to time I make a face mask: I grind a banana with honey and apply it for 15–20 minutes. After using it, your skin immediately becomes like a baby’s.


    Mixtures prepared from natural products have a superficial effect, so it is useless to rely only on them. Lost years, as they say, cannot be returned. As part of comprehensive care, homemade masks slightly, but still slow down skin aging, improving the appearance of the face.

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    Rules for caring for dry skin. How to properly care for dry skin

    Procedures must begin immediately after waking up. Dust and other particles can settle on you at night. Also, morning cleansing is necessary so that decorative cosmetics adhere better.

    Use a “wash” without alcohol and alkali (they destroy the lipid layer, which negatively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands). It can be milk or mousse with a creamy texture. Then apply tonic to a cotton pad and wipe the surface with it. It will remove the remnants of the previous composition, refresh the color and prepare the surface for makeup. But if you are concerned about severe dryness and tightness, simply wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

    How to care for very dry skin during the day

    If your epidermis is very thin and peeling often occurs, spray with a thermal spray during the day. It does not require removing makeup and nourishes well. In case of dermatological diseases, it is advisable to apply emollients in the morning. These are substances in creams with protective functions. They create a barrier that retains moisture, giving softness and elasticity. It can be beeswax, paraffin, olive, castor oil, jojoba, propylene glycol.


    During this time period, pay special attention to yourself. During the day, you have accumulated a lot of dust and other dirt + makeup. In order for the skin to rest, all this must be washed off thoroughly. Remove makeup using micellar water or another makeup remover. Start with the lips, then wipe off the mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner. Then proceed to the foundation. Wipe the surface with tonic and apply nourishing creams. Once a week, have a scrub session for deep cleansing.

    !Consider the season. In winter cold, do not use gels, as they damage the lipid layer. Do not wipe with ice cubes; keep peeling to a minimum. Moisturizing formulations can be applied at least forty minutes before going outside.

    Useful tips

    You can add 1-2 drops of essential oils to any face masks. This will enhance their effect, since these oils easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and are carried by the bloodstream. For mature skin, jojoba, nutmeg, rose, borage, violet, frankincense, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, chamomile, myrtle, primrose and grapefruit oils are ideal.

    In addition, you can add 1 drop of liquid vitamins to the masks - beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol. They are sold in pharmacies and are quite inexpensive. These vitamins accelerate tissue regeneration and perform hydration functions. They are traditionally called “vitamins of youth.”

    Popular folk remedies

    Nature has already given man everything for a comfortable and happy life. Moreover, you can not only consume these gifts as food, but also use them for cosmetic purposes.

    • Decoctions and compresses of calendula, mint, lemon balm, thyme, chamomile and sage will help improve complexion;
    • Masks based on fruits (strawberries, apricots, bananas) and fermented milk products will return a healthy glow;
    • Aloe vera perfectly heals wounds and quickly relieves irritation;
    • Lemon juice will help whiten age spots;
    • Cucumber removes signs of fatigue;
    • Avocado smoothes wrinkles;
    • Honey with coffee (in a 1:1 ratio) is the best scrub for your face;
    • Gelatin contains a huge amount of collagen. Make masks based on it;
    • Massage will help remove facial wrinkles.

    Care for oily skin. Proper daily care

    You should take care of oily skin at least 2-3 times a day. The care rules have the following recommendations:

    • It is necessary to wash your face exclusively with cold or slightly warm water, so as not to provoke the sebaceous glands;
    • Do not use soap, because it only dries out the upper layers of the epidermis, causing inflammation;
    • When cleansing, use a special gentle brush or washcloth for the face, which ensures deep penetration into the layers of the skin and high-quality removal of dirt.

    It is strictly forbidden to press or rub your face too hard to avoid damaging the epidermis and causing infection.

    Oily skin care is divided into 4 main stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition. Cleansing is done in the morning before applying makeup and in the evening to remove it. This is done using gels, mousses, and special milks that do not disturb the acidity of the skin and can prepare it to accept moisturizer.

    The next stage of care is toning, which is always carried out after cleaning. It removes remnants of cleansers from the surface, moisturizes, and improves the tone of the epidermis. Tonics that do not contain alcohol resist allergic reactions and irritation, tighten pores, and normalize skin acidity. Afterwards, it is important to apply a day or night moisturizer. It nourishes and protects from the effects of cosmetics, as well as cold winds and low temperatures in winter. In summer, it is recommended to use gels that can repel harmful ultraviolet rays, which often cause the skin to become dehydrated, become more sensitive, and age quickly.

    Before going to bed, you need to apply a nourishing cream (on the face and neck). Do this 2 hours before bedtime. If after this time not all of the product has been absorbed, remove its remnants with a soft napkin, gently blotting your face.

    REFERENCE! Apply any nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing products only along massage lines, moving from the center of the face to the ears. Pay special attention to the area around the eyes, use special creams for this.

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