The most effective facial massage techniques for swelling, wrinkles, and bruises around the eyes

Eye massage is the most affordable way to restore vision. It is not difficult to learn the basic rules, and the presence of a specialist is not necessary to perform it.. Most techniques can be easily performed by the patient himself (self-massage), and the result is not just a short-term improvement in vision and treatment of mild ophthalmic diseases, but also complete relief from ailments.

Massage appeared several thousand years ago, and during this time the techniques of this method of treatment were improved and developed.

Features of the skin in the eye area

The skin in the eye area is sensitive - capillaries come close to them. The dermis here is thin and delicate - it always reacts to fatigue, smoking, lack of sleep or constant work at the monitor. As a result, you begin to notice:

  • swelling, manifested in the form of bags;
  • microtrauma due to capillary rupture;
  • unpleasant dark circles under the eyes;
  • a clearly defined line running along the upper contour of the cheeks to the corners of the eyes.

Plus, we constantly blink, causing our muscles to move. Consequently, many facial wrinkles appear, the fight against which requires systematic care.

The positive effect of special massage in the eyelid area is ensured by:

  • improving skin regeneration;
  • removing toxins and creating more elastic skin;
  • relieving eye strain;
  • establishing metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • maintaining skin tone.

What movements does the technique involve?

As part of home care, anti-wrinkle massage involves the following actions:

  • patting;
  • smoothing movements;
  • massaging.

Together, these simple manipulations provide a stable result. It manifests itself in the form of removal of excess fluid, elimination of facial swelling, reduction of jowls and blue under the eyes.

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Indications for massage

After the age of 40, this massage should be performed regularly. From time to time, it is necessary to treat problem areas on the skin of the face from the age of 25, when the first wrinkles begin to appear. But this absolutely does not mean that this age is the lower threshold.

Important point! According to doctors, the sooner you begin to strengthen the eye vessels, the longer you can maintain the beauty of your face and vision.

Lymphatic drainage massage should definitely be done if you have:

  • bruises under the eyes;
  • crow's feet;
  • swelling;
  • wrinkles;
  • eye fatigue (there is a desire to lie down and just close your eyes).

Types of eye massage

When performing massages in the eye area, you need to choose the right cosmetics, taking into account age-related changes in the skin, know along which lines you should move, and also be able to identify points on the body, the pressure of which will lead to an influx of lymph.

Depending on the technique, there are different types of massage. Let's look at the most effective methods for treating the skin under the lower and upper eyelids.

Lymphatic drainage

This type of massage is most popular among people of this age group. The movement of the hands is carried out strictly along the lines along which the blood (lymph) moves. That is why lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes got its name.

It promotes:

  • improving blood flow;
  • smoothing out wrinkles;
  • eliminating puffiness and unpleasant circles under the eyes;
  • uniform skin color.

There are various techniques for performing lymphatic drainage eye massage. The most popular among them:

  • Japanese massage. By tapping, the lymph runs towards the main nodes. It is carried out in a circular motion strictly along certain lines. The master also pays attention to the outer and inner corners of the eyes, applying pressure. The corners of the brow ridge are involved. This lymphatic drainage massage is designed to eliminate puffiness under the eyes.
  • Spot. When using this technique, individual points are identified, located along the edge of the lower and upper eyelids, at the temples, and on the inner edge of the eye. Light blows are made with the pads of the fingers, touches and circular rotations are carried out. This technique will help get rid of dark circles and relieve fatigue.
  • When using spoons. This non-standard type of massaging the area around the eyes involves the use of hot spoons. Movement is carried out along lines and at certain points. Revitonics is effective against the appearance of wrinkles and crow's feet.
  • Pulse. The skin around the eyelid is treated with microcurrent (Darsonval procedure). The impulses improve microcirculation and lymph flow to the canal.
  • Cryomassage. The service is carried out in salons that practice modern rejuvenation techniques. In the area of ​​massage lines, the cosmetologist rolls a roller filled with liquid nitrogen. Due to this effect on the skin, the blood vessels first narrow and then expand. Massage allows you to get rid of wrinkles.
  • Spanish. A young, but very effective technique that is found in beauty salons. It is performed not only with the fingertips, but also with the entire palm involved. The effect is complex, since the course of procedures eliminates all problems with the skin around the eyes.

Perform an equally effective massage at home:

  1. Remove any remaining makeup and apply any moisturizer or olive oil slightly heated in a water bath to the eyelid area.
  2. Visually determine the line along which you will move.
  3. Press the dermis of the lower and upper eyelids a couple of times with three fingers.
  4. Tap the massage line in the area of ​​the upper eyelid with your fingertips, moving in the direction from the inner edge to the outer.
  5. Immediately, without stopping the movement, walk along the lower eyelid to the inner corner. The procedure is performed on both eyes simultaneously.
  6. Place your finger on the tip of your eye, which is located at your temple. Now do a sway, gradually moving towards the bridge of your nose. Repeat similar movements again.
  7. Press the skin with the pad of your middle finger in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal barb 10 times. Start at the tip and work your way down.
  8. Similar movements are carried out for 5–7 minutes until the base (cream or oil) completely penetrates the skin.
  9. Upon completion of the procedure, perform a contrast wash: first with cold and then with moderately hot water.

Important! The skin around the eyes should not be stretched too much, otherwise you risk not improving the condition, but only causing harm. Remember: the dermis you are working with is very sensitive.


Vacuum eye massage involves applying pressure from a specially created vacuum to the skin. The dermis seems to be sucked a few millimeters into the jar or device nozzle.

At this time, blood circulation improves, which ensures the correct supply of all cells with nutrients and oxygen. In addition, lymph stagnation is eliminated, therefore swelling is eliminated.

To carry out the procedure, you need to arm yourself with a special device - silicone or glass jars. Take a small diameter - 11 mm.

Instructions for action:

  1. Apply cream or oil to clean skin (no need to steam).
  2. First fix the area with your fingers to prevent stretching.
  3. A jar is placed at the outer tip of the eye, creating a vacuum. The skin should be slightly absorbed into the container.
  4. It needs to be passed along the lower eyelid, and then along the upper (from the bridge of the nose to the end of the eyebrow).
  5. Twice is enough to ensure a positive result.

For swelling and bags

The following technique will eliminate swelling that can form due to lack of sleep, smoking and alcohol abuse, problems with the functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as excessive fluid consumption at night. The unfortunate bags under the eyes usually appear in the morning, when it's time to go to work.

Features of massage for bags under the eyes:

  • last no more than 10 minutes;
  • involve the area only under the lower eyelid;
  • light stroking movements are carried out;
  • use fingertips to tap.


  1. The skin should be cleansed of cosmetics.
  2. Place your fingers near the outside of the eye.
  3. Use light tapping movements to move towards the bridge of your nose.
  4. Repeat similar manipulations several times.
  5. Fix your middle finger on the nasolacrimal groove and walk downwards, first tapping and then shaking it.
  6. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to apply a cold compress, a slice of fresh cucumber or an ice cube prepared from a herbal decoction.

Be sure to try spiral massage using cold spoons. The devices are pre-frozen in the freezer. After removing their refrigerator, cream is applied to the convex side of the device and placed in the nasolacrimal groove. Carry out zigzag movements up to the temples themselves, and then move towards the ears. Similar manipulations are repeated 3 times on each eye.

From dark circles

The formation of dark circles is a very unpleasant picture, which can be corrected by lymphatic drainage massage for bruises. You need to use two fingers - index and middle.

The technique is as follows:

  1. The skin should be clean. Apply moisturizing serum, cream or oil.
  2. Place your fingers at the temples and make 10 circular movements. We work with both eyes at the same time.
  3. Now we apply pressure with the pads of our fingers in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, while the skin should not spring much.
  4. Make tapping movements in the direction from the outer eyelid to the bridge of the nose. Similarly, you can go over the outer eyelid.
  5. Place your middle finger on the rib in the temporal area under the lower eyelid so that the nail is directed towards the hair. We roll the finger with a change of position in the opposite direction (now the nail should look at the bridge of the nose). A similar procedure is carried out 5 times.
  6. Circular movements are made along the orbicularis oculi muscle approximately 10 times.
  7. Press with your fingertips on the points near the outer and inner eyelids.
  8. At the end of the massage, do a contrast wash.

For wrinkles

The favorite place for wrinkles is the area around the eyes. They appear due to the influence of UV rays, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, too polluted air and bad habits. If you massage your eyes correctly and regularly, you can:

  • establish metabolic processes in skin cells;
  • ensure collagen production;
  • relieve overvoltage;
  • remove accumulated toxins;
  • make the skin elastic.


  1. Remove makeup from your skin and wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Apply cream or oil heated in a water bath.
  3. Place two fingers in the temporal area near the eyes and make several circular movements clockwise.
  4. Now walk with your fingertips from the temporal zone to the bridge of the nose, making light taps. Return to the starting point at the end of the brow ridge. The movement is done 3-4 times.
  5. Fix by pressing for a few seconds first the upper eyelid and then the lower.
  6. We make a “boat” using the index finger. Walk from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner one.
  7. Focus your attention on the corners of your eyes. Using your middle finger, apply pressure to the skin of the outer tip of the eyes (8 times). A similar procedure is carried out near the inner tip.
  8. Smooth the line of the upper eyelid, as if going around the eyebrow. Lower yourself in the temporal region and move towards the bridge of your nose.

Perform at least 10 sessions a month and you will prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and smooth out existing ones.

Interesting to know! There is another simple exercise that will tone the lateral muscles near the eyes. You need to touch the highest points of the eyebrows with your fingertips, and then slightly pull the skin up. You can start blinking (15–18 times), while you should feel resistance.

Causes of visual impairment

Over the years, every person experiences vision deterioration. Some earlier, some later, but this problem overtakes everyone. Only a small percentage of people can boast of perfect vision throughout their lives.

Why does vision deteriorate? There are various reasons for this:

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
    Constant stay in enclosed spaces with dry air and sedentary work negatively affect the quality of vision. Not only does this create a shortage of fresh air and physical activity, but also the eyes get used to looking only at a short distance. And they need to be trained regularly and look into the distance as often as possible.
  • Excessive load on the visual apparatus.
    Constantly sitting on the phone or computer. Bright unnatural colors, frequent frame changes, placing the screen too close to the eyes, poor lighting - all this negatively affects the eyes. Due to the fact that they get used to working at such a small distance, which hardly changes, muscle tone decreases.
  • Age-related changes.
    After forty years, various irreversible changes occur, including the eyes. The lens loses elasticity. People at this age increasingly complain of “vagueness.”
  • Dry eyes.
    Working for a long time and focusing on objects makes us blink less often. This leads to rupture of the tear film and may be one of the reasons for decreased visual acuity.
  • Bad habits.
    The toxins contained in alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the entire body. Eye health is not spared. This is because these toxins impede normal blood circulation in the vessels of the eye, causing less oxygen to reach the tissues, and subsequently this leads to deterioration of vision.
  • Bad light.
    Lack or excess of light negatively affects the eyes. Too much sun can damage the retina, and the lack of light strains the eyes and causes decreased vision.
  • Poor nutrition.
    If the diet is not varied enough, this leads to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, which also affects the quality of vision. A person begins to see poorly at dusk and becomes sensitive to bright light.
  • Overwork.
    Stress, lack of sleep and high workload lead to fatigue and decreased vision.
  • Problems with the spine.
    Surprisingly, if you take care of your back, you can solve many problems, including improving the quality of your vision. This is because the spine directly affects blood circulation in the brain. The cervical spine is the bridge that connects the body and brain. Displacement of the cervical vertebrae due to poor posture provokes irritation and pinched nerves. And the displacement of the second cervical vertebra leads to a decrease in visual acuity.

Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the fairly common causes of visual impairment. This spinal condition is characterized by misalignment of the vertebrae and herniated discs, which in turn impedes the flow of blood through the vertebral arteries.

Performing a massage using a massager

The use of special devices greatly simplifies lymphatic drainage massage. They allow you to have a comprehensive effect on the skin, providing proper care.

The most popular models for performing massage around the eyes:

  • Eye massager Gezaton ISee 208. The use of the device is aimed at achieving maximum results. Due to the active acupuncture effect on the dermis, not only the condition of the skin improves, but also vision improves. The device is a mask with numerous rubber sticks. When turned on, they begin to work and hit the skin in the desired areas. You set the procedure time yourself - 5 minutes of daily use will be enough to remove wrinkles, relieve puffiness and eliminate unfortunate circles under the eyes. Gezatone massage is contraindicated for glaucoma, low blood pressure and inflammatory processes on the skin. Cost - 2400 rubles.

  • Gezatone BREEZE. This is a gel mask from a French manufacturer, which in just 10 minutes can relieve bags under the eyes, toothache and headaches. The mask acts as a compress, eliminating problems with the dermis. The price starts at 400 rubles.

  • Gezatone Minilift Eyes m809. This device has special rollers, when activated, massage occurs in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids. Thanks to its use, muscle spasms are eliminated, wrinkles, circles under the eyes and swelling are removed. When choosing the electroporation function, cosmetic products applied to the area penetrate deeper into the epidermis. When vibration is activated, blood flow improves, and directly soft massaging the skin with rollers triggers metabolic processes at the cellular level. Cost - 1500 rubles.

  • Healthyeyes. The special device has 22 soft fingers that gently affect the area around the eyes. Due to their work, fatigue is eliminated, wrinkles are eliminated, and microcirculation of the skin improves. Use the massager several times a day for 3-5 minutes, and you will soon notice a transformation. You can buy Healthyeyes for 1,450 rubles.

  • Eye Care Massager T-017. The mask has 26 finger probes that are gentle on the skin. Vascular spasms are reduced, blood flow is improved and lymph stagnation is eliminated. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month with daily use 2-3 times. Powered by 3 batteries. The cost of the device is only 400 rubles.

  • Yamaguchi Axiom Eye. The glasses are not cheap, as they cost 12 thousand rubles. Their price is fully justified by a large range of modes: air compression massage, magnetic, infrared radiation, electric.

  • Vzor KZ 0009. Another budget option, for which you will pay only 415 rubles. Thanks to a light massage, muscles relax and blood flow improves. Recommended for people whose work or leisure activities involve frequent eye fatigue. Operates on 1 battery.

  • Fitstudio massage glasses. They are produced in China, but fully meet European standards. The device has 9 programs for the movement of 22 fingers. Improves vision and the condition of the skin around the eyes. This device will empty your wallet by 920 rubles.

Salon procedure

Since various clinics and beauty salons purchase expensive massage devices, there is a high probability of a positive result.

Hardware procedures involve various techniques:

  • microcurrent therapy;
  • drainage massage with silicone fingers;
  • radiofrequency exposure;
  • electrophoresis;
  • influence of infrared rays;
  • And so on.

Advice. Before going to a cosmetologist, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist or dermatologist, because machine massage, unlike manual massage, has a greater number of contraindications.


Massage around the eyes is not suitable for everyone. It is contraindicated for:

  • the development of such serious diseases as glaucoma and retinal loss;
  • thrombosis, fibroids and poor blood clotting (for vacuum massage);
  • the presence of dermatological rashes, wounds and cracks;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the presence of warts, papillomas and large moles on the face;
  • excessive tanning with burns.

Elimination of such delicate problems as swelling, blue discoloration and wrinkles under the eyes lies in the plane of cosmetology. Experts recommend undergoing a vacuum massage 2 times a year (8–12 sessions), and in between visits to the salon, doing lymphatic drainage facial massage daily.

Thanks to timely care of your skin, you can prolong your youth for a long time, even out your skin tone and get rid of unpleasant manifestations on your facial skin. The beauty given by nature is fleeting, so after 25 years you need to actively take care of yourself.

Why is Annette's method better?

You can, of course, do a direct eye massage and influence various points on the face, but this will be extremely difficult. It’s not a fact that you’re working on exactly the right point. At best, this will lead to no results, and at worst, vision will become even worse.

There are no such problems with the roller and other exercises for the back. They are almost impossible to do incorrectly; even a child can handle them. But a healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body.

Here are some of the useful exercises:

  1. With roller
  2. With foam roll
  3. Another foam roller exercise
  4. Relaxing the shoulders and neck with a ball
  5. Exercise for those who work a lot at the computer
  6. Another ball exercise
  7. Sagging in doors
  8. This exercise will help open your eyes and remove swelling

At the “Flourish” marathon you will be given all the necessary exercises to correct your posture, neck and chest. In addition, you will also learn about the best techniques for self-massage of the face against wrinkles and swelling. Read more about the marathon below.

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