Cleansing face mask with honey, as well as recipes for wrinkles, acne and the skin around the eyes

05/04/201810/15/2020 Maria Ivanova 2 comments

In the line of facial skin care products, honey takes pride of place. It is in demand because it has unique properties and is suitable for almost any skin. A face mask with honey is a popular homemade cosmetic product.

Currently, more and more women prefer home care to salon care. This is understandable, because folk remedies have long proven themselves to be natural and effective. Unlike salon procedures, home treatments do not require large amounts of time and money.

Home care can include various procedures: from skin moisturizing to peeling. Masks remain the most popular facial skin care product. There are a huge number of folk recipes for masks; every woman can choose the appropriate ingredients based on her skin type and the desired result.

Why does skin need honey?

Moisture prevents the appearance of wrinkles, which means it guards your youth. What does this have to do with the product of bees? Moreover, it contains 20% of “living” water, which it carries with it deep into the skin. Honey opens and cleanses pores, helping moisture to be evenly distributed between cells.

What else does it give? Honey contains from 100 to 400 chemical elements, and is capable of many things, namely:

  • charges the immune system with new strength;
  • stops the growth of bacteria;
  • protects the skin from dermatitis;
  • protects against free radicals;
  • stops the aging process;
  • resists ultraviolet radiation;
  • is the strongest antioxidant;
  • serves as a natural antibiotic;
  • stimulates blood flow, and the skin becomes silky and toned.

Cleansing recipes for everyone

If you do not have allergies, then all that remains is to find suitable additions to the honey face mask that will act against wrinkles, greasiness, peeling or acne with pimples. The recipes described below are cleansing. They are suitable for both dry skin and shiny skin. For those with a combination type, such masks will be a salvation. The main quality of the additional components is that they cleanse the epidermis of dirt and saturate it with useful substances.

With coffee aroma

A cleansing face mask with honey and coffee unclogs pores and reveals a healthy glow as soon as you wash your face with warm water after the procedure. Just two ingredients and the effect is amazing.

  1. Mix an equal amount of base with the grounds of ground coffee from your morning invigorating cup.
  2. Apply the resulting paste, gently massaging the skin, and leave for ten minutes.

Video on the topic Facial mask with honey, oatmeal and green tea

Oatmeal with vitamins

Thanks to oatmeal, the skin will be cleansed of toxins and get rid of puffiness. The benefits of a honey face mask with oats also include saturating the dermal cells with moisture, as well as healing wounds.

  1. Oatmeal should be ground so that it looks like bran. You will need a teaspoon of the resulting grains.
  2. Separate the yolk. No protein needed here.
  3. Mix it with a small spoon of bee gold and the same amount of olive oil.
  4. To enhance the effect, take a few drops of vitamins A and E purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  6. Apply a thick layer of the mixture to your face, not forgetting your neck.
  7. During the required 20 minutes of the procedure, you can take a bath, relax and think about pleasant things.

Video on the topic Cleansing face mask made from aloe and honey

Plus aloe

You can diversify this mask with cottage cheese to reanimate the fading epidermis or glycerin to eliminate peeling. The result of the time spent will be the removal of skin irritations, softening and toning. A face mask with honey, rich in natural capital, helps to get rid of wrinkles quickly. If your skin is sensitive and prone to inflammatory reactions, then use this recipe. But remember that aloe is an allergen for some people, so check your skin's reaction in advance.

  1. Just two ingredients: aloe juice and honey in the same volume.
  2. Prepare the mask immediately before the procedure. Let it brew for ten minutes.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face.
  4. Wash your face after 20 minutes.

Features of hair loss in women

Female pattern baldness is called diffuse or uniform. Hair loss in women occurs all over the head. And it starts from the vertex and frontoparietal zones.

At the same time, hair loss in women does not create bald patches - the front hairline is preserved. If you don’t start treatment after your hair starts to fall out rapidly, then in a couple of years it will thin out very much all over your head. And after 10-15 years, without proper therapy, complete hair loss can occur.

Hair loss in women can occur either actively or gradually.

Hair loss in a woman can be: telogen effluvium (the most common type, the cause of which is that 80% of follicles (hair follicles) go into “dormant form” ahead of schedule due to chronic diseases or damage to the endocrine system); anagen form (this type of hair loss occurs due to exposure to aggressive environmental factors, and the follicles may completely die).

Other common causes of hair loss in women include: hormonal imbalance; postpartum period; toxic effects; iron deficiency; exposure to fungi or microbes; problems with immunity; frequent dyeing, perm.

Anti-greasy mixtures

Honey normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and helps pores open, so it is the main ingredient as a basis for eliminating oily sheen.

Video on the topic: Facial cleansing from Shelley Barrett with aspirin and honey

Add aspirin

You will see that this mask, in addition to removing shine, can cleanse your face of blackheads and make it ruddy.

  1. Crush plain aspirin tablets.
  2. Proportions: one tablet corresponds to a tablespoon of base.
  3. Apply the mixture to areas of skin with increased oil content.
  4. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes.

Video on the topic How to whiten your face with lemon and honey

Lemon mask

After washing your face with warm water after the procedure, you will feel your skin soften and refreshed.

  1. To make the mixture thick enough, take honey and squeezed lemon juice in proportion.
  2. Apply to face using tapping movements, relax and leave to absorb for 20 minutes.

With added nutmeg

Nutmeg was also used in ancient cosmetology as a healing agent that improves complexion and relieves the effects of acne.

  1. You will need a large spoon of liquid honey. Use only a water bath for heating. And remember that the temperature should not be more than 80°C.
  2. Mix a teaspoon of chopped nutmeg thoroughly with the main ingredient.
  3. Spread the resulting paste with an incomparable smell on your face and relax for 20 minutes.

Honey cinnamon

Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, cinnamon is good for more than just apple pie. The result of this procedure will be renewed, clean skin.

  1. Add cinnamon to honey, maintaining a volume ratio of 2:1.
  2. The procedure lasts, as in the previous recipe, 20 minutes.

Video on the topic: Mask for moisturizing facial skin with cottage cheese, honey and butter

Curd mixture

It is best to make cottage cheese yourself or choose a good farm cottage cheese. Then the velvety skin will please you immediately.

  1. If the bee present has thickened, melt it in a water bath.
  2. Dissolve a small spoon of honey in a large spoon of milk at room temperature.
  3. Add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and stir until no grains remain.
  4. Apply the mask, turn on some pleasant music and wait 20 minutes.

Benefits of honey for the face

Using honey for home skin care has a number of significant advantages over other products.

The acids, carotene and vitamins contained in honey contribute to a number of effects that it has on the skin:

  • cleansing Honey literally pulls any impurities out of the skin;
  • renewal of skin cells and stimulation of their regeneration;
  • fight against inflammation and skin imperfections;
  • hydration. Particularly effective for dry skin and microcracks;
  • improving blood circulation in skin cells;
  • nutrition;
  • prevention of aging;
  • UV protection.

In addition to these beneficial properties, honey is used in cosmetology for any skin type. With the help of honey, dry skin is nourished, and oily skin becomes matte. Honey is recommended for aging facial skin; it can smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Impact on dryness

What is the most important thing for dry skin? First of all, hydration. This is what honey does when it reaches the surface of the epidermis. For greater effect, there are special combinations of simple products.

Don't throw away the bread crust

You will be delighted as your skin will become renewed and saturated with beneficial substances. Unpleasant dryness will go away, especially around the corners of the mouth.

  1. If there is a piece of black bread left, let it dry.
  2. Then soak in warm milk. Five minutes is enough.
  3. Take an egg yolk and mash it with a large spoon of the main ingredient.
  4. Combine everything and knead thoroughly.
  5. Steam your face and apply the mixture for 25 minutes.

Apple mask

The face will not only be filled with moisture, but will become clean and radiant.

  1. Grate one apple on a fine grater. If it is too juicy, squeeze out the excess juice.
  2. Take honey in the same volume.
  3. Mix and make a mask.
  4. Wait in a pleasant atmosphere for 20 minutes.
  5. To wash off the mixture, it is better to use cold water.

Video on the topic How to tighten your facial skin using a mask of jojoba oil, eggs, lemon and honey

Egg-honey mixture

A face mask with honey and egg will do everything you need to keep your skin smooth, stop aging and eliminate fine wrinkles.

  1. If you take a whole chicken egg, then just add a teaspoon of the main component.
  2. Shake well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Neck, upper chest, face - cover everything with the mixture for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool water is suitable for washing.

Video on the topic Strawberry, honey and lemon face mask

Honey-berry smoothie

Withering and peeling? No, your skin will no longer have such problems if you use cosmetic honey-berry smoothies. When strawberries appear in the garden beds in the summer, use this recipe.

  1. Prepare two tablespoons of berry smoothie.
  2. Add one large spoon of golden honey to the strawberries and stir.
  3. 20 minutes with a mask is enough for the vitamins to penetrate the dermal cells.

Anti-Aging Options

In fact, all honey face masks save you from new and old wrinkles. But there are recipes aimed directly at solving this problem.

Remember Cleopatra

This famous person was madly in love with honey and milk baths for the whole body. You can use her tricks.

  1. Take milk and honey in equal quantities.
  2. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Make a face mask. And after washing your face 20 minutes later, feel like a queen.

Herbal mask

All the wealth is under our feet, and it's true. Herbs combined with honey are a winning blow to old age.

  1. Collect nettles, lemon balm and mint. Grind the leaves in a blender to a paste.
  2. Take a large spoon of herbal mixture and mix with the same amount of curd.
  3. Add a small spoon of liquid honey.
  4. Lubricate your face and neck. Let them soak in vitamins and nutrients for 20 minutes.


Despite the undeniable benefits of honey, there are a number of contraindications to its use as a mask:

  • allergic reactions to honey;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • the presence of a vascular network on the face;
  • increased vegetation;
  • diabetes.

Before using the mask, you can do a simple allergy test. It is enough to apply the honey mask to particularly sensitive areas - the bend of the elbow or the wrist. You should wait at least half an hour. If the treated area does not peel off and there is no redness, there is no allergy to honey.

The youth of your eyes

Honey is one of the few easily available products that acts as a caring assistant for the skin around the eyes. It erases dark spots, smoothes wrinkles, and refreshes the dermis. If you want to enhance the effect, then use the following recipes with additional ingredients.

Cucumber mixture

As a result, you get a whitening effect, skin freshness and relief from accumulated city fatigue.

  1. Squeeze the cucumber juice or grind its pulp in a blender.
  2. Mix with honey in equal proportions.
  3. The time it takes for these components to act is 25 minutes.

Here's parsley for you

Thanks to this combination of products, pigment spots will disappear, the face will become lighter, losing its gray tint.

  1. To extract the parsley juice, use a blender. You will need half a teaspoon.
  2. Add a couple of drops of grapeseed or avocado oil.
  3. Add ½ small spoon of honey.
  4. Leave the mask on the skin around the eyes and wait 25 minutes.

You can apply the bee product to the area around the eyes in its pure form. The face should be steamed in advance. Leave the honey to soak for five minutes, the skin will rest and be saturated with vital energy.

Video on the topic: Face scrub made from coffee, pumpkin, honey and cinnamon

Scrub: instructions for use and ingredients

The scrub always contains a base and solid particles. To combine with honey, use salt, chopped oatmeal or nuts, and ground coffee.

Follow important rules for any composition.

  • Precautionary measures. If there is active inflammation or irritation on the skin, then take herbal baths until recovery occurs. Only after this proceed to scrub procedures.
  • Mixture homogeneity. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The grains should be evenly distributed over the base.
  • Preparing the face. Steam or moisturize your face before your beauty session.
  • Massage. Massaging the face should be light, without force or pressure on problem areas.
  • Time. The scrub only takes five minutes to cleanse the pores. Therefore, do not delay the process.
  • Completion. After washing your face, apply milk or nourishing cream to your face.

Honey scrub helps the skin maintain its elasticity by removing the dead layer of cells. Stimulating water and fat metabolism during massage eliminates the gray color of the epidermis, makes it fill with oxygen and work to maintain youth.

Rules for using a mask with honey

In order to obtain visible results from the mask and to prevent unwanted consequences, you need to follow simple rules.

  1. Since, as a rule, the mask consists not only of honey, but also of other ingredients, it is important to clarify your skin type in order to correctly determine the composition of the product.
  2. The mask must be used immediately after preparation and not reapplied.
  3. Heat treatment of honey leads to a loss of its qualities, so it is not recommended to heat it excessively or dilute it with boiling water.
  4. You can use the mask only after cleansing the skin.

Anti-aging “preservation”

An interesting experiment was conducted in Bulgaria, which showed the power of the preservative properties of the bee product. The experience was as follows. We took animal products (eggs, meat, fish). They were placed in a sterile closed container with honey. We forgot about the containers for four years, leaving them in a room at normal room temperature.

When the scientists opened the bowls, all the products retained their normal appearance and smell, and the consistency also remained unchanged. The microbes had no opportunity to multiply.

After this experience, the question of the benefits of a honey face mask becomes meaningless. If you want to “preserve” your youth without plastic surgery, then regularly perform procedures with honey. Just don't expect magic from an artificial product. For home beauty treatments, choose only fresh, high-quality honey that has not yet been candied. It is these honey face masks that are effective, as evidenced by numerous rave reviews.

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