Strawberry for face and hair. The best recipes for homemade anti-wrinkle masks for oily and dry skin with strawberries

Hello, my darlings! ☺

I continue the “berry” theme and today I want to pay attention to another effective facial care at home.

I would like to continue the topic of berry masks and today talk about cosmetic masks made from strawberries.

I think I won’t be wrong if I say that the strawberry mask is one of the most favorite of all women! ☺

Almost all women really love this berry!

And since it appears very first in our beds, then simply, as they say, God himself ordered it to be used for his youth and beauty, what do you think? ☺

What are the benefits of strawberries for the face?

You can read about the unique composition and endless list of beneficial properties of summer berries in the article:

more details

IMPORTANT: To improve your complexion, make your skin moisturized, young and fresh, you can simply eat up to 0.5 kg of strawberries per season

Homemade cosmetic preparations with strawberries give women beauty and freshness.
But the berry can also be used externally, in the form of such cosmetic preparations as:

  • scrubs
  • masks
  • tonics
  • fruit ice

In home cosmetology, the following are equally often and successfully used:

  • strawberry pulp
  • Strawberry juice
  • decoctions and infusions of plant leaves

The effect of the berry on the skin and hair is not limited only to the caregiver. Strawberries also heal. As a cosmetic product, it has the following properties:

  • vitaminizing
  • moisturizing
  • tonic
  • antibacterial
  • rejuvenating
  • whitening
  • wound healing
  • painkillers

Strawberry cosmetics are suitable for all skin types.
During the strawberry season, it is enough to undergo a course of facial treatments with strawberries to:

  • restore her radiance and healthy color
  • moisturize the skin
  • by stimulating the natural production of collagen, smooth out fine wrinkles and improve facial contours
  • get rid of acne
  • remove the top layer of dead cells
  • eliminate oily shine
  • lighten pigment spots on the face

Like many other natural products, strawberries are perfect for caring for any skin type.

The only caveat is that those with sensitive, delicate skin should use berry-based preparations with caution, as it contains a large amount of acids.

If, after using a small amount of the drug, no irritation or redness appears on the face, you can continue the strawberry procedures in full force.

IMPORTANT: We must not forget that many people become allergic not only when they eat strawberries, but also when they use them as a cosmetic product for the face

Who are strawberry masks for?

Thanks to vitamin C, B9, A, calcium and potassium, which are contained in strawberries, the skin is nourished, moisturized, softer and silkier. Early aging is prevented, wrinkles are smoothed out, inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Strawberries are used for the following problems:

  • withering;
  • enlarged pores (with oily skin type);
  • dry and combination skin (protection from drying out);
  • acne;
  • dark spots;
  • inflammation of the epidermis;
  • loss of freshness;
  • wrinkles;
  • rapid skin contamination.

Fresh strawberries for the face: effects

To achieve visible cosmetic effects, fresh strawberries can be used in their pure form for facial skin. You need to do the following:

  • take a few ripe strawberries
  • wash them thoroughly
  • It is desirable that the berries are slightly chilled
  • cut the berries into thin slices (cut the strawberries lengthwise) or mash them into a paste with a fork
  • apply a natural product to your face
  • leave the product on your face for 10-15 minutes
  • wash with cool water

To improve the condition of your facial skin, you can simply apply fresh strawberry pulp to it.
This simple procedure produces a complex effect:

  • replaces nourishing face cream
  • controls oily shine by disinfecting the skin, narrowing pores and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • accelerates cellular metabolism, due to which it stimulates regenerative processes in the facial skin
  • dries out acne and relieves skin inflammation
  • evens out complexion

Indications for use

Strawberry compositions will help cope with facial skin problems. Using applications you can get rid of the following defects:

  • increased dryness and flaking of the epidermis;
  • excessive fatty secretions;
  • sagging skin;
  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • pimples and acne;
  • black dots.

The benefits of strawberries in masks

Cosmetic procedures for facial skin using strawberries or strawberries increase immunity and reduce the sensitivity of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.

How to wipe your face with strawberries?

To wipe your face, strawberries can be used in two forms:

  • in the form of lotion
  • in the form of fruit cosmetic ice

Homemade strawberry lotion is intended for cleansing and toning the face. If the girl’s skin is normal, dry or combination, prepare it with water, if too oily, with acne, prepare it with alcohol. RECIPE: Strawberry Alcohol Lotion

Needed: 5-6 medium sized strawberries, vodka – 250 ml

  • strawberries are washed and cut in half
  • fill it with vodka
  • in a dark place the lotion is infused for 14 days
  • it is filtered and left for another 10 days
  • wipe with cosmetic discs soaked in lotion
  • facial skin morning and evening

Strawberry ice is used to improve capillary blood flow under the skin of the face, narrow pores, speed up metabolic processes in cells, moisturize and nourish cells.

RECIPE: Cosmetic strawberry ice cubes

A cleansing lotion for wiping the skin is prepared from strawberries infused with vodka.

Needed: strawberries – 300 g

  1. To obtain juice, the berries are passed through a meat grinder, the resulting slurry is intensively squeezed through cheesecloth 3-4 times.
  2. Pour the juice into an ice cube container and place in the freezer.
  3. Using moderate pressure on the skin, massage the face with strawberry ice.
  4. The juice remaining on the face after the massage is washed off after a quarter of an hour.
  5. Apply any nourishing preparation to the face

Why strawberries are valued in cosmetology: the benefits of berries for the face

Garden strawberries have been used by women to maintain the beauty of the skin of the face and body since ancient times. Strawberry milk baths are the beauty secret of Cleopatra herself; English courtiers and queens in the Middle Ages achieved snow-white complexion using the pulp of this berry.

Strawberries are still used for home care not only by ordinary women, but also by movie stars and fashion magazines.

The benefits of regular strawberries for the skin are explained by their composition:

  1. Water (more than 90% of the berry) helps moisturize the skin.
  2. Organic acids (hydroxybenzoic, chlorogenic, gallic) act as a weakly concentrated peeling: they dissolve dead cells, deeply cleanse pores and narrow them, smooth out small wrinkles and restore skin tone, stimulate cell regeneration and metabolic processes in them.
  3. Tannins normalize the amount of natural secretions, have an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanse, and restore elasticity.
  4. Folic acid (vitamin B9) protects facial skin from ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive environmental factors.
  5. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) protects the face from early aging, promotes the elimination of toxins and increases the ability of cells to regenerate.
  6. Retinol (vitamin A) soothes irritated and sensitive dermis and deeply moisturizes.
  7. Biotin (vitamin H) restores cellular connections, makes the skin elastic and preserves youth for a long time.
  8. Potassium promotes the penetration of moisture into cells and retains it there.
  9. Copper stimulates collagen synthesis in the epidermis.

Strawberries contain natural antibiotics, thanks to which they cope well with irritation, inflammation, and acne.

Useful properties of garden strawberries:

  • cleanses natural secretions and dead cells;
  • smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone, slows down aging;
  • lightens pigment spots, improves complexion;
  • nourishes and moisturizes;
  • protects against aggressive environmental factors;
  • destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin.

Due to these properties, strawberries are often included in home skin care products.

Strawberry face mask for oily skin

To improve the condition of oily skin or normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the summer, you can make special strawberry masks. They will have a drying and antibacterial effect.

A mask of strawberries and white clay will dry out oily skin.

RECIPE: Strawberries and white clay

Needed: white clay – 1 tbsp. spoon, strawberry juice - 3 tbsp. spoons

  • Strawberry juice is obtained in the same way as for ice cubes
  • dilute clay with strawberry juice
  • Apply the mask in a very thin layer to the face
  • You need to wash your face after half an hour

RECIPE: Strawberry-protein mask

You need: fresh strawberry pulp – 2 tbsp. spoons, egg white – 1 pc., oatmeal – 1 tbsp. spoon

  • beat the whites
  • Flour is made by grinding oatmeal
  • combine protein and strawberry pulp, then add oatmeal flour
  • apply the mask to the face with your fingers or a brush
  • wash off the drug with cool running water

IMPORTANT: Small strawberry seeds are abrasive particles that turn the berry into a natural scrub. To deeply cleanse oily skin, you need to apply salted fresh kefir to your face, dip your fingers in crushed strawberries and do an intense facial massage. The stratum corneum cells will be removed

Reviews of strawberry masks

Margarita, 28 years old

My grandmother taught me to use strawberries for masks since I was a teenager. Back then I had problem skin, acne often appeared. To combat them, I ground the berries, added a little alcohol and lubricated the rash. In principle, 4 procedures were enough. Later throughout my life I also used strawberries in various variations. The masks helped prevent the formation of wrinkles and whitened age spots. Therefore, based on my own years of experience, I highly recommend this product.

Elena, 32 years old

I have very oily skin, so I try to dry it out in every possible way. I tried using lemon juice several times, but when preparing the products I had a terrible setback. And then I read on the Internet that strawberries are great for reducing fat content. I tried it and liked it. Sometimes I combine berries with different ingredients, and when there is not enough time, I simply lubricate the skin with a cut berry. The effect is always equally good.

Strawberry face masks have received well-deserved attention for decades. Berries are a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances, which is why they have such a beneficial effect. In stores you can find many creams and products based on strawberries, but they will never replace a natural product.

Strawberry face mask for dry skin

Strawberries are mostly water. It is very good to use for dehydrated skin: together with the liquid, vitamins from strawberries penetrate into the cells, moisturizing them, nourishing them, making the epithelial tissue firm and elastic.

It is known that adequate nutrition with water is a preventative measure for skin aging. RECIPE: Moisturizing mask with strawberries, yogurt and yolk

Strawberries with yogurt are not only delicious, but also good for your skin.

You need: strawberry pulp – 1.5 tbsp. spoons, fresh yogurt without additives - 1 tbsp. spoon, beaten egg yolk – 1 pc.

  • strawberry pulp is combined with yogurt and yolk
  • To moisturize and nourish the skin, you need to apply the product to your face and wear it for 20-30 minutes.
  • After washing your face, don’t forget to use a moisturizer

RECIPE: Remedy for dehydrated skin with butter and strawberry juice

Needed: olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, strawberry juice - 1 tbsp. spoon

  • olive oil and juice squeezed from strawberries are combined
  • Dip cotton pads into the resulting mixture and apply the mixture to the face.
  • After 15 minutes, wipe your face with cotton pads moistened with acidified water.

IMPORTANT: You can improve the effect of a regular moisturizer if you add 1 teaspoon of strawberry juice to a serving immediately before applying it to your face.

Strawberry skin care products

The properties of garden strawberries and their bright aroma have inspired many cosmetics manufacturers to produce series with this berry. Creams, scrubs, lotions with strawberries can be found both in budget companies and in luxury cosmetics. It should be noted right away that products with a pronounced aroma contain a minimum of natural substances and can cause an allergic reaction.

All the beneficial properties of strawberries can be preserved only by organic cosmetics. The most effective remedies with strawberries:

  • moisturizing and rejuvenating mask Cristina for normal skin, Israel;
  • deep cleansing universal mousse Ceano Cosmetics, Latvia;
  • shower gel “Wild strawberry” from Yves Rocher, France;
  • mask with collagen, yogurt and strawberry extract from Skinlite, Korea;
  • shower gel with peeling effect from The Body Shop, UK.

Particularly popular among women are softening patches and fabric masks soaked in strawberry extract. In terms of effectiveness, they can be compared with fresh berries, but no complex manipulations are required: just clean the skin and apply the finished product.

All products have a pronounced tonic, cleansing and rejuvenating effect.

Home remedies: useful masks and scrubs

It is not at all necessary to buy expensive (or not so expensive) cosmetics with strawberries, and at home you can prepare masks, lotions and peelings that are in no way inferior in quality and effectiveness to store-bought ones. Their undeniable advantage: complete naturalness and the ability to change the composition based on the type and condition of the skin.

Most often, strawberries are mixed with dairy products, eggs, oils, flour, juices and vegetable purees.

To prepare the products, you can use only ripe, seasonal garden strawberries with rich color and smell, preferably homemade, grown without fertilizers. Now you can buy strawberries even in winter, but such berries are not only not healthy, but also harmful to the skin.

Cosmetologists advise nourishing the skin with vitamins in the summer, and for winter, strawberries can be frozen. Such berries lose their taste, but almost completely retain their beneficial properties.

The most popular way to use strawberries in cosmetology is to make masks. By combining berries with different components, you can get cleansing, nourishing, whitening and even rejuvenating mixtures.

Due to their high content of vitamin C and other fruit acids, strawberries are best suited for oily skin. There are several options for masks:

  1. Mash fresh or frozen berries with a wooden or plastic spoon. Apply the resulting puree in a thin layer to clean skin, and reapply after 2-3 minutes.
  2. A mixture for oily skin with wide pores. Ingredients: strawberries (2-3 berries), egg white, starch (1-2 tbsp.). Mash the berries, beat the whites into a stable foam, and combine with the puree. Pour ½ tsp into the resulting mass. starch until you get a substance that resembles sour cream. Spread the mixture evenly over the face, rinse after drying.

For dry skin, strawberries may be too aggressive; oils or dairy products will help soften the effect of fruit acids:

  • Option one: mix the pulp of 2 large strawberries with full-fat sour cream (heaped tablespoon), olive oil and honey (tsp each). To thicken, you can add a little starch or flour. Wait 5-7 minutes and spread the mixture over the skin.
  • Option two (recommended for peeling). Ingredients: fresh strawberry juice (50 ml), chicken egg yolk, olive or sunflower oil (5 ml) and oatmeal (1-2 tbsp.). Mix all ingredients, add flour last.

To nourish normal skin, a mixture of strawberry pulp and the yolk of one large face is suitable.

Universal masks that will refresh any skin type:

  • Recipe No. 1: Mash half a banana with 1 large strawberry, add a vitamin E capsule, mix well and coat the skin.
  • Recipe No. 2: mix the pulp of 2 berries with a medium-sized cucumber, grated on a fine grater, peeled.

A mask with a whitening effect consists of:

  • strawberry pulp;
  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • lemon juice.

All components are taken in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. If the skin is dry and sensitive, add a few drops of any cosmetic oil or vitamin E (1 capsule) to the mixture.

Masks for aging skin:

  • Option one: boiled potatoes in their jackets (1 medium-sized tuber), the same amount of strawberry puree and 30-50 grams of cream. Crush the berries and potatoes in a ceramic mortar, add cream, mix everything and cover the skin with the resulting mixture.
  • Option two: strawberry pulp, any moisturizer and honey. All ingredients are taken in an amount of 5 ml, mixed and distributed over the skin.

Instead of a scrub, you can use strawberry pulp in its pure form, or mix it with rice flour, salt or finely ground natural coffee. Such compositions not only mechanically remove dead cells from the face, but also dissolve impurities in the pores.

You can make natural lotions for toning your face from strawberries:

  • Recipe No. 1.

Strawberry juice (1 glass), sugar (3 tbsp), lanolin (2 tbsp). Dissolve sugar in juice, pour into a container with thick walls, and place on low heat. Bring to a boil and turn off immediately. After cooling, repeat and add lanolin at the end. Pour the lotion into a glass container and place in a cool place. Wipe your face with the resulting liquid after washing.

  • Recipe No. 2.

Mix 100 ml of strawberry juice, dry white wine and cucumber extract. Combine all components in one container, leave for 24 hours in a warm place, then store in the refrigerator.

For toning the face, ice made from strawberry juice, or a mixture with lemon or cucumber, is suitable.

Recipes for healthy summer masks with strawberries can be found in the video.

Anti-aging masks made from strawberries for the face. Strawberry face mask against wrinkles

A strawberry mask with warm milk and honey has an excellent rejuvenating effect on aging skin that has lost its elasticity. RECIPE: Anti-aging skin mask with strawberries

You need: strawberry pulp, warm milk, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon

  • mask components connect
  • After application, keep it on the face (not bypassing the area around the eyes) for half an hour
  • wash off the homemade cosmetic preparation and use an anti-aging cream

RECIPE: Mask with cottage cheese and strawberry juice for wrinkles

Strawberry-curd mask rejuvenates the skin.

You need: fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. spoons, strawberry juice - 2 tbsp. spoons, honey - 1 teaspoon

  • the cottage cheese is thoroughly ground
  • add strawberry juice and melted honey to it
  • apply the mask for 20 minutes

Possible contraindications and side effects

When it is not advisable to use strawberry masks:

  • open wounds;
  • allergy to berries;
  • presence of spider veins (capillaries located close together);
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • pregnancy and lactation (against the background of hormonal changes, allergies may occur);
  • too sensitive and thin skin (in this case, softening components are added to the strawberries).

Adverse reactions include predominantly allergic manifestations:

  • burning;
  • swelling;
  • hyperemia (redness);
  • skin rashes;
  • itching

Irritation manifests itself not only at the site where the mask is applied, but also in other parts of the body - arms, legs, stomach, neck.

How do strawberries whiten your face?

Let them say that freckles refresh a woman’s face and make her appearance more perky; women are constantly looking for ways to get rid of them.

You can lighten pigmentation on your face using masks made from strawberries containing natural acids. You need to be prepared for the fact that in order to achieve the effect, the procedure for applying the mask will need to be repeated again and again for at least three weeks.

RECIPE: Anti-freckle mask

To lighten freckles, you need to mix the juices of strawberries, lemon and cucumber.

Needed: strawberry juice – 2 tbsp. spoons, lemon juice – 1 teaspoon, cucumber juice – 1 tbsp. spoon

The juices are mixed and used to wipe the skin with pigmentation twice a day.

Possible adverse reactions

Strawberries are a strong allergen, and they also contain ascorbic and other acids (more than oranges). In this regard, the occurrence of undesirable reactions is possible:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • swelling.

To avoid this, it is necessary to test each product with strawberries before the first use and do not keep the product for longer than the recommended time. If discomfort occurs after applying the mask, the mixture should be washed off immediately. If the reaction appears after a few hours, you need to take any antihistamine: Claritin, Loratidine.

Strawberry for hair: mask

Strawberries help take care of hair.
Summer berry is also a versatile hair care product. Masks with her:

  • nourish the scalp, hair follicles and hair shafts
  • makes it easier to comb hair by moisturizing it and smoothing keratin scales
  • eliminates greasiness of the scalp and hair
  • help cure seborrhea and remove dandruff
  • eliminate itchy scalp
  • other

Depending on what type of hair the mask will be used for, its additional ingredients to strawberries are selected. RECIPE: Hair moisturizing mask

You need: olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons, strawberry puree - 3 tbsp. spoons, fresh fatty kefir – 30 ml.

  • kefir is heated to 40 degrees, stirring so that it does not curdle
  • add aromatic berry puree and olive oil to it
  • apply the drug to the scalp, then distribute it through the hair to the very ends
  • wear a mask under insulation for 1 hour

RECIPE: Mask to eliminate oily hair

Needed: blue clay – 3 tbsp. spoons, chamomile decoction - 2 tbsp. spoons, strawberry juice - 2 tbsp. spoons, aloe juice – 5 drops

  • clay is diluted with chamomile decoction
  • enrich the mixture with strawberry juice and “doctor” juice
  • apply a mask to the scalp and curls, insulate
  • wash off with shampoo after 20 minutes
  • rinse hair with chamomile decoction

How to cook properly

Before preparing the cosmetic mixture, strawberries must be thoroughly washed. Do not use unripe or overripe berries.

To make the mixture, you need to use glass, earthenware or ceramic dishes. Ready-made formulations are not intended for long-term storage , so the mask must be made at once.

Yogurts used for making applications should not contain any foreign additives or colorings.

Use in home care

Strawberries are used for the face in different ways: they make masks for all skin types, scrubs, peelings, lotions. By adding certain ingredients, you will achieve the desired effect. There is no need to carry out beauty treatments too often. To get good results, organize a session once a week for dry skin and twice for oily, combination and problem skin. You need to prepare a cosmetic product before use; it is not advisable to store such products. It is better to choose seasonal, aromatic berries - they contain maximum nutrients.

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Composition and properties of strawberries

Strawberries contain a huge amount of minerals and trace elements beneficial to the body, such as:

· magnesium and potassium; · iron and copper; · calcium and flint; · cobalt and iodine; · zinc and manganese.

Summer berries are very rich in B vitamins, as well as PP and A, and are especially rich in vitamin C. It is important to note that strawberries are saturated with various organic acids (malic, citric, lactic) and plant antibiotics, which perfectly tone the skin, regenerate and relieve inflammation .

Benefits of a strawberry face mask

Strawberries have a fairly mild drying effect, which has a beneficial effect on oily skin, removing oily shine, and also leads to a rapid narrowing of enlarged pores. The biological substances of the berry perfectly tone, soften and nourish the skin, making it smooth, soft, even and velvety. It is important to note that strawberries, having a whitening effect, do not spoil the tan at all.

Copper, which is part of the berry, promotes the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity, slows down its aging, as well as the appearance of fine wrinkles. Herbal antibiotics from strawberries relieve inflammation of the skin, give it freshness, and fight acne. In cosmetology, the regenerative ability of strawberries is especially valued.

acne; · dark spots; · enlarged pores; · oily skin; · excessively dry skin; · small pimples and inflammations; · vitamin deficiency and reduced skin immunity.


· open wounds; · ulcers and inflammatory processes; allergy to strawberries; · individual intolerance to the components of some masks; · fever; · psoriasis and eczema.

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