Cocoa butter - beneficial properties and use in cosmetology. Recipes for the skin of the face, hands, body, hair at home

Cocoa and its by-products are known not only for their aroma and invigorating properties. For example, Mayan women already in ancient times knew how to use cocoa butter on their faces, preserving the beauty and youth of their skin. Today it is also used in professional cosmetology as a wonderful skin care product suitable for almost every skin type.

Cocoa butter for facial skin care

Composition and beneficial properties of cocoa butter

Calorie content of the product: 900 kcal per 100 g.

The composition of the oil contains the following substances:

Beneficial features:

  • increases the body's defenses;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • gives a tonic effect;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens hair;
  • fights expression lines;
  • often used in the treatment of colds and viral diseases;
  • helps get rid of stretch marks;
  • used in combination for weight loss.

How do you get it?

The oil is extracted by processing cocoa beans. Production is carried out using the hot method. This process is multi-stage.

The result is a solid product with a brittle consistency, but an oily texture with an unobtrusive nut-milk aroma, which becomes liquid at a temperature of +32-35°C, and cocoa powder. When solid, its color varies from cream to brown. At 40°C the oil becomes transparent.

A properly produced product retains the beneficial properties of beans. However, the level of cleaning matters. Refined oil is suitable for external use for cosmetic purposes, although you can also buy unrefined oil, which is considered more vitamin-rich.

How is cocoa butter used in cosmetology?

An important component of cocoa beans is cocoa butter. Oil-based creams, lipsticks and even shampoos are made. The acids contained in cocoa butter have properties important for skin and body care. Cocoa butter is present in many cosmetic products.

Has a rejuvenating effect, recommended for dehydrated skin. It fights fatigue well and eliminates wrinkles. Using cocoa butter in home cosmetology, you can prepare creams, skin and hair care products.

A little history

Cocoa butter has been used to preserve youth and beauty of the skin for a long time. The Mayan tribes thousands of years ago considered the chocolate tree a source of timeless beauty, and the resulting oil extract was used to heal wounds.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of the chocolate tree, although today the plant grows successfully in America. For many centuries, Africans have used the oily product to protect their skin from the rays of the burning sun, noting its high protective, healing and moisturizing properties.

Which cocoa butter is better to buy?

To get the maximum benefit from the oil, it is important to purchase a natural product.

It is worth noting that there are 2 types of oil:

  • Unrefined - considered more natural and healthy. This type of oil does not undergo additional processing. It retains the maximum amount of useful substances. The consistency is thick and has a chocolate aroma.
  • Refined oil is softer in texture and contains fewer fatty acids, because it can be further processed and purified. Odorless, white in color. The oil is hypoallergenic and allowed for pregnant women.

It is recommended to purchase unrefined oil. It retains all the beneficial properties and is easier to distinguish from a fake than a refined one.

To buy real oil, when choosing, you should adhere to the following criteria:

  • Smell and color. Natural unrefined oil with a light chocolate aroma, pale yellow in color reminiscent of white chocolate;
  • Consistency. The butter crumbles, has a hard and dense texture;
  • Price. The approximate cost of natural cocoa butter ranges from 100 to 200 rubles. for 50 g. You should not fall for cheap products. Refined oil has the opposite: it is white, liquid in texture and odorless. It is recommended to purchase oil in eco-shops, pharmacies or trusted online stores.

Oils from Royal forest

Royal Forest Unrefined Oil
Real, high-quality oil can be purchased from Royal forest Colombia.

The company produces edible unrefined oil, which is useful for cosmetic procedures. Price approximately 500 rub. For 200 gr.

Oils from the Aromatika brand

The non-refined oil produced by Aromatika has proven itself well among its competitors.

The composition meets the necessary requirements and has a solid texture. The drug can also be taken orally, which once again indicates the quality of this product.

Aromatika cocoa butter has a good price-quality ratio

The price ranges from 100 to 150 rubles. over 50 g. Country of origin: Ukraine.

Oil from

will cost an average of 700 rubles. for 150 gr. This oil is cosmetically refined and is not suitable for oral administration. Perfect for external use and adding to masks and creams. Produced in Russia.

Fragrant World cocoa butter can only be used for skin and hair care

Interesting! Quality experts say: It doesn’t matter which oil manufacturer it is. It is important that the product meets the required standards.

Where can I buy

It is not difficult to buy vegetable oils and extracts. Pharmacies, online stores, cosmetics stores and supermarkets are ready to offer many options, but it is difficult to answer how natural and high-quality they will be.

Study information about the manufacturer, ask for reviews from users and friends, pay attention to the packaging and storage conditions of the product, how it looks and smells.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Smell - the product should smell like cocoa. You can only miss the rich aroma if you buy refined oil.
  2. Color - cream. A gray or perfectly white tint indicates a fake or damaged product.
  3. Consistency - a natural product is solid at normal temperatures and may crumble. The plastic consistency should alert you.
  4. Price – don’t count on too cheap prices, the cost of the product increases every year.

Cocoa butter is an inexpensive product, its price starts from 300 rubles and above. The product is often packaged in a plastic or glass jar with a wide neck to make it easy to remove.

The product can be stored for 2 years from the date of manufacture. The optimal storage temperature is 18ºС. Cocoa butter should not be frozen.

Application for facial skin

Not many people know that cocoa butter is very beneficial for facial skin. The use of cocoa bean products in cosmetology is valued for its effectiveness in combating fatigue and skin aging. Oil-based products are used to make day and night creams, as well as masks. Using the product correctly, you can quickly achieve the expected results. We offer effective and proven recipes.

Night moisturizer

The cream is recommended for dry skin.

Preparation: Mix a spoonful of cocoa butter with 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, add 1 teaspoon jojoba.

Heat all ingredients and cool. Beat with a blender, adding a couple of drops of sandalwood oil. The night cream is ready to use. Apply before bed to cleansed skin. A positive result will be visible from the first days of use.

Rejuvenating mask

Recommended for those who want to maintain youth and tighten their skin.

Preparation: Mix parsley chopped in a blender with a spoon of kefir and add melted cocoa butter - 2 tbsp. spoons. Thanks to the combination of simple and accessible components, a miracle anti-aging product is obtained. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse and enjoy the pleasant sensations. Make no more than 3 masks per week.

Nutritious cream

Suitable for any skin. Recommended for use during the cold season. The value of the composition lies in the fact that in cold weather the skin needs nutrition more than at other times. The cream nourishes and saturates with vitamins.

Preparation: Take 1 teaspoon each of rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, mix with a tablespoon of warm cocoa butter. Combine the ingredients and add a couple of drops of vitamin A and E. Add 1 tbsp to the finished mixture. spoon of cream. Apply in the morning after washing.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Preparation: Add raw yolk to a teaspoon of cocoa butter. In a separate container, mix carrot juice and honey. Take 1 teaspoon of ingredients. Combine everything and apply to previously scrubbed skin. Keep for 15 minutes.

Cocoa butter mask nourishes the skin and prevents wrinkles

The procedure should be done no more than 3 times a week.

Can it be taken internally?

The cosmetic product should not be taken orally or added to food; edible cocoa butter is used for these purposes. It is used in the production of white chocolate and confectionery.

It is recommended to use the aromatic extract for those whose bodies are sensitive to sudden changes in weather, and for people with low blood pressure. Regular use of this valuable product improves brain function, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer. Please note that the product is very high in calories, excessive consumption may affect your figure.

For coughs, colds, and sore throats, the aromatic chocolate product will also come in handy. It is enough to consume a little oil (the size of a small pea) every 4 hours.

The product stimulates the removal of mucus. You can prepare a delicious and medicinal drink. To do this, add ½ tsp to warm milk (1 tbsp.) cocoa butter, 1–2 tsp. natural honey. Stir the ingredients and wait until they are completely dissolved. Believe me, with this medicine your children and you will always be healthy.

By the way. You can get valuable components from cocoa powder. A hot drink will give you energy before your planned workout, improve your mood and well-being.

Application for body skin

You can become the owner of elastic and smooth body skin by experiencing the properties of cocoa butter. The use of this product in cosmetology to care for problem areas is very important, especially in the fight against the so-called “orange peel”. Cocoa butter will tone the skin and smooth out its texture.

During an anti-cellulite session, using cocoa butter instead of massage oil gives good results. The product combats stretch marks and is recommended for use during pregnancy.

Chemical composition [2][3]

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of processed grains)

Calorie content884 kcal
Squirrels0 g
Fats100 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water0.1 g

Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of unprocessed grains)

Tocopherol (E)1,8
Phylloquinone (K)24,7
Choline (B4)0,3

Fats and fatty acids (in grams per 100 grams of processed grains)

Saturated fats59,7
Myristic acid0,1
Palmitic acid25,4
Stearic acid33,2
Monounsaturated fats32,9
Palmityleic acid0,2
Oleic acid32,6
Polyunsaturated fats3
Linoleic acid2,8

Cream for getting rid of stretch marks

Suitable for pregnant women for prevention purposes and for those who have this problem. After a month, you can already evaluate the first results.

Preparation: You need to mix 30 g of melted cocoa butter with 10 g of castor oil, add 5 g of jojoba. Combine ingredients and apply morning and evening. Store the composition in a dark place.

Anti-cellulite cream

This cream is a salvation for those who have orange peel.

Body cream with cocoa butter penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing and smoothing it.

Preparation: You will need 30 g of beeswax and 4 types of oils. Take 30 g of each: cocoa, coconut, olive and shea butter. Grate the wax and melt in a water bath, cook for 5 minutes, cool, add the remaining ingredients. Beat the resulting mixture. Rub the cream with massage movements into problem areas 3 times a week onto pre-steamed body skin.

How to use body care

The following body products are prepared in cosmetology based on cocoa butter:

  • chocolate scrub for cellulite. This recipe uses cocoa powder (0.5 tbsp), which should be combined with sea salt and ground coffee in equal proportions. The scrub is based on cocoa butter, designed to prevent particles of the drug from scratching the skin. It is introduced in such quantities to obtain a thick and viscous mass. After mixing the chocolate mixture until smooth, apply it with massaging movements, leave for 6-7 minutes, then rinse off in the shower. After this, it is recommended to apply anti-cellulite cream.
  • for tanning and sun protection. For this purpose, cosmetology recommends treating the skin with cocoa butter before sunbathing. This not only allows you to get a beautiful skin color, but also reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Cocoa butter will help avoid drying out the skin.
  • for arms and legs. To soften the skin and protect against moisture loss, add a little cocoa butter to your regular cream. It is advisable to lubricate problem areas at night; you should go to bed wearing thin gloves or cotton socks (if your feet were treated).
  • with stretch marks. Due to its fatty acid content, cocoa butter is used in cosmetology to get rid of stretch marks. The product can be used during pregnancy, when the risk of stretch marks increases. You should rub the softened chocolate product into your skin twice a day. Wraps made from a mixture of flaxseed and cocoa butter (1:1) are also useful. Exposure time is up to half an hour. It is enough to carry out manipulations once every 7 days. Also effective for stretch marks are chocolate baths, to which a mixture of 10 drops of chocolate and 5 drops of citrus oil is added. The bath takes a quarter of an hour.

Also in cosmetology, a chocolate substance is used if there are various cosmetic defects. It is recommended to warm a small piece of it in your palms and then lubricate scars.

Application for hair

If you want to look well-groomed, you need to work hard on yourself. Sometimes such care brings negative results. For example, using a hair dryer and hair styling products spoils its structure. To restore hair health, cocoa butter is used in cosmetology in the form of masks. Thanks to the composition of useful components, damaged hair can be restored.

Cocoa bean product is a valuable aid in home hair care. Its properties can help solve the problem of split ends, and give strength and smoothness to brittle hair.

Systematic use of cocoa butter will prevent hair loss and enhance growth. It is possible to use the oil yourself, and you can increase the effect by mixing other useful components.

Important! Masks must be done on dry and clean hair. The oil must be heated before use.

Mask for dry hair

The usefulness of this mask is that it contains many vitamins that can turn dry hair into healthy, thick and shiny.

Preparation of the composition: Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and cocoa butter. Add 3 drops of grapefruit oil. Combine the components and finally add 4 drops of vitamin A and E. After mixing the ingredients, apply the mixture to clean hair, rinse after 2 hours.

Nourishing hair mask

It is believed that a mask containing little cocoa is already nutritious due to the composition of fatty acids. Restores damaged hair and saturates it with vitamins.

Preparation: Take 1 tbsp of ingredients. spoon. Combine wheat germ, cocoa, and jojoba oils with one yolk. Apply the mixture first to the roots, rubbing into the skin, and then along the entire length. It’s good to leave this mask on overnight, but if this is not possible, a couple of hours is enough. You need to do it 2 times a week.

Mask for strong hair

Using this recipe, you can get strong, strong and shiny hair. To do this, you need to devote 2 hours once a week, and the result is noticeable from the first procedures. The recipe will take time to prepare.

Preparation: Take 1 glass each: cognac, sea salt and honey. Mix the ingredients and leave in a dark place for two weeks. After the time has passed, add 100 ml of cocoa butter. Store the infusion in a jar with a tightly closed lid.

Thanks to the rich composition of cocoa butter, a mask based on it strengthens hair, gives it shine and elasticity.

Use once a week before washing your hair. A couple of hours before the shower, apply the mixture to the length of the hair, including the roots, after which the composition must be washed off with shampoo.

Mask to accelerate growth

Preparation: Mix 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter with 3 tablespoons of burdock and 1 castor. Heat the mixture and apply overnight. It is recommended to do no more than 2 times a week. An interesting feature of this healthy oil is that when applied to hair, it is easily washed off, unlike other oils. A one-time application of shampoo is enough to remove excess.

Best Recipes

Before applying these compositions, you must thoroughly clean your face of makeup and impurities. This can be done using foams and gels for washing, avoiding lotions and tonics that clog pores. A face mask with cocoa butter at home helps fight problems that professional cosmetics sometimes cannot cope with. They can smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin, and soothe inflammation. The composition uses simple ingredients: vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, animal products.

In its purest form

In its pure form, cocoa butter is used to care for the face as a whole and its individual areas: eyelids, lips. It is distributed over the skin of the face in the form of a leave-in nourishing cream. The oil extract should be melted in a steam bath and applied to the skin for 10 minutes. You can do it easier and hold a solid block in your hands. He'll melt. The oily liquid remaining on the fingers should be applied to the face. Unabsorbed residues are removed with a paper napkin, blotting the face. The procedures should be carried out within a month before bedtime. As a result, the feeling of dry skin, flaking, and redness is eliminated. You can use it under makeup or apply it in a similar way before going out into the cold or sun.

In the form of a cream

The extract can be added to finished cosmetic products intended for facial care: foam, night cream. Two drops per serving is enough. Or make a nourishing homemade cream. Mix cocoa, rose hip and sea buckthorn butter in equal proportions, add vitamins A and E. For consistency, add a small amount of industrial cream to the mixture. The product is used a couple of hours before bedtime.

According to another recipe, mix 2 tbsp. cocoa butter, 1 tsp. paraffin and lanolin, 1 tbsp. Vaseline. The ingredients are melted in a water bath, stirring. When all the components become liquid, pour in 3 tbsp. rose water. Beat the mixture with a mixer, placing it in a tray with cool water. The hardened mixture is stored in the refrigerator, used as needed.

For wrinkles

A simple product based on cocoa bean butter with the addition of 2 drops will help smooth out wrinkles. essential oil of grape seeds or wheat germ. A similar recipe, but with the addition of aloe pulp: mix 1 tsp. cocoa butter, 1 tbsp. grape seed oil extract and 1 tbsp. aloe pulp.

Here's another way to use cocoa butter for wrinkles: you need to combine 1 tsp. cocoa, olive and coconut oils, heating them in a water bath, then dilute the composition with 1 tbsp. mineral water and apply to skin. After waiting 30 minutes, wash off the mixture and wipe the skin with an ice cube.

A noticeable result is obtained by a multi-component mask consisting of 4 tsp. cocoa butter, 3 tsp. natural honey, 2 tsp. lemon juice and 2 tsp. carrot juice, yolk. You can take 1 egg yolk or 3 quail yolks instead. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed with melted butter and applied to the face. Exposure time: 20 min. The mask has a rejuvenating effect, moisturizes, and makes the skin soft.

If the wrinkles are deep and the skin is oily, you need to take oatmeal, yogurt, butter and white clay in the proportions, respectively: 1: 1.5: 2: 3. Yogurt is added last. In addition to noticeably tightening the skin, the mask increases its elasticity, tightens pores and mattifies.

To make a moisturizing anti-wrinkle mask, take 2 tsp. melted cocoa butter and combine with 3 tbsp. milk, add 1 tbsp to the warm composition. cream and 4 drops. dill oil.

Against inflammation and acne

Several recipes for masks that calm the inflammatory process:

  • Solid cocoa bean butter is heated until it becomes liquid, and then 2 drops are added. essential oil of aloe, tea tree, propolis.
  • Melt 1 tsp in a water bath. product, mix it with oil extract of wheat sprouts in the amount of 1 tsp. and add 1 tbsp. finely grated avocado or pumpkin. The mass is applied to the face for 30 minutes and then washed off.
  • Take 1 tbsp. cocoa butter and melt in a water bath, add 2 tbsp to the liquid substance. blue clay, lemon juice - 2-3 drops, mix and apply to the face.
  • For 3 tsp. take 1 tsp of product. coconut oil. Grind 1 tablet. ascorutin, mix with a mixture preheated in a steam bath, add 3-4 drops. ginger essential oil.

A chocolate face mask also helps

For the eye area

Cocoa butter is good for the skin around the eyes. It is applied in its pure form. It removes yellowness and dark spots under the eyes, refreshes skin color. You can spread it with your fingers or make a compress by soaking gauze folded in several layers with oil and applying it to your face for 10 minutes. The top of the fabric is covered with a terry towel.

The composition of the eye mask with cocoa butter will be even more active if you combine 2 tsp. oil with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil extract and add the contents of 2 caps. vitamin E. 15 minutes after application, the mask composition is washed off. If you do this mask systematically before bed, fine wrinkles will disappear completely.

For dry skin

If the skin is prone to peeling, make a night cream: mix olive oil, cocoa extract - 2 tbsp, 0.5 tsp. shea butter The oils are heated in a water bath and then cooled with constant stirring. At the end add 2-3 drops. sandalwood oil The mixture is distributed over clean facial skin and left to act for 30 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a cotton pad. It is recommended to make the mask at night.

You can also make a mask with glycerin: combine 1 tsp. glycerin and kefir at least 2.5% fat, add 2 chicken yolks. Leave the composition on the face for 20 minutes.

According to another recipe, take 1 tsp. peach oil and moisturizer and combine with 3 tsp. liquid extract. To ensure that the ingredients are well combined, you need to mix them in a water bath. The mixture is then cooled and used as a cream.

Toning mask

Toning masks refresh the face and have a comprehensive effect. You can expect them to smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and nourish.

  1. 1 tbsp. Melt the butter in a water bath and add about the same amount of finely chopped fresh parsley.
  2. Take cocoa butter extract, finely grated cucumber, aloe juice, and chamomile essential oil in equal proportions. Mix the ingredients, adding the cucumber last. Apply to the face and leave for 20-30 minutes. This mask also helps reduce inflammation.


The scrubbing composition must contain abrasive particles, so you need to add ground coffee, sugar or sea salt to the oil base. The composition should be applied with massaging movements, then left for 3-5 minutes and rinsed off.

You can get a softer scrub by mixing ground oatmeal with honey and melted cocoa butter. It can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator as a solid mass.

Another recipe: combine 1 tbsp. brown sugar with 2 tbsp. cocoa butter and 1 tbsp. flower honey. First you need to mix the liquid ingredients and then add the sugar. Sugar grains will act as a scrub. The composition should be applied in a circular motion. Exposure time: 10 minutes. The scrub is suitable for dry skin.

Mask for oily skin

To make oily skin look matte, apply a mask made from 3 tbsp to your face. cocoa butter, 1 tbsp. kefir and 1 egg white. The whites are whipped into a thick foam separately, and then combined with melted butter and kefir. The effect of the mask is 10 minutes. The mixture regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.

To improve complexion

The mask for improving complexion includes four components: cocoa butter and beeswax as a base - 1 tsp, 1 tbsp. wheat germ oil extract and 5-6 drops. cinnamon essential oil. The base ingredients are melted in a water bath, wheat germ extract is added, then the mixture is cooled and a few drops of cinnamon ether are added. Beat the mixture with a mixer and place in the refrigerator. Store in glass containers.

For pigment spots

A composition prepared according to the following recipe will help get rid of dark spots on the skin of the face: 3 tbsp. combine carrot and lemon juice, heat 1 tsp in a water bath. cocoa butter, add juices, 2 drops. patchouli ether. Remove the container from the water bath and add the raw yolk. Exposure time – 1 hour. The mask should be done daily for 3 weeks.

For rosacea

To reduce the severity of the vascular network and prevent the appearance of new nodules, it is recommended to systematically make a 20-minute mask of pure cocoa bean butter. After removing the mask, wash with cool water.

For scars, scars and stretch marks

Cocoa butter strengthens connective tissue, so with its systematic use, the skin becomes even, smoother and more elastic. To achieve this effect, apply the oil in a thick layer to the stretch marks and massage the skin for about half an hour. By increasing blood circulation and stimulating metabolism, the product will penetrate deep into the skin.

To lighten scars, do the same thing, only add a little lemon juice to the oil.

Lip balms

It is recommended to use two popular recipes for lip care:

  1. Pour a small amount of sugar into the melted butter, apply the composition to the lips or use it in its pure form 2-3 times a day. Leave until absorbed. Cocoa butter heals wounds and eliminates peeling.
  2. You can prepare a solid balm by mixing 1 tsp. beeswax, 1 tbsp. butter and 2 tbsp. wheat germ oils.

Use for delicate skin of lips and eyelids

Cocoa butter for lips

The composition of cocoa butter is rich in vitamins and natural fats. Vitamin K present in the composition is often used in cosmetology to solve the problems of chapped lips. By applying a couple of times a day to the lip area, you can quickly forget about this problem.

Balm with cocoa butter will be a savior for flaky lips

This recipe will restore the healthy appearance of your lip skin.

Preparation: Take 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of cocoa butter and wheat germ with 2 tbsp. spoons of beeswax. Once the cream has hardened, it can be used.

Cocoa butter for eyelid skin

A delicate and delicate area of ​​the face is the skin around the eyes. It requires care and the right approach, because not every oil is suitable for this area. Having learned about the beneficial features, we can safely say that the oil is a universal remedy for the whole body.

The skin around the eyes is thin and requires careful handling. Penetrating into the skin, the oil saturates every cell with essential fatty acids. Helps get rid of wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. By applying oil to the area around the eyes, the skin gains firmness and elasticity.

How to use: A simple and effective method is to apply the oil to the skin of the eyelids and cover the face with a terry towel. Keep for 20 minutes, do daily before bed for a course of 3 weeks.

This mask will also be effective in the fight against wrinkles.

Preparation: Mix cocoa butter with sea buckthorn oil 1:1 and add 5 drops of vitamin E. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes, do 3 times a week.

Active ingredients

The oil extract is saturated with fatty acids:

  • Lauric acid – maintains water balance in the skin, reduces dryness and promotes rejuvenation, as do the phytosterols included in the composition.
  • The action of linoleic acid, which has nutritional properties, has a beneficial effect on the condition of flaky and dehydrated skin.
  • Oleic – stabilizes sebum production and blocks the development of inflammation and clogging of pores. Stearic acid, which has antibacterial properties, also contributes to this.
  • Palmitic – has lightening properties, so it copes with pigmentation and improves complexion, stimulating the saturation of the skin with oxygen.
  • Arachine – promotes the absorption of nutrients.

It also contains vitamins:

  • E – prevents the formation of wrinkles, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen in the skin;
  • B – nourishes the skin;
  • K – whitens and removes inflammation, promotes healing.

This is a non-allergenic and non-toxic product that does not oxidize and serves as a natural preservative when included in cosmetic products. The chemical composition of cocoa butter determines its properties and use on the face.

Features of use in pure form and as the main ingredient of the cream

For body care, you can purchase ready-made products that already contain cocoa butter. But there is another option, for example, using the oil in its pure form. The product can be used instead of moisturizing and nourishing cream, but not on an ongoing basis.

The peculiarities of using oil as a single product are that before applying the product, the skin must be cleansed.

It is recommended to carry out the procedures in the evening so that the oil has time to be absorbed. To do this, you need to have about two hours in reserve. But, for example, adding cocoa butter to the cream will allow you to use it at any time of the day. The product will have a less greasy texture. In combination with other oils, it gives a much greater effect.

Cocoa butter is widely used in cosmetology

Shea butter perfectly complements each other in a complex for face and body care. Using oils and combining them will allow you to achieve great results, sometimes only achieved with expensive cosmetics and procedures. This option is much more convenient and cheaper.

Cosmetic properties

Cocoa butter is indispensable for facial skin; it helps with almost any problem, even with the healing of mechanical damage. It:

  • moisturizes and nourishes;
  • protects against wind and low temperatures;
  • calms inflammation and prevents its occurrence;
  • cleanses pores;
  • improves complexion;
  • brightens;
  • kills bacteria;
  • smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates, thanks to the activation of collagen and hyaluronic acid production;
  • removes peeling;
  • heals scratches and wounds;
  • regulates metabolism in the skin;
  • acts as a UV filter.

When applied to the skin it does not leave an oily sheen.

Precautions and contraindications

Having considered the beneficial aspects of using oil, we should not forget about precautions when using it. It almost does not cause allergic reactions, but still, such cases can occur.

Precautions when using cocoa butter:

  • Do a cocoa bean product tolerance test. Apply a couple of drops of the product to your wrist and assess the condition of the skin after 2 hours. If there is no itching or redness, you can safely proceed to cosmetic procedures.
  • It is important to purchase natural oil. You shouldn’t take risks and buy a cheap product of dubious quality. Unpredictable results may occur.
  • Do not use a substance that has expired. It is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and only then apply the composition to the skin.

Contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Not recommended for use by people with oily skin.
  • It is strictly forbidden for diabetics, people with sleep disorders and obesity.

Varieties and production technology

Cocoa butter is a popular product and fruit of the chocolate tree. To prepare it I use cocoa beans.

The oil preparation procedure occurs in several stages:

  1. The collected cocoa beans are peeled, filmed and sorted.
  2. The prepared raw materials are subjected to high temperature treatment and crushed into powder.
  3. Cocoa bean powder is fed to the hot pressing position.
  4. Depending on the purpose of the product, the oil is purified. Cosmetic oil undergoes more thorough purification than cooking oil.

The cocoa product has a dense, even fragile consistency and a pleasant aroma. The color of the product varies from light brown to rich chocolate. Before use, it is heated, melted in a steam or water bath. At a temperature of +32ºС, the product begins to melt, becomes fluid and convenient for application to the skin.

The chocolate product, despite the complex preparation process, does not lose its valuable properties and is widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, medicine and cooking. The drug is non-toxic and rarely causes an allergic reaction when used.

You won't be able to get cocoa butter at home.

Recommendations for preparation and use

To benefit from using the product, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • In cosmetology, a condition for the successful use of cocoa butter is cleansing the skin before use. You need to cleanse your skin not only of cosmetics, but also of dead cells - use scrubs. This way the cream can penetrate deeply and start the regeneration process.
  • Before use, the oil must be warmed to body temperature.
  • You should not use the oil in its pure form every day. Everything should be in moderation.

To a large extent, the frequency of use of cocoa butter depends on the procedure. For masks - approximately 2-3 times a week. It is recommended to do the procedures in courses of 10-15 applications, and then a break of 4 weeks is required. In this way, you can treat the skin and hair, and at the same time allow the body to demonstrate its protective functions.

Cocoa butter is a universally useful product in home cosmetology.

It is recommended to use it not only internally, but also externally to prolong the youth of the body and external beauty. The product has no special contraindications and is suitable for children. A natural product will only benefit the body.

At the same time, you should be careful when choosing oil and adhere to the above recommendations. Using cocoa butter in home body and hair care brings true pleasure and amazing results.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plant extract from cocoa beans has many beneficial qualities that will help maintain youth and health of the skin of the face and body, fill cells with nutritional components, smooth out wrinkles and prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

In addition to the rich composition and effective multilateral action, it is worth noting the following advantages of the product:

  • versatility - the oil is indicated for children and adults, for all skin types;
  • has a minimum of contraindications;
  • can be used in its pure form without the risk of burns;
  • easily combined with other oils and ingredients;
  • not dangerous by overdose;
  • purchasing the product will not cause any difficulties;
  • a pleasant aroma that brings true pleasure and delight from the procedure;
  • affordable price.

The only drawback of the product is the risk of buying a counterfeit product. If used incorrectly or if contraindications are ignored, pores may become clogged and allergies may develop.

Tips from cosmetologists

  • If you have the feeling that cocoa butter is weighing down your skin, try mixing it (after melting) with sesame, peach, almond, and olive oil in an approximate ratio of 1:2 or 1:3.
  • Don't be afraid to mix cocoa butter with other oils or herbs. This is a universal product that goes well with other components.
  • If for some reason cocoa butter is not suitable for you, you can try using equally healthy and effective macadamia oil for the face.

Use in medicine

Cocoa butter extract is used to make suppositories. These are laxative and analgesic suppositories for topical use. The extract is also used in products for skin regeneration: it helps the dermis recover faster and creates a special film that prevents pathogenic microflora from developing.

The product is used to treat:

  • colds;
  • infectious lesions of the skin;
  • excessive dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood (due to fatty acids) [7].
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