How to remove fat from your knees: 6 exercises that even a beginner can handle

Thickening of subcutaneous fat is observed not only on the buttocks, abdomen, arms, but also on the knees. This problem is quite common, affecting representatives of the fair sex both overweight and quite slender. Thick knees spoil your figure and limit your wardrobe options by wearing clothes that cover this part of the body. The reasons for the appearance of an aesthetically unattractive defect are different.

To restore harmony to your knees, it is necessary to take an appropriate set of measures, a special place among which is given to physical activity, but taking into account some features. It is simply impossible to achieve local weight loss in any one area, but there are exercises that allow you to target fat deposits on your knees, which can be done at home without going to the gym.

Features of losing weight in the knees

Let's start with the fact that local weight loss is impossible. If you do abdominal exercises, this does not guarantee that the extra centimeters will go away from your waist. The same is true with the legs.

A simple formula works: by reducing the total amount of fat in the body, you also reduce problem areas.

Fat disappears evenly and requires an integrated approach, including nutrition. A balanced diet for weight loss plays no less important role than physical activity.

How to get rid of sagging skin on the face and neck?

To effectively solve the problem of sagging skin, an integrated approach is important - proper nutrition, maintaining water balance, and physical activity.

If we want to restore the tone of the face and neck area, the most effective way is cosmetic procedures. They stimulate the production of collagen and elastin - the main proteins responsible for skin elasticity.

One of the most effective methods will be Thermage radiofrequency thermolifting using the Thermacool device. Cells of the dermis (the main layer of the skin) - fibroblasts - are activated under the influence of radiofrequency pulses and begin to produce skin elasticity fibers - collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin shrinks within two months. To achieve the effect, 1-2 procedures every 2-3 years are enough.

Another popular method is thread lifting, an alternative to plastic surgery. Using special threads made of polydioxanone or polylactic acid with notches or cones, you can tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin, reduce nasolabial folds and molar bags.

Why does fat appear on the knees?

Sometimes the fat on the knees is not fat at all, but muscles that are not toned and strengthened. This problem often occurs after injuries. In extreme cases, this may be a chronic disease - lipedema, which is characterized by an uneven distribution of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous fat tissue. This requires diagnostics and support from specialists.

But there are a number of other reasons that most people face. The older we get, the more our metabolism slows down. At the same time, the volume of skeletal muscles decreases, and the percentage of adipose tissue increases. And depending on what kind of weight gain we are predisposed to, problem areas appear. In women, they most often occur in the abdomen, thighs, legs and arms.

In addition, as you age, your body begins to produce less and less collagen. This is a protein in our body that experts call the “structural support of the skin.” As we lose collagen, skin elasticity decreases. Accordingly, unwanted skin sagging and sagging appear.

What muscles should you work to lose weight in your knees?

First of all, you need to focus on the quadriceps muscle. This powerful muscle group is important for knee extension/straightening.

But it is worth noting that people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system of the lower extremities should stay away from performing extensions. In this case, it is better to get advice from specialists and practice under their strict guidance.

For those who do not have any health problems, we offer a set of simple exercises:

  1. Stepping onto a step platform or crossfit stand;
  2. Lunges;
  3. Jumping rope;
  4. Riding a bicycle or exercise bike;
  5. Plie squats with a dumbbell;
  6. Wall squats.

Let's tell you more about each of them.

A little information about the anatomical structure

The knees are made up of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The functionality of the knee joint is ensured by the following muscle groups:

  • Quadriceps femoral. Allows you to straighten your knee and bend your leg at the hip joint.
  • Femoral biceps. This group includes three muscles and is responsible for bending the knee.
  • Calf. Moves the foot and knee joint when flexed.

The accumulation of fatty deposits occurs around the knees, which become thick and deprive the legs of grace and harmony. They begin to take the form of either rollers or balls. Fat does not always accumulate only around the knee joint. Often it is deposited on all the muscles of the leg, when the beautiful natural curves are completely lost. Regardless of the location, the fight against fat deposits involves reviewing the diet and performing physical activity. The first involves reducing daily caloric intake, and the second involves selecting exercises designed to work on a specific problem area.

If you exercise regularly and adhere to the basics of rational nutrition, visible results will appear within a month. You can consolidate the effect and give your knee joints the desired slimness only when you exercise clearly and purposefully throughout the year and do not allow yourself excesses in food. This is due to the fact that losing weight is not the only goal, because women want to have not just fat-free legs, but also slender, sculpted legs. It becomes possible to achieve such a result only by constantly working out the muscle groups of the legs.

How to make your knees skinny.

Exercise No. 1. Stepping onto the platform

The box sit-up is an effective exercise that helps improve balance and coordination while developing strength and power in the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves.
You can use a step platform or a CrossFit stand. It all depends on what equipment you have at hand. The main advantage of this exercise is its simplicity and versatility:

  1. Stand in front of the box and place your right foot on it.
  2. Shift your weight to the heel of your foot, which is on the platform. Raise your left leg while straightening your right knee.
  3. Return to the starting position, lowering your legs to the floor one at a time.
  4. Then switch legs and step on the box with your left foot, repeating the rest of the movements.

Do 3 sets with as many reps as possible.

Exercise No. 2. Lunges

Lunges target the front muscles - the quadriceps. When you strengthen and tone them, your legs work better, including the knee area. Lunges are considered one of the best exercises if you want to build muscle groups in the knee area, as well as the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

The classic version of lunges is performed as follows:

  1. Stand straight, back straight.
  2. Step forward with one leg until it reaches a 90-degree angle. In this case, the knee of the leg remaining behind should remain parallel to the ground, and the front knee should not extend beyond the toes. Make sure that the weight of the supporting leg rests on the heel.
  3. Look ahead. Hold at the peak point for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Perform 10 to 12 repetitions on each leg.

If the classic version seems too boring or light for you, add weights. Or choose one of the possible variations: side lunges, curtsy, reverse lunges or knee lifts. Breaking up your routine won't be difficult.

Skin tightening methods in the décolleté area

For those who want to have a beautiful seductive neckline, our clinic offers a method of combining laser resurfacing using the ESTETICA 2.1 device with PRP Regenlab:

  1. The erbium laser used painlessly renews the skin, smoothes out the network of wrinkles and creases, and evens out the color of the skin. A distinctive feature of this type of laser is the minimum rehabilitation period (4–7 days), the effect is visible after just a few days. Cosmetologist Elena Mikhailovna Bakulina: I recommend a course of 3–4 procedures with an interval of 1–1.5 months
  2. Plasma therapy PRP Regenlab. This is the type of plasma therapy that doctors chose to work in our clinic because it is a scientifically proven, safe and effective technique. The world's only patented Cellular Matrix tube with plasma enriched with platelets and hyaluronic acid is used. During therapy, up to 90% of viable platelets are retained. All this gives a pronounced effect of regeneration, rejuvenation and radiance of the skin.

Flabbiness of the body after losing weight is not a death sentence! In the arsenal of cosmetologists at the Real Trans Hair clinic, effective methods of skin tightening have been developed over many years. If you want to solve this problem, come to our clinic for beauty and health!

Exercise No. 3. Jumping rope

Jumping rope is an effective calorie burner that tones and strengthens your legs.

The most important key to success is jumping technique (not speed). Concentrate on jumping with slightly bent knees to avoid damaging your joints when landing. Also choose rubber surfaces instead of concrete or asphalt.

Jumping rope is a high impact exercise. To ensure that the exercise is not only beneficial for your knees, but also safe for your joints, limit yourself to 2-3 sets of 2 minutes each.

You can perform this exercise as part of a circuit training program or as a warm-up before heavier exercise. For example, by force.

A little about cardio training

Now you need to figure out what exercises are useful for those who do not know how to remove fat from their knees. Initially, in order to lose weight in general, you need cardio training. The most basic thing is walking at a fast pace.

To improve the walking effect, you can walk on hilly terrain, which increases the stress on the muscles. You can also resort to interval training, alternating between walking at a normal and fast pace.

Running is another great way to improve the appearance of your knees and overall body. You can jog - this, by the way, is an excellent warm-up and warm-up before the main workout. Running can be alternated with walking, climbing stairs, and so on.

Over time, your muscles will become stronger and more toned, and then you can use weights for running. They increase the effectiveness of training by promoting faster fat burning.

An exercise bike and a treadmill can also be excellent helpers in the fight for slender knees. To improve efficiency, it is recommended to do interval training, alternating speed. You need to devote time to cardio training about three times a week.

Exercise No. 4. Riding a bicycle or exercise machine

Cycling is easy and can be part of your daily routine. This is an excellent cardio exercise that not only helps you lose weight and lose about 500 calories per hour, but also serves as a prevention for many diseases (heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc.).

To achieve effective fat loss results, try to alternate between standing and sitting pedalling. Increase the resistance so that the muscles experience more stress.

If you don’t have a bicycle, take advantage of group Cycling / Spinning classes in the gym or a regular exercise bike.

Exercise No. 5. Plie squats with weights

If the correct technique is followed, the quadriceps and auxiliary muscles (abs, hamstrings, calves, buttocks) work.

The technique is simple:

  1. Hold the dumbbell with both hands by the base and stand straight.
  2. Feet are shoulder-width apart. The toes are turned out to 120°C.
  3. The back is straight, slightly arched in the lumbar region.
  4. Without changing the position of your back and keeping your head in front of you, slowly squat down as you inhale. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  5. Hold for a few seconds and, as you exhale, return to the starting position without straightening your legs completely.

The number of approaches and repetitions depends on your goals and the weight of the weighting agent. 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions are considered optimal.

A set of 7 exercises for the knees

It is necessary to create a home training program taking into account your own individual needs and characteristics. You should take into account the initial level of physical fitness, body type, health status, amount of excess weight and some other factors that may allow large or, conversely, require gentle loads.

To get the desired result, you should exercise at least three to five times a week. Daily workouts are not for everyone. Most people, especially beginners, are advised to train every other day, that is, alternate between rest and exercise. The advantage of the exercises included in the complex is that most of them are suitable not only for daily performance, but also several times during the day. They give slimness to the legs and have a beneficial effect on the body. Regular implementation of the complex strengthens ligaments and muscles, improves the functioning of the respiratory system.

The main thing is not to exercise when you are exhausted and tired, or after a heavy meal. The exercises should be preceded by a good warm-up to warm up the leg muscles.

Walking on your knees

The exercise is walking on your knees and was borrowed from Eastern practice and is often used in the treatment of various ailments. In the practice of oriental medicine, it is considered an excellent remedy for diseases of internal organs and vision problems. It engages all the muscles responsible for the functioning of the knee joint. The exercise specifically targets fat deposits on the thighs, inner and outer sides of the knees.


  1. They kneel down. During the first classes, it is best to place it under a towel, and only then you can immediately stand on a gymnastic mat or other suitable surface.
  2. Keep your back straight. You cannot tilt your head. Some people starting the exercise may experience pain at first, so you need to start walking on your knees with several steps (from two to three). The optimal duration of execution is 10-15 minutes, but you need to start with 60 seconds and then increase the duration.

You can do the exercise not only daily, but also several times a day.

Such walking, according to Dr. S. M. Bubnovsky, is a great help for arthrosis. It activates points located on the knee joint, which has an excellent therapeutic effect.

Exercise "Bicycle"

This exercise, familiar to almost everyone, is no less useful. It engages the muscles responsible for flexion and extension of the knee joints. The load on the knees themselves is quite soft, which is an undeniable advantage. The exercise works great on the knees and is included in the rehabilitation program after injury to this joint.


  1. They lie with their backs on a hard surface. Legs and arms should be positioned so that there is no discomfort. The spine must be relaxed, so you need to roll left and right several times.
  2. When a comfortable position is found, the lower back is pressed to the floor, the arms are placed behind the head, and the shoulders are raised slightly.
  3. The legs are bent at the knee joints so that the hips are located at a right angle to the floor. To reduce the load on the lower back, the legs are raised, but held at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. They begin to bend and straighten their knees, similar to how they do it when riding a bicycle, but at the same time pull the elbow towards the opposite knee (left to right, and right to left).
  5. In order to work the muscles as efficiently as possible, the pace is kept high, that is, they “pedal” quickly.

Do at least 10-20 repetitions and 2-3 approaches. You need to breathe as freely as possible, and not hold your breath. Otherwise, the load on the cardiovascular system will increase sharply.

This exercise must be done several times a day, including before going to bed. “Bicycle” perfectly relieves tension from the lower extremities and is an excellent preventive measure against varicose veins.

Exercise Bicycle: technique

Classic squats

They work all the muscle groups of the thighs and buttocks, make the legs slim, correcting their shape. Squats performed according to the classical scheme burn excess fat and tighten the knees from the inside and outside. Dumbbells allow you to increase the load.


  1. They stand up straight. The shoulders turn a little. The chin is raised. The legs are kept spaced shoulder-width apart. This posture is maintained throughout the entire exercise.
  2. The feet should be parallel to each other. Hands are bent at the elbows and placed on the belt.
  3. They begin to squat, constantly monitoring the position of their knees. They should bend at right angles.

The recommended number of sets is from two to three, in each of which at least 10-20 repetitions are done.

You should not do deeper squats. They put too much stress on the knee joints.

Lesson: Classic Squats / Exercise Technique

Jump Squats

They perfectly load the muscle groups of the legs and are performed in various variations. The most widespread are two options, each of which is equally effective, since it involves jumping and a certain position of the hands. The second option involves the muscle groups of the body, which allows you to get an even greater load. And if you want to speed up the process of getting rid of fat on your knees, this is what you should do.

First option

  1. They stand up straight. The legs are level with the width of the shoulders, and the toes are slightly turned outward.
  2. The feet are placed parallel to each other. The arms are bent at the elbows and placed on the chest with the palms on the elbows.
  3. Squats are performed so that a right angle is formed, and then, pushing off with the legs, straighten the knee joints.

The exercise is done 10 and 20 times, performing 2-3 approaches.

Second option

Squats with jumping are done in the same way as in the first option, but the arms are held along the body and thrown up when jumping.

To load the muscles as effectively as possible, the exercise is done as slowly as possible.

Jump Squat


The gluteal and other muscles that are responsible for flexion and extension of the knees are involved. Exercise allows you to get rid of fat deposits.


  1. They become straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and step forward.
  3. The back is kept straight, transferring the body weight to the leg that is put forward and bent.
  4. Stay for a few seconds at the extreme point.
  5. When the emphasis is placed on the foot of the forward leg, they rise and return to the starting position.

Change legs and do three sets with 10 repetitions each.

The main thing is that the knee joint should not be bent at an acute angle, as this will lead to injury. The knee of the straightened leg, which is located behind, touches the floor surface.

Lunges. How to do it right.

Stepping onto the platform

This exercise loads the knee joints, hips, and buttocks. Exercises with a step platform allow you to make your legs slim in a short time. You need to walk with dumbbells, but in the beginning you can train without using weights.


  1. Hands with dumbbells in hands are kept lowered. The right leg is placed on the platform at a right angle so that the thigh is parallel to the floor.
  2. The right leg is straightened and the left leg is raised onto the platform.
  3. They lower themselves, but try to maintain balance.
  4. They change the leg.

You need to do at least 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

This exercise must be done with alternating left and right legs, since it is not recommended to perform all repetitions on one side at once. Otherwise, the steps will be much more difficult.


Jumping on a bench

Loads the gluteal and thigh muscles, allows you to give your knees a beautiful look, burns extra calories and gets rid of the ears on the hips.


  1. Select a bench, the height of which on the side is approximately 40 cm, stand next to it, keeping your legs together.
  2. They wave their arms and push off with both feet from the floor, jumping onto the bench.

The number of repetitions is 10 or more.

Jumping on a cabinet

Exercise No. 6. Wall Squats

Wall squats develop muscular endurance, pumping up the quadriceps muscles, buttocks and calves. Working them out reduces fatigue and allows you to train for longer periods of time.


  1. Stand with your back half a meter from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly slide your back along the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. Adjust your feet so that your knees are directly above your ankles, not your toes.
  4. Hold the position for 20 to 60 seconds.
  5. Slowly move up, sliding along the wall until you return to a standing position.

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise three times. As your endurance increases, increase your hold time by five seconds.

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