How to raise your eyebrows with home exercises

  • December 4, 2018
  • Home workouts
  • Svetlana Funtova

Remembering the phrase from the popular Soviet film “eyebrows are of enormous importance today,” one can understand that this part of the face has always been of great importance for a woman. Drooping eyebrows make the look look downcast and angry, while beautiful and raised eyebrows give the face freshness and youth. In this article we will look at how to raise eyebrows using Botox, correction, exercises and massage.

Reasons for sinking

Eyebrow drooping can be due to many reasons, which is why people are often concerned about whether they can raise their eyebrows. More on this a little later.

Let's look at the most common reasons for drooping eyebrows:

  • Age-related skin changes, which primarily affect the forehead and eyebrows.
  • Tissue atrophy or gravitational changes.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Excessive elasticity of connective tissues.
  • Excessive sun exposure or other harmful environmental influences.
  • Damage to the facial nerve affecting the frontal branch.

Often, with age, changes become more pronounced, cause psycho-emotional discomfort to a person, and reduce self-esteem. Although there are no specific standards regarding eyebrows, people prefer to see them raised or in place from birth. It is for this reason that women are increasingly turning to the services of cosmetologists or plastic surgeons.

Types of cosmetic defect

There are several types of eyebrow drooping:

  • Partial. Overhang of the eyebrow over the eyelid occurs only in one area of ​​the eyebrow.
  • Complete. The eyebrow shifts along its entire length; it completely hangs over the upper eyelid.
  • False. This defect occurs due to relaxation of connective tissue.
  • True. It is diagnosed if the lower edge of the eyebrow is below the orbit of the eye.
  • Two-way. A cosmetic defect is observed on both eyebrows.
  • One-sided. Eyebrow drooping occurs on one side of the face.

Correction, tattoo, biotattoo

To raise their eyebrows, women resort to the services of cosmetologists and tattoo artists. For this purpose, professionals in their field offer tattooing and correction.

The latter, although slightly, still helps to raise the eyebrow growth line. First of all, you need to choose the most suitable eyebrow shape. Of course, it is advisable to consult with an eyebrow artist, makeup artist, study photographs on the Internet or use a special computer program.

Before correction, the skin around the eyes is degreased and the instruments are treated with a disinfectant. Hair is removed from the lower part of the eyebrows, so they will appear a little higher. If your eyebrows are wide, you can remove several rows of hairs from below or above in the direction from the bridge of the nose.

If you cannot bear the pain during the procedure, you should try correction with wax. It is quite quick, less painful, and the results last up to one month.

You can also contact a specialist and get a regular or biotattoo done. The first method is more affordable, but the eyebrows do not look very natural; the second method is more expensive, but the result will please you for many years.

How to grow eyebrows after tattooing?

It all depends on how badly they are damaged. If the harm is minor, oils (we'll talk about them later), Vaseline, aloe vera and other “homemade” remedies will cope with the problem. In some cases, girls are recommended to undergo a semi-permanent restoration procedure (a special hypoallergenic composition is applied to the skin for eyebrow reconstruction) or even transplantation.


Eyebrow and eyelash growth serum is a good option for those whose situation is not “severe.” Such products often contain vitamins (for example B5 and B7), which stimulate hair growth from the roots: they will help restore eyebrows after an unsuccessful tattoo.

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How to draw with a pencil and lay it out correctly?

Every woman can raise her eyebrows at home. To do this, you only need a cosmetic pencil. When makeup is applied correctly, your hairline will appear higher and your eyes will appear more open.

To visually lift your eyebrows with makeup, you need an eyebrow pencil to match the hairs and a colorless gel.


  1. First you need to contour your eyebrows. The first line is drawn along the top of the eyebrow from the inner edge to the highest point. The second - from the top point to the outer tip along the lower hairline. The result is an edging. If the outline is too bright, it needs to be shaded with a special brush with an angled cut. The gaps between the hairs are painted over and shaded.
  2. Then the hairs growing near the bridge of the nose are combed upward, the middle part towards the temple, and the tip downward. You can add volume to your eyebrows by filling in their central part with a pencil one tone darker, and the transition should be smooth.
  3. The final stage is fixing the shape with colorless gel.

How long does it take to grow eyebrows?

Everything is individual. Full recovery can take four to eight months, provided you take care of your eyebrows, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the hair follicles are severely damaged, the recovery process may take a year or more.


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Eyebrow exercise by Cynthia Rowland

Famous blogger Cynthia Rowland gives several recommendations on how to raise your eyebrows higher.

You can achieve positive results by using some Facebook building techniques. Some of the most popular are eyebrow exercises from Cynthia Rowland:

  1. Facial muscles relax. Three middle fingers are placed on the eyelids and area under the eyebrows, palms facing the face.
  2. Using your fingertips, you begin to raise your eyebrows upward, going beyond the brow ridge.
  3. The position must be fixed, the eyes remain open.
  4. Gradually, the eyebrows begin to push down, resisting the movements of the fingers, which continue to hold the eyebrows outside the brow ridges. The exercise is repeated for 5 seconds. Then the hands are removed from the face.
  5. Next, you need to take a deep breath through your nose and exhale.
  6. The exercise must be repeated, while resistance to the fingers is continued for 10 seconds. After 5 seconds, the eyes are closed and the highest position in which the eyebrows are located is fixed.
  7. Hands are removed from the face, inhale and exhale again. The exercise is repeated 5 seconds longer each time, until it takes 30–35 seconds.
  8. The exercise is done 6 days a week, 1 time per day. Positive dynamics are observed after 5–6 lessons.

Eyebrow exercise from Saint Maria Runge

Another effective exercise with which you can raise your eyebrows is recommended by Senta Maria Runge, a cosmetologist who devoted her life to face-building and wrote the book “Facelift with Exercises.”

Here are her tips:

  1. The fingers are placed under the eyebrow and raised up, above the brow ridge.
  2. Hold the position for 5 seconds. After this, the gaze is raised upward, trying to see the outer tip of the eyebrow, and hold the position for 10 seconds.
  3. Holding their eyebrows, they begin to blink slowly 10 times with each eye.
  4. Then, with light pressure on the eyebrows, close the eyes and pinch tightly, count to 10 and unclench the eyelids.
  5. The facial muscles relax, literally after a couple of sessions the results are obvious.

Eyebrow exercise “Turban”

This exercise restores the elasticity lost with age to the temporal muscles and frontal tissues, raises the eyebrows, eliminates drooping upper eyelids, smoothes out crow's feet and serves as a preventive measure for their appearance.

Exercises performed using the following technique help raise eyebrows:

  • It is necessary to sit or stand; an important condition is that the back must be straight.
  • Palms should be placed on the forehead, as close to the hairline as possible. With your thumbs, lightly clasp your temples and the upper part of your forehead.
  • Using moderate pressure, pulsating movements of the palms pull the skin towards the crown and back. Thus stretching the muscles.
  • In one session you need to do 30 pulsating movements in each direction.

It is worth noting that you should not apply excessive pressure or displace the skin. Movements should be slow so as not to stretch the skin and muscles. If your hands are tired, it is better to interrupt the exercise, rest a little and continue.

Signs of drooping eyebrows

Highly raised, smoothly curved eyebrows, a clear, open look speak of youth and health. Drooping eyebrows and heavy eyelids are a sign of aging and decreased skin turgor. Signs of drooping eyebrows include the following factors:

  • Visually, facial asymmetry is observed.
  • The eyebrows hang over the upper eyelid.
  • The facial expression becomes dull and heavy.
  • The distance between the edge of the eyelid with the eyelashes and the eyebrow decreases.
  • The position of the eyebrow relative to the edge of the orbit changes.

Botox and contouring

The number of women who want to lift their eyebrows with Botox (before and after photos are presented in the article) is growing every year. Today, this procedure is increasingly accessible to people of any income. The injection of botulinum toxin effectively combats muscle spasms and tightens the facial skin.

One procedure is enough to quickly raise your eyebrows. You can see the result after a few days. After injections, the facial muscles responsible for lowering the eyebrows relax, and those due to which the eyebrows rise, on the contrary, begin to work in an enhanced mode. However, the main reason why people resort to Botox injections is the desire to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.

Non-surgical contouring involves the use of hyaluronic acid. As is known, it is found in many human tissues. Hyaluron does not cause an allergic reaction and does not cause side effects.

To raise the eyebrow line, you can inject fillers containing hyaluronic acid. The procedure is quite quick and not very painful. During this procedure, the cosmetologist makes the contour of the eyebrows clearer, the skin becomes firm and elastic. At the end of the session, the eyebrows are raised, the gaze becomes open and clear. Depending on the drug used, the result lasts from several months to two years.

L. Kolesova, dermatovenerologist, chief physician, Moscow, Russia

The shape, width and position of the eyebrows significantly influence appearance and contribute to the expression of moods such as surprise, anger, sadness, and the position of the eyebrows differs between men and women.

According to modern canons of beauty, women's eyebrows should be located slightly above the edge of the eye socket. The maximum bend of the eyebrow should be at the border between the middle and lateral thirds. Its medial edge should be on a line drawn from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye, the lateral edge should be on a line that runs from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye, and both edges should be located on the same horizontal line.

In men, the eyebrows are located slightly lower, at the level of the edge of the orbit, and more horizontally. The appearance of the upper two-thirds of the face largely depends on the location of the eyebrows. With age, the eyebrows lower (usually by several mm), which is caused by the influence of gravity, in the area of ​​the upper eyelid the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases or increases, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. All this leads to the fact that older patients often have a desire to correct the appearance of the upper part of the face in order to reduce the emerging signs of aging.

Age-related changes in the skin around the eyes can often be corrected surgically by removing areas of sagging skin and excess fatty tissue, but standard surgical operations have limitations. At the same time, in many patients, the volume of soft tissue in the orbital area decreases with age, the tissue of the upper eyelid atrophies, the bony frame of the orbit becomes more noticeable, and the upper eyelid appears more round and sunken. In such cases, correction can be achieved by raising the eyebrows, which is achieved by replenishing the lost volume of soft tissue.

Thus, increasing the volume of soft tissue in the periorbital area of ​​the eyebrows using the introduction of Repleri® gels is an effective minimally invasive way to correct appearance defects, and sometimes gives even better results than surgical treatment methods.


To improve the appearance of the periorbital area of ​​the face, we use fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid from the Repleri® line.

Intradermal implants for contouring of the Repleri® brand are transparent, pyrogen-free, sterile viscoelastic gels based on stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin with a molecular weight of 0.1–2.0 kDa. The hyaluronic acid (HA) they contain is synthesized using special strains of bacteria, which eliminates animal protein impurities and minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. The amount of bacterial endotoxin in Repleri® preparations is less than 0.5 EU/g (this is more than 25 times lower than the European standard), which reduces the development of the inflammatory reaction (swelling, redness) and pain during and after administration. The stabilizing agent is butanediol diglycedyl ether (BDDE).

The HA concentration in Repleri® implants is 24 mg/ml, which is higher than most known fillers. This suggests that the biodegradation of the filler will take a little longer than usual. The drugs belong to the biphasic class, that is, HA “granules” with a greater degree of stabilization “float” in a gel consisting of HA with a lesser degree of stabilization, which allows implants to more effectively fill the intercellular substance and then be fixed in it.

To increase eyebrow volume, we use Repleri® No. 1 and No. 2. Comparative characteristics of these gels are given in Table 1.


IndexRepleri® Gel No. 1Repleri® Gel No. 2
Concentrationtd>24 mg/ml24 mg/ml
Molecular mass0.1–0.15 kDa0.15–0.28 kDa
Number of cross links1%1%
Needle size30G29G
Packaging1 x 1.0 ml1 x 1.0 ml
Indicationsfine wrinkles, crow's feet,purse-string wrinkles, shallow wrinkles, red border of the lips, wrinkles on the forehead
Injection depthintradermallymiddle layers of the dermis
Administration techniqueretrograde, cross, multipuncture, fanretrograde, crossed, multipuncture


A. Preparatory stage

Preliminary inspection

1. Anamnesis collection (particular attention should be paid to the presence of chronic diseases and allergies). 2. Examination of the skin (with special attention, skin imperfections should be examined - wrinkles, folds, tissue depressions). 3. Assessing the patient's needs and expectations. Finding out which of the existing deficiencies are the least acceptable, not only physically, but also psychologically. 4. Identification of contraindications 5. Obtaining informed consent from the patient for the procedure.


Absolute: previously reported reactions to cross-linked hyaluronic acid, history of multiple allergies, history of anaphylactic reaction, diffuse connective tissue diseases, mental illness, presence of permanent fillers in the skin.

Temporary: herpes or other diseases (acne, dermatitis) at the implantation site, taking medications that contribute to the occurrence of ecchymosis (NSAIDs, anticoagulants, vitamins C and E, β-3 and β-6 fatty acids), bleeding disorders, pregnancy and lactation, high likelihood of exposure to direct sunlight or other heat sources immediately after implantation, important events in social life in the next 72 hours.

Relative: autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, predisposition to the development of keloid scars, high client expectations.

Correction planning

Typically, patients have little idea how increasing eyebrow volume can change their appearance. Moreover, no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to verbally explain to the patient what his or her eyebrows will look like after the procedure. To achieve mutual understanding, planned visual changes must be seen.

For the past 2 years, we have been showing patients the potential results of eyebrow volume enhancement by pre-injecting the correction area with a dilute solution of local anesthetic. Only a few refuse to “preview”. Others understand that thanks to simulation, a decision can be made even before the procedure begins.

It should be said that even a doctor cannot always accurately predict the aesthetic effect of the procedure, therefore the results of such simulation are useful for both the patient and his attending physician.


The introduction of Repleri® No. 1 and No. 2 in the eyebrow area replenishes the volume lost due to age-related resorption of subcutaneous fat or congenital hypoplasia. The method does not replace surgical eyebrow lifting, but in combination with botulinum toxin it can be very useful for lowering eyebrows to return the patient to a more “fresh and happy” appearance.

The two most common defects that can be corrected by increasing volume are loss of soft tissue volume in the medial third of the eyebrow (sometimes called “triangular defects”) and loss of soft tissue volume in the upper eyelid. In patients with “triangular defects,” the eyebrows take on a shape that expresses anxiety or concern, causing them to have a “restless look.” In such patients, even a minor correction can lead to a significant change in facial expression.

For patients with loss of volume in the soft tissues of the upper eyelid, uniform replenishment of the lost volume along the entire length of the eyebrow using Repleri® No. 1 will be effective.

Patient preparation

1. Photographing. 2. Assessment (together with the patient) of existing defects using a mirror. 3. Cleaning and disinfection of skin.

B. The main stage is eyebrow correction. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check for asymmetry on the patient’s face!

Marking The effect of the correction largely depends on the correct marking (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Marking. Determination of the length and height of the eyebrows (a, b).

Anesthesia Ice, 0.5% or 0.25% lidocaine and epinephrine can be used for anesthesia (the latter causes vasoconstriction and thereby reduces the risk of intravascular injection). Emla cream can only be used at the preliminary modeling stage.

Preliminary modeling

After anesthesia, a diluted anesthetic solution is injected into the correction area. The solution consumption per eyebrow is 1 cm3. The difficulty of the procedure is that there is a risk of uneven filling of the tissue. A few minutes after injection, the anesthetic is distributed into the skin, and the patient sees what his eyebrows will look like. Most patients approve of the “preview” results. Interestingly, many of them believe that their eyes have become larger. Those who do not like the results can stop having filler injected in time.

If treatment is carried out immediately after preliminary modeling, no additional anesthetic is required. And the presence of anesthetic in the tissues does not interfere with contour modeling.

Filler injection To slightly lift the eyebrow and slightly change its shape, you can use Repleri® No. 1 or the slightly more viscous Repleri® No. 2. The drug is usually injected into the lateral and medial parts of the eyebrow (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Restoring the volume of the lateral part of the eyebrow. View before (a) and after (b) correction

Repleri® No. 2 is typically used in the lateral brow and is injected into the subcutaneous fat (not the dermis) on the return stroke of the needle, stopping the injection before the needle is removed from the skin. As a rule, injections are made parallel to the eyebrow, above the upper edge of the orbit.

When replenishing the lost volume of the tissues of the upper eyelid, it is better to inject Repleri® No. 1 along the entire length of the eyebrow in small portions intradermally in the direction from the lateral part of the eyebrow to the medial (Fig. 3). The consumption of the drug per eyebrow is from 0.5 to 1.0 ml. Bruising on the upper eyelid is rare.

Rice. 3. Restoring the volume of the upper eyelid. View before (a) and after (b) correction

In the temporal region, as a result of the resorption of adipose tissue with age, a slight tissue depression may appear. This defect can be corrected by injecting Repleri® No. 1 gel into the upper layers of the dermis. It is preferable to use a fan injection technique. After administering the drug to the temporal region, it is necessary to perform a massage to distribute the drug more evenly in the skin. (Important: there are a large number of vessels located in the superficial layers of the temporal region!) The main problem when using any type of filler is achieving its uniform distribution. Beginners inject the drug into one point and then distribute it. This technique can be used on thin skin, but more reliable results can be achieved by injecting the drug along the contour of the eyebrow and distributing it with massage movements.

To prevent injection of the drug (and its subsequent migration) into lower tissues, including the eyelids, it is necessary to keep your finger level with the edge of the eyebrow. It is advisable to place the area undergoing correction between the thumb and index finger, this will allow for more accurate placement of the implant.

After administration of the drug, small irregularities may appear on the skin, which can be easily eliminated with massage or additional injections. When the implant is inserted superficially, massage is necessary in all areas with thin skin.

If there is a significant decrease in the volume of soft tissue in the periorbital region, the doctor may want to fill the volume in the area between the eyelid and the orbit, where the muscles that lift the upper eyelid are located. This is not recommended, as there is a risk of developing ptosis of the upper eyelid.

Excessive increase in eyebrow volume can lead to a “weird” appearance in the patient, so it is better to slightly undercorrect than to inject an excessive amount of the drug.

After injection of filler, the effect of raising the eyebrows is created. Most often this is an illusion (the shadow simply disappears), but in some cases the eyebrow still rises a few millimeters (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Lifting of the lateral part of the eyebrow. View of the patient before (a) and after (b) correction

Home care

After the procedure, the patient should avoid injuring the correction area, especially in the first 2–3 days. You should also not sleep in a position on your stomach or side, with your face pressed against the pillow; during this period it is recommended to sleep on your back.

Over the next 15 days, the patient should avoid being in rooms with elevated air temperatures and/or hot steam (baths, saunas, hot steam baths), aggressive cosmetic procedures (such as professional facial cleansing with heating, etc.) and sudden temperature changes .

You should not be in direct sunlight or visit a solarium.

Side effects and complications

Side effects are immediate.

Immediate side effects are caused by the procedure itself. May experience: mild to moderate swelling, pain, erythema and ecchymosis. All these reactions disappear spontaneously within a few hours or days. The occurrence of hematomas with the correct technique of drug administration is a rare occurrence. The patient can continue to work and lead a normal life.

Delayed side effects

There have been rare cases of prolonged persistence of edema - for 8-10 days. If such a violation occurs, we recommend prescribing systemic administration of the tablet drug thrombusazim (thrombolytic) for 10 days.

No irreversible side effects occurred after correction with Repleri® gels.

Effect duration

The duration of retention of the effect after inserting the implant into the eyebrow area intradermally is approximately 5–8 months.

Additional correction

If additional correction is necessary to ensure symmetry of previously corrected areas or to further increase the volume of correction, it can be done in about a month.


You can also raise your eyebrows with massage. It is recommended to do it in combination with exercises.


  1. Before starting the massage, it is advisable to prepare the skin of the eyelids. To do this, apply compresses soaked in a warm herbal decoction to the eyes.
  2. Any oily face cream is applied to the problem area for easy and painless gliding of the fingers.
  3. During the massage, light pressure should be applied to the skin.
  4. The ring fingers are moved from the bridge of the nose along the hair growth to the outer corners of the eyes, returning to the starting position along the lower eyelid. Number of repetitions – 20 times.
  5. Patching movements with the fingertips are performed along the same trajectory. Number of repetitions – 20 times.
  6. Use soft tweezers to pass along the eyebrows along the hairline. Number of repetitions – 10 times.
  7. To relax the muscles, palms are vigorously rubbed and warm applied to closed eyelids.

How to quickly grow wide eyebrows: 6 life hacks

Some tips for the most impatient.


  1. 1 Include foods rich in biotin in your diet. This vitamin stimulates hair growth. It is found in eggs, avocados, salmon and peanuts.
  2. 2
    Use an eyebrow serum. Look for peptides in the composition - they are responsible for the hair growth process.
  3. 3
    Avoid makeup. “Aggressive” makeup can clog pores, thereby slowing down hair growth.
  4. 4
  5. 4
    Massage your eyebrows regularly. This stimulates blood microcirculation and the flow of nutrients to the follicles.
  6. 5
    Drink plenty of water (at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight). It removes toxins and has a beneficial effect on overall health.

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What to combine with?

You can quickly raise your eyebrows by combining exercises and massage. Cosmetologists also give some recommendations for effectiveness:

  • First of all, eliminating drooping eyelids helps to eliminate risk factors that cause the skin to lose its elasticity. This is lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol abuse.
  • Regular application of cold compresses or rubbing the face with an ice cube is recommended. As a result of such simple procedures, collagen is produced and the skin becomes elastic.

  • After 25 years, it is advisable to contact a cosmetologist to select the correct professional care for the skin of the eyelids and face.
  • It is better to sleep on your back to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles and skin creases.
  • At least once a week you need to make oil masks for the eyelids.

It happens that a person needs to raise one eyebrow up. In this case, the problem area needs to be given more attention - increase the load and intensity of the exercises.

After a forehead lift

Recovery after surgery lasts, on average, 2-3 weeks. Throughout this period, temporary loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​intervention may persist.

After a forehead lift, the patient is not recommended to exercise or undergo thermal procedures. You should maintain peace of mind to avoid overstraining your facial muscles.

A forehead lift, like any other plastic surgery, should be performed by a highly qualified plastic surgeon. Try to go to a well-established clinic. MedicCity performs the full range of aesthetic surgeries, including blepharoplasty, circular facelift, rhinoplasty, etc.

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