Labiaplasty: what you need to know before correction of the labia

The most common complaint heard by an intimate surgeon is hypertrophy of the labia minora. In other words, their size is too large. However, the labia minora are not always to blame. Often, lack of volume in the large lips leads to an unaesthetic appearance of the intimate area. Then the contour rejuvenation method comes to the rescue. This is an injection enlargement of the labia majora. This type of correction is used by both young patients with congenital defects, after childbirth or injuries, and women of elegant age who care about the beauty and youth of the whole body.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for labiaplasty are congenital or acquired genital defects that cause aesthetic and physical discomfort in women and disrupt normal sex life.

If these are not birth defects, then they can be acquired for various reasons:

  • Injuries. As a result of injuries during childbirth;
  • Aging. The condition of tissues is affected by age-related changes;
  • Hormonal disbalance. Problems with the vulva can be caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. In particular, hormones can affect the shape or size of the labia. The activity of pigmentation is affected by an increase in the production of male hormones - androgens.
  • Losing weight. Sudden weight loss is associated with thinning tissue and sagging skin, which also affects the condition of the labia.

But asymmetry of the labia is most often an integral congenital feature of patients.

Typically, women resort to labiaplasty when it is necessary to change the size, eliminate asymmetry and correct unpleasant changes in the genital area. Problems with the vulva often lead to loneliness, as women, considering themselves ugly, are embarrassed to enter into intimate relationships. As a result, an inferiority complex develops, which does not allow women with such problems to find happiness.

Indications for surgery:

  • the small lips protrude beyond the large ones;
  • asymmetry of the labia;
  • elongated, hanging labia;
  • very large or, on the contrary, very small volumes;
  • flabby labia;
  • the patient's desire to look better.

The most common problem with which women turn to plastic surgeons-gynecologists is the lengthening of the labia minora.


  • age under 18 years;
  • venereal diseases;
  • tumors;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • low blood coagulation (clotting);
  • mental disorders.

The essence of labiaplasty

Intimate organs also age. The female body is even more vulnerable in this regard, since childbirth provokes deformation and stretching of tissues. Plastic surgery corrects the labia minora and labia majora (labiaplasty).

There is another direction in modern medicine – aesthetic gynecology. Aesthetic gynecology includes surgical, injection and hardware techniques for rejuvenation and treatment of the vagina and external genitalia. Such procedures are performed by gynecologists.

I specialize in performing labiaplasty - restoring the aesthetics of the outer labia.

How to prepare for labiaplasty

As with any operation, if you have any chronic disease, you must be examined by a therapist and consult an aesthetic surgeon.

Minimum set of laboratory tests:

  • Blood tests: HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, coagulation, group;
  • A smear from the genital tract to check the purity of the flora.

Labiaplasty – what you need to know

Plastic surgery of the labia majora

The labia majora can be overly pronounced, asymmetrical (one larger than the other), atonic (that is, flabby). Therefore, for every problem there is a solution technology.

Resection of the labia majora

Resection is a classic excision using a scalpel. Excess skin is excised, the edges are compared, and the surgeon uses thin cosmetic sutures to model a beautiful lip shape.

Liposuction of excessively large labia

When adipose tissue grows, the labia majora may be of an unnatural size . The size and shape can be harmonized using aspiration of adipose tissue using liposuction. Cannulas are inserted through small punctures and excess fatty tissue is sucked out.

How is the operation performed?

The operation, depending on the volume and area of ​​intervention, is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia and takes an average of 30–60 minutes. When several types of plastic surgery are combined, for example, when reducing the volume of the vagina simultaneously with labiaplasty, the operation can last several hours.

After the woman has lost sensation, the surgeon removes the tissue in accordance with the markings using one of the most optimal methods. The stitches are made with special self-absorbing threads that do not require removal and do not leave marks.

Immediately after the operation, the patient is given a drug that relieves pain for several hours. The woman can return home the same day.

Cost of the procedure

Method Price
Lipofilling RUB 40,000*
Contour plastic with fillers from 12,000 rub.

*Excluding the cost of preoperative tests.

Your doctor will help you decide on the method of correcting the labia majora. The procedure can be complemented by labia minora plastic surgery to achieve the best aesthetic result.

Since 2002, the Medial Clinic has been helping women become more self-confident. Intimate plastic surgery is performed by Anzhelika Vladimirovna Nikolaeva-Fedorova and Levan Leonidovich Valiev. Cosmetological correction (labia enlargement with hyaluronic acid) is carried out by cosmetologists.

Sign up for a consultation by phone or chat on the website. We will be happy to accompany you on the path to transformation and getting rid of complexes!

How is rehabilitation carried out and how long does the period of restoration of tissues and functions last?

The most important stage of rehabilitation is self-care of the intimate area.

  • For the first 4–5 days after each urination, it is necessary to wash the operated area with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine or miramistin).
  • Long walks and sitting are not recommended for the first few days.
  • You cannot go to baths and saunas for 3 weeks; all water procedures must be hygienic only.
  • It is recommended to wear special underwear for a week.

During the rehabilitation period, which usually lasts up to two weeks, sexual and physical activity and sports are excluded

Painful sensations can remain for up to 5 days, but if they last longer, this is exactly the case when you need to contact the surgeon again.

Reduction of labia minora

In my practice, surgery to reduce the labia minora is most often performed. The length of the labia minora up to 5 cm is considered normal, but this physiological norm often contradicts aesthetics and comfort, so a length of up to 1 cm is recognized as an adequate size for the labia minora.

The two most popular surgical methods are the V-shaped incision and direct (linear) excision.

With a V-shaped incision, a V-shaped piece of skin is removed and the edges are sutured.

During direct excision, the incision may extend all the way to the clitoris. The method is used if it is necessary to remove a large amount of tissue and get rid of an overly pigmented edge, which can also be conditionally classified as an aesthetic defect.

WE ALSO ADVISE YOU TO READ: 5 myths about labiaplasty

Intimate contouring

Intimate contouring is a minimally invasive (injection) method of correcting certain areas (labia, vagina, clitoris) with fillers with hyaluronic acid. The procedure is effective for minor deformities and makes the tissue more elastic, toned and youthful. The drugs stimulate the production of your own collagen and elastin, replenish volumetric deficits and restore water balance. The effect is thus comparable to mesotherapy. Sometimes intimate contouring is combined with functional and aesthetic surgeries.

Intimate plastic surgery with fillers allows you to:

  • Correct the shape of the labia and clitoris;
  • Make the soft tissues of the vagina more toned and moisturized;
  • Increase the sensitivity of the G spot;
  • Eliminate age-related changes;
  • Narrow the vagina.

See also
plasmolifting in gynecology
The only drawback of injection procedures is their temporary effect. It is possible that intimate plastic surgery with fillers will need to be repeated annually.

Where to get intimate plastic surgery in Moscow?

To perform labiaplasty surgery in Moscow, we suggest you use the services of our specialized center for operative gynecology at the K-MED clinic for the following reasons:

  1. The latest equipment and materials : In our center for operative gynecology at the K-MED clinic, we use only the latest equipment. Surgical lasers are used during operations. Operations are carried out in a modern operating room, which fully meets all approved standards.
  2. Experienced doctors : Our center has already existed for more than 15 years. Gynecology is one of the main areas of the clinic. Our clinic employs experienced gynecologists - candidate and doctoral surgeons. During this time, we have already treated thousands of patients and performed hundreds of successful operations.
  3. Intimate plastic surgery without pain : This procedure is performed under anesthesia, which is selected individually for each specific case. Therefore, you will not experience pain during the operation.
  4. Transparency of work : before treatment, the attending physician will fully tell you how the operation will take place, what will be done and what the expected result will be.
  5. Saving time : we value your time very much, so we will coordinate your appointment time with you in advance so that you do not have to wait. On average, labiaplasty surgery takes about an hour, after which you will be in the clinic room for 2 hours, and then you can leave our clinic on your own, even while driving your own car.

During subsequent treatment, a consultation with a gynecologist-surgeon in our clinic is free of charge .

We also always have current special offers and discounts.

Get a free detailed consultation by calling (495) 434-34-44 or from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Our addresses : Moscow, Metro Yugo-Zapadnaya or Belyaevo / Konkovo, st. 26 Baku Commissars, no. 6; Moscow, metro station "Proletarskaya" st. Talalikhina, 2/1, bldg. 5.

Operation "labiaplasty"

Over the past two decades, labiaplasty plastic surgery has become in demand among women not only in Moscow, but throughout the world. In the United States alone, more than 10,000 labia minora surgeries were performed in 2015 (a 40% increase from the previous year, and that's just the known numbers). Not least because labiaplasty is an aesthetic procedure used to change the shape and size of the vaginal area.

But as in any other matter, there should also be a sense of proportion here. For example, in the UK, according to foreign literature, in recent years the so-called “Barbie Vagina” plastic surgery has become popular - labiaplasty of the lips in combination with vaginoplasty. Barbie plastic surgery is done to give the intimate area complete smoothness, without protruding the genitals outward, and at the same time narrowing the vaginal opening. The idea is ambiguous and requires an adequate approach to planning the scope of intervention.

Next, we will talk about medical and other indications that intimate labiaplasty may have.

Indications for labiaplasty

  • Hypertrophy/elongation of one or two lips;
  • Post-traumatic deformation;
  • Inconvenience when playing sports, etc.;
  • Discomfort during intimacy, wearing clothes.

There are certain anatomical parameters that characterize normal genitalia, but there is no specific definition of what their normal appearance should be. There are many different forms and nuances in how female intimate organs look. All of them are structural options given by nature. The question is different - are you personally satisfied with what you have from birth? Or nature calls for labiaplasty, because it causes confusion and is the cause of deeply personal experiences, hidden from prying eyes (this is especially true for young girls).

What are the main aesthetic reasons to undergo plastic surgery of the labia minora:

  • Appearance (length, dimensions, color, etc.);
  • Discomfort when wearing certain clothes;
  • Genitals interfere with intimacy;
  • Increased attention from others;
  • Interference with urination and intimate hygiene;
  • Psychological discomfort when visiting a cosmetologist or gynecologist;
  • Age-related involutional changes;
  • Create inconvenience when playing some sports;;
  • Requirement of the profession.

These factors are known firsthand to many women. Some have suffered from their problem since youth and only now have learned that labiaplasty has a worthy and effective solution. Others have just begun to come to a better understanding of the need to make changes in their lives. Therefore, if there is something that prevents you from being in agreement with yourself, come for a consultation with our specialist, discuss the situation and find out its solution! Therefore, labiaplasty and other plastic surgeries to correct the labia (before and after photos can be viewed on the website) in Moscow clinics have been deservedly popular for many years.

Having labiaplasty performed in the clinic will allow you to get rid of unnecessary worries and focus on positive emotions. Our specialists have been performing this operation for more than 15 years and have helped their patients part with their, sometimes far-fetched, fears and complexes.

CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: * hemophilia, anemia II-III degree; * hemorrhagic syndromes; * use of anticoagulants (heparin); * pregnancy at any stage; * inflammation of the genitals in the acute stage; * liver, kidney failure; * oncological diseases.

Preparation for intimate plastic surgery

Since the operation is planned, a full diagnosis is carried out before it, which makes it possible to identify the presence of contraindications. The patient is prescribed:

  • gynecological examination;
  • smears for flora and infectious processes;
  • general blood analysis;
  • rapid diagnosis of syphilis;
  • testing for the presence of hepatitis and HIV viruses;
  • testing of the blood coagulation system.

Plastic surgery is performed between menstruation, four to five days before the next one.

Myth 4. Surely there are consequences!

I repeat that by turning to a trusted specialist who has been practicing for many years, your risks are minimized. However, to ensure a 100% positive aesthetic result, the patient must also strictly follow the doctor’s instructions in the postoperative period.

In general, choosing a surgeon is the main stage of the operation. Consequences can arise from incorrectly chosen method and suture technique, deep excision of the lips, inadequate hemostasis during surgery, trauma to the clitoris and its legs, and complete exposure of the clitoris. The labiaplasty operation is not a heart transplant, but it must also be done efficiently and without consequences.


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Preparation for the procedure

The drug used for contouring of the intimate area must meet a number of requirements. It is unacceptable that the material from which the product is made is toxic, saturates the body with carcinogenic substances, provokes inflammation, allergic reactions or infection, or has a cytotoxic effect (causes changes in cells leading to their death). At the same time, it is important that the substance retains functional activity for the entire period that it remains in the tissues.

All of the above conditions are met by hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, preparations based on which are considered the most preferable for contouring the intimate area. Such products are easily administered by injection, are stable and do not migrate under the skin, are convenient for modeling soft tissues and replenishing volume deficits, and allow you to achieve results that will last for a long time.

Review of contour plastic surgery of the intimate area

“To enhance the sensations, I had the G-spot enlarged at the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic using intimate contouring. I liked the effect. When necessary, I will come for the procedure again.”

Christina, 22 years old. See other reviews about intimate plastic surgery.

Important points

  • Before the operation, the patient must undergo an examination by a gynecological surgeon, who determines the scope of the intervention and the plan. Preparation includes collecting a general history, examination for the presence of inflammation and infections of the genital area.
  • The optimal time for labiaplasty is the first two weeks after the end of the next menstruation. The method of pain relief is determined by the doctor, based on the sensitivity, volume and complexity of the intervention, possible contraindications, and the wishes of the patient herself.
  • It is impossible to guess how pregnancy will affect the size of the labia due to hormonal changes. Therefore, it is better to make the correction after pregnancy and birth of the child.
  • Labiaplasty does not in any way affect reproductive function, the course of future pregnancy or natural childbirth.
  • After healing, there are no scars or other traces left indicating the intervention. Moreover, if the plastic surgery was performed by an experienced professional, even a gynecologist will not be able to determine this (provided that linear resection of the labia was not performed).

Intimate plastic surgery: before and after surgery

Anyone who has undergone labiaplasty notes the following results of the operation:

  • Increased sexual sensitivity, which occurs due to improved contact during sexual intercourse.
  • A more aesthetic appearance of the labia, their correct shape and size (this is especially often necessary for plastic surgery of the labia minora).
  • Possibility to wear more revealing underwear.
  • Simplifying intimate hygiene procedures.

And of course, the most important thing is to increase your self-confidence and your sexual attractiveness. And this is much more important than how much labia plastic surgery costs.

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