Nano Botox for the face - real reviews, composition, how to use


Country of OriginRussia
Compound100% natural
Product typeSerum
Issue volume30 ml
Best before date2 years
Minimum rate14 days
Maximum rate21 day
Price990 rub.
Date of manufactureIndicated on the packaging
Product weight30 g
Purpose and resultRejuvenation, wrinkle smoothing


Nano Botox Serum is an innovative cream that is easily applied to the skin. The beneficial substances that make up this cosmetic product penetrate into the deepest layers of the outer skin. The main feature of Nano Botox is particles that not only have a beneficial effect on tissues, but also activate regeneration processes.

Cells are restored and filled with life-giving force. The body begins to independently produce the required amount of elastin and collagen - substances (structural proteins) that directly affect the health and beauty of the skin.

Studies of the product have shown that after the first use, facial skin tightens, a healthy color appears, and small expression wrinkles disappear. After two weeks of using Nano Botox microemulsion, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and the face acquires clear contours. The woman looks ten years younger. At the same time, the face does not become like a mask, as after some surgical procedures. Facial expressions remain mobile, and beauty remains natural.

We recommend that you read reviews from customers about Nano Botox who have already tried the microemulsion on themselves.

What is the secret of Nano Botox?

Description of the drug

The rejuvenation product Nano-Botox has proven itself to be excellent. A large number of real reviews testify to the achieved effect. It is noted that the manufacturer has worked hard to create an emulsion that can reduce the factors of aggressive influence on the skin of the face. The action of the presented serum is aimed at inhibiting aging processes, smoothing out wrinkles, making the signs of natural aging less noticeable.

Nano-Botox, used in strict accordance with the regulated instructions, allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. The active formula penetrates into the deep dermal layers, saturating and nourishing skin cells with the required amount of oxygen.
  2. Expression wrinkles are subject to increased influence. They begin to smooth out due to complete muscle relaxation. This does not mean that the serum paralyzes the muscular skeleton. This means that the natural complex has a complete relaxing effect.
  3. The emulsion is saturated with the necessary amount of nutrients that promote the restoration of the dermis. Ideal conditions are created for the natural production of natural collagen, which gives the skin a healthy degree of firmness and elasticity.
  4. The drug helps deliver oxygen particles even to the deepest dermal layers in order to completely eliminate stagnation there.
  5. Skin nourished with Nano-Botox gets rid of puffiness. The characteristic bags under the eyes are quickly neutralized.

The official website of the developer contains information that Nano-Botox is a complex medicine that has a two-factor effect.
In the first case, the achievement of a characteristic rejuvenation effect is confirmed, regardless of the structural structure of the skin. And the second direction is that, simultaneously with rejuvenation, a protective layer is created on the skin, protecting the structure from the formation of new deformations. Just a month of practical use will help you achieve the desired transformation in appearance. Order with a discount


What explains the high efficiency? Its unique composition, which includes the following components:

  • Peptides (octamioxyl, Nanobotuline). These are substances that are a kind of “building blocks” in the synthesis of protein - a complex organic compound that serves as material for the construction of cells. It is peptides that force the skin to produce its own collagen and elastin, retain moisture and improve tissue turgor.
  • Aminocarboxylic acids. These compounds make the skin smooth, firm and radiant. Amino acids enhance the protective functions of tissues and minimize the negative impact of external unfavorable factors.
  • Wheat proteins. This is a super beauty component that has softening and moisturizing properties, prevents dehydration and restores the water balance of tissues. Thanks to wheat proteins, a thin film is formed on the surface of the skin, evening out the relief of the face and nourishing the epidermis.
  • Chicory root extract. The extract improves cell regeneration, maintains skin health, activates blood circulation, and provides quick access to nutrients.
  • Silver. This chemical element has a pronounced antiseptic property, protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, and saves from toxins.

Thanks to this composition, the product has a comprehensive effect on tissues, restores cells and, thus, wrinkles are “pushed out” from the inside. The skin is smoothed, the face acquires clear contours. This unique serum is a safe and more pleasant alternative to Botox injections.

Composition and active components

Nano Botox contains ingredients of natural origin. Thanks to natural ingredients, the emulsion can be used without fear; the product will not have any side effects on the skin. The drug has no contraindications and can be used at any age.

  • amino acid complex. Organic compounds provide nutrition, moisturizing and oxygenation of the deep layers of the skin, stabilization of metabolic processes, protection of the epidermis from aggressive factors;
  • Silver. Precious metal extract in Nano Botox serum frees the facial epidermis from toxins and prevents the negative effects of free radicals, slows down the aging process;
  • peptide complex. Nano Botox serum contains two types of peptides - octamioxyl and nanobotulin. The action of substances formed from amino acid residues is aimed at increasing the production of natural collagen and relaxing the facial muscles. Under the influence of the active components of the microemulsion, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and facial expressions become natural;
  • Chicory. Plant root extract normalizes local metabolic processes, due to which natural detoxification occurs, and the skin is freed from toxic substances and cell waste products;
  • wheat proteins processed in a special chemical way. Hydrolyzed proteins can penetrate not only into the skin, but also into the epidermis under the hair. Wheat proteins nourish the skin of the face and scalp under the hair.

Nano Botox Serum contains additional ingredients, the action of which, like the main ingredients, is aimed at normalizing the metabolic processes of the epidermis, removing toxins from the skin and restoring damaged tissues.


The effectiveness of Nano Botox appears in stages.

The results can be seen in the following order:

  1. In the first week, fine wrinkles are leveled out, and pigment spots of various origins disappear - be they scars or traces of pimples or acne.
  2. The second week of the course is characterized by increased skin elasticity and tightening of the facial contours.
  3. In the third week, the activity of the sebaceous glands is completely restored, that is, problems with excessive sebum secretion or dry skin disappear. Deep wrinkles are also noticeably smoothed out.
  4. In 4 weeks, the skin is evenly smoothed, evened out, and becomes velvety. Visually, at the end of the course, you can notice a rejuvenation of 5-15 years.


Nano Botox is an anti-aging cosmetic product.

Intended for use by women facing skin problems such as:

  • superficial and deep wrinkles;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin;
  • gravitational ptosis (sagging) of tissues;
  • deterioration in the clarity of facial contour lines;
  • the appearance of “bags” under the eyes;
  • acne (acne);
  • drooping of the corners of the lips.

The serum not only effectively eliminates the signs of aging of the facial skin, but also prevents their appearance. Therefore, Nano Botox is indispensable for young women, hiding the traces of sleepless nights and wild parties. After using it, the face acquires a healthy glow, freshness and beauty. Microemulsion, created using the latest nano-technologies, is an excellent prophylactic agent, therefore it is recommended for women of any age. There are no restrictions on its use.

This is your ideal option for older women who would like to look younger, but cannot use the services of plastic surgeons for health reasons. The serum provides an opportunity for non-surgical rejuvenation for people who cannot tolerate anesthesia and medications. With this product you can forget about expensive procedures in beauty salons.


In the course of improving the Nano Botox formula and its research, various tests were carried out repeatedly. A clinical trial was also conducted on volunteers. The group included women of all age categories with signs of aging on their faces. Each of them was given the opportunity to apply the anti-wrinkle serum according to the instructions. Just a month later, the results surprised even scientists.

  1. In 94% of participants, facial wrinkles were significantly reduced, small crow's feet disappeared, and deep folds were leveled and smoothed out.
  2. In 86% of respondents, skin processes improved at the level of rejuvenation by 10 years.
  3. All project participants looked 5-10-15 years younger.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors speak positively about the effect of Nano Botox serum on the face.

A brief review by cosmetologists about the effect of Nano Botox on the face:

“Many of my clients have used cosmetic injections. But the injections are short-lived and must be repeated. Speaking about any anti-aging cream, such a product can only give results in combination with hardware methods. I advise my clients to buy and use nano-Botox.” Today, microemulsion is a truly innovative product with multifaceted effects. It is important that the facial serum can be successfully used at home”;

G. Nikolaev, cosmetologist

“I recommend Nano Botox to my patients. The serum successfully copes with facial and age wrinkles. Contains an emulsion made from natural ingredients. The serum can be safely used at any age. The emulsion is indicated in the following cases: dark circles under the eyes, many shallow expression lines and deep wrinkles on the face, decreased skin elasticity, drooping corners of the mouth and even acne. No other cream will have the same effect as NanoBotox."

V. Streltsov, cosmetologist:

Cosmetologists pay attention to the correct use of serum during therapy.



The composition of Nano Botox includes only natural ingredients that are not chemicals and do not harm health. The drug underwent clinical trials, during which no negative factors were identified. This allows us to conclude that the serum is safe for use and can be used on any facial skin. However, people with severe allergies to cosmetic products should be tested before use.

To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the delicate skin in the wrist area. If after 10-15 minutes there are no signs of allergy - redness, itching, then you can safely use it. The serum should be applied to the face, avoiding contact with the eyes. If this does happen, the eyes should be rinsed with plenty of clean water.

Manufacturers guarantee that the microemulsion is absolutely harmless to humans and their skin. The product not only has a one-time effect, but forces the body to independently fight the signs of aging. All this happens when using the original cream.

Unfortunately, the high demand for a unique serum has led to the emergence of counterfeits, which may not only not have the desired effect, but also cause irreparable harm to health and beauty. Therefore, you must purchase from the official website. This approach will protect you from purchasing counterfeit cosmetics and thereby protect you from negative consequences.

Ingredient composition of the drug

The basic raw materials of the Nano-Botox drug invariably include peptides and amino acids. Their complex molecular interaction leads to amazing transformations in the skin structure of the face. The active formula of the drug includes:

  1. Amino acid range. We are talking about the component filling of the cellular structure of the body with amino acids that are not able to be independently synthesized in the body. Most often, a certain amount of them is replenished with food consumed and with the help of cosmetics. But still, the dermis definitely needs eight basic acid forms, which subsequently stimulate the uninterrupted regeneration of collagen in the body. This is the most important building element in the body, without which the factors of firmness and elasticity cannot be achieved.
  2. Active silver formula. The silver ions used in the composition serve as a natural antiseptic, helping to prevent various infectious processes in the cellular structure. It is silver that helps speed up metabolic stages.
  3. Oxtamioxyl. A natural peptide, sometimes used in cosmetic products, whose action is aimed at combating wrinkles. The fundamental advantage of the product is the launch of the stage of production of natural collagen secretion by the cellular structure of the body to give the dermis lost elasticity.
  4. Extractive substance of chicory root. This is a high-quality medicinal herb endowed with many beneficial properties. In the field of cosmetology, it is used in various masks that improve cellular metabolism and retain the optimal amount of moisture in cells.
  5. Wheat protein hydrolyzate and nanobotulin. A natural combination of gyrolysate that promotes the breakdown of elements into digestible peptides and amino acid fractions. The ingredient is used not only in the cosmetology industry, but is also applicable in the production of baby food. In the innovative composition Nano-Botox, the element plays the role of muscle relaxation without damaging the nerve endings.

As practice shows, it is the combination of amino acids with peptides that helps launch rational cell regeneration, neutralize toxins from the body and organize a reliable degree of cell protection. The amino acid effect promotes the synthesis of new cells, thereby significantly improving the external condition of the skin.


Today, in order to become beautiful and regain your youth, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons and clinics. Nano Botox can be used at home and does not require much time and effort. Using the serum 2 times a day - morning and evening - will be quite enough to achieve quick and effective results. As before applying any cosmetic cream, your facial skin should be cleansed first.

To do this, you can use cleansing foam, cleansing tonics or lotions. The process of using the product is very simple.

The cream is applied in a small amount to the fingertips and distributed with light movements in a thin layer over the skin of the face. Manufacturers recommend that after applying the serum, perform a light patting massage so that the particles of the product penetrate the skin as deeply as possible. That's all.

The product begins to work immediately upon entering the tissue. Microemulsion can be used before applying decorative cosmetics.

Easy to use Nano Botox

How to buy at a pharmacy

It is impossible to purchase NanoBotox in a pharmacy in Moscow or any other city in the Russian Federation. The manufacturer refused to cooperate with pharmacies for the following reasons:

  • The emulsion is positioned as an inexpensive product. Therefore, the high margins that are inevitable when selling serum in pharmacies are unacceptable;
  • sale of counterfeit pharmaceutical products in pharmacies.

Regardless of the price of the bottle of emulsion, the original NanoBotox can only be purchased from an authorized dealer.

You can find out how many bottles of anti-aging serum are left at the promotional price on the manufacturer’s website or by requesting a call back when placing an order from an official seller.


You can buy the original Nano Botox microemulsion only on the manufacturer’s official website.

Delivery of Nano Botox is valid in all regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the CIS countries.

The purchase procedure consists of several stages:

  • You fill out a special form and submit your application.
  • The manager will contact you. He confirms the order and specifies delivery details.
  • The manager will also advise you about this product, and you can ask him all the questions you are interested in.
  • If you are satisfied with everything, you can confirm your order.
  • The goods are delivered to the client. The process takes a minimum amount of time, it all depends on the region.
  • Payment for goods after receipt by mail.

NanoBotox - scam or not

The manufacturer comments on real negative customer reviews about Nano Botox as follows:

  • Having bought a fake microemulsion. Don't buy skin care products from dubious online stores. SaleFake products are one of the main reasons for negative reviews of Nano Botox serum. The manufacturer draws attention to the fact that the original skin rejuvenation product can be purchased in Moscow and other cities of the country only after placing an order on the official portal;
  • Comments from people calling the Nano-Botox effect a scam are written after the product has been misused. Any facial skin care products must be used as described;
  • Negative reviews of Nano Botox microemulsions are generated by competing cosmetics manufacturers.

On the manufacturer's website there are reviews of people who managed to overcome wrinkles with Nano Botox. The effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed by clinical trials.

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