Lipolytic PB Serum Triada for the face - composition and effectiveness, administration technique, reviews

One of the most common aesthetic problems is excess fat deposits. Whether it's evenly distributed excess weight or local fat traps on the sides, stomach, knees or face.

In the fight against any type of such deposits, a new generation lipolytic, the Spanish drug PBSerum Triada, . The triad consists of three enzymes: lipase, collagenase, hyaluroniase. These enzymes are initially produced and present in our body, but their additional introduction leads to amazing results.


This combination of components has a pronounced strengthening effect.

As we can see, PBSerum Triada, when used in combination, affects the 3 main components of fat deposits: stretched and fat-filled cells, dense fibrous bridges between them and edema. It also helps restore skin density and elasticity.

In addition to complex use, each drug can be used separately and in various combinations depending on the problem and objectives.

The drug is safe and well applicable in the correction of problem areas of the face.

Effect of application

After the procedure, the appearance of all forms of cellulite is significantly reduced and the circumference of the abdomen and hips is reduced by approximately 2 cm.

In addition, scars, acne marks and other irregularities on the skin soften or completely disappear.

Numerous reviews of PB Serum lipolytics also confirm that patients’ facial contours noticeably improve, nasolabial folds and double chin are corrected.

Other effects:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • smoothing the structure of the skin.

After a course of administration of the drug, the skin thickens and tightens, and its tone also increases.

Lipolytic PBSerum Triada

PBSerum Triada – effective enzyme therapy in the cosmetology industry

Fat deposits on the face and body, cellulite, scars and stretch marks are aesthetic imperfections that bother almost everyone.
These deficiencies can appear with age, but often bother patients from a young age. Getting rid of them on your own can be extremely difficult, in some cases even impossible. Especially when it comes to advanced forms of cellulite and scars. The innovative enzyme therapy complex PBSerum Triada will help offset these shortcomings. The complex consists of the drugs Lipase, Collagenase and Hyaluronidase. The action of each of them will be discussed separately below.

Unique PBSerum Triada complex: advantages and principle of action

Enzyme therapy (enzyme therapy) is the injection use of active components responsible for many processes in the human body. Enzymes are responsible for the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers, metabolism of minerals and essential microelements, hormonal balance, absorption of vitamins, tissue regenerative processes, pH balance, oxygen supply to tissues and delivery of necessary active components to cells.

In the cosmetology industry, the capabilities of enzyme preparations are actively used as catalysts for various processes in the body. The priority use of enzymes is tissue rejuvenation and getting rid of fat deposits, fibrosis and scarring.

Removal of fat deposits and problematic fibrous formations is the most popular area of ​​enzyme therapy.

Cellulite is a problem for patients of all ages and all body types. Cellulite formations often occur even in thin people. The processes of compaction of connective tissue bridges and hypertrophy of adipose tissue can occur for a number of reasons. Cellulite and fibrous deposits not only spoil the appearance, they impair blood circulation and cause the accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular matrix. In advanced cases, the presence of cellulite is accompanied by compression of nerve fibers and painful sensations.

Post-acne scars and hypertrophic scars can also appear in patients of any age. Injuries and problematic skin are circumstances from which no one is immune.

The occurrence of these problems can be influenced by: heredity, hormonal disorders, tissue trauma, the use of various medications, unhealthy diet, metabolic and circulatory disorders, excess weight, inactive lifestyle, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking, regular stress, lack of sleep and etc.

Thus, the use of the complex may be necessary for patients regardless of gender and age. The combination of enzymes helps remove fat, destroy fibrosis and improve metabolic processes.

Components of the PBSerum Triada complex

PBSERUM SLIM+PROFESSIONAL – lipase. Helps eliminate fat deposits, acting as a catalyst for the breakdown of the layer.

PBSERUM SMOOTH+PROFESSIONAL – collagenase. Advanced forms of cellulite are especially difficult to combat due to fibrous formations. Fibrosis is accompanied by deterioration of microcirculation in tissues. The action of collagenase is aimed at destroying fibrous deposits of old cellulite. The component is also responsible for leveling orange peel. PBSERUM SMOOTH+PROFESSIONAL causes increased synthesis of collagen fibers.

PBSERUM DRAIN+PROFESSIONAL – hyaluronidase. Excess fat deposits and the formation of cellulite are always accompanied by fluid accumulation. The result is swelling and an additional increase in volume in unwanted areas. There is a need to break down hyaluronic acid in target areas that attract fluid. Hyaluronidase will correct the volume of fluid in the hypodermal layer, providing pronounced drainage and eliminating swelling.

The components of the complex are selected in such a way as to most effectively remove tissue imperfections and prolong the result as much as possible. Thanks to the combined use of drugs, it is possible not only to improve the external condition of tissues, but also to normalize internal processes.

Indications for use of the PBSerum Triada complex

Enzyme preparations PBSerum Triada are recommended for use in the following indications:

  • for correction of the facial oval and paraorbital zone;
  • to eliminate fat bags;
  • during the formation of jowls;
  • for leveling post-acne scars, hypertrophic scars;
  • with flabby tissues lacking firmness and elasticity;
  • to get rid of cellulite and fibrous structures;
  • to remove stretch marks;
  • to eliminate the “menopausal hump” - accumulation of fat in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra;
  • to remove fat deposits in the riding breeches area.

The result of using PBSerum Triada

Thanks to the use of a complex of enzymes, the following results can be achieved:

  • it is possible to eliminate various forms of cellulite, even fibrous;
  • prevents the formation of cellulite - preventive function;
  • “orange peel” is leveled;
  • the fat layer in the area where the enzyme complex is introduced disappears;
  • the accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular matrix stops;
  • swelling is eliminated;
  • the general condition of tissues improves;
  • the skin in the target area is rejuvenated;
  • Metabolic processes at the dermal and hypodermal levels are normalized in the body.

How is enzyme therapy performed using the PBSerum Triada complex?

When diluting the product, the cosmetologist uses a saline solution of sodium chloride. Dilution features depend on the area of ​​correction. For the face area: 2.5 ml of saline solution of sodium chloride in each bottle, for the body - 5 ml of saline solution per bottle. The solvent is introduced into the bottle, wait 2-3 minutes, the resulting preparation is mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Shaking is prohibited. The contents obtained in all bottles are mixed in equal proportions in a syringe.

The product is injected into the target area. The cosmetologist determines the volume of the drug in accordance with the amount of correction. Enzyme therapy is well tolerated by the vast majority of patients and does not require the use of anesthetics.

Before the procedures, an initial consultation is held, at which the cosmetologist makes sure there are no contraindications. To obtain a pronounced result, it is recommended to take a course of 4 or more procedures, taking a break of 1-2 weeks between them. The exact number of procedures required to achieve the effect is determined by the cosmetologist after assessing the condition of the tissues.

Contraindications to the use of PBSerum Triada complex

  • oncological diseases;
  • epileptic conditions;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drugs included in the complex;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​proposed injections;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation.

Lipolitics video:

Injections for weight loss, called fat burners, do not require any special preparation. The drug is injected with a thin atraumatic needle into the subcutaneous fat and this does not cause pain, since nerve cells do not have nerve endings.

After the procedure, the patient is recommended to wear shapewear and drink at least 500 ml more water per day than usual for a week. Water will facilitate the removal of broken down fat from the body. In the first week after using lipolytics, cosmetologists recommend refraining from physical activity, taking hot baths, as well as visiting a solarium and bathhouse.

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Indications and effectiveness of use

  • correction of facial oval;
  • the presence of fatty bags of the chin, jowls;
  • the presence of post-acne scars;
  • problematic paraorbital area, incl. hernias of the lower and upper eyelids;
  • tissue laxity;
  • the presence of fat deposits in the “climacteric hump” and “breeches” areas;
  • fibrous formations;
  • the presence of stretch marks and hypertrophic scars.

Procedures using PBSerum Triada preparations help prevent various forms of cellulite, and also eliminate its existing manifestations, including old cellulite. With the help of drugs, fatty deposits in tissues are effectively reduced, the “orange peel” disappears, and the local fat layer is eliminated. PBSerum Triada provides a pronounced drainage effect, affects the overall improvement of skin condition and normalizes metabolic processes.

In the absence of excessive swelling and tissue fibrosis, the first results can be assessed after just one procedure. On average, the course is 4-7 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks. The duration of the course is determined by a cosmetologist and depends on the condition of the patient’s skin and the problems being solved.

Benefits of body contouring procedures

• Injection lipolysis is ideal for body shaping and eliminating local fat accumulation. Enzymes improve metabolic processes in tissues and cause the destruction of fat cells, while the fats released from them enter the blood and along with it into the liver, where they are broken down and removed from the body.

Indications: cellulite, fat deposits, swelling, stretch marks. The doctor injects the drug into the marked areas with a very thin needle. Redness and a burning sensation appears at the injection site, which quickly disappears. After the procedure, slight swelling, redness, and itching may also appear. These are typical and normal signs of fat cell breakdown, which lasts for 3-5 weeks. During this period, a gradual decrease in adipose tissue occurs, the skin is restored and acquires elasticity. Experts recommend performing triad injections in sessions with a break of 14 days, which will allow you to achieve a more pronounced aesthetic effect and consolidate the result. Usually 2-3 procedures are enough.

Lipolitics for the abdomen

To correct abdominal fat deposits, local mesotherapy is used - the introduction of lipolytic drugs into specific problem areas. Along with the fight against excess fat, the procedure helps smooth out abdominal lines, remove cellulite and stretch marks, improve skin tone and restore its elasticity. The weight loss effect of cosmetic injections into the abdomen appears within 1 week after the first mesotherapy session. During treatment, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, go to the bathhouse or visit the solarium.

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Reviews about the drug

There are positive and negative reviews about the lipolytic Pb Serum “Triad”. Most negative impressions are associated with the pain of the procedure. Also, some patients do not like that the effect does not meet expectations. But many of those who have already completed the course of procedures are satisfied with the result.

Thus, one of the women named Violetta describes severe pain both during insertion and for several hours after the procedure. She received three injections with an interval of two weeks between them. The face became swollen, and the swelling persisted for three days. Then she slept, but there was still pain at the puncture sites, although not as severe as before. After a week, all side effects disappeared, but there was no noticeable positive result. And only a week after the third injection, the condition of the skin improved, its tone evened out, the face became thinner, the cheeks and nasolabial fold became smaller. Therefore, the girl was satisfied with the final result.

Another patient with the nickname Elit_journal also describes similar sensations during the injection of the drug - pain, although she was given anesthesia. But after the procedure, all the negative feelings went away. The effect in the form of a reduction in facial contour and nasolabial folds appeared immediately.

Thus, reviews of lipolytic PB Serum give a positive assessment of the use of the drug. The action of enzymes significantly rejuvenates the skin and corrects the oval of the face. However, there are no side effects with proper administration of the product.

Description of the procedure

In the cosmetology clinic “Ego Estetic®” in Krasnodar, lipolytics for the body and face are used only after consultation with a dermatocosmetologist and collection of a detailed medical history, designed to exclude possible contraindications to the procedure and identify the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. In addition, during the initial appointment, the doctor takes measurements of the patient’s body volume and determines the most problematic areas of the silhouette that need correction. The patient himself, as a rule, can easily evaluate the results by how the previously tight trousers fit on him or her.

Advantages of the PBSerum Drain Triada complex

  • Intended both for separate administration of drug components and for their combined use. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each client, when preparing a suspension for administration, the doctor mixes the enzymes of the drug (lipase, collagenase, hyaluronidase) in the required proportions. Complex use gives the most pronounced effect, but again, everything is very individual.
  • The preparations of the complex are combined with most techniques of hardware cosmetology.
  • The PBSerum Triada complex is universal - it can be used for local correction in both the face and body areas.

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Combination of enzymes collagenase + hyaluronidase

Indications for the procedure

  • correction of facial oval;
  • presence of excess fluid;
  • the presence of edematous cellulite;
  • the need to eliminate fibrous formations;
  • the need to correct unsuccessful injections of hyaluronic acid;
  • the presence of post-acne scars;
  • tissue laxity;
  • the presence of stretch marks and hypertrophic scars.

Result after the procedure

  • elimination of swelling and excess fluid;
  • elimination of fibrous formations;
  • elimination of unsuccessful injections of hyaluronic acid;
  • pronounced drainage effect;
  • general improvement in skin condition;
  • normalization of all metabolic processes in the body at such levels as the hypodermis and dermis;
  • skin rejuvenation.

Botoxbar specialists recommend a course of 2 procedures with an interval of 14 days. To consolidate the result of burning the fat layer, it is recommended to undergo a course of lymphatic drainage massage throughout the body for complete metabolism of the breakdown products of the fat layer. IMPORTANT!!! In home care, use cosmetics that consolidate the result.


  • Pregnancy or lactation
  • Local or systemic infection during the procedure
  • Mental disorders, inability to understand the procedure protocol or “Informed Consent”
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Poor circulation in the extremities
  • Chronic or acute liver diseases
  • Kidney failure
  • Obesity (BMI > 30)
  • Type I diabetes
  • Decompressed type II diabetes
  • Heart diseases
  • Allergic reactions to lidocaine and its derivatives, atopy or severe allergic reactions

Contraindications and side effects

Lipolytic PB Serum “Triad” should not be used by patients who have wounds or other open lesions on the skin. Contraindications are also:

  • claustrophobia;
  • active stages of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute inflammation of any type;
  • benign and cancerous neoplasms;
  • heart failure and blood pathologies.

If any of this exists, the procedure is not recommended.

Unpleasant side effects include pain during administration of the drug, as well as redness on the skin.

But they go away without additional treatment.

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