Facial massage with cups at home: contraindications, technique and reviews

Many people dream of giving up using foundation and powder. However, you have to constantly mask problems such as rashes, uneven complexion and dark circles under the eyes. Vacuum cup facial massage will help you cope with all these imperfections. You can watch a video of the implementation method at the bottom of the article.

Blooming and healthy skin without wrinkles and pimples is the dream of any woman, because the face is always visible and by its condition both the general well-being and the health of the entire body are judged. You can preserve the natural beauty and health of your facial skin for as long as possible with the help of gentle care. One of the most popular procedures in beauty salons is cupping facial massage.

At the bottom of the article you can find before and after photos, which, along with reviews, indicate the effectiveness of such a service. However, not every woman can afford to undergo a course of procedures from a professional massage therapist. Let's figure out how to properly do a vacuum facial massage at home. If you study all the rules in detail and follow the recommendations outlined in the article, you will be able to save money on expensive procedures in the future .

Indications and contraindications

The effect of the procedure is not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic. The sebaceous glands begin to work more harmoniously, the oval of the face becomes defined, and the skin color becomes even and healthy. Blood flow increases, collagen and elastin begin to be produced much better . The result is noticeable after just a few sessions. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, peeling goes away, swelling and the feeling of skin tightness disappear. Dark circles under the eyes gradually disappear.

During the session, multidirectional effects occur on the skin. Spasmed muscles relax, the functioning of the circulatory system improves. After toxic metabolic products are removed, the skin is renewed and more oxygen begins to flow to it.

Compared to other procedures, cupping facial massage has a number of advantages . One of the main things is the pleasant sensations during the session. The main thing is to follow all the rules. In addition, there are not many contraindications.

It is not recommended to perform facial massage with vacuum cans at home if:

  • high temperature;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • skin problems and injuries;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • hypotension or hypertension.

The proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin is not a contraindication. If you perform facial massage with cups at home very carefully, your appearance will improve, and the problem may go away completely. However, if in any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist . On the negative side, be prepared that minor swelling and bruising may appear afterwards . A burning sensation may also occur. All these unpleasant moments usually appear if the procedure was carried out incorrectly.

Vacuum massage results

With age, blood flow in the capillaries of the skin decreases, which negatively affects the nutrition and saturation of the skin with oxygen, and this inevitably leads to the appearance of wrinkles, decreased turgor, and changes in skin color.

This facial treatment increases blood circulation in the epidermis, almost like a massage with a dry brush. At the same time, cell nutrition improves, collagen regeneration processes are accelerated, which helps to increase skin elasticity.

After the course, you will immediately notice that your skin has changed. The most common changes that occur are :

  1. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the depth of large ones is reduced.
  2. Nasolabial folds become less pronounced.
  3. The oval of the face is tightened.
  4. The pores become narrower.
  5. Oily shine and flaking disappear.

After the course, your face is transformed, you look as if you have just returned from vacation.

Types of vacuum massagers for cellulite

There are several different types of vacuum massagers, but each of them can be classified as a home or professional type. Home massagers are:

  • manual - small cones with suction cups that are used for vacuum massage. All massage effects are performed by the user independently;

    Manual massage involves installing special cones on the body and moving them

  • electric - such devices may vary in size. Their key difference with conventional hand-held anti-cellulite massagers is that they provide additional infrared or mechanical effects. There can be several types of mechanical effects, and they are selected using a special switch. Massage with such a device is more effective and can be compared with a set of sports exercises.

    An electric massager differs from a manual one only in the method of removing air.

A professional massager is a large stationary device. Such massage devices are used in sports or medical complexes. They are used as prescribed by the doctor of this institution and cope with their task very effectively.

Video: using a professional vacuum massager

What is required to carry out the procedure at home?

It is better to buy special ones, made of glass with a rubber bulb or small silicone jars for vacuum facial massage from the anti-cellulite set. They can be ordered in the online store.

There are devices of different diameters on sale:

  1. About 1 cm is suitable for working with the upper layers of delicate skin around the eyes.
  2. From 2 to 3 cm is worth buying for a dynamic and deep massage.
  3. From 3 to 5 cm are used for static massage of the cheeks and forehead.

To carry out procedures at home, it is better to buy jars of several sizes - the most popular are small and medium . Choose products without chips or cracks, make sure their edges are smooth .

In addition, you need a special cosmetic oil - it must be fresh, cold-pressed vegetable oil. Be sure to read the ingredients. Do not take the product if you see additives and preservatives in it. You can experiment by mixing several types.

The following oils are recommended:

  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • apricot;
  • linen;
  • jojoba;
  • avocado.

Criteria for choosing oil for cupping massage

Carefully selected oil will ensure that the jar glides easily when massaging your face. Doctors recommend using natural, fragrance-free vegetable oils for such a serious procedure. Refined and deodorized products should not be used. The product must be stored in a cool and dark place.

You can take a regular cream, but it will not give the skin the necessary replenishment of vitamins and minerals.

The following cold-pressed oils have beneficial nutritional properties:

  • sesame;
  • olive;
  • nutty;
  • linen;
  • pumpkin;
  • coconut;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • jojoba;
  • St. John's wort;
  • rosehip;
  • black cumin;
  • avocado.

    Using oils for facial massage

St. John's wort oil is suitable for acne-prone skin. Jojoba will help cope with dryness and aging.

A few drops of any essential oil added will add a piquant aroma.

There is no need to apply the selected foundation liberally to the skin. You can wet your face with water and dip the edges of the jar into the oil. After the massage, the remaining product is removed with a simple napkin.

How to prepare for a massage?

Before the session you need to prepare. Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly. Disinfect the jars with a special solution. Be sure to warm up your muscles - to do this, you can take a warm bath, warm your face with a warm towel or dip it in warm water, or, if necessary, warm up in a bathhouse. However, it is important to know when to stop - you don’t need to steam your face too much, otherwise you may get bruises . Be sure to cleanse your skin by removing makeup, sebum, and dirt accumulated during the day. Then apply the oil generously so that the silicone cups glide over your face easily and the skin does not become deformed.

Is special facial preparation necessary?

Before starting the massage, the skin should be cleansed. Remove makeup with a cotton pad with foam, wipe your face with lotion. You can wash your face with water using a scrub. Then the face must be steamed with hot compresses from a decoction of calendula, string or chamomile.

After a bath, sauna or hot bath, no additional exposure is required. There is no need to greatly expand the pores, otherwise red spots will remain after the massage. For sensitive skin, it is better to avoid this stage entirely.

During the preparation process, it is important to pay attention not only to the face. Hands should be washed with soap. Thoroughly disinfect jars with products containing alcohol. It is convenient to use napkins.

You can also treat them with soapy water and wipe dry. Under no circumstances should you lend your banks to friends and relatives for temporary use.

How often can the procedure be repeated?

It is clear that irregular attempts to tidy up the skin will not give the desired result. Let's figure out how often you can do a vacuum facial massage.

Three schemes are popular

According to the first plan, it is recommended to conduct 10 to 15 sessions every other day, then take a break for a month and repeat the course again.

You can choose another option - act on the skin daily for one week, and then repeat the procedure once a week to consolidate the result. In this case, the intensive course will be required again after about six months.

Be extremely careful when increasing the depth and intensity of the impact. The main thing in this matter is to take your time and act without fanaticism. All changes occur not during the session, but after it, when the skin is restored.

Judging by the reviews of experts, the third option is still ideal. During adaptation, you need to treat the skin no more than once a week with extreme caution . Then gradually switch to a different schedule, performing a massage every two days. After your skin gets used to it, you can pamper it with daily care using vacuum facial cups. Monitor your skin condition carefully and listen to your feelings .

What are the benefits of facial massage?

Regardless of the technique you choose, any facial massage, when used correctly (see contraindications), is very useful because:

  • Helps get rid of puffiness due to the fact that it relieves lymph stagnation.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the facial muscles, which are also characterized by tightness and overstrain.
  • Helps make the oval of the face more toned and get rid of a double chin.
  • Improves skin condition, makes facial wrinkles, jowls, creases and other cosmetic defects that appear with age less pronounced.

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Types of procedure

Massage using jars can be of two types - static and dynamic . The first is used to work on certain problem areas - for example, nasolabial folds or wrinkles on the forehead. In this case, follow this plan:

  1. First, squeeze the tip, then apply the cup to the skin of the area you plan to treat.
  2. Hold the jar on the problem area.
  3. Press the nozzle again and then remove the jar, gently holding the skin with your fingers so that it does not deform.
  4. Start exposure with 1-2 seconds, and then gradually increase the duration according to your feelings up to 30 seconds.

The skin should be pulled inward slightly - just a few millimeters.

Dynamic massage can be used to treat any area of ​​the face . You need to move the jar along the skin along the lines that will be discussed below and which were determined by surgeons (link to source).

Preparation for the procedure and general rules

The patient on whose back the cupping massage will be performed must be placed on a flat and hard surface on his stomach. It is advisable to use a daybed, but a thick sofa or table will also work. The surface should be covered with a clean sheet. It is recommended to first stretch your back a little with your hands - just stroke the surface of the skin, lightly pressing on it, for 5-15 minutes. The treated surface should turn slightly red - this way the vascular system will be more prepared for intense exposure to cupping.

Preparing for cupping massage

Advice! It is not advisable for the patient to eat food later than 1.5 hours before the session.

Before you begin directly performing a cupping massage, you need to generously lubricate your back with warm massage oil or rich cream . This will improve the sliding of the cups over the body if a kinetic massage technique is used. If this rule is not followed, the patient will experience significant pain.

Massage oil

Body massage oil

Also, a vacuum must be created in the jar. If the latex one can be simply squeezed with two fingers and placed on the body to achieve the desired effect, then the glass one should be placed using a lit cotton swab inserted into the cavity of the jar for 2 seconds. The skin should not go more than 1.5 cm inside the jar - otherwise bruises can be expected.

Heating a glass jar

Vacuum massage technique

Before starting the session, watch the lesson at the bottom of the article - this is a useful video that will help you learn how to care for your skin consistently and in detail.

You need to start with minimal suction force - just gently press the jar onto the skin. If you are using a special device, then set it to zero mode. Be especially careful when treating sensitive areas - for example, around the eyes, near the lips and ears . All movements should be smooth and carried out along massage lines. If you suddenly begin to experience discomfort or pain, stop immediately.

It is important not to use jars for facial massage before important events. It is better to conduct the first sessions in advance, when there are no serious events in the plans . The duration of the total exposure in the first days should be no more than 15 minutes , then gradually increase the time. You shouldn't expect immediate results, but you can achieve excellent results in several sessions - it all depends on the condition of your skin.

Lines of least stretch

Facial massage with cups step by step

  1. After the skin is cleansed, apply the oil or cream with light stroking movements. To apply to the forehead, two cans are required. First, take a jar with a diameter of 22 mm and run it from the center of your forehead towards your temples. Then repeat the same manipulations with a jar with a diameter of 33 mm. Add spiraling movements. Each wrinkle can be treated separately in this way. Stay longer in the center of the forehead, as blood circulation in this area is not very good. If you frown often, a persistent spasm will form and vertical wrinkles will appear. It is better to massage the brow ridges and the bridge of the nose with a small jar, moving it from the bridge of the nose up diagonally to the right eyebrow. Then they do the same on the left.
  2. In the corners of the eyes, make movements in a semicircle, slightly stretching the skin with your fingers. To massage the nose, place the jar on its tip and move up to the eyebrow fold. To massage around the eyes and eyelids, apply the jar only to the skin of this area for 2-5 seconds, without displacing it.
  3. Work on the lower part of the face begins from the middle of the chin. Draw lines along the jaw arch and then under the lobes. Open your mouth slightly to tighten the skin above your lip. Massage the wrinkles around with the smallest nozzle.

After the procedure, be sure to remove the oil from your face. It is a mistaken belief that it is absorbed, saturating the skin with useful substances. The result will not please you, because the pores become clogged, resulting in rashes and the skin becoming too dry. It is recommended to rinse off the oil thoroughly and then apply a moisturizer.

After the massage, you should spend half an hour in a warm room.

Now you know how to do facial massage correctly. The benefits are tangible, and the cost of the procedure, if carried out at home, is minimal. Pleasant changes will become noticeable after just a few sessions. The main thing is not to forget to regularly repeat the course of procedures so that the result does not disappear .

Photos before and after facial massage procedure


You can see photos and read reviews about this procedure in our previous material. Women who have tried vacuum massage most often evaluate this experience positively, but there are also neutral comments.

Anna, Perm

I used to often visit a cosmetologist. But after the birth of a child, there is practically no time left for yourself, you have to constantly get out and look for information on how to properly care for yourself at home. At some point, small wrinkles that appeared on my forehead led me into real panic. On the advice of a friend, I decided to try a new procedure and learned how to perform a facial massage. During the first session and after it, the sensations, of course, were not entirely familiar. At first it was as if the skin was pinching, then there was even slight swelling. I noticed the result after just a few weeks - the skin was noticeably smoother, and the wrinkles were not so deep.

Veronica, Nizhny Novgorod

I tried vacuum massage for the first time in a salon. The procedure seemed so pleasant that I wanted to repeat it. It was only when I thought about how much I would have to pay for the course that I wanted to give up this idea. Then I read that massage with cups can be done at home. In principle, nothing complicated, I quickly got used to it. I don’t see any special results yet, but during the sessions I feel very relaxed – I turn on pleasant music and use my favorite oil. Afterwards I felt as if I had returned from vacation. Colleagues at work began to compliment me. I don’t know if it’s the massage, but overall I feel much better.

Irina, Taganrog

I tried this massage, did 10 procedures myself, but not regularly, but when I was in the mood. To be honest, I expected more. Maybe it’s just that not enough time has passed and we need to continue.

Ekaterina, St. Petersburg

I have very oily skin. Anything - this unpleasant shine immediately appears. Plus minor rashes. Can you imagine this picture? I read on the Internet about vacuum massage and decided to try it, because jars and oil are inexpensive. Within a week, I noticed that I began to take out matting wipes and powder less often. In addition, the rashes that made me constantly feel complex have disappeared.

Angelina, Sochi

I looked at the “before” and “after” pictures of the cupping massage course and thought that these were most likely miracles of treatment. But I decided to try it anyway. The result was pleasantly surprising. It feels like even the shape of the face has changed a little - it seems to have tightened up, the contour has become neater, the double chin has noticeably shrunk.

Svetlana, Lipetsk

For girls with sensitive skin, like me, I don’t recommend experimenting with their appearance. Especially if there is a holiday ahead. I didn’t read about the contraindications and subtleties of skin restoration after this massage, so I did it too intensely on the eve of my first day at a new job. As a result, the “beautiful” one arrived - with bruises. So be careful, treat your skin as gently as possible first, so as not to be disappointed.

Elena, Anapa

A year ago I took a massage course, now I do it periodically to maintain it. The result pleased me. I won’t say that the wrinkles have disappeared, but they have become less pronounced. I can also note that my complexion has changed - it has become so even and beautiful that I practically stopped using foundation. Now I apply regular BB and feel comfortable. Perhaps this is due not only to cupping massage, because I additionally changed my diet - I excluded sweets, carbonated drinks and baked goods. I periodically take vitamin complexes designed specifically for skin, hair and nails.

Angelika, Murmansk

I tried a lot, but vacuum facial massage, which you can do yourself, is in no way inferior to them in terms of effectiveness. Even small pimples and dark circles under my eyes, which I couldn’t overcome before, went away. I shelled out so much money, but in the end ordinary banks helped. Conveniently, getting them is not a problem - you can find them in any pharmacy. The main thing is to choose the right diameter. I immediately bought two sizes so that I could use small jars to treat the area near the eyes and nasolabial folds, and large jars to treat all other areas. There is nothing difficult about the procedure, you just need to get used to it.

Oksana, Sevastopol

Is it worth bothering with such home tricks as facial massage with cups? I think if you want to look good without spending a lot of money, this is a good solution. You can easily figure out how to do a massage. Of course, you shouldn’t expect results right away. I didn’t even feel much difference after the first time. For pleasant changes to occur, you need to do vacuum facial massage at home regularly and strictly follow all the rules. It is important not to steam your face too much - after such an incident I had rashes and bruises.

Review of the five most popular models of cellulite massagers

Among the wide range of massagers on the market, it is not so easy to choose the right device. Let's look at the most popular anti-cellulite massagers.

Vacuum body massager VACU Beauty Gezatone

Massager type: electric.

Approximate price: 1800 rubles.

An electric massager that is designed exclusively for getting rid of cellulite. It has very few settings, and all attachments are vacuum pumps of different sizes. Nevertheless, it is an effective device that does its main task well. Massage with this device will have the following positive effects on your body:

  • figure correction, skin smoothing and cellulite elimination - using deep vacuum action, the device will help you get rid of problem areas on your body;
  • lymphatic drainage effect - helps eliminate fluid stagnation in the body;
  • face lift - when using the appropriate attachment, the device can also be used to eliminate wrinkles on the face;
  • general relaxing and tonic effect.

    VACU Beauty Gezatone - a simple device with a sleek design

This massager is really not some kind of toy, the vacuum force is very strong - often I even had to release the pressure in the device (there is such a button at the top). It works not particularly noisily, on a battery, before starting work I recommend charging it for 7 hours, this will be enough for a couple of sessions of 30 minutes each. The location of the power button seemed a little inconvenient; you just need to get used to it. The massager also has 4 suction modes - to be honest, I didn’t notice the difference between them at all. The device comes with detailed instructions with massage schemes. With regular use (I used it every other day for a month - i.e. 15 sessions with this oil) plus exercise and proper nutrition gave a good result - minus 2 cm on the hips and 1 cm on the waist.



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