Jackie Stallone: ​​biography, personal life, films with the actor

Jacqueline Stallone is an active American public figure, actress, astrologer, and also the mother of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone. An outstanding personality with a magnificent mind, but with the most artificial appearance. At 97 years old, this gorgeous woman wears high heels and short skirts. An extraordinary man who danced on a trapeze in the circus, met with Mikhail Gorbachev, wrote books and studied extrasensory perception. And, as many joke, her main hobby turned out to be plastic surgery of her face in pursuit of eternal youth. In the article you will find photos of Jacqueline Stallone before and after plastic surgery.


She grew up in the family of a Washington lawyer, whose ancestors once emigrated to the United States from Odessa. The creative biography of Jackie Stallone in her youth was connected with show business - she was a dancer on Broadway, sang on the stage of Billy Rose's Diamonds Horseshoe Club night, and was a member of a group of tightrope walkers who performed in the circus.

Later, Jackie became involved in active social activities, became a writer and became seriously interested in astrology.

In the photo: Jackie Stallone in his youth

In this area, Jacqueline Stallone made a successful career - she organized an astrological school and acquired a wide range of famous clients.

“I started making a living through astrology,” says Jackie.

It is known that during Bush Jr.’s election campaign, she predicted his victory, and during a trip to Russia she not only compiled a personal horoscope for Mikhail Gorbachev, but also met him personally.

Childhood and youth

Jacqueline Frances (Jackie) Stallone (maiden name Leibofish) was born on November 29, 1921 in Washington, USA. She was born to an interesting couple - lawyer John Paul Leibofish and Breton Jeanne Victoria Anna Clerec. Her ancestors immigrated from Ukraine to the United States in 1888, so Jacqueline went in the mid-1980s in search of her relatives, where she had the honor of meeting Mikhail Gorbachev in person.

Jackie was always a restless and active child and never sat still. Already as a 15-year-old teenager, the girl left home and went on a trip to tour with the circus, as an aerialist with a traveling circus.

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Jackie Stallone has visited the homeland of her ancestors more than once and sincerely does not understand why her grandmother, her husband and sons left such a beautiful city as Odessa at the end of the nineteenth century.

Since the mid-nineties, Jackie's career has been connected with television - she has repeatedly taken part in various programs, and was also a participant in the reality show Celebrity Big Brothers.

Personal life

Her personal life cannot be called smooth - she was married more than once, Jackie had three official husbands. She first married Sicilian immigrant hairdresser Frank Stallone. Their marriage lasted about twelve years, and during this time they became the parents of two children - sons Sylvester and Frank.

In the photo: Jackie Stallone's first husband with his sons

According to Jackie, her first husband had a very violent temper and did not pay attention to his sons at all. Since Jackie herself worked a lot, performing in the circus and dancing on Broadway, she also had no time to take care of the children, and she sent them to a boarding school.

Jackie and son Sylvester

Jacqueline's second husband was Anthony Filiti, with whom her personal life was connected for only a few years - their family broke up immediately after the birth of their third child, Jackie, the daughter of Tony D'Alto. Jacqueline moved with him to Philadelphia.

In 1998, Jacqueline Stallone married neurosurgeon Steven Marcus Levine, who is twenty-three years younger than her and only two years older than her eldest son Sylvester. They are still together - next to Stephen, Jackie feels more confident and calm.


Jacqueline Stallone's popularity as an astrologer began to gain momentum in the first half of the 1990s. She published several books about women's happiness and building a happy family, and regularly went live, where she took money for advice over the phone. Stallone claimed that dogs help her answer questions about the future; their “third eye” is supposedly more open.

Jacqueline Stallone was a follower of Rumpology. This pseudoscience is similar to palmistry with one exception: the subject of “research” are wrinkles, dimples, moles and warts on the buttocks.

Jacqueline Stallone before and after plastic surgery / Instagram Jacqueline Stallone

Such an exotic approach to astrology has repeatedly become the subject of jokes. In 1994, Saturday Night Live aired a parody in which Stallone, played by Janeane Garofalo, led the line "Famous star Sylvester and failed singer Frank." The main character of the sketch promised to rid her clients of “Frank”, negativity, and tell them the way to “Sylvester”, that is, success.

Jackie Stallone's children

All three of Jackie's children connected their lives with show business. The elder Sylvester has long become a megastar; he not only continues to act, but also writes scripts and directs his own films.

Sly, who married three times, has five children - two sons and three daughters.

Sylvester Stallone with his wife and children

Jackie's youngest son Frank was very independent from childhood and even paid for his studies at the Abraham Lincoln School on his own, earning money by playing the guitar. He began his career by singing songs in the style of Frank Sinatra, then he began writing music himself and released several albums that enjoyed great success.

Frank Stallone

He appeared in cameo roles in the film Hudson Hawk and in the Rocky film series with his older brother.

Pictured: Stallone brothers

Jackie Stallone's daughter Toni Ann, born in her second marriage, played in only one film. Unfortunately, her life was cut short very early - Toni died at the age of forty-eight from lung cancer, which she struggled with for the last few years of her life.

Jackie Stallone's daughter

She was treated at a prestigious medical center, but, realizing that the treatment did not bring positive results, she moved from there to her mother. She is survived by her son Edmund, whom Tony gave birth to from her second husband, actor Luis D'Alto.

Your own authority

The rebellious character of the “socialite” also contains the answer to the question of why the son was never able to dissuade his mother from the stupid decision to undergo plastic surgery on her face. Without a doubt, the actor is, of course, worried about his mother’s health, and the passion for rejuvenation should have alerted him. Sylvester could not help but warn his loved one about his concern. But it’s simply impossible to imagine that Jacqueline Stallone will change her mind at someone’s will.

Her strength of character opened up a lot of opportunities in life and often gave her the incentive to pursue her dreams. But the stubbornness of the elderly woman deprives her of the ability to recognize authority even among close people. For Stallone, Jacqueline's biography consists of dubious facts - why did she run away from home? Why did you exchange bohemian life for independence? Why did you voluntarily go under the scalpel of plastic surgeons? Now she admits her mistake with fanatical rejuvenation of her appearance. To look better, she goes in for sports, and the tabloid pages are now decorated with photos of a 96-year-old woman with a barbell on her back.

A strong character does not allow her to hear other people's advice, but allows her to admit and correct her mistakes. The socialite Jacqueline rightfully deserves every mention of herself.

Plastic surgery of Jacqueline Stallone

Jackie's desire to look young and charming resulted in a series of plastic surgeries and beauty injections, which she had long since lost count of.

Unfortunately, all this led to the opposite effect - Jackie's appearance changed for the worse, and now she is called one of the ugliest victims of plastic surgery.

She redrew her nose and lips more than once, and did blepharoplasty, but all these manipulations only led to Jackie’s face becoming uglier, and the abuse of decorative cosmetics only aggravated the situation.

During one of the operations, Stallone even had a heart attack, but this did not stop Jackie.

However, we must give her credit - in order to be in shape, a woman not only goes under the surgeon’s knife, but also leads a healthy lifestyle - she follows a healthy diet and has been going to the gym for many years, doing weightlifting.

Under the supervision of experienced instructors, Jacqueline lifts weights and pumps up her leg muscles.

Despite her advanced age, Jacqueline Stallone continues to take care of herself, regularly visiting cosmetologists, but now she no longer does Botox injections, but limits herself to chemical peeling.

Social life of "Rambo's mom"

The star son simply adores and idolizes his mother. That's why he takes her with him to all sorts of social events.

Trying to look brand new, Jacqueline Stallone does not disdain deep necklines and bright outfits.

One day she was confused with an unknown guest of one of the social events. Jackie was immediately credited with the operation to create silicone lips. Sylvester Stallone himself said that this was not his mother. However, all journalists took his words as disgust at the next changes in his mother’s appearance.

At her advanced age, already in 2016, Jacqueline Frances “Jackie” Stallone remains active and cheerful. The woman repeatedly reports that as long as she is able to move, she will continue to appear on red carpets and undergo anti-aging surgeries.

And the fact that every change in appearance only disfigures the once aristocratic face does not bother the woman at all.

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