Olga Rapunzel (Grigorievskaya) - biography and personal life

Olga Grigorievskaya changed the association of Russians with Rapunzel. Now, when people hear this name, they remember not the long-haired beauty from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, but the bright and emotional participant in “House 2”.

Olga received the nickname “Rapunzel” on a reality show for her beautiful, long and thick brown hair. The star's younger sister Alena, who also came to the TV set, was also nicknamed Rapunzel.

The biography of Olga Rapunzel is replete with piquant details. Fans of “House 2” want to understand the complicated and chaotic life of the participant. Here are collected in chronological order the details of her biography.


Back in 1986, grocery store saleswoman Tatyana Vladimirovna met a military man from Stavropol, Eduard Grigorievsky, who served in the Far East. As a result of the affair, on April 4, 1987, a girl, Olga, was born. But Edward gave his daughter only a last name. The future star of “House 2” has never seen her father.

Tatyana Vladimirovna soon married Dmitry Savkin. In December 1996, 9-year-old Olya gave birth to a sister, Alena. But the latter’s father died of pneumonia when his daughter was 6 years old. Both girls were raised and raised by their mother.

Note: The sisters are similar in appearance. But their characters are completely different. Olya is lively and loves to be the center of attention. Alena is a modest, quiet, non-conflict girl.

Olga showed creative talents early. The girl participated in amateur groups at school and pioneer camps, where, unlike many children, she loved to go. The sociable child liked to make new acquaintances. At school, the girl studied “excellently” and grew up to be a beauty.

Curious secrets of the past

But the girl’s training did not end there. Not long ago, the Internet exploded with a mass of indignant reviews from fans of Olga Rapunzel. Several clips of erotic content were posted online, in which the leading role was played, as one might already guess, by a participant in the most famous TV show. The beauty demonstrated her charms to foreigners in the nude for a certain fee. They say she made good money. The girl's rate was $200 for 60 minutes.

Many condemn the participant, but such a dubious type of income allowed her to earn money for her own apartment, car, and also help her family.


Having received a certificate, the beauty easily entered the economics department of a local university. In her first years, the girl realized that accounting was an uninteresting profession for her and switched to studying languages. After taking specialized English courses, the student began to earn a living by tutoring and also providing “special services.”

Olga did not take into account that in “House 2” all the celebrities are in full view, and meticulous fans unearth details from the lives of the stars before the project. Thus, unpleasant moments from the participant’s past surfaced: the girl worked part-time as a webcam model for 9 years, undressing and posing in racy poses in front of the camera.

This is what Olga Rapunzel looked like before joining the Dom-2 project

The video was watched by clients who paid for the service in advance. In this field, Grigorievskaya earned $200 per hour. With this money, and not for tutoring that brought in pennies, the young woman bought a Grand Cherokee Jeep, lived comfortably and helped her mother and sister financially.

What changes did Olga decide to make, the result after

At just over 30, Rapunzel looks great. And even better than it was five years ago. How did she do it, many wonder. Therefore, there are rumors that Olga had repeated plastic surgery. Although Rapunzel herself had already lost her voice, proving to everyone that she had never had surgery.

However, experts, looking at photographs from different years, come to a different opinion. Most likely, Olga Rapunzel had the following plastic surgeries:

  • Thanks to intimate photos at the beginning of their “career” and selfies from the Seychelles, the difference in breast shape and size is noticeable. The girl probably had mammoplasty. The operation was successful. If you don’t see the “before” photo, the bust looks natural and natural. She did not go overboard with the size, tightened and improved the shape.

Olga in Seychelles

  • Also here, based on photos from different years, Olga had rhinoplasty done. Her nose has changed shape somewhat. This cannot be achieved simply with makeup, especially since the girl does not do hard contouring.

Olga 2022

  • And finally, Rapunzel enlarged her lips. It is impossible to say for sure whether there was an operation, but we can say with confidence that beauty injections and hyaluronic acid were used. Previously, Olga’s lips were noticeably less plump and expressive, but now they have acquired a certain sexuality.

In addition, the girl carefully takes care of herself. Photos from the Seychelles prove this. It is worth noting that Olga Rapunzel is a very stubborn girl. She always achieves her goals, no matter the cost.

Time and years have done her good. Olga has become a beauty, a well-groomed woman who is worthy of admiration. She sincerely believes that she is a princess. However, the main transformation was Rapunzel's hairstyle and hair. The girl got rid of her white hair, split ends and burnt curls. She grew long strands, nourishes and moisturizes them. Now her hair is smooth, manageable and shiny.

Arrival at "House 2"

Grigorievskaya came to the reality show on June 12, 2015 and immediately received the famous nickname. The last name was forgotten, and everyone called the long-haired girl Rapunzel. At the TV show, the new participant came to see Oleg Volk, who looked like her former boyfriend.

Right off the bat, the beauty kissed her chosen one. But the romance with Oleg did not work out. Then Rapunzel started dating Ilya Yabbarov, settling in the same room with him. And then the truth about working as a web stripper was revealed. Yabbarov, who had insulted his girlfriend before, broke up with her.

Rapunzel started a relationship with Nikolai Dolzhansky in the Seychelles

Olga almost flew out of the project. The beauty assured that the webcam model was not a prostitute, and the management allowed the participant to stay. The girl flew to Love Island. In the Seychelles, a long-haired diva tried to make love with:

  • Nikolai Dolzhansky;
  • Nikolai Baranovsky;
  • Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky.

Dolzhansky involved Olga in the wedding ceremony. Upon learning that she had become the wife of a freak, the participant fell into hysterics. Baranovsky added fuel to the fire by calling himself Rapunzel’s husband. Olga’s mother arrived in the Seychelles to resolve the situation. As a result, the depressed participant in the show was sent on vacation to her native Vladivostok.

Relations with Yabbarov

After grieving for a short time over Oleg, Olya turned her attention to the famous womanizer of the project, Ilya Yabbarov. The newly-made couple had a romantic time in nature and got used to each other. But there was no need to talk about great and pure love. TV viewers have noticed more than once that Ilya laughs at Olga somehow not kindly. Olga decided not to tolerate jokes, remarks and other unpleasant addresses addressed to her and began to express her dissatisfaction. The bright couple sorted things out day after day, until some information leaked onto the television set, which turned everything upside down.

Personal life

“Houses and walls help” - the saying turned out to be applicable to Rapunzel. In Vladivostok, the girl met the love of her life - Dmitry Dmitrienko. The woman returned to the project with him. Olga added her lover and sister Alena Savkina to the lineup, who also received the nickname “Rapunzel.”

After her second birth, Olga gained significant weight

On July 17, 2022, Olga Grigorievskaya and Dmitry Dmitrienko got married, and on April 1, 2022, they became parents for the first time. A participant of “House 2” gave birth live, working off the million rubles proposed by the project management.

Note: For a long time, Rapunzel could not come up with a name for the child. The participant in the TV show wanted to name her daughter to match herself - a character from a fairy tale. Finally, she chose Russian legends, and the baby was named Vasilisa.

Not everything went smoothly in the Dmitrienko family. Dmitry cheated on his wife and raised his hand against her. Olga was thinking about leaving her husband. But the situation improved when Rapunzel became pregnant with her second child. The birth was a partnership.

Dmitry was present next to his wife and personally cut the child’s umbilical cord. The girl, born on June 10, 2022, was named Sofia by her parents. In August, the entire family, including the 2-month-old baby, returned to the reality show.

Olga Rapunzel on the show with her husband, presenter Olga Orlova and two children


Thanks to the Dom-2 project, when the character Rapunzel is mentioned, most people imagine not the Brothers Grimm folk tale about a girl with long hair who was imprisoned in a tower and was waiting for a knight, but reality show participant Olga Grigorievskaya, who was remembered by television viewers as a bright and emotional personality .

Interesting Facts

  • The stripper's fame played into Olga's hands. The star's profile on social networks was viewed by many users.
  • In the fall of 2022, Rapunzel planned to open her own business. At first it was an online store for intimate accessories, and then for clothes for babies. But the business did not take off, and the unsuccessful entrepreneur returned to the project.
  • In “House 2” Olga lives with her husband, two children, mother, sister and the latter’s son.
  • Pregnant Olga posed naked. The pictures were posted on Instagram, but the management of the social network blocked them, which caused a scandal.
  • After her second birth, Rapunzel gained some weight.


Rapunzel had no problems with this part. The girl is smart, she grasps everything literally on the fly. After successfully graduating from school, Olya easily managed to enter a local higher education institution. She studied to become an economist-accountant, but already in her student years she realized that she was not interested in her previously chosen specialty. There was not enough money, so Olya took up tutoring; she knows English well.

Frequently asked questions about Olga Rapunzel

  • Has the long-haired beauty resorted to surgical correction of her appearance? Yes, and he doesn’t deny it. Comparing photos of Rapunzel before and after plastic surgery, it is noticeable that the woman enlarged her lips and changed the shape of her nose.
  • How many children does the Dmitriev couple plan to have? Olga admitted that she is not going to stop at two daughters. If a girl is born in the future, she will name her Ariel, and if it is a boy, Skye.

Rapunzel before and after plastic surgery

There were many dark pages in the life of Olga Grigorievskaya. It seemed that the publicized past would weigh heavily on the girl and discredit the name of the participant. But the woman did not give up and, despite the condemnation of society, managed to build family happiness. She became the winner of the “House 2” competition “Person of the Year 2019” and won an apartment in Moscow.


Although Rapunzel was awarded the “Burd of the Year” award (based on the results of audience voting), the participant in the television project did not even think of losing heart. At the award ceremony, Olya stated that she was not worthy of this title. The participants began to make jokes towards the girl.

In the fall of 2016, Vlad Kadoni posted a photo of a shaven-headed Rapunzel asking if it was true. Controversy erupted on the Internet, but the fact that Olya was shaved was never confirmed.

In 2022, scandals between Olga and Tatyana Vladimirovna became more frequent. Because of this, the young mother did not even have the strength to feed her daughter. Dmitry also did not particularly monitor Vasilisa’s diet, which is why a barrage of negativity hit the parents. Viewers also noticed that due to constant screaming and fighting, the child becomes nervous and begins to consider this behavior as the norm.

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