Plastic surgeon Vladimir Karpyuk about breast augmentation with asymmetry correction

Refresher courses

  • 2001 - specialization in the workplace as a cosmetic surgeon in the department of plastic and aesthetic surgery under the leadership of Sventitsky E.V. (Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Cosmetology Clinic", Tver) 2002 - training course in Lipomatic vibration liposuction under the guidance of Sulamanidze M.A. (TOTAL CHARM clinic, Moscow); cycle of improvement “Fundamentals of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery” (MAPO, St. Petersburg)
  • 2002 - Lipomatic vibration liposuction training course under the guidance of Sulamanidze M.A. (TOTAL CHARM clinic, Moscow); cycle of improvement “Fundamentals of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery” (MAPO, St. Petersburg)
  • 2005 - course of endoscopic facial plastic surgery with international participation (guest professor Oscar M. Ramirez, USA) (YSMA, Yaroslavl); intensive course “Surgical facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, otoplasty” (Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after B.V. Petrovsky RAMS, Moscow)
  • 2006 - master class by Professor L. Ribeiro (Brazil) on the topic “Breast augmentation, facelift, breast reduction, abdominoplasty, rhinoplasty” (Fatum Plus Clinic, Center for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery “F et M”, Kiev )
  • 2007 - professional retraining in the specialty "Surgery" (KSMU, Krasnodar)
  • 2008 - professional retraining in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery” (KSMU, Krasnodar); intensive course “Lipofilling, liposhifting, S-lifting, mini-lifting, subperiosteal lifting of the middle third of the face” (Russian Scientific Center of Surgery named after B.V. Petrovsky RAMS, Moscow); intensive course “Augmentation mammoplasty and correction of mammary glands” (Moscow); cycle of improvement “Plastic, reconstructive, aesthetic and cosmetic surgery and microsurgery” (MMK Training Center, Moscow)
  • 2009 - awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty "Surgery"
  • 2011 - professional retraining in the specialty “Plastic Surgery” (RUDN University, Moscow)

Karpyuk Vladimir Borisovich

Karpyuk Vladimir Borisovich – plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category. Graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Kuban Medical Institute (1993). The specialist has completed internship (1993-1994), residency (1995-1997) and postgraduate studies (1997-2000) in neurosurgery at the Faculty of Professional Retraining of Doctors of the KSMA. He defended his PhD thesis at the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N.N. Burdenko (Moscow, 2001). Has been practicing plastic surgery since 2001.

Full member of OPRES, member of the International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS), member of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES). Participant of Russian and international seminars and symposiums on plastic surgery. Author and co-author of numerous scientific articles and publications in various medical publications, including “The use of stromal-vascular fraction of adipose tissue in aesthetic rhinoplasty” (2010); “The use of the vascular-stromal cell fraction of adipose tissue for the correction of aesthetic defects and disproportions of the maxillofacial area” (2011), etc.

Constantly improves medical skills:

  • specialization in cosmetology under the guidance of E.V. Sventitsky at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Cosmetology Clinic” (Tver, 2001);
  • course “Lipomatic Vibrating Liposuction” under the guidance of M.A. Sulamanidze to the “Total charm” clinic (Moscow, 2002);
  • program “Fundamentals of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery” at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (2002);
  • course of endoscopic facial plastic surgery under the guidance of Professor Oscar M. Ramirez (Yaroslavl, 2005);
  • intensive course “Surgical facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, otoplasty” at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. B.V. Petrovsky (Moscow, 2005);
  • course “Breast augmentation, facelift, breast reduction, abdominoplasty, rhinoplasty” at the Fatum Plus clinic (Kyiv, 2006);
  • professional retraining in surgery at KSMU (Krasnodar, 2007);
  • professional retraining in maxillofacial surgery (2008);
  • professional retraining in the specialty “Plastic Surgery” at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, 2011).

Currently working as a plastic surgeon at the Chalet Sante clinic in Krasnodar.

V.B. Karpyuk owns technologies for performing the main types of cosmetic and aesthetic surgeries in all areas of the body, including face and neck lifts, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, mentoplasty, mammoplasty, plastic surgery of the anterior abdominal wall, liposuction, cruroplasty, gluteoplasty, etc.

Scientific monographs, publications

  • In 2001, he defended his PhD thesis at the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N.N. Burdenko RAMS (Moscow)
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G. Laboratory criteria for assessing NO synthase activity in patients with vascular diseases of the brain. // Wedge. lab. diagnostician. – 1998. – No. 8. – p. 40.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G., Belozerov N.Yu. Changes in blood nitrite levels in patients in the acute period of subarachnoid hemorrhage of aneurysmal etiology. // Question neurosurgeon – 1999. – No. 3. – p. 26-29.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G. Changes in blood nitrite levels under the influence of preventive temporary clipping of the main arteries of the brain during surgical treatment of arterial aneurysms. // Neurosurgery. – 1999. – No. 3. – p. 37-41.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G. Blood nitroxide in subarachnoid hemorrhage. // Current problems of neurology and neurosurgery (collection of scientific works). - Rostov-on-Don, 1999. - p. 118.
  • Karpyuk V.B. The system of endothelial nitrooxydergic vasorelaxation in subarachnoid hemorrhage (clinical and pathogenetic aspects of posthemorrhagic vasospasm). // Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin. – 1999. – No. 6 (42). - With. 53-55.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G., Korotko G.G., Reshetova I.V. Laboratory confirmation of nitroxide system dysfunction as a nonspecific stress response in response to subarachnoid hemorrhage. // Wedge. lab. diagnostician. – 1999. – No. 11. – p. 34.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G. Posthemorrhagic cerebral vasospasm in the light of modern ideas about the regulation of cerebral circulation. // Question neurosurgeon – 2000 – No. 1 – p. 30-34.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Chernyak Yu.S., Shubich M.G. Laboratory monitoring of nitrooxydergic vasorelaxation in subarachnoid hemorrhage. // Wedge. lab. diagnostician. – 2000. – No. 5. – p. 16-18.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Shubich M.G. A method for predicting the development of ischemic complications after early surgical treatment of ruptured arterial aneurysms of the brain. Pat. RU 2140651 C1 6 G 01 N 33/84; Application 02.11.98; Publ. 10.27.99; Bull. No. 30; Priority 02.11.98, 98119819 – 4 p.
  • Korshunov D.G., Karpyuk V.B., Artemenko S.V. Method of surgical treatment of segmental stenosis of the extracranial part of the internal carotid artery // Pat. RU 2145195 C1 7 A 61 B 17/00; Application 03/12/97; Publ. 02/10/2000; Bull. No. 4; Priority 03/12/1997, 97103775 – 4 p.
  • Korshunov D.G., Artemenko S.V., Stoyanova O.V., Karpyuk V.B. Efficiency of revascularization in ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar region // Proc. conference of neurosurgeons of the North Caucasus - Krasnodar, 1996 - p. 34-36.
  • Chernyak Yu.S., Bogdasaryan A.B., Khashig V.L., Stas N.R., Karpyuk V.B. Craniostenosis due to non-straightening of the skull bones of a newborn // Sat. articles on current issues in neurology and related specialties. – Krasnodar, 1996 – p. 118-120.
  • Sepiashvili R.I., Shubich M.G., Karpyuk V.B.. Nitric oxide in asthma and various forms of immunopathology // Asthma. – 2001 – volume 2, No. 2 – p. 5-14.
  • Sepiashvili R.I., Shubich M.G., Karpyuk V.B.. Nitroxide (NO) as a factor of patho- and sanogenesis in bronchial asthma // Asthma. – 2001 – volume 2, no. 1 – p.117.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Shubich M.G. Prospects for immunorehabilitation for posthemorrhagic cerebral vasospasm // Allergology and Immunology - 2001 - volume 2, No. 2 - p. 131.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Shubich M.G. Prospects for pharmacological correction of nitrooxydergic vasorelaxation in subarachnoid hemorrhage // Issues. neurosurgeon – 2002 – No. 2 – p. 56-62.
  • Avdeeva M.G., Karpyuk V.B., Shubich M.G. Nitrite level and acid-peptic indicators of fasting stomach contents in gastroduodenal pathology // Advances in modern natural science - 2003 - No. 3 - p. 27.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Kochenova S.V. Infiltration system based on the device for pneumovibroliposuction Lipomatic // Annals of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery - 2004 - No. 4 - p. 85.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Kochenova S.V., Kochenova K.Yu., Shubich M.G. Lipoaspirate as a source of mesenchymal stem cells // Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin - 2004 - No. 5-6 (71-72) - P. 31-35.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Shubich M.G. A method for eliminating wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin by introducing one’s own adipose tissue enriched with autologous mesenchymal stem cells // Author’s certificate No. 7993 dated December 6, 2004 – 3 p.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Kochenova S.V., Shubich M.G. Comparative characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells of bone marrow and adipose tissue // Annals of plastics, reconstructive. and esthete. surgery - 2005 - No. 2 - pp. 46-51.
  • Perova M.D., Fomicheva A.V., Melnik E.A., Karpyuk V.B. The use of cellular technologies in modern periodontology // Medical Bulletin of the North Caucasus - 2006 - No. 4 - P. 3-9.
  • Perova M.D., Fomicheva A.V., Fomicheva E.A., Karpyuk V.B. Assessment of the growth of new dentogingival attachment after autotransplantation of stromal cells isolated from adipose tissue // Periodontology - 2006 - No. 4 (41) - P. 28-31.
  • Perova M.D., Fomicheva A.V., Karpyuk V.B. Clinical and histological results of cell therapy for severe periodontitis // Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin - 2007. - No. 1-2 (94-95) - P. 142-146.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Perova M.D., Kozlov V.A., Fomicheva A.V., Melnik E.A. Replacement of large defects of the lower jaw by osteogenic transformation of autotransplanted stromal cells of adipose tissue (experimental study) // XII International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists: “New Technologies in Dentistry”. Conference materials. - Russia, St. Petersburg, May 22-24, 2007 - pp. 103-104.
  • Perova M.D., Fomicheva A.V., Kozlov V.A., Karpyuk V.B. Characteristics of the first results of treatment of developed periodontitis using the method of autotransplantation of the vascular cell fraction // XII International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists: “New Technologies in Dentistry”. Conference materials. - Russia, St. Petersburg, May 22-24, 2007 - pp. 160-161.
  • Karpiuk V., Ponkina O., Schubich M. Autologous Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Critical Mandibular Defect in Guinea-Pig Model // The 14th International Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. June 26-30, 2007 - Berlin, Germany. Abstracts on CD-ROM. P/REE 11.
  • Perova M.D., Shubich M.G., Karpyuk V.B., Fomicheva A.V. and Melnik E.A. Possibilities of using stromal stem cells in the regeneration of periodontal tissues and their interaction with the tissue microenvironment // Morphology - 2007 - Volume 131, No. 3 - P. 7-15.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Perova M.D., Kozlov V.A., Shubich M.G., Ponkina O.N., Melnik E.A. Experimental model of bone reconstruction by osteogenic transformation of autotransplanted freshly isolated stromal cells of adipose tissue // Annals of plastics, reconstructive. and esthete. surgery - 2007 - No. 4 - pp. 14-18.
  • Perova M.D., Karpyuk V.B., Fomicheva A.V., Fomicheva E.A., Shubich M.G. A method for restoring the bone of the alveolar crest of the jaw and periodontal tissues with reduced regenerative potential. Pat. RU 2 320 285 C2 A 61 B 17/24; Application 05/10/2006; Publ. 03/27/2008; Bull. No. 9; Priority 05/10/2006, 2006116152 – 7 p.
  • Karpyuk V.B. Experimental method of bone grafting // Pat. RU 2 336 841 C2 A61B 17/56 A61K 38/39 A61R 19/00; Application 10/26/2006; Publ. 10/27/2008; Bull. No. 30; Priority 10/26/2006, 2006137868 – 6 p.
  • Perova M.D., Kozlov V.A., Melnik E.A., Karpyuk V.B. Assessment of conditions for increasing the efficiency of autotransplantation of mandibular bone blocks // XIII International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists: “New Technologies in Dentistry”. Conference materials. - Russia, St. Petersburg, May 20-22, 2008 - pp. 172-173.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Perova M.D., Shubich M.G. To the study of freshly isolated autologous stromal cells of subcutaneous adipose tissue for the regeneration of biological tissues // Institute of Dentistry - 2009 - No. 3 - P. 74-76.
  • Karpyuk V.B. Correction of saddle-shaped deformity of the nasal dorsum using autotransplantation of stromal cells of adipose tissue in a composition with crushed bone // Medical Bulletin of the North Caucasus - 2009 - No. 4 - pp. 14-17.
  • Perova M.D., Melnik E.A., Karpyuk V.B., Kozlov V.A. Possibilities of autogenous vascular-stromal cell fraction for bone restoration in the treatment of root cysts of the jaws // XV International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists: “New Technologies in Dentistry”. Conference materials. - Russia, St. Petersburg, May 17-19, 2010 - pp. 140-142.
  • Perova M.D., Melnik E.A., Karpyuk V.B. Clinical and histological assessment of the results of treatment of odontogenic cysts of the jaws // Modern issues of dentistry / Federal. health and social agency development, Kuban. state honey. University, Department of Health of the Krasnodar Territory. – M.; Krasnodar: Council. Kuban, 2010. – pp. 153-157.
  • Perova M.D., Melnik E.A., Karpyuk V.B. Results of surgical treatment of large radicular cysts using autologous stromal cells of adipose tissue // New in the theory and practice of dentistry: materials of the IX scientific and practical conference collection. scientific works /ed. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor K.G. Karakova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.A. Bragina. – Stavropol: Publishing house. StSMA, 2010. – pp. 131-134.
  • Perova M.D., Karpyuk V.B., Melnik E.A., Shubich M.G. Autotransplantation of freshly isolated stromal cells of adipose tissue for bone restoration in the treatment of root cysts of the jaws // Annals of plastics, reconstructive. and esthete. surgery - 2010. - Appendix. Abstracts of the Second (VII) Congress of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. December 1-2, 2010 – pp. 105-106.
  • Karpyuk V.B. The use of stromal-vascular fraction of adipose tissue in aesthetic rhinoplasty // Annals of plastics, reconstructive. and esthete. surgery - 2010 - No. 4 - P. 85-86.
  • Perova M., Karpiuk V., Melnick E., Shubich M. Replacement of the great jaw bone defects with processed lipoaspirate cells autografting // Abstracts of the 16th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. June 26-30, 2011, Vancouver, Canada/ Can J Plast Surg - 2011. - Vol 19 Suppl A - P. 139A.
  • Karpiuk V. Adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction with bone chips – a new autologous grafting material in aesthetic rhinoplasty // Abstracts of the 16th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. June 26-30, 2011, Vancouver, Canada/ Can J Plast Surg - 2011. - Vol 19 Suppl A - P. 143A.
  • Perova M.D., Kozlov V.A., Melnik E.A., Karpyuk V.B., Sarkisov A.Ya. New possibilities for replacing large jaw defects in the treatment of odontogenic cysts using the vascular-stromal cell fraction // Institute of Dentistry - 2011 - No. 1 - P. 107-109.
  • Karpyuk V.B. The use of the vascular-stromal cell fraction of adipose tissue for the correction of aesthetic defects and disproportions of the maxillofacial area // XVI International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists: “New Technologies in Dentistry”. Conference materials. - Russia, St. Petersburg, May 16-18, 2011 - P. 96.
  • Karpyuk V.B., Lavreshin P.M., Markushin A.A. Comparative assessment of cell viability of aspirated adipose tissue. Methodological aspects of lipofilling // Annals of plastics, reconstructive. and esthete. surgery - 2011 - No. 4 - P. 83-86.
  • Karpiuk V., Lavreschin P., Perova M., Schubich M. Comparative evaluation of the cell viability in harvested by different techniques liposuction aspirates // Abstracts of the 1st ISPRES Congress, 9-11 March, 2012, Rome, Italy. Abstracts on CD.


  • In 1993 he graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Kuban Medical Institute. Red Army
  • He continued his postgraduate training with an internship (1993-94) in neurosurgery (FPPV KSMA, Krasnodar)
  • Residency (1995-97) in neurosurgery (FPPV KSMA, Krasnodar)
  • Postgraduate studies (1997-2000) in neurosurgery (FPPV KSMA, Krasnodar)
  • Since 2001 he specialized in plastic surgery
  • Current place of work: Clinic “Chalet Sante”

Plastic surgery in Krasnodar

The first plastic surgery clinic in Krasnodar appeared in 1991 on the basis of the Regional Cosmetology Hospital, where a branch of the Moscow Research Institute of Cosmetology was opened and accredited metropolitan surgeons worked for the first time. Later, its own qualified personnel appeared, and other medical institutions providing services in the field of plastic cosmetic surgery were opened. The Chalet Sante clinic is the first private medical institution in Krasnodar, which includes a clinic and a surgical department, designed in accordance with international requirements and equipped with the latest generation equipment for performing plastic surgeries of any volume and complexity.

Most often people turn to us to correct age-related changes in the face. For this purpose, we have a full range of rejuvenating operations - from minimally invasive techniques without skin incisions, to extensive deep lifts under endoscopy. Plastic surgeons in Krasnodar keep up with the times, and all the latest techniques have been developed and are available to patients. It is no coincidence that people from the capital also come to us for surgery.

Although not every person is ready to change anything in their face, having an ideal figure is everyone’s dream. The entire range of figure correction operations is available to those who contact our clinic. In first place in popularity in Krasnodar is breast augmentation, the so-called. Mammoplasty. At the same time, our surgeons are equally proficient in all known methods of breast surgery. Performed by the hands of a specialist, the operation gives an excellent result!

Liposuction in Krasnodar is performed with a modern Lipomatic device, which guarantees smooth body contours, safety of the procedure, and a short and easy rehabilitation period. Postpartum stretch marks, sagging and sagging abdominal skin bring patients to us for abdominoplasty surgery. Our region is southern, so we often perform operations to correct legs with silicone implants and buttock augmentation.

Surgery to correct the shape of the nose is called rhinoplasty. We usually operate on the nose in the following cases: hump, recession or curvature of the nasal bridge; wide, saggy tip; wide wings of the nose. Otoplasty, the correction of protruding ears, is a hit among primary school-aged patients, although adult patients are not uncommon.

For the success of any plastic surgery, it is important to make the right choice of clinic and specialist. You should not be guided by beautiful promising advertising and loud titles of the surgeon. Recommendations from former patients are a more reliable criterion, but it does not guarantee against failure. The surest way, in my opinion, is direct communication with the surgeon. State your problem in detail and listen carefully to what the doctor suggests to eliminate the deficiency you have indicated. If there is an alternative to surgery, the doctor should indicate that as well. The surgeon should not remain silent about the risks and possible complications. Your choice should be conscious, based on complete and reliable information, both about the specialist himself and about the upcoming operation, the expected result, and the characteristics of the postoperative period.

I hope that the information presented on the site will help you make the right decision about having surgery and make the right choice of surgeon.

Sincerely yours, Vladimir Borisovich Karpyuk.

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