“From a cleaning lady to a television star”: Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery

The most popular “graduate” of a TV show known throughout the country Olga Buzova (born 1986)

Since his arrival in show business, he has never ceased to amaze the audience with new forms of his creativity. Here Olga is the constant presenter of the TV show, here Olga played another role in the film, here Olga sang, so much so that she constantly wins the first lines of the charts.

Of course, no one expected such success a little more than 15 years ago from a blonde student who came to build love in front of the whole country. Then no one imagined that in front of an audience of millions, Olga would not only start new romances, but also get married, get divorced, “build” love again and gain more and more popularity.

Olga Buzova has never hidden her personal life from the public; her professional start has an impact. At the peak of her TV presenter career, Olga married football player Dmitry Tarasov. Their seemingly happy personal life collapsed overnight. This personal tragedy unexpectedly had a positive impact on Olga’s career and even her image. From a frivolous blonde, Olga turned into a more sophisticated and reserved brunette. It was at this moment that she successfully began to build her singing career. But Olga’s personal life came to a standstill at that moment. Olga herself at that moment fueled rumors about her relationship with Timur Batrudinov, which were never fully confirmed. Olga’s romance with blogger David Manukyan began with rumors, which continues to develop before the eyes of social network users today, giving fans many romantic videos that collect millions of likes, views and comments.

Since the start of her public career, Olga’s appearance has changed, of course, not radically, but significantly. From a young blonde student, Olga has become an experienced celebrity who knows a lot about the arsenal of the beauty industry aimed at improving her appearance.


The celebrity's biography originates in Leningrad. In an ordinary Soviet family, on January 20, 1986, a girl is born, whom they decide to name Olga.

Despite the fact that now they often make fun of the singer, from early childhood she could boast of very unusual abilities. Already at the age of three, Olga could not only read, but also write.

Parents, seeing how their child is growing, decide to send her to school at the age of five. However, unfortunately, relationships with classmates were difficult. The little girl was often bullied and teachers openly stated that it was better for Olga to be transferred to another school.

But Buzova was not one of the weak. Instead of giving up, she began to fight, thanks to which she acquired leadership qualities. The parents of the future celebrity were not poor. Nevertheless, they tried to raise their daughters in strictness. For this reason, Olga earned her own expenses.

At the age of thirteen, she worked part-time where she could. She was even a cleaner. But this did not bother her at all, because she did all this for herself.

At the same time, the future celebrity decides to try herself in a modeling agency and makes great progress in this area. After graduating from school, the fair sex realizes that she wants to become an actress. However, mom and dad wanted their daughter to get a more mundane profession. So, Olga Buzova enters the faculty of geoecology and geography.

Lada Dens, 54 years old

The singer skillfully disguises her age, taking advantage of the possibilities of cosmetology. Doctor Margarita Mozaleva says: “A smooth forehead is the result of regular use of Botox injections. A large number of fillers applied caused swelling. When smiling, lumpiness is noticeable in the middle part of the face, often this is evidence that the tissue has become fibrous (thickened - author's note) due to the fact that many fillers were placed in the area of ​​the nasolabial lips and marionettes (wrinkles running from the corners of the mouth down to the chin) . It is possible that a circular plastic surgery of the face was done a long time ago - since the “angle of the jaw” is beautifully expressed. And the oval of the face is beautiful, but it began to “fall”. When lips are enlarged many times, this is the result seen. The filler comes out in the area above the lip and begins to contour (appear) unsightly.”

The singer skillfully disguises her age, taking advantage of the possibilities of cosmetology

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

From participant to host of “Dom-2”

In 2004, an attractive blonde came to the famous project. The girl immediately attracted the attention of not only the directors, the audience, but also the participants of the show. Despite the abundance of very interesting candidates, Olga Buzova’s choice fell on Roman Tretyakov.

The relationship between two seemingly different people developed rapidly. Millions of eyes watched their lives. It is not surprising that they became one of the brightest couples of the project. This even led to the appearance of a show called “Romance with Buzova.” But soon, after two years of relationship, the lovers decided to leave.

The blonde liked it at Dom-2 and therefore decided to stay. The fair sex started affairs, now with one, now with another, but, unfortunately, the girl never found happiness.

In 2008, Olga Buzova became the host of a reality show. Over the years, she has helped build relationships for many members. But sooner or later something comes to an end, and in 2022 they decided to close Dom-2. The TV personality has repeatedly admitted that she will be the host of the show until her old age. But when the project was transferred to “Yu,” the singer of the hit “Not enough halves” realized that she needed to move on and left.

Events of recent years

Olga’s first important step in building a stellar career was the transition from the status of a participant to the host of a reality show. During this period, a bright streak began in the girl’s life, because after a painful breakup with one of the project participants, Roman Tretyakov, and a well-known businessman in Moscow circles, Andrei Sorokin, who at that time was nearly 60, the newly minted presenter, desperate to build love and decided to devote herself entirely to her career , finally met a guy who stands up.

First marriage

Buzova’s chosen one turned out to be the famous player of FC Lokomotiv Dmitry Tarasov, who by that time already had a wife and daughter. Nevertheless, these circumstances did not prevent the guys, who literally lost their heads from each other, from uniting their destinies. Olga blossomed during this period, because next to her was a young, successful and handsome man.

Such a turn in her personal life could not help but affect the presenter’s appearance; the girl decided to abandon extended nails, eyelashes and hair in favor of naturalness. It is worth noting that during this period Buzova looked as attractive as possible, because she was so suited by a delicate blonde bob, light makeup and a classic clothing style with elements of chic.

The star’s figure also changed, because Olga decided to follow the example of her husband and go in for sports. As a result, daily exercises in the gym, massages, body wraps and LPG did their job, defining the star’s excellent abs and removing cellulite from her legs, which Buzova always had on the heavy side.

It was clear that Olga’s chosen one welcomed naturalness in everything, so she did not even resort to beauty injections, which were popular recently, although at that time she was already approaching thirty years of age. The leader’s miniature breasts also remained unchanged, although she had the opportunity to undergo plastic surgery from the best specialists in Russia and abroad.

Personal life

In 2011, the celebrity met football player Dmitry Tarasov. Despite the fact that the young man was married at that time, a relationship began between him and his new passion. After the marriage broke up, the lovers began to demonstrate their feelings in public. Two months after they met, the couple announced their engagement, and soon legalized their relationship.

The couple seemed so happy and in love that no one could believe that their beautiful fairy tale would soon come to an end. But in 2016, the couple filed for divorce. Olga Buzova has said more than once that the reason for this is the betrayal of her beloved, and Dmitry Tarasov himself said that the lack of children is to blame. Fortunately, it was from this moment that the artist’s personal life became as interesting as her career.

For a long time the performer was alone. However, soon Roman Gritsenko appeared in her life. The young man was a participant in “Dom-2” and most of all he wanted to win the heart of a popular beauty. Despite all his attempts, the singer did not reciprocate his feelings. When she found out that the guy was simply using her for personal gain, she was very disappointed in him.

In 2022, the first season of the project “Married to Buzov” started. The celebrity had to choose one from all the candidates in order to finally find her happiness.

In the finale, the choice of the enviable bride fell on Denis Lebedev. The young people really seemed happy. However, the businessman hoped that thanks to this relationship he would be able to get out of the financial hole.

A man once admitted that he had no money at all and to court Olga Buzova he had to borrow from his friends. It is clear that after such a scandal this couple ceased to exist.

It would seem that men will continue to use the singer’s position for their own personal gain. However, soon in the life of a celebrity, someone appeared who gave her long-awaited happiness.

The affair with David Manukyan brought a lot of love and happy moments to Olga Buzova. And when a representative of the stronger sex proposed to his beloved, her happiness knew no bounds

Despite the fact that few believed in the sincerity of their lovers’ feelings, the couple proved that everything was for real with them. But a few months ago, rumors began to circulate online that one of the brightest couples in Russian show business was on the verge of breaking up. At first, fans of the ex-host of “Dom-2” did not want to believe it. But, unfortunately, it soon became known that David and Olga broke up.

Tarzan and Natasha Koroleva, 51 and 48 years old

Natasha Koroleva has always been a beauty, but after the scandal with the betrayal of her husband Sergei Glushko (Tarzan), footage appeared in which the singer looked exhausted. An interview with Ksenia Sobchak for her show on YouTube came out and the media circulated footage of Koroleva having a fuzzy oval face, deep nasolabial lips, and jowls. And at the end of June, Natasha Koroleva and her husband came to the “Heat” festival, surprising them with an updated image - she looked better than 10 years ago.

Dr. Mozaleva comments on the transformation: “The skin is in excellent condition. Natalya has no wrinkles in the area of ​​the eyes, forehead and between the eyebrows, so we can assume that Botox was injected into these areas. To maintain your face in this condition, you need to regularly visit a cosmetologist and do biorevitalization, mesotherapy, peelings and other procedures. It is impossible to conclude from the photo whether there has been plastic surgery or not. In cosmetology there are now enough non-surgical anti-aging procedures. In the old photos, the tip of Natalya’s nose was lowered, but here it is slightly raised. To do this, it is not necessary to do rhinoplasty - a small correction with fillers is enough (injectable preparations that allow contouring without surgical intervention - author's note). Many noted that Natalia’s face has become a regular triangular shape, whereas before it was more round. Now the star has a cool oval face! She herself could lose weight so successfully. But at this age, after losing weight, they often put fillers in the cheeks, cheekbones, and correct the shape of the face.”

Natasha Koroleva has always been a beauty

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV


Olga Buzova's appearance has changed beyond recognition over the past few years. The singer turned from a blonde into a charming brown-haired woman. But it would be one thing if it all ended with hair color.

Despite the fact that the artist does not comment on questions regarding whether she resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon, experts and the fans themselves see clear changes that have occurred in her appearance. However, facial plastic surgery clearly benefited the TV personality, they believe.

Has the artist done plastic surgery and what kind of plastic surgery did she do? – Most likely, the girl has changed a lot in her appearance.

According to these people, Olga Buzova not only enlarged her lips and breasts, but also corrected her nose. No matter how many times the singer of the hit “Few Halves” is asked about whether she has had plastic surgery, Olga Buzova does not comment on this matter.

It is worth noting that the nose job was done very carefully, so that any interventions are not even noticeable. Judging by how pleased the artist is with herself, the operations were successful.

Lip augmentation, botox, fillers

Injection techniques are what affected Olga’s appearance most obviously and positively. The lips increased in volume, became more juicy and appetizing, but not vulgar. The overall face became more defined due to filler injections into the cheekbones and chin. It is possible that Olga also removed Bish’s lumps in order to achieve this effect.

No matter how hard we try, we will not see age-related changes on Olga’s face. Expression wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, and pronounced nasolabial folds are absent on the starry face. After 30 years, this can only be achieved with filler injections and Botox. At the same time, Olga managed to maintain the aesthetics of a “natural” face. Even visually, the presenter’s skin has become more even, moisturized and well-groomed over the years in show business. Of course, this is not difficult to achieve with current injection techniques.

Olga Buzova in 2022

The ex-host of “Dom-2” did not hide the fact that from early childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress. Apparently her prayers were answered. On June 11, 2022, the fair sex performed one of the roles in the play “The Wonderful Georgian.”

When Olga Buzova admitted that she would play on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, not only fans, but also many media personalities reacted with indignation to this news. The actress herself tries not to pay attention to the next barrage of criticism addressed to her.

Teeth whitening

A smile is the calling card of any presenter. Over time, Olga's radiant smile became even more expressive due to the whitening procedure and the use of restoration technology.

Yes, Olga Buzova, like most stars, uses the entire spectrum of human achievements in the struggle for an ideal appearance, but at the same time she manages to successfully show a sense of proportion for a harmonious appearance.

More STARS before and after plastic surgery at the LINK >>

Olga Buzova's Instagram

The latest photos of Olga Buzova can be viewed on her official Instagram account - https://www.instagram.com/buzova86/

The singer of the hit “Not enough halves” has more than twenty-three million subscribers. Each post receives several thousand views and comments. On her page you can see not only pictures from the set, but also other equally interesting shots.

However, this is not the first year that there have been disputes regarding the artist’s subscribers. It has been said more than once on the Internet that most of them are bots.


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A post shared by @fan._buzova.86 on Jan 18, 2022 at 4:56am PST

Everyone remembers Olga Buzova as a “glamorous blonde” in pink clothes, but after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, dramatic changes began in her image. Shortly before this event, the TV presenter cut her hair short into a bob, and then completely painted over the bright blonde with a chestnut shade. So the girl became a fatal brunette and for a long time set the trend for a hairstyle “like Buzova’s.”

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A post shared by Concerts in Orenburg (@kassir56_ru) on Jan 18, 2020 at 1:59am PST

After some time, the celebrity decided to return to long hair, without neglecting the extension service. Fans, who considered the previous image fatal and very stylish, were upset, but got used to this look. In addition, such a hairstyle gave the host of “House-2” room for experimentation: curls, ringlets, straight hair, braids and all sorts of intricate designs.

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A post shared by Olga Buzova (@buuzzoovvaa8866) on Jan 19, 2020 at 9:50am PST

Now the artist has dark, medium-length hair with ombre dyeing. This hairstyle is suitable for both everyday sports style and a formal weekend.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about the star:

  1. From the age of eighteen, the fair sex dreamed of getting married. When this happened, she sincerely hoped for a happy ending, but, unfortunately, the marriage was unsuccessful.
  2. According to Olga Buzova, she could become Timur Batrutdinov’s girlfriend. But the best friends realized in time that they did not want to spoil their friendship.
  3. As a child, the singer was affectionately called “Crash Man” by her family. Little Olga Buzova quite often, like a magnet, attracted various troubles and misfortunes.
  4. Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina were very friendly in the old days. However, their friendship soon came to an end. As it turned out, Dmitry Tarasov became interested in the girl whom Borodina introduced him to.
  5. One advertising post on Olga Buzova’s page costs about 400 thousand rubles. It is not surprising that the performer skillfully makes money not only on television, but also on social networks.
  6. How old is the actress? As of summer 2022, she is 35 years old.

Olga Buzova is a person who has been subjected to a huge amount of criticism over the past few years. However, despite the rudeness and misunderstanding among people, she continues to fight and prove to everyone that she is a talented girl.

Lemon ice

Healthy, clean skin adorns any girl. Olga received a simple homemade recipe from her grandmother, thanks to which her face always looks fresh and radiant. To do this, Olga keeps pieces of ice with lemon juice in her refrigerator and wipes her face with them every morning after washing her face. The star is sure that there is nothing better for toning and whitening the skin.

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