Why men get stretch marks and how to treat them

Stretch marks or stretch marks are a specific pathology of skin tissue in the form of characteristic scars. Typically, such scar-like changes occur due to microtrauma of the epidermis due to a lack of collagen protein, which gives the skin elasticity. Sometimes the causes of stretch marks can be due to hereditary factors and certain endocrine diseases.

Many people believe that stretch marks are an exclusively female ailment that has nothing to do with the stronger sex. Let us immediately note that this opinion is erroneous and formed, most likely, because the resulting stretch marks cause women more cosmetic concerns than men.

Indeed, due to a number of factors related, first of all, to the function of childbirth, stretch marks in women form much more often than stretch marks in men. It is noteworthy that similar dynamics are also observed in childhood and adolescence: the results of statistical studies show that stretch marks occur more often in girls compared to the appearance of stretch marks in boys. However, men who take care of themselves are no less concerned about the problem of getting rid of stretch marks than women: every stretch mark is a cause for concern for them.

Volumes are to blame for everything...

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, appear due to a lack of collagen and elastin in the skin. These are special proteins that provide its tone and elasticity. If your body volume changes dramatically (for example, when you rapidly gain weight), then the fibers in the deep layers of the skin do not stretch, but tear. In place of the voids, connective tissue gradually grows, and these areas of the skin lose their elasticity. In men, stretch marks often appear during periods of intense exercise in the gym: when building muscle mass, the skin may also “not keep up” with the volume of the body, and then unpleasant irregularities appear on it.

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Newly formed stretch marks look like red stripes on the skin, because blood vessels appear in places where skin fibers break. Then the stretch marks lighten, and they remain light even if the skin tans. The main locations for stretch marks are the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Classification of stretch marks

Experts identify several types of striae, each of them has its own characteristics. The main differences are in color , because scars can be white, bluish, or bright pink. Classification is needed not only for diagnosis! How to remove stretch marks for a man will depend on the exact definition of the type of stretch marks. Doctors distinguish 4 types:

  • light red , pink - fresh stretch marks, red color indicates damage to the capillaries due to rupture of collagen fibers. Relatively easy to correct using external means.
  • purple or bluish – such stretch marks are usually 6-8 months old, the scarring process has ended. To get rid of stretch marks, it is effective to combine external remedies with physiotherapy;
  • white - this is what old stretch marks look like, more than a year old. They are more difficult to correct than others, so it would be best to work in a comprehensive manner: physiotherapy, external agents and cosmetic procedures.

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How to remove stretch marks on the stomach and butt in men?

Depending on the appearance of the stretch marks, the method of getting rid of them will change. The easiest way to deal with pink and purple stretch marks is to do it at home without visiting specialized clinics or salons. With the right approach, these types of stretch marks can be eliminated almost completely. But old stretch marks require more attention and the use of hardware procedures. In this case, you should be patient, because the process of getting rid of old defects can take a long time.


But it's not just a matter of changing body volumes. The appearance of stretch marks is influenced by hormonal levels: in particular, increased production of glucocorticoid hormones, which reduce the rate of formation of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. In men, hormonal imbalance can be associated with the use of various drugs: for example, some immunomodulators contain glucocorticoids, as well as antihistamines, drugs prescribed for asthma or to relieve symptoms of joint inflammation. Their side effect is often the formation of stretch marks.

What are stretch marks and why do they appear on the skin?

Stretch marks are band-shaped scars that form when the skin stretches or contracts. Drastic changes in the body cause the rupture of elastin and collagen, which maintain the integrity and elasticity of the skin. Striae appear in many people, and there are many more reasons for their formation than might seem at first glance.


While carrying a child, the skin can stretch, which is why stretch marks appear. Sometimes they can become almost invisible after the birth of children, and sometimes they can make the stretched area flabby. Such “extra” skin with stretch marks, if not treated in a timely manner, can remain for life.

Rapid weight loss or gain

With sharp fluctuations in body weight, the entire functioning of the body as a whole is disrupted. Therefore, women who lose weight or gain pounds too quickly suffer not only from the appearance of stretch marks, but also from hair loss and a general weakening of the immune system.


Genetic data that is inherited also influences the appearance of stretch marks. It may well be that your mother had it too, but she attributed the effect to having children. However, even without offspring, it is quite possible to acquire ugly scars on the body.

Formation of the body during puberty

Even in adolescence, stretch marks can appear. As a rule, this is associated with internal changes in the body, sudden growth, an increase in volume and hormonal fluctuations.

Hormonal changes

Female hormones are an indicator that needs to be carefully monitored. The appearance of stretch marks is influenced by the hormones of the thyroid gland, gonads, adrenal glands and a number of other hormones important for the body.

Rapid muscle growth with strength training

During physical activity, muscle mass increases, but if you overdo it, you can get tears in the skin. You also need to pay special attention to the medications and vitamins you take for sports.

Itsenko-Cushing's disease

The cause of this syndrome is the excessive production of adrenocorticotropic hormone. In patients with this disease, as a rule, the body rapidly increases in size, while the arms and legs remain the same size. Those parts where stretch marks appear - the thighs and abdomen - become larger.

At first, stretch marks are bright red, purple, pink, reddish brown or dark brown in color. In the first stages of formation, they also cause pain upon contact. Sometimes the stretch marks that appear can be itchy. Over time, they acquire a shade slightly lighter or, on the contrary, darker than your skin and leave flabby, loose furrows.

… and much more.

There are also a number of diseases that cause an increase in cortisol production, such as pancreatic diseases. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the underlying disease rather than a cosmetic defect.

And, naturally, we must not forget about such a difficult period as adolescence: at this time there is such a powerful hormonal change that the formation of stretch marks is not uncommon for both women and men. Parents should definitely pay attention to this topic and contact an endocrinologist in time.

Prevention of stretch marks in men

Those who are going to actively visit the gym or have problems with the functionality of the pancreas or endocrine system should take the possibility of stretch marks seriously. Particular attention should be paid to those who are prone to obesity. It is quite possible to prevent the formation of stripes on the skin! You just need to follow a few simple rules:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • do not forget about the drinking regime;
  • give preference to moderate physical activity.

If a man is over 40 years old, then he should take complexes or nutritional supplements containing collagen. They will help maintain skin elasticity. It is important to avoid sudden weight gain or loss - this is the main factor that provokes the formation of stretch marks. Watch carefully for the appearance of stretch marks; getting rid of them at the initial stage is easier. But don't despair if the moment is missed. Fermenkol will help fight any type of striae. You can select the dosage and get recommendations on the regimen of use in the “Question-Answer” section. Don't be ashamed of your appearance, start fighting stretch marks right now!

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Men may not complain about stretch marks: they are not so noticeable on their skin. But you still want to improve its condition, especially for those who often work out in the gym or pool. This is possible by moisturizing and increasing the elasticity of the skin, preferably not only its surface layers, but also deeper structures. It is also recommended to use ointments and creams with vitamin E, the effectiveness of which has been proven for both the prevention and reduction of stretch marks. Clearvin cream contains this “vitamin of youth”, which affects the deep structures of the skin and maintains their elasticity. The natural components on which Clearvin is made nourish the skin, maintain a normal level of moisture, and skin health is the key to the normal functioning of its cells and maintaining elasticity and extensibility.

Of course, stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that does not have a negative impact on health. However, the psychological discomfort that people who are forced to deal with striae face cannot be ignored. Maintaining healthy skin and proper skin care will help you look and feel better.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

Fresh stretch marks respond best to correction - the earlier the correction of stretch marks is started, the more pronounced the result will be. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks, but you can make them barely noticeable and at the same time significantly reduce the sagging of the skin in the area where stretch marks accumulate.

The most popular methods for correcting stretch marks:

  • Laser stretch mark removal is the most effective correction method. Our clinic offers several professional lasers to eliminate stretch marks. The main advantage of using lasers is their high efficiency - the result is visible after the first session. In this case, the effect is not only directly on atrophic scars, but also on surrounding tissues, significantly improving the quality of the skin in the area where stretch marks are localized. The procedures are harmless to health, with a short rehabilitation period. Our doctors have several methods for removing stretch marks with laser: laser resurfacing, fractional thermolysis, laser nanoperforation. It is almost impossible to say which laser treatment method is better. As a rule, doctors at our clinic use the most effective method or combination of methods in each individual case.
  • Mesotherapy - vitamin complexes, hyaluronic acid, peptides, etc., saturated with useful elements, are injected under the patient's skin - drugs that stimulate the synthesis of new collagen fibers. Mesotherapy has the greatest effect when combined with laser techniques.
  • Chemical peeling – stretch marks can only be affected at the initial stage of appearance in combination with other techniques.
  • Microcurrents – low-frequency microcurrent pulses activate metabolic and regenerative processes at the cellular level. Our doctors use microcurrent treatment for stretch marks in combination with laser techniques.

At a free consultation, doctors at our clinic will conduct a diagnosis and select the most suitable method for eliminating stretch marks.

Treatment of fresh and old stretch marks

Can you feel the signs of stretch marks? In most cases no. However, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. People with hypersensitive skin may experience itching and burning, after which a scar appears on the skin.

Old stretch marks that are more than a year old turn white. Such stretch marks cannot be completely eliminated. Microcracks that have appeared recently are much more treatable. They are red and blue in color.

To remove fresh stretch marks, they most often use:

  • back massage using cocoa, jojoba and almond oils;
  • cream for stretch marks with vitamins A, E, hyaluronic acid, oligopeptides and retinoids;
  • honey wrap

Since stretch marks in athletic men appear mainly on the back and lumbar region, men notice them too late. But the earlier microcracks were noticed, the easier they can be removed. This is why stretch marks on the back more often than other stretch marks turn into old ones and are difficult to treat.

In this case, creams and wraps will not be enough. It is necessary to move on to more effective procedures:

  • LPG or vacuum massage;
  • RF or radio frequency lifting;
  • mesotherapy is a method in which a drug containing biologically active substances is injected under the skin;
  • Medium peeling – chemical removal of the top, damaged layer of skin.

If all these methods do not help remove microcracks, you should consult a doctor. An endocrinologist, after conducting tests and examination, will help to exclude diseases that provoke the appearance of stretch marks, and a dermatologist will select the most effective method to eliminate stretch marks in each specific case.

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