Why stretch marks appear on the body and how to deal with them at home

Stretch marks are a problem for every second woman who becomes a mother. It is quite difficult to cope with them, but there are means.

Striae (stretch marks)

- cicatricial changes in the skin that appear as a result of damage to the fibers responsible for skin regeneration - collagen and elastin and the formation of connective tissue in their place.

Stretch marks can be light (white), pink (red) or blue-burgundy, the latter turning white over time. In addition, striae are distinguished by length, width and depth. Interestingly, vertical stretch marks occur with sudden weight loss, and horizontal stretch marks with endocrine disorders.

Most often, stretch marks appear on the hips, abdomen, butt, and chest, but if there are hormonal disorders or diseases, they can even appear on the face, neck, and back.

It is important to note that stretch marks on the body are not only a cosmetic defect; stretch marks can be a signal of serious diseases of the endocrine system, expressed by rapid weight gain.

What causes stretch marks on the body

Striae are scar-like tissue that forms due to insufficient elasticity of the skin. Stretch marks can form either due to physiological changes in the body or be a consequence of various disorders or diseases. People suffering from hormonal imbalance and problems with the thyroid gland are predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks. The hereditary factor is also of great importance.

The most common causes of stretch marks include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • intense exercise and rapid increase in muscle mass;
  • growth spurts during adolescence;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • regular use of drugs containing corticosteroids.

During pregnancy, stretch marks appear on the stomach and chest. When you gain weight, they are localized in places where fat accumulates - thighs, buttocks. Athletes often experience stretch marks in the shoulder girdle.

>> Maintain your figure correctly during pregnancy - read expert advice

The formation of stretch marks is caused by insufficient production of collagen and elastin - substances responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. Therefore, when the skin is overstretched, the reticular layer of the dermis is torn along with the vessels, collagen and elastin fibers, and narrow stripes are formed on the body.

Striae are not a disease. Scars do not impair the quality of life, but they can negatively affect the emotional state, reducing self-confidence. That is why many strive to reduce their appearance and restore smoothness to the skin.

Stretch marks after childbirth

But after giving birth, the problem of stretch marks will not end; it will remain relevant until the end of the lactation period, especially if you did not take any preventive measures during pregnancy (special tightening underwear, oils, creams, etc.).

Unfortunately, after childbirth, the skin will not return to its original position; it will need time to recover. A means to completely get rid of stretch marks has not yet been invented, but there are many ways to make them almost invisible.

Women are especially concerned about stretch marks on their breasts, which arise due to their natural increase during pregnancy and with the onset of breastfeeding.

The fact is that the skin in this area is very delicate, and changes in its size are especially significant, so there are often many stretch marks and they are pronounced. Moreover, they will become even more noticeable after the end of the lactation period and the breasts return to their normal size.

How stretch marks appear

The formation of striae goes through several stages. At each stage, stretching has its own characteristics.

  • After the elastic cover ruptures, connective tissue is formed, penetrated by blood vessels. Striae have a purple or red tint.
  • Over time, stretch marks lighten and turn pink.
  • Old scars completely lose their pigment and the color of the stretch marks becomes white.

Of course, it is easier to deal with “young” stretch marks and you need to take action immediately after they appear. If stretch marks have formed for a long time, it is quite difficult to completely get rid of them.

It is impossible to get rid of stretch marks forever and restore ideal smoothness to the skin even with the help of hardware cosmetic procedures. But you can make stretch marks less noticeable at home. To do this, you need to choose the right tools and effective procedures.

Home care for preventive purposes is especially important. For example, if a woman knows about her predisposition to stretch marks, and she is planning a pregnancy or has already become pregnant, she should devote all her efforts to caring for her body skin. This will help keep the skin intact even with not very successful heredity and avoid the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy.

Causes of spider veins

Why elements of spider veins appear on the body and legs remains a mystery. Sometimes they appear at the initial stage of serious liver diseases. The pathogenesis of the manifestations of spider veins and their causes are precisely unknown. Possible risk factors leading to their formation are:

  • Hormonal problems
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • Varicose veins of the saphenous veins (although spider veins often occur regardless of the presence of varicose veins).
  • Heredity.
  • Abuse of hot and spicy foods.
  • Stress.
  • Some medications, especially hormonal drugs, can stimulate the development of spider veins due to increased intradermal blood flow and venous stagnation.

Ways to eliminate stretch marks

The fight against stretch marks must be carried out comprehensively. Here are the basic skin care steps that will help correct existing stretch marks and prevent new ones from appearing.

  • Exfoliation.
  • Massage.
  • Moisturizing and strengthening.

We have collected all the necessary tools for you in one set.
The complex for correcting stretch marks includes a dry massage brush, stretch mark oil, raspberry cream scrub and lifting cream.
Let’s take a closer look at effective procedures and products that will help you make stretch marks almost invisible on your own.

First signs and main symptoms

To avoid lengthy and complex treatment, it is important to identify the disease in the early stages. It makes no sense to say that only a specialist can do this, this is obvious. The patient’s main task is to distinguish the earliest symptoms in order to see a doctor before spider veins appear. The first signs include:

  • itching, burning, regular pain in the legs after a long walk, swelling;
  • the red-violet mesh is still absent at this stage, but by the end of the day muscle fatigue usually appears, the patient feels nervous tension due to severe pain inside the lower leg.

People with chronic diseases or family history should pay special attention to their body. The disease progresses at different rates, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of harmful factors. If it is not possible to avoid the appearance of capillaries, then timely treatment of spider veins is required. The main symptoms of telangiectasia are:

  • red-violet dots appear on areas of the skin, which gradually turn into stripes;
  • most often, the stripes spread quickly, intersecting each other, forming a pattern similar to a web;
  • after a long walk, the legs quickly swell and get tired, swelling is observed in the shins;
  • spider veins quickly progress, spread to new areas of the body, and the first signs of varicose veins appear;
  • at a late stage of the disease, the patient experiences night cramps, a general deterioration in condition, incl. skin, bruising may occur due to cracked capillaries.

Patients should pay attention to the general condition of the body. Due to impaired blood circulation, a person experiences headaches and increased body temperature.


A simple way to eliminate stretch marks is to regularly exfoliate the skin. This procedure will help remove dead particles of the epidermis and activate cell renewal. Deep cleanse your skin 1-2 times a week using effective yet gentle exfoliants from the ARAVIA Laboratories line.

  • Raspberry Cream Scrub qualitatively renews the skin, making it soft and radiant. Pine nut shells in the scrub have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Pink clay is rich in microelements (silicon, iron, calcium and magnesium) and effectively relieves dryness and flaking of the skin. Raspberries refresh and lighten pigmentation. Vitamins E, PP, A and B2 tone the skin and prolong its youth.

General recommendations and rules of treatment

Removing spider veins on the legs using cosmetic surgery is not enough, because... after some time they will appear again. Treatment must be comprehensive, and the doctor must determine the cause of the development of telangiectasia. You can get rid of spider veins in different ways, but it is even better to carry out comprehensive work to prevent their formation. Recommendations and treatment methods look like this:

  • Local treatment. It is carried out only by specialists in the clinic. Injections and special medications are used. The doctor selects procedures individually depending on the stage of the disease and accompanying symptoms.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow will help reduce spider veins on the legs at an early stage of the disease . The tablets are used as part of complex therapy; the regimen for taking them is prescribed by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient.
  • Hardware cosmetology helps to quickly eliminate a cosmetic defect, which is often the main goal of a patient who has spider veins. It can be considered as a way to get rid of telangiectasia, only as part of other treatment methods.
  • Changing your usual lifestyle. First of all, this advice applies to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, are forced to do hard physical work every day. Any treatment will not be as effective as possible if the patient, along with taking medications, aggravates the situation.
  • Diet and proper nutrition. This advice is suitable even for a healthy person, as a preventive measure for spider veins and other health problems. For patients diagnosed with telangiectasia, this is a fundamentally important point, because Proper nutrition can improve and normalize blood circulation. This advice is especially relevant for patients experiencing problems with excess weight, because... obesity increases the load on the legs and is one of the causes of the disease.
  • Increased physical activity. Despite the fact that one of the symptoms of telangiectasia is swelling and fatigue in the legs, you should not refuse to play sports. Physical activity should be dosed, training can be coordinated with your doctor. Physical activity helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the immune system.

The specialists of our clinic have extensive experience in the treatment of telangiectasia and varicose veins. The center is equipped with modern equipment; only high-quality drugs are used in treatment. The phlebologist carefully examines the patient. Additional tests may be required to make a diagnosis. Based on their results, treatment is prescribed. Strict adherence to all recommendations will definitely give a positive result.


Dry massage with special brushes - drybrushing - gives an excellent result in the fight against stretch marks. With regular use of such brushes, the skin is cleansed of dead particles, becomes smooth and soft, cellulite and stretch marks become less pronounced. The main rule of dry massage is that movements should be in the direction of the lymph: from the feet to the heart.

Dry massage is easy to perform yourself at home - the whole process will take no more than 15 minutes. Brushes make the skin elastic and well-groomed, and also relieve stress, relax muscles and activate recovery processes.

For a massage to be effective, it is important not only to do it correctly, but also to choose a quality brush. ARAVIA accessories are made of beech wood and natural bristles. Natural materials will make the procedure tactilely pleasant, and the long handle will allow you to work on hard-to-reach areas.

Brushes vary in degree of hardness:

  • soft, suitable for beginners and those with sensitive skin;
  • The medium one will appeal to those who have already tried drybrushing and want a more intense effect on the skin.

Remember: any massage technique requires prior consultation with a specialist.

>> We tell you how to do drybrushing correctly in the article “Massage with a dry brush: technique, tips and contraindications”

Which doctor to contact if stretch marks are detected: diagnosis

For diagnosis and treatment, you should first visit a dermatologist. You may also need to consult a cosmetologist, surgeon, endocrinologist and therapist. At the appointment, the doctor conducts an examination, studies complaints and anamnesis, and, if necessary, refers to other specialists and for additional examination.

Basic procedures:

  • dermatoscopy;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • study of hormonal status (cortisone, testosterone and other hormones);
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound;
  • CT;
  • MRI;
  • craninography.

Treatment depends on the identified causes of stretch marks, their age, and the results of laboratory tests. It is possible to carry out such procedures as:

  • injections;
  • drugs in tablet form;
  • laser therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • massage;
  • wrap;
  • phototherapy;
  • plasma therapy;
  • magnetic-thermal therapy;
  • peelings of different types;
  • complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • wearing a bandage;
  • wraps;

All the described treatment methods improve blood supply to the affected areas and improve their structure. Thanks to this, cells multiply better and the tissue recovers faster. As old cells are replaced by new ones, stretch marks gradually disappear.

But in some cases, when conservative therapy methods (medicines, procedures) do not work, surgical intervention has to be used. The operation is indicated only in extreme cases and is used relatively rarely.

Signs of dermographism

With white dermographism, after running a stick with a blunt end over the skin, a white stripe immediately appears, disappearing after a few minutes. If the stick is applied with great pressure on the skin, a red stripe is visualized, which will disappear only after a few hours, which is a manifestation of red dermographism.

Severe mechanical irritation of the skin with a stick with a blunt end can provoke edematous dermographism. In this case, first a red stripe forms in the area of ​​direct contact of the skin with the stick, which after 2–3 minutes turns white, swells and swells.

Urticarial dermographism is caused by increased permeability of the vascular walls. As a result, even minor irritation of the skin, such as from the elastic of socks or a trouser belt, leads to the formation of a red stripe surrounded by blisters and a rash.

If you run a sharp needle across the skin, within half a minute a wide red stripe will appear on the surface of the skin. After a few seconds she turns pale and disappears. This is a manifestation of reflex dermographism.

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