Wrinkles on the hands: why they appear and how to get rid of them

Women care about the appearance of their face and neck, but their age often gives away wrinkles on hands. Most often they appear in women engaged in manual labor - cleaning and cooking, working with chemicals, varnishes, paints, and household chemicals. Proper skin care helps slow down their development, but if wrinkles have already appeared, they need to be dealt with.

Why do wrinkles form around the eyes?

Factors leading to the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Skin dehydration is the most common cause and the most “forgotten”. By returning moisture to the skin, it is easy to remove the first wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Active facial expressions combined with anatomically thin skin and the absence of fatty tissue in this area. Botulinum-like peptides will help here!
  • Photoaging - with a passion for tanning, even in the old days several years ago, there is an accumulation of cellular damage. These breakdowns lead to the formation of wrinkles!
  • Digital – aging – a large amount of screen time spent in front of a computer, tablet and smartphone. Today, in cosmetology, irradiation of the skin with “Blue Light” from gadget screens has gained great importance - the reason for the start of the skin aging process.
  • Age-related changes are involutional processes of reducing the amount of collagen and elastin in the area around the eyes.
  • Swelling – a violation of microcirculation leads to the appearance of edema, as a result of which the skin is often “overstretched”. After the swelling is eliminated, folding - wrinkles - is formed.
  • Diet violations - when you abuse sweets, collagen glycation processes occur, i.e. gluing it with sugars. The result is that the fibers become hard, rigid and inelastic. Creases form.

Please note - think before injecting botulinum toxins - start with good creams and limit your exposure to the open sun! We assure you that by following these recommendations, you will avoid injections and “frozen” eyes.

Where do sleep wrinkles come from?

Photo by Jean-Daniel Francoeur: Pexels
Wrinkles on the face are a sign of decreased skin tone. For the first time they make themselves felt after 20-25 years. However, at a younger age, sleep wrinkles also occur, but they do not pose a problem, since they disappear within half an hour after waking up.

After 25 years, they can remain on the skin for half a day. This creates the effect of some general bruising, so sleep wrinkles need to be combated.

So, the reasons for the occurrence of creases after sleep:

  • poor quality pillow;
  • bed linen is not the right size;
  • incorrect choice of sleeping position;
  • uncomfortable mattress.

With age, creases after sleep begin to pose a serious danger. When the rate of collagen production decreases, weakening of collagen fibers occurs in places where seemingly harmless creases occur. Because of this, the folds stop smoothing out and wrinkles turn from temporary to permanent.

To effectively get rid of creases after sleep, you must first eliminate the causes of their appearance. Let's figure out what is needed for this, and then find out what methods will help you instantly get rid of bruises if you couldn't prevent it.

Injection techniques against wrinkles around the eyes

There are only 2 most common injection techniques for removing wrinkles around the eyes:

The introduction of botulinum toxin blocks muscle contractions and eliminates excessive facial activity, one of the mechanisms for the formation of wrinkles.

Injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid - filling of wrinkles. Mechanical filling of voids formed as a result of lack of collagen. Gives a temporary result, mechanically filling the voids that appear as a result of a decrease in the density of the dermis.

Injection techniques do not solve the problem of wrinkles around the eyes; after 5-6 months, wrinkles will reappear.

Home Remedies

Wrinkles on the hands and the feeling of dryness can be eliminated using creams, baths, masks and other homemade remedies.


Homemade anti-wrinkle hand masks will help make your skin soft and pleasant to the touch. The most common recipes are the following:

  • Mask made from a mixture of oils;
  • Creamy mask;
  • Vitamin mask;
  • Glycerin mask.

To prepare an oil mask, take jojoba, avocado and peach oil. As the basis for this anti-wrinkle hand remedy, you will need peach oil, to which the remaining oils are added, 1 tsp each. The mixture is heated and applied to the surface of the hands, and cotton gloves are put on top. The procedure lasts up to 40 minutes and is then removed with a cotton pad. This method instantly transforms the skin of your hands.

Peeling for expression wrinkles

Before the start of injection techniques, any qualified cosmetologist will offer the client to start working with atraumatic techniques. Today, there are professional peelings that can initiate reparative processes at the level of the dermis of the skin. Thus, they restore the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid to their proper activity and literally “push out wrinkles from the inside.”

Additional introduction of botulinum-like peptides into the peeling system leads to the result of muscle relaxation, but without complete paralysis of the facial muscles, and, accordingly, without swelling and ammia.

When correcting wrinkles around the eyes, the cosmetologist faces several tasks:

  • Reduce facial activity
  • Remove dry wrinkles - combat hyperkeratosis and dehydrated skin
  • Antioxidant protection - neutralize the influence of external negative factors
  • Restoration of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin

DermaQuest peptide peeling eliminates wrinkles and rejuvenates the delicate area around the eyes, eliminating the need for injections.

The peeling is based on a unique combination of Peptides and Plant Stem Cells. The composition and benefits of peeling are described below.

How does DermaQuest Peptide Peel work?

  • Eliminates hyperactivity of facial muscles

Contains the peptide Acetyl Hecasapeptide-8 with a Botox effect. Advantages – soft blockade of facial expressions without mask-like, provoking swelling and unnatural facial expressions.

  • Restores the dermis of the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis, thickens and tightens the skin

It works due to signal peptides – Matrixil and Dermaxil – indirectly stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis.

  • Combats puffiness around the eyes

Peptide complex Ailiss - restores microcirculation, reduces vascular permeability, tightens the skin. Prevents the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

  • Eliminates the negative effects of external factors - antioxidant protection

Contains superoxide dismutase, plant extracts, and most importantly, red grape stem cells . Protection of the basement membrane and cells of the basal layer of the epidermis from photoaging.

  • Moisturizes, eliminates dryness and dehydration of the skin

Contains hyaluronic acid and patented moisturizing complexes.

Indications for peptide peeling

  • Wrinkles (facial and static), loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Working with age-related changes in delicate areas: around the eyes, neck and décolleté;

Peptide peeling DermaQuest - has an atraumatic pH of 3.0, approved for use in the area around the eyes close to the ciliary edge. Instant effect of moisturizing and tightening the dermis! The Botox effect is cumulative and develops by the 4th procedure when peeling is performed once a week.

Benefits: what distinguishes peptide peeling from others

  1. Approved for use on the area around the eyes , close to the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid.
  2. Atraumatic - does not cause redness, peeling or irritation of the skin.
  3. Off-season - the advantage follows from the previous point.
  4. Can be used on the entire face , and, if necessary, on the neck and décolleté.
  5. Included in the “Exit Programs” , it provides pronounced lifting and smoothing of wrinkles.

You can start the course at any time of the year and minimally depend on your planned vacation to warm countries.

How is Peptide Peeling Performed around the Eyes?

The course consists of 10 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 10-14 days.

How to apply Dermakvest Peptide Peeling to the eye area:

  • Pre-remove makeup and cleanse skin
  • During the first procedures, the Preparing Solution may not be used.
  • Using a thin fan-shaped brush, apply DermaQuest Peptide Peeling to the area around the eyes, retreating 1 mm from the eyelash edge. In the upper region up to the mobile eyelid
  • Avoid getting the peeling solution into your eyes!
  • Exposure time 3 – 5 – 7 – 10 minutes depending on the number of procedures performed and individual skin sensitivity
  • Then apply the Neutralizing Solution and rinse with cool water.
  • Finish with mask, serum and cream.

Another advantage of DermaQuest Peptide Peeling is that the peeling can be applied to the entire face or used in Multi-peeling procedures, i.e. combine with other atraumatic DermaQuest peels.

How to apply DermaQuest Peptide Peel in Multi-Peel

Multi-peeling – application of several peels during 1 procedure to solve a number of skin problems at once.

Rules and sequence of application for Multi-peeling:

  1. First, a peeling intended for facial skin (basic composition) is applied, retreating 1-1.5 cm from the ciliary edge of the eye (the reference point is the bony edge of the orbit).
  2. Afterwards, apply Peptide Peeling to the area around the eyes, slightly moving away from the eyelash edge.
  3. Exposure ranges from 3 to 15 minutes, targeting primarily the reaction of the skin around the eyes.
  4. At the end of the exposure time, both peels are neutralized and removed with cool water.

During a multi-peel, the peel applied around the eyes is always applied last and is neutralized and washed off first, i.e. its exposure time is the shortest.

Care and protection

To avoid problems with wrinkles on your hands, you need to start taking care of them from a young age. Proper care at any age will help maintain healthy hands. It doesn’t just involve using baths; there are a few simple rules that will help keep your hands beautiful:

  • It is advisable to use “soft” soap - liquid or slightly alkaline. Do not use antibacterial soap;
  • It is necessary to use scrubs weekly to deep cleanse the skin;
  • Nourishing and moisturizing creams should be applied as needed - after working with water, at night or when the skin condition worsens;
  • Revitalizing masks should be used every time after a scrub;
  • When working with substances harmful to the skin, you need to wear gloves;
  • Nutrition should be complete, vitamins should be taken;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse are harmful to the skin and should be avoided.

To know exactly which cream will help , and to choose the most suitable hand care products, you need to contact a cosmetologist. The selection of skin care should be done individually, since only this approach is the most effective. In practice, this often happens through trial and error, but the help of a specialist will help you avoid decisions that are fatal to the skin.

Everything is clear, but what to do?

Relax and control! Relax your poor spasming muscles, control your facial expressions and “don’t fuss with your face.” If Revitonics helps you with the first question, then you will have to deal with the second one yourself. Ask those around you to correct you when you frown or raise your eyebrows, when you grin or squint your eyes. Focus on the sensations in your face, try to catch its relaxed state. And, of course, do Revitonics! The sooner you start, the faster you will help out your hard-working muscles, which live under such stress that you cannot envy. This is the only way to solve the problem - by consciously starting with the causes, and not by rubbing creams into the unfortunate wrinkles-consequences.

And stop shifting responsibility to genetics. :)

Attention to posture

It's nice to sleep on your side because it creates a feeling of security and comfort. In this position, a person allows himself to relax and quickly falls asleep. True, this is not at all beneficial for the skin.

If you are used to sleeping in the fetal position, you probably see wrinkled cheeks in the mirror in the morning. All this occurs due to pressure on the pillow. At first, wrinkles are small and disappear quickly, but every year they linger longer on your face.

The same thing happens when you sleep on your stomach. This case is even more dangerous, because creases appear not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.

If you want to keep your skin young and wrinkle-free, get used to sleeping on your back. This position is the safest for your face.

It’s difficult to relearn, but it’s necessary. To motivate yourself, try an experiment. Sleep on your back for a week and note the condition of your skin in the morning. Then return to your favorite position for a week and observe your skin. You'll see, the wrinkles from sleeping on your side or stomach will come back.

Hypertonicity, what kind of animal are you?

A healthy muscle is always in a slight tone; this is a physiological norm. In most cases, muscle balance is disturbed under the influence of a variety of reasons, the main ones being psycho-emotional factors (stress), and secondly, physical factors (injuries and age-related deformities). As a result, the muscle tone increases, it spasms and shortens. This condition is called hypertonicity, as well as block, clamp, spasm, residual or chronic tension - all these terms describe the same phenomenon.

The right pillow

Not only the condition of your skin in the morning, but also the quality of your sleep depends on the quality of your pillow. If your pillow doesn't hold its shape well, sinks in and doesn't hold your neck in the correct position, wrinkles on your face are the lesser of two evils.

Reception for creases after sleep

A low-quality pillow night after night cripples your neck, weakens your muscle corset, impairs blood circulation - in general, it does everything so that your upper back will soon begin to hurt.

Consequences of an incorrectly selected pillow:

  • creases on the face;
  • fatigue after sleep;
  • poor circulation in the neck;
  • weakening of the cervical vertebrae;
  • backache;
  • headache;
  • swelling due to lymph stagnation.

Here we are talking not so much about beauty, but about health. If your pillow leaves much to be desired, the first thing to do in the fight against creases is to change it.

The pillow should suit your height and keep its shape well. A good option are special pillows with memory. They relieve stress from the upper back and do not interfere with the normal movement of lymph; therefore, there will be no swelling after sleeping on such a pillow.

If you just can’t adapt to sleeping on your back, pay attention to the so-called beauty pillows. This is a special orthopedic pillow with indentations. The small “pits” on the sides of the pillow are designed specifically for sleeping on your side.

You lie down so that your cheek rests on the indentation. Then, during sleep, nothing squeezes your cheeks, and therefore, sleep wrinkles do not appear.

Unconscious facial expressions

If after every smile our muscles instantly relaxed, then facial wrinkles would simply never appear. But in reality this does not happen. Unconscious facial expressions, becoming a kind of mask, lead to the formation of muscle hypertonicity. Fibers involved in constant facial movements remain “frozen” in residual static tension. Figuratively, this can be represented as a psychological problem: grievances or stress that are not completely released continue to ripen and exert their pathological effect on the psyche, at the same time destroying both the body and appearance.

How to quickly remove wrinkles?

Cosmetology offers many methods for correcting wrinkles aimed at restoring natural regeneration processes, skin cell renewal, elastin and collagen production, and the ability to retain moisture.

In the arsenal of aesthetic medicine doctors there are a lot of procedures for wrinkles, including: injection therapy, laser rejuvenation, contouring, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation.

The Hydrafacial procedure provides an excellent effect in correcting wrinkles and skin folds on the face. This is deep cleansing and rejuvenation in one procedure. The lifting effect is achieved due to the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. The effect of intensive rejuvenation is achieved through the influence of serums with hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants. As a result, the face is wrinkle-free and the skin is healthy and smooth.

The most suitable method to remove wrinkles will be selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition and type of skin.


Sleeping on an uncomfortable, low-quality mattress is very dangerous for your beauty and health. It's even worse if you sleep on a sofa that is not intended for daily sleep.

A high-quality modern mattress ensures the correct position of the body during sleep. As a result, you toss and turn less, and accordingly, there is less risk of knocking down your bed linen, which means creases will not appear on your face.

In general, a good mattress and pillow are your best friends. Before you go to the emergency room for creases, think carefully about the quality of your sleeping place.

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