Neo-Clinic, aesthetic and laser medicine clinic, Tyumen


Highest qualification category in surgery. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. Patents for inventions: “Method for stopping bleeding from parenchymal organs” and “Method for stopping bleeding from penetrating wounds of the liver.” Author of 32 scientific articles and 1 monograph (co-author). Letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Tyumen Region, 2011. Diploma-recipient of the All-Russian competition of the program “100 Best Products of Russia - 2013”, Diploma-recipient of the competition “Best Goods and Services of the Tyumen Region 2013”.

Operations completed

03/5/2019 I had mammoplasty with Strelin! Very pleased. Having previously visited almost all surgeons in Tyumen, it took a year to decide on the operation. Previously, I had my own 3.5, then I fattened up 2 strong men and lost weight, so I had stage 2 ptosis. During the consultations, all the doctors told me the same thing: that there would be a seam around the halo and a vertical one, a lot of excess tissue needed to be removed (I had no doubt about that), but choosing an implant was a big problem. I read about everything, my head was spinning! Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich suggested installing polyurethane implants, the other doctors did not want to install them during the first installation (they say if there are problems with silicone, we can only install polyurethane implants a second time), the question arose WHY? And the more I read about these implants, I realized this was my option! And among their disadvantages, “The disadvantages of polyurethane implants for the surgeon are associated solely with the experience of using them: there is a learning period (when the results will not be optimal), the implants are more difficult to install (they tend to bend), and they are more difficult to remove.” And then I was finally convinced of choosing a surgeon, a doctor who knows how to work with this know-how and is not afraid to install it, given his many years of experience. Before the operation, I had 2 consultations with him at the Smart Clinic - it was beautiful, pleasant, the feeling that you had come to a cosmetologist, and not to a surgical department where there was the smell of pain and bandages. We operated at OKB No. 1 - a very loyal attitude towards patients (upon discharge, my husband was allowed to go into the room and help me get ready).

On the day of the operation, his assistant Yulia met me, I shared my fears with her and she joked with me and shared her experience and it helped a lot!:) I was shown into the room, I was not left alone! The room was clean! Then there was another consultation with the surgeon where I was asked again if I was confident in my decision, did I still have any? (I NEED TO NOTE THAT DURING THE WHOLE COMMUNICATION WITH THE DOCTOR, NO ONE PERSUADED ME TO DO THE OPERATION :bravo:) The most terrible moment for me has come! They put me on a gurney and took me to the operating room, the staff were so loyal that they raised the back of the gurney so that I wouldn’t stare at the ceiling like in a scary movie! In the operating room, the nurse was joking and smiling again! And the fear went away and then the sleeping pills . I woke up immediately after the operation and there was no fog in my head, but it was painful but not fatal, very tolerable! (2nd birth has something to compare with) In the evening I was given painkillers and I even slept. In the morning there was a dressing, the drainage was removed and it became even easier. Extract. On the 3rd day I stopped taking painkillers, there was no longer a need! And at 5 I slowly started working. I am very pleased with the result! At any time and for any questions, Julia always answers the phone! When I was discharged, I was given a detailed instruction on how to live further and what to do :bravo: . Thanks to the competent doctor and his wonderful assistant!!!!!!!!!!!!, I recommend it to everyone!



  • 2004 - defense of the candidate's dissertation.
  • 2006 - specialization in plastic surgery.
  • 2008 - professional retraining in maxillofacial surgery in Omsk.
  • 2007, 2009, 2014 - intensive training courses in Ekaterinburg on plastic surgery.
  • 2010, 2012 - cadaver training courses in plastic surgery in Kazan.
  • 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2022 - intensive training courses in plastic surgery in St. Petersburg.
  • 2011 - internship in Regensburg, Germany - “Facial plastic surgery”.
  • 2011 - internship in Amsterdam, the Netherlands - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2012 – professional retraining in the specialty “plastic surgery”, Russian State Medical University named after. Pirogov, Moscow.
  • 2012 - internship in Stockholm, Sweden - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2012 - internship in Madrid, Spain - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2015 - internship in Riga (Latvia) - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2017 — Certification course in plastic surgery.
  • 2018 - internship in Seoul (Republic of Korea) - “Facial plastic surgery”.
  • 2020 — — intensive training course on breast plastic surgery, Moscow.
  • 2020 — Certification course in plastic surgery.
  • 2021 - internship at the GMT clinic (Moscow) - “Vaser liposuction and body lipomodeling, author’s course by Dr. T. T. Khaidarov.”
  • 2021 - training in the author’s course “Rejuvenating facial plastic surgery” by Dr. Avdoshenko K.E. (Moscow city).

Strelin Svyatoslav Alexandrovich

A plastic surgeon with more than 16 years of experience, more than 5,000 operations performed, constantly improving and studying new techniques from world-famous surgeons in foreign and Russian internships: Germany, Spain, France, Latvia, South Korea, Sweden, the Netherlands.

Specializes in aesthetic surgeries of the face and body, studies and successfully implements the latest scientific discoveries in the field of plastic surgery. The main goal in his work is to achieve in his patient a balance between external form and internal content, a balance of sensations, feelings and emotions. This is embodied with the help of unique methods, technologies and our own vision, based on a new culture of human aesthetics: fat-preserving blepharoplasty, including laser according to the Italian design, facelift with SMAS in the Korean modification and corset plastic surgery of the neck, breast augmentation, including through the axillary access using endoscopic technology using German technology, Vaser-liposuction (5th generation) with lipomodeling and muscle contouring, including simultaneously with abdominoplasty, breast lift with the installation of polyurethane implants, complex operations, cellular rejuvenation technologies from the patient’s own tissues.

Engaged in scientific activities, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, author of dozens of scientific articles and inventions. Regularly attends Russian and international symposiums, gave presentations in Moscow, Kyiv, Minsk, and conducted demonstration operations.


Highest qualification category in surgery. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. Patents for inventions: “Method for stopping bleeding from parenchymal organs” and “Method for stopping bleeding from penetrating wounds of the liver.” Author of 32 scientific articles and 1 monograph (co-author). Letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Tyumen Region, 2011. Diploma-recipient of the All-Russian competition of the program “100 Best Products of Russia - 2013”, Diploma-recipient of the competition “Best Goods and Services of the Tyumen Region 2013”.


  • 2004 - defense of the candidate's dissertation.
  • 2006 - specialization in plastic surgery.
  • 2008 - professional retraining in maxillofacial surgery in Omsk.
  • 2007, 2009, 2014 - intensive training courses in Ekaterinburg on plastic surgery.
  • 2010, 2012 - cadaver training courses in plastic surgery in Kazan.
  • 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2022 - intensive training courses in plastic surgery in St. Petersburg.
  • 2011 - internship in Regensburg, Germany - “Facial plastic surgery”.
  • 2011 - internship in Amsterdam, the Netherlands - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2012 – professional retraining in the specialty “plastic surgery”, Russian State Medical University named after. Pirogov, Moscow.
  • 2012 - internship in Stockholm, Sweden - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2012 - internship in Madrid, Spain - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2015 - internship in Riga (Latvia) - “Breast plastic surgery”.
  • 2017 — Certification course in plastic surgery.
  • 2018 - internship in Seoul (Republic of Korea) - “Facial plastic surgery”.
  • 2020 — — intensive training course on breast plastic surgery, Moscow.
  • 2020 — Certification course in plastic surgery.
  • 2021 - internship at the GMT clinic (Moscow) - “Vaser liposuction and body lipomodeling, author’s course by Dr. T. T. Khaidarov.”
  • 2021 - training in the author’s course “Rejuvenating facial plastic surgery” by Dr. Avdoshenko K.E. (Moscow city).

Volkova N.V.

There are a lot of grateful reviews about Tyumen plastic surgeon Natalya Vasilyevna Volkova. This is a specialist of the first level of qualification, who devoted 24 years of her life to the profession. In more than 20 comments, patients write that after working with Natalya Vasilievna, their lives have changed dramatically. And not only thanks to the high-quality metamorphoses, but also to the psychological work that this specialist effortlessly carries out at all stages of preparation, surgery and recovery.

You can make an appointment with surgeon Volkova at the medical center and at Polyclinic No. 6.

Tsarev O. N.

Oleg Nikolaevich Tsarev has significant 32 years of experience in the profession, not only as a plastic surgeon, but also as a traditional surgeon and oncologist. Judging by comments from the Internet, having skills in conventional surgery is an advantage for Oleg Nikolaevich, since he not only beautifully changes his appearance, but also performs stitches technically, creates a long-lasting result, and takes care of the safety of the operation for the whole body.

You can get a consultation with Dr. Tsarev at the Medical City hospital.

Strelin S. A.

We can’t ignore Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich Strelin: the holder of a candidate’s degree in surgery and the highest medical category, he has been working in the field of beauty for more than 20 years. Reviews thank the specialist and call him a real sculptor who senses where the beauty of his patients lies.

You can turn to Dr. Strelin for help at Medical Center and Hospital No. 1. In addition, Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich periodically practices in Moscow, at the Osnova clinic.

Plastic surgery clinics in Tyumen

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Those planning to undergo plastic surgery should take into account that in Tyumen there is not a single specialized clinic or hospital whose activities would be aimed exclusively at aesthetic changes in the appearance of patients. But there are multidisciplinary institutions at the service of everyone who provide high-quality services in this area. Their list is presented below:

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The following is a list of the ten best plastic surgeons in Tyumen.

Yurkov A. S.

A plastic and burn surgeon of the first category with 15 years of experience is Alexander Sergeevich Yurkov. Judging by the reviews from various medical forums, patients really like Alexander Sergeevich’s delicate and attentive approach to work. He creates comfortable conditions both during the consultation and during the operation itself, and discusses in great detail all the points of work and the nuances, pros and cons of each method of work. As a result, patients clearly know what they are getting into, getting what they want, and not “a pig in a poke.”

In Tyumen, plastic surgeon Yurkov provides consultations and operations here:

  • Honey.
  • Hospital No. 1.
  • "Neo-Clinic".

Galkin E. A.

Another very good plastic and traditional surgeon on this list is Evgeniy Anatolyevich Galkin, a doctor with a first-level category and 12 years of experience. Based on the information in the positive comments, all of Evgeniy Anatolyevich’s patients from the very first minutes of the consultation feel his sincere interest, warmth and love for his work. And based on this, you get a brilliant result, a polite attitude, and a painless recovery period.

Plastic surgeon Galkin's place of work is medical...

Neo-Clinic, aesthetic and laser medicine clinic, Tyumen

I had nose surgery on May 25th. Today is day 7. I found a surgeon at Neo-Clinic. Strelin Svyatoslav Alexandrovich. A wonderful person. Answers all questions and provides contact advice to non-residents. The operation is carried out by two surgeons: Strelin works with the beauty of the nose and a second ENT surgeon Rudzevich is present, which means that after the operation you will definitely breathe! I immediately liked that there would be 2 surgeons! On May 25, I came for the operation, under general anesthesia. There were no complications after anesthesia, the anesthesiologist is a professional in his field. And thanks for carefully pulling out the tube, my neck didn’t even hurt! When I woke up, they immediately brought me 2 glasses of water and a spitball. I was allowed to simply rinse my mouth out of one glass and spit it out, because... The first time you can’t drink, but the second time I moistened a gauze napkin and put the damp one on my lips. This makes it easier to sleep and breathe, your lips don’t dry out and it’s like breathing through a wet bandage. There was no pain. In general, at night I only woke up a couple of times to wet the paint for r

ta and honey My sister constantly came and checked me and gave me painkillers. At 12 o'clock my surgeon arrived. By the way, I refused breakfast until the tampons (turundas) were removed from my nose. My operation was very serious: they broke my nose to straighten it, removed the hump and raised the tip higher, corrected the airways (I don’t know what the correct name is) in general, my surgeon pulled out one long tampon from my right nostril. This is a terrible feeling... And I left it in the left one for another three days, he said that the cartilages on the left wall were strengthened and the tampon would still be in the nostril. At about 2 p.m., lunch was brought from the restaurant. I don’t understand what else patients need from food... Apparently people in hospitals haven’t eaten free food for a long time, if they don’t like the restaurant menu... At 16.00 they were discharged. All days there was no pain, I was at home. On the third day I woke up in the morning, the bags under my eyes were asleep but a little swollen, the tip became even smaller, I went to Svyatoslav Alexandrovich to remove the second tampon from my nostril... It didn’t hurt! I trusted myself to this surgeon after many years of searching! Many thanks to him! I advise everyone to do rhinoceros with Svyatoslav Alexandrovich. Thank him very much! Another huge thank you to all the staff of Neo-clinics! There are truly professionals in their field, friendly and very attentive to each patient! Later I’ll write about how I’m doing after removing the plaster. If you have questions or need my photos

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