Beauty technologies: 5 trends in aesthetic medicine based on scientific discoveries

Muscles without effort

The risk of death from immobility is 500 times higher than from smoking - a surprising fact. On the one hand, remote work, as a rule, takes up more hours of the day than office work, and home delivery of food and other goods minimizes our activity. On the other hand, not with any medical history you can actively engage in fitness, especially when the next wave of coronavirus is in full swing and going to the gym has a number of restrictions. Chronic fatigue, fatty rolls on the waist, inner thighs and arms, sagging muscles are signs familiar to most.

“Our body has amazing organelles - mitochondria. They are the ones who process glucose using oxygen fuel into clean energy or heat. Mitochondrial rejuvenation is a new word in medicine. There are about 700–2000 mitochondria per cell. The more developed the muscle corset, the more mitochondria there are,” explains Alena Saromytskaya, founder of the Professional clinic chain, a cosmetologist of the highest category, and an international expert trainer. - A person spends a huge amount of energy per day - about 50 kg of mitochondria. With age, their quality and quantity do not change for the better, so the body wears out and the risk of complications from any disease increases.” Accordingly, an increase in the number of mitochondria improves physical condition. EMSCULPT therapy can provide this effect. The electromagnetic effect of HIFE M, which is the basis of this procedure, is the result of three scientific discoveries in the field of studying muscle fibers and motor neurons. This is the only patented technology that simultaneously acts on the muscular corset and subcutaneous fat. Unlike, for example, myostimulation, which works more on lymphatic drainage and does not cause muscle fiber growth.

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“In 30 minutes of treatment, the muscles in the affected area perform about 20,000 supermaximal contractions, which, according to research, is comparable to six hours of squats. And without harmful stress on the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels,” assures Dmitry Skutin, director of the aesthetic department of BTL Russia. “That’s why in just four 30-minute treatments, the volume of muscle fibers in the treated area increases by almost 20%, and fat is reduced by 16%.” At the same time, hard-to-reach muscles are worked out in the most correct mode.

“Despite the fact that I pay a lot of attention to fitness, mountaineering and dressage, I still regularly undergo the EMSCULPT procedure,” admits Alena Saromytskaya. “I recommend this technology to both those who are far from fitness and professional athletes to work the deepest muscles and increase endurance.”

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In youth, collagen is synthesized in the body in sufficient quantities: “old” collagen is promptly replaced with new collagen, which allows you to maintain youthful skin. With age, collagen synthesis decreases, the protein framework weakens and is no longer as effective in resisting the force of gravity. Ptosis (sagging) of tissues, facial and static wrinkles and other signs of age-related changes are associated precisely with this.

Collagen is one of the most common and unique structural proteins. It acts as a “building material” not only for the skin, but also for teeth, bones, muscles and connective tissues. It makes up about 80-90% of the total volume, and the “quality” of a person’s own collagen is determined by his genetic characteristics. Collagen includes amino acids: glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, hydroxylysine, lysine. They contribute to the production of new protein. Also, to produce this protein, a sufficient amount of elements such as:

  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Silicon
  • Sulfur
  • Pyridoxine
  • Vitamins A, D, E

Even good moisturizing and saturation of the skin with hyaluronic acid will not be able to restore a strong protein framework, which is why, if you want to look young and beautiful, you need to introduce collagen through injections.

Please note that it is not enough to just inject or eat right to achieve results! Procedures to stimulate collagen without comprehensive support for the body are a waste of time and money. We recommend the following:

  • Including foods high in collagen in your daily diet, three types of collagen should be present, since each of them is needed by different types of tissue - bone, muscle, cartilage, skin. Various types of this protein are present in common foods: beef, chicken, chicken egg shell membrane, fish. You can drink bone broth - this is the most effective option. You can also introduce more dishes with gelatin and drinks with peptides into your diet.
  • Supplements More often they are presented in the format of sports nutrition or medications. Must be prescribed by a specialist.
  • Subcutaneous injections.
  • The use of cosmetics that contain a collagen component.


- hydrolyzed heterologous type I collagen of animal origin, obtained from horse tendons.
The drug, like NITHYA, is produced by Euroresearch (Italy). Certified by the Russian Federation, CE (European Union), approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
. The technology for obtaining the drug ensures high purification and a high safety profile of the drug.

Superior to analogues in characteristics:

  • 100 mg.
    - collagen powder in a sterile bottle
  • 20%
    — concentration of collagen in the finished solution
  • 42%
    more active substance than similar drugs


  • High efficiency
    - the stable structure of the protein contained in LINERASE collagen provides an intensive increase in the number of fibroblasts and collagen fibers
  • Physiological
    - the drug stimulates the natural processes of skin regeneration
  • Ease of use
    - the powder is quickly diluted into a suspension intended for injection using a 30G needle
  • Safety
    - due to biocompatibility and biodegradability, the substance does not cause adverse reactions or complications

Indications for use:

  • the need to improve the general condition of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté
  • face oval correction
  • loss of volume in the temporal region, in the cheek area
  • wrinkles and folds: nasolabial, premaxillary, around the mouth, in the corners of the eyes
  • hyperpigmentation
  • hand rejuvenation
  • cheekbone enlargement
  • chin correction
  • post-acne, post-operative and atrophic scars

Procedure protocol:

  1. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist conducts a consultation to determine contraindications, the amount of the drug and points of administration.
  2. Next, the skin is cleaned and disinfected, if necessary, topical anesthesia is performed, after which the required number of injections is given subcutaneously. The drug must be diluted into a suspension immediately before administration, the contents of the bottle must be used immediately - cannot be stored!
  3. After injections, the skin is treated with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution and any drugs that have an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and soothing effect are applied. Minor pain and burning sensations during and after injections are acceptable. After the procedure, redness and swelling are possible, which disappear within 1-3 hours. The next day, slight pain may occur when palpating the treated area.

Recommended course: 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks, 1-2 times a year.

Contraindications for use

  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​the intended injection
  • Age up to 18 years
  • Pregnancy
  • Hemophilia
  • Tendency to develop keloid scars
  • Malignant neoplasms of the skin


In 2022, thread lifting, according to statistics from the American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), has pushed aside plastic surgery. The demand for it continues to grow, and among men. The reasons are clear. At the age of 35+ there are still no indications for plastic surgery, but the desire to create a clear oval face and body silhouette is great. Even slender people with sagging skin look older than their passport age.

Threadlifting is a single procedure that does not require a whole course. The effect lasts up to two years and depends on the initial data. The composition of the threads varies: some work only to tighten and revitalize the skin (mesothreads or reinforcing threads), some specifically for lifting, that is, to move soft tissues (threads with notches and molded spikes).

“The quality of threads and implantation techniques are improving every year. 15 years ago, “golden” threads were contoured in the cold and created many difficulties for patients. Today, a doctor has a large selection of drugs for spot work in his arsenal: there are even special threads for rejuvenating lips and purse-string wrinkles, for the décolleté, and for large areas of the body. But, of course, the most common request is a sculpted face, a clear oval. Using thread implants, we return sagging tissues to their original position, leveling ptosis. Threadlifting is a quick and visible effect on the day of the procedure. Some of my patients can come in for a routine procedure even during their lunch break and then drive to the appointment. No bruises or swelling,” says Natalya Starokozheva, founder of the Beautiful Life clinic, thread lifting expert.

The most natural result is the key advantage of thread lifting. Firstly, the volume and shape of the face during thread lifting will not change even after several years. Secondly, unlike contour plastic surgery, thread lifting is suitable for patients prone to swelling. Within eight months after the procedure, the quality of the skin will improve: it will become smoother, firmer and more youthful.

Are there any pitfalls? A doctor can maintain a youthful face and body if he is contacted in a timely manner. Thread lifting is effective when there is not much excess skin. And of course, the qualifications of the doctor and the equipment of the clinic are of great importance.

Material on the topic

Cosmetic acupuncture

Acupuncture in problem areas on the face has proven its effectiveness and has already been adopted by the most progressive specialists. This technique allows you to achieve the following results:

  • blood flow to the superficial, middle and deep layers of the skin is activated;
  • nutrition of the dermis improves;
  • the natural production of natural collagen is restored;
  • the elasticity and strength of the skin increases;
  • facial muscles quickly relax.

The result of acupuncture influence on the facial zones is the rapid launch of restorative abilities, as a result of which the woman acquires a more fresh appearance after the first session. The effect of an acupuncture course is comparable to Botox or Dysport injections, but the injury rate from this procedure is much less. In addition, there is no risk of the body rejecting the injected drugs.

The effectiveness of this cosmetology technique depends on the professionalism of the master, who must not only be a cosmetologist, but must also have a medical education.

Gene expression

There are many theories of aging, but one of the most studied is the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In science, this process is called “photoaging.” The first signs of aging are pigmentation, dilated capillaries, thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, when the skin no longer feels like a child's skin to the touch. As we age, facial pores increase in size, especially in the so-called “T-zone.” The outer corners of the eyebrows, eyelids, lips begin to droop, the oval of the face loses its definition, and the skin becomes thinner. These withering processes are natural. But the concept of age is relative. The old pawnbroker in Crime and Punishment was 42 years old, which is in its prime in our time. Phototherapy is one of the most popular tools of a modern cosmetologist and even a plastic surgeon, because the skin needs to be prepared for operations.

BBL therapy is an advanced option for photorejuvenation. “According to research by scientists at Stanford University (USA), the Forever Young BBL procedure triggers rejuvenation at the genetic level, making skin cells functionally similar to young cells. 2265 genes are responsible for skin quality - a unique combination of active genes for each age. The older we get, the more “age-specific” gene combinations are activated and expressed,” explains Evgeniy Ptushkin, founder of the Seline Clinic network. — Forever Young BBL phototherapy suppresses “age-related” and activates “young” gene combinations. As a result of the procedure, elasticity increases and skin tone is evened out, wrinkles are reduced, the network of dilated capillaries is removed, and cellular metabolism is restarted. In addition, during the procedure, the expression of a number of suppressor genes changes, which makes it possible to talk about the prevention of inflammatory processes in the skin under the influence of broadband BBL light.”

Gel laser masks

This technology quickly gained an army of fans in Europe, after which it began to gain popularity in our beauty salons.

The technology is completely new and absolutely safe, which distinguishes it from many radical methods. A light gel based on hydrocarbonate anion exchange resins is applied to the face. This substance does not contain dyes or fragrances, therefore it does not cause allergies in women. After application, a special device is used to biostimulate the gel with a laser, which ensures its deep penetration.

The use of gel masks in conjunction with a laser beam has the following advantages:

  • safety;
  • reasonable price;
  • quick results (muscle relaxation, improvement in the condition of nasolabial folds and forehead wrinkles, elasticity of the integumentary tissue).

A more pronounced effect is observed when a cycle of procedures is used; there can be from 5 to 8 depending on the initial state.

Cellular detox

An environmentally friendly approach to rejuvenation through strengthening the body’s defenses using natural means is a global trend. One example is photodynamic therapy, a combination of a photosensitizer, light energy and oxygen. In Russia, this method is embodied in HELEO4™️ therapy. “The main task of HELEO4™️ is to implement cellular detox, which allows you to remove bad cells “with dead batteries” from the body and leave only healthy cells, to build the foundation of health and youth,” says Alexey Velikiy, founder of the network of clinics GEN 87 and the National Beauty Company " — The procedure not only rejuvenates, treats acne and pigmentation, accelerates regeneration after aggressive hardware and injection procedures, but also improves the psycho-emotional state. In the GEN 87 network of clinics, this therapy is one of the most popular, because it is not just a procedure, but a whole philosophy - a new approach to smart rejuvenation.”

Along with the December issue of Forbes, the Forbes Beauty app was released, where, together with experts and market leaders, we talked about trends in preventive medicine, how the business of aesthetic medicine is developing in the post-Covid reality, about the leading players in this market, best practices and new technologies. The full online version of the application can be read here.

Trend No. 2: work with skin quality, not facial expressions

The peak of popularity of botulinum toxins has sunk into oblivion. Nowadays, the current trend is to combat facial wrinkles by strengthening and thickening the skin, rather than completely immobilizing facial expressions. This is more natural, physiological and allows you to maintain individuality without hiding emotions behind Botox.

Ideal procedure with a cosmetologist

I increasingly recommend microneedling RF lifting to patients. This is a popular procedure, the main task of which is to rejuvenate the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity. RF lifting is carried out using the Inus device, which uses radio frequency waves that penetrate the dermis using special isolated gold-coated microneedles.

ULTRAFORMER procedure – providing beauty and youth to the modern woman

Modern hardware cosmetology has introduced a new term, ULTRAFORMER, which characterizes a precise, painless, quick procedure. Specialists in this activity categorically exclude the use of surgical instruments or needles, which has made the procedure in demand today. Its results are high-quality skin tightening throughout the entire body, and it is performed with the assistance of focused ultrasound.

Advanced MMFU technology allows macroenergy to be delivered to the required depth in order to eliminate unnecessary fat cells. After a short process, all that remains is to admire the result - perfect lifting, absence of any risks, minimal period for recovery. The presented method can easily be called an amazing achievement of our time, and it is already gaining popularity among women of various age categories.

Skin biomatrixing is a bright novelty in modern beauty salons

Biomatrixation is a procedure that helps, in a short period of time, to correct age-related skin changes by replenishing the deficiency of extracellular matrix. It is suitable for women who have noticed the first signs of trying - this mainly happens after thirty years. The initial procedure shows excellent results, as the skin becomes smooth, soft, and velvety.

During its implementation, Biomatrix is ​​used, a drug intended for the prevention and elimination of age-related skin transformations. We can say that this is a mesocomplex that inhibits the aging process. Biomatrices are made in the form of plates of different sizes, or masks with slits for the eyes and mouth.

The procedure is particularly effective, painless, and replenishes hyaluronic acid cells in a short time. It has a double rejuvenating and healing effect and can be combined well with all sorts of procedures. The result obtained lasts for a long period, therefore, the procedure does not have to be done often. Its cost is not high, so it is accessible to many consumers.

Triopolar radiolifting

This technology is a non-surgical method of facial rejuvenation. The effect is achieved by initiating the production of natural bioactive substances.

The procedure takes very little time: one session lasts up to 20 minutes. The skin is treated simultaneously with three electrodes that conduct radio waves through the epidermis. Depending on the depth to be affected, the cosmetologist changes the power and intensity of the wave range.

As a result of the simultaneous penetration of radio frequencies and the thermal effect, elastin and collagen begin to form in the treatment area.

Procedures are carried out once a week, their number is usually at least 5. The effect after using this cosmetological rejuvenation technology appears after 2-3 months and lasts for 4-5 years.

The cosmetics industry continues to actively develop, offering women an ever-wider arsenal of new technologies that will help effectively counteract the negative effects of environmental factors and the mechanisms of biological aging. To find out and choose the latest modern cosmetology procedures, you need to contact those specialists who are constantly expanding the list of their services and trying to master the latest techniques that can delay the appearance of signs of aging on the face.


This new procedure is recommended for those who, for some reason, cannot carry out radical cosmetic manipulations to renew the dermis. This technology is quite capable of replacing aggressive chemical peeling, lifting, microdermabrasion or even surgical intervention for the following indications:

  • photoaging;
  • the need for rejuvenation;
  • deep acne;
  • scars after acne or comedones.

In all these cases, aquadermagenesis allows you to cope with existing problems in a painless way.

The rejuvenation procedure consists of several stages:

  • disinfection and cleaning of the affected area with bioabrasives;
  • relaxing massage;
  • skin treatment with microjets of an active solution under pressure.

The solution used to treat the face contains a high concentration of active substances. The composition of this solution is developed by a cosmetologist individually for each client based on the existing problems.

New facial essence CleDePeau Soin Correcteur Essentiel – new for 2019

CleDePeau has released an amazing product designed for facial care, Soin Correcteur Essentiel, which helps improve the skin. It supplies the necessary amount of moisture, gives matteness, and successfully eliminates the cause of problems with pores. The texture is evened out, smoothness and a unique shine appear.

The essence is able to maintain hydration for eight hours and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it removes the most stubborn impurities and removes dead skin particles. The product prevents the excessive formation of fat on the surface of the skin, because it is this that contributes to the appearance of all sorts of unevenness.

The product contains the general CledePeauBeaute complex, which combines highly effective compounds. It contains a special solution of golden silkworm and particles of theanine. Dryness of the skin is reduced, thanks to these components, it seems that it glows from the inside. The presented essence is suitable for all skin types, and it is obvious that it will be actively used by modern women.

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