The best combinations of plastic surgeries and the advantages of an integrated approach in aesthetic surgery

Facial plastic surgery is a collective concept of certain procedures and operations aimed at aesthetic modeling of appearance and reducing signs of aging. With the help of plastic surgery, it is possible to completely eliminate congenital or emerging defects in appearance as a result of age-related changes, diseases and injuries.

Main indications:

  • Facial asymmetry;
  • Drooping of the soft tissues of the face and eyelids;
  • Deep wrinkles and folds;
  • Sagging skin;
  • Scars and scars.

Non-surgical alternative

If age-related changes are minimal, or you are not yet ready for plastic surgery for a facelift, you can consider minimally invasive or non-invasive cosmetic techniques. These include thread lifting, laser procedures, modern hardware methods, innovative professional cosmetology products (pillings, masks and other “care” procedures).

Facial contouring can make your face look fresher and younger. “Youth injections” are one of the most effective methods of the so-called non-surgical facelift. It allows you to smooth out wrinkles, make the facial contour clearer and reduce unwanted folds.

Injection methods will also help to enlarge lips, correct their shape, and eliminate asymmetry.

Facial plastic surgery

A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes sagging or folded skin from the cheeks and jawline, tightening the contours of the face and restoring a more youthful appearance.

A neck lift is often performed in conjunction with facial surgery to reduce fat deposits and sagging skin on the neck.

Who needs a facelift and why?

As a rule, people aged 40-70 who have signs of facial aging, but whose skin still retains some elasticity, decide to undergo facial plastic surgery.

They come to our clinic with the following requests:

  • Remove sagging cheeks
  • Get aristocratic cheekbones
  • Remove loose skin and fat from neck

We, in turn, fulfill the wishes of our clients.

Important! A facelift won't erase all your years, but it can help you achieve a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

How is facial plastic surgery performed?

During a facelift, the soft tissues of the face are lifted, excess skin is removed, and the skin is tightened over the new contour. The incisions are made in such a way that after healing they become almost invisible.

  1. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
  2. The doctor makes a short incision just above the ear.
  3. Excess skin is removed. The remaining skin is tightened.
  4. Facial fat is removed or redistributed.
  5. The skin is stretched over the contour of the face and the wound is sutured.

The operation lasts 2-4 hours. When performing other cosmetic procedures, the duration of the operation increases.

Contraindications for facial plastic surgery
  1. Taking blood thinning medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  2. Diabetes
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Smoking
  5. Weight fluctuations

Results of facial oval plastic surgery: before and after photos

The results of a facelift last up to 10 years. You will look 11-15 years younger.

You can see all the results of the work of surgeons at the New World Surgery clinic below.

How to prepare for facial plastic surgery?

  1. Sign up for your first free consultation.
  2. During your consultation, you will discuss your wishes and options for facial plastic surgery. During the consultation, you will talk about your medical history, previous surgeries (if any), and answer a few questions from the surgeon.
  3. It may happen that instead of facial plastic surgery, the surgeon will recommend you a more gentle procedure that will do an excellent job solving your problem.
  4. The doctor will explain what tests you will need to take and what results you can expect. The plastic surgeon will also warn you about possible complications. True, our doctors work so accurately that they do everything beautifully and without risk to health :)
  5. You will need to exclude those medications that the doctor recommends, and also stop smoking (if you smoke).
  6. The surgeon will take a photo of your face, check your bone structure, skin quality, and choose the best facelift option for you. This can be either endoscopic lifting, facelifting (SMAS lifting), or platysmoplasty. You will be pleased with the result.

How much does facial plastic surgery cost in Moscow?

The cost varies from 200 thousand to 350 thousand rubles. The price is determined depending on which areas require adjustment. You can see the full price list for the clinic’s services below.

Everything you need to know about facial plastic surgery

How many days will you be in the hospital?

1 day.

Do you need a vacation?

Yes. We recommend taking at least 1 week off. Painful sensations may persist for 3-5 days after surgery. This is a minimally invasive procedure, but still an operation. Rest will be required.

How will the rehabilitation proceed?

The rehabilitation period after facial plastic surgery lasts 1 month. During this time you may experience:

  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Numbness of part of the face
  • Swelling of the face
  • Headache
  • Bruising and swelling

The final effect, when you see that you really look 11-15 years younger, will occur in 6 months.

Sign up for your first free consultation.

Facial plastic surgery is performed by surgeons at the New World Surgery clinic, whom you can trust. The results will delight you - confirmed by our clients.

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery

To successfully solve the problems outlined above, a huge arsenal of surgical methods, techniques and techniques has been developed. The formation of a plastic surgery strategy is carried out at the stage of preoperative preparation. The choice of surgical tactics is determined by the patient’s initial data, his state of health, age, and the specifics of the aesthetic problem.

Operations aimed at increasing the volume of the correction zone are carried out using endoprosthetics or tissue engineering technologies. Endoprosthetics, or installation of implants, is the most popular technique that is widely used during breast augmentation or lifting operations, gluteoplasty, rhinoplasty, and shin surgery.

Autolipotransplantation is a tissue engineering technology that is actively used for jewelry modeling of the volume of the correction zone. Lipofilling is used to enlarge the breasts and buttocks, rejuvenate the skin, increase the volume of the lips and model the cheekbone area. Transplantation of your own fat cells is carried out without incisions on the skin. The operation leaves no visible marks and is accompanied by an easy and short recovery period. Another tissue engineering technology, cartilage tissue transplantation, is actively used in rhinoplasty.

Plastic surgery operations aimed at reducing volume involve the removal of part of living tissue. Manipulation of adipose tissue is performed during abdominoplasty and liposuction. During mastopexy and reduction mammoplasty, the surgeon removes some of the fatty tissue and breast tissue. During frontoplasty (forehead surgery) or rhinoplasty, the doctor may perform resection of a fragment of bone tissue or cartilage.

Modeling plastic surgery operations aimed at changing the contours, relief and shape of the correction area are carried out using the technologies described above to increase or decrease the volume. According to indications, plastic surgery of integumentary tissues can be performed during modeling operations.

If during modeling correction skin plastic surgery is not performed often, then during anti-aging operations this manipulation is almost always performed. Aging processes lead to stretching of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity. Excision of part of the integumentary tissue with the movement of the superficial and deep layers to the anatomically correct position inherent in youth helps to correct the effects of aging. Skin plastic surgery is performed for mastopexy, abdominoplasty, circular facelift and many other plastic surgeries.

Anti-aging correction often includes a volume modeling stage. If there is excess subcutaneous fat, liposuction is performed. For example, when rejuvenating the face and neck, a plastic surgeon can perform liposuction of the chin, and when rejuvenating or rehabilitating the figure, a plastic surgeon can remove excess fat during abdominoplasty. If age-related changes lead to tissue thinning, lipofilling or endoprosthesis replacement is performed to compensate for the lack of volume.

Plastic surgery for face and neck rejuvenation

Longing for passing youth is a pointless activity and is more suitable for a melancholic audience. Active people do not lament the inevitable and turn to specialists for help. Modern possibilities of plastic surgery and the beauty industry have finally allowed patients to forget about the number in their passport and perceive themselves based on their own feelings. Moreover, over the past decades it has become clear: not only the fair sex, but also their respectable companions want to look young and fit. After all, matching appearance to personal ideas about beauty gives a person a feeling of harmony and self-confidence.

How to get rid of signs of aging, wrinkles and restore a toned face? What age-related changes can be corrected by eyelid surgery? Which facelift method should you choose to achieve the best result? And how long will the rehabilitation take? We will answer these popular questions from patients in this material.

Anti-aging facial surgery: what can they do?

The face will always be a central aspect of human appearance. By looking at your interlocutor, for example, you can tell a lot about his age, lifestyle or favorite habits. After all, over time, the skin begins to lose tone and becomes covered with a network of facial wrinkles, and bags under the eyes give the look a tired look. Each patient ages individually, and this is influenced by many factors:

  • general health
  • presence of bad habits
  • daily healthy sleep
  • hereditary characteristics

Therefore, only a plastic surgeon can select the necessary operation that will give the desired effect during a face-to-face consultation with the patient. Some surgical interventions are combined with others to achieve the best anti-aging results - for example, blepharoplasty is often combined with face and neck lifting.

What to choose to restore a clear oval face?

Facelift is a plastic surgery to tighten the face and neck. As a rule, older patients resort to it when the face loses its clear oval and tissue ptosis is characteristically manifested (the so-called “bulldog cheeks” or “jowls”). Having assessed the condition of the skin and the patient’s wishes, the specialist will choose the necessary technique for performing the operation. Conventionally, several types of surgical interventions can be distinguished:

  • skin facelift - the effect of a face and neck lift is achieved by removing excess skin;
  • musculocutaneous facelift (SMAS/SMAS lifting) is a more complex operation that affects the muscular aponeurotic system, so the result lasts for a long time.
  • endoscopic lifting is a gentle technique for performing surgery through micropunctures. Suitable for 30-40 year old patients who want to get rid of the primary signs of aging and delay the appearance of ptosis of facial tissues.

In addition to standard operations, the Pirogov clinic performs combined facelifting - plastic surgery using the original method of Doctor of Medical Sciences Maria Aleksandrovna Volokh. The techniques are based on the advanced technologies of the American school of plastic surgeons. The advantage of the method is the ability to recreate facial anatomy without losing the patient’s individual features, which gives a visible and long-lasting result.

Is it possible to return a youthful look?

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery to rejuvenate the eye area. Surgical intervention is especially popular among men who want to get rid of skin imperfections such as bags under the eyes or drooping eyelids. In plastic surgery, it is customary to distinguish several types of operations:

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a popular procedure that is often combined with lower eyelid blepharoplasty. As a rule, it is performed on patients over 35 years of age. Surgery performed through an incision along the natural crease will help get rid of excess skin and drooping eyelids.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty - surgery is performed through an incision under the eyelash line, eliminating bags under the eyes and excess skin.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty - access is made through an incision in the inner part of the eyelid without damaging the skin. The operation will help patients with congenital fatty hernias, bags under the eyes, but without excess skin.

Rehabilitation after facelift and blepharoplasty

After the operation, the patient must walk in a special fixing bandage. Painful sensations may occur for several days, so the attending physician, if desired, prescribes painkillers. During face-to-face appointments at the clinic, the plastic surgeon makes dressings and monitors the healing process. The stitches are removed within 7-14 days. Rehabilitation will take about a month, during which time the patient’s swelling will completely go away and he will be able to see the primary result of the operation. The final effect will be noticeable 3-6 months after plastic surgery.

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