How can you replace hyaluronic acid without visiting a cosmetologist?

Currently, mesotherapy is most widespread in cosmetology. It is performed to a depth of 1.5-6 mm using a needle and a cocktail of active ingredients. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect is achieved due to both irritation and stimulation of skin receptors by the needle itself and the components of the drug.

Biorevitalization arose on the basis of mesotherapy. In 2001, an article about subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid appeared in the Italian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology. The authors of the medical study, G. Di Sante and A. Di Pietro, confirmed the restoration of skin firmness and elasticity after two consecutive intradermal injections with control after 30 and 90 days. The effect was achieved by launching the production of its own fibroblasts, which are responsible for the restoration processes in the skin even after complete absorption of the drug. It was the excess amount of pure hyaluronic acid that became the catalyst for the process. From that moment on, biorevitalization became an independent cosmetological method of skin rejuvenation.

Composition of drugs for mesotherapy and borevitalization

The fundamental difference between these two procedures lies precisely in the composition of the drugs injected under the skin. Mesotherapy solves a wider range of problems than biorevitalization, which is why whole cocktails are used in its implementation. The mesotherapy solution may contain:

  • Dimethylethanolamine (DMAE);
  • L-carnitine;
  • Vitamins;
  • Plant and animal extracts (collagen, elastin);
  • Hyaluronic, pyruvic, glycolic acid;
  • Amino acids;
  • Embryoblasts;
  • Microelements;
  • Minerals.

The cocktail is selected based on the tasks facing the cosmetologist. If the goal is to prepare the skin for cosmetic surgery, the composition will be one, and if rejuvenation without subsequent surgical intervention will be different. Hair mesotherapy requires its own compositions, while getting rid of cellulite requires its own. The success of mesotherapy always depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the skill of the cosmetologist who knows how to choose the right components.

During biorevitalization, there is only one active component - hyaluronic acid in a concentration sufficient to initiate restoration of the skin structure. Native hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin in a gel-like state, which achieves an instant rejuvenating effect by smoothing out deep wrinkles.

Bottom line

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are popular aesthetic procedures, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by many clinical trials. For middle-aged people, they return youthful skin, healthy color and youthful facial contours. In this case, injections are used as independent therapy.

But clients over 40 years old require “beauty injections” exclusively for comprehensive skin care. They help her recover after radical anti-aging procedures: plastic surgery, deep peeling, etc.

Contraindications to procedures and side effects

Any cosmetic procedure has a number of general contraindications:

  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Fever.

An additional contraindication to mesotherapy is an allergic reaction to the components included in the allopathic mixture. And the more there are, the greater the chances of getting atopic dermatitis in the treatment area. Pregnancy is not considered a contraindication to mesotherapy or biorevitalization, but you should refrain from injection methods due to the unpredictability of the body's reaction to the drugs. Biorevitalization very rarely occurs with complications in the form of an immune reaction to hyaluronic acid, which is present in the body of any person. In this case, a side effect may occur if a low-quality drug is used.

Can homemade face masks replace hyaluronic acid?

It makes sense to resort to “beauty injections” after 30 years. If a young girl undergoes such a procedure to moisturize her facial skin, her body will relax and simply stop producing hyaluronic acid on its own.

You will end up depending on the injection of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is better for young ladies to make moisturizing masks once a week. And even after 30, this method will bring results.

Here are two recipes for moisturizing masks that you can make at home yourself:

Mask based on honey and eggs

Not only nourishes the skin and moisturizes it, but also has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect and fights blackheads.

To prepare it: mix 30 grams (1 tbsp) of honey with egg white, add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1⁄2 tablespoons of oil (grape, peach, flaxseed, olive or almond).

Apply the mask to your face and after 15 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

Turmeric mask

Oriental spice strengthens the walls of epidermal cells and saturates the skin with beneficial substances.

So: mix 2 g of turmeric, 3 drops of turmeric essential oil, 2 drops of sesame oil and one banana.

Apply the mask onto your face using massage movements. After 20 minutes, remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in olive oil.

What does the wrong combination of techniques lead to?

  1. It is necessary to follow the course of treatment and allow intervals between sessions: biorevitalization after mesotherapy is prescribed no earlier than 2-3 months later.
  2. Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains water, so its excessive introduction with a combination of techniques causes swelling of the face; the drug is quickly eliminated, as the production of hyaluronidase increases, which destroys hyaluronic acid, both injected and its own.
  3. Cells are programmed for a specific number of divisions, so prescribing procedures without the necessary indications reduces the regenerative and resource potential of the skin.

Stages of implementation

Injection techniques are performed according to the rules, following certain stages.

  1. Cleansing - thorough makeup removal or light peeling.
  2. Disinfection - treating the skin with an antiseptic to prevent infection.
  3. Anesthesia - local anesthetic cream is used under the film for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Preparation of the drug - independent selection of substances (for mesotherapy) or the use of ready-made solutions.
  5. Administration of the drug is the effect of the chosen technique.
  6. Post-procedure treatment - products with regenerating and protective properties are applied.
  7. The purpose of home care is products for cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, protection.

Pharmaceutical products instead of hyaluronic acid

What else can you use to replace hyaluronic acid at home? Pharmacy analogues come to the rescue.

Attention! These are all medications, you don’t need to rush headlong to the pharmacy to get them; before using, you need to consult a cosmetologist.


Blepharogel is an ophthalmic drug that relieves dryness and irritation. It will become a panacea for wrinkles around the eyes. The drug, in addition to a large amount of hyaluronic acid, contains natural aloe juice and glycerin - an ideal moisturizer.

You need to use Blefarogel for a course of one and a half months. Then take a month-long break and then to maintain it, it is enough to use it once a day.

First, you need to apply the product twice a day to problem areas around the eyes. The skin must first be cleansed, and then a small amount of gel must be applied with light patting movements.

You should not use the gel immediately before bed, otherwise swelling will be possible in the morning.

Attention! There may be an allergic reaction to Blefarogel. Therefore, before use, apply the gel to the bend of your elbow and observe.

Sodium hyaluronate

Hyaluronic acid salt is essentially a low-molecular substance, which means it can penetrate the skin as deeply as possible to restore it at the cellular level.

By using this analogue you will receive:

  • skin hydration;
  • restoration of damaged tissue, including correction of scars.


This drug is as close as possible to hyaluronic acid in composition and properties.

On the one hand, this is a big plus. But on the other hand, you need to be very careful with this drug. Indeed, in the case of uncontrolled injection, severe bleeding can be provoked.

But don't be so scared right away. If you use heparin-based ointments and creams, your health and life will not be in danger.

Apply them to your face once a day in a thin layer to get rid of wrinkles, you can also treat the skin around the eyes.


Not an analogue of hyaluronic acid, but capable of stimulating its production. When using glucosamine you will get not only an anti-aging effect, but also:

  • lightening pigment spots;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • hydration.

The effect of this drug is enhanced when used simultaneously with Chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroitin sulfate

Initially, the product is intended to restore joint tissue, but in the form of a gel and cream it can be used for cosmetic purposes. After all, its composition stimulates collagen production and increases skin turgor.

Apply the drug 2-3 times a week to clean facial skin. You can massage with your fingertips, then wait 15 minutes and remove excess product with napkins.

Attention! When applying the drug, a slight burning and tingling sensation may occur, which indicates an acceleration of metabolic processes in small blood vessels.

An effective alternative to biorevitalization

Manufacturer of professional cosmetic products for facial care, DermaQuest, USA, has developed unique atraumatic peelings with a skin revitalization effect .

High efficiency with almost complete absence of trauma is achieved due to enriched compositions (peptides, plant stem cells, vitamins, antioxidants and patented complexes).


  • No peeling, persistent redness or skin irritation
  • There is no falling out of the usual rhythm of life and loss of social activity
  • In this case, the result is equivalent to the effect of biorevitalization

Indications for mesotherapy

  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity.
  • Correction of facial oval.
  • Having a “double chin”;
  • Violation of skin texture (pigment spots of various origins, “sallow” complexion).
  • Prevention of premature skin aging in young people.
  • Oily skin, enlarged pores.
  • Skin moisture problems.
  • Correction of hair loss, rosacea, rosacea, acne as part of complex therapy.
  • Prevention of vascular changes in the skin, xanthelasma.
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.

To inject or not

When going for a consultation with a cosmetologist, the client often asks the question: “What should I choose: facial peeling or biorevitalization? Should I start “pricking” my face or just go through the treatments for now?”

From the point of view of cosmetology, contrasting these procedures is neither logical nor professional. However, knowing that this question plagues the majority of cosmetologist’s clients, we will try to cover this topic.

The fact is that, for example, in the USA (and this is the cradle and founder of aesthetic, professional cosmetology, elevated to the status of official medicine), the methods of “biorevitalization” and “mesotherapy” are not used.

Of course, there are injection methods there - the introduction of botulinum toxin and high-density hyaluronic acid (fillers), i.e. contour plastic surgery.

Why? There is no point in injuring the skin in order to introduce vitamins and other substances into it, which are quickly utilized by the skin without having time to have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Moreover, it is now possible to guarantee the delivery of necessary substances when using cosmetics.

Active substances, as in medicine, are developed and produced by the same large research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. What is the guarantor of their effectiveness and safety, because... accompanied by a number of official studies.

Features of bioreinforcement

Filling wrinkles with thick fillers based on hyaluronic acid allows you to smooth out even deep nasolabial folds or nasolacrimal grooves for some time. A cosmetologist can get rid of purse-string wrinkles around the mouth that emphasize age, or remove wrinkles of despondency running from the corners of the lips downwards. A type of bioreinforcement - volumetric modeling (vector lifting) - allows you to restore lost youthful swelling or, without surgical intervention, correct facial features in young people who are dissatisfied with their appearance.

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