Diamond skin peeling: how much does it cost, where and how is the procedure done?

Diamond peeling is an improved version of microdermabrasion (skin micro-resurfacing), carried out using a special vacuum device, which is equipped with a diamond-coated nozzle.

Diamond coating on nozzles has different densities, dispersion and particle sizes, and the nozzles themselves have different shapes and diameters of the working surface for treating different zones. The depth and strength of the impact also depends on these factors.

Our clinic uses the JIMYW9 PeelingSystem device, which is one of the most progressive, safe and effective to date.

The goals of diamond peeling are to make the skin even, smooth and velvety, give it a sleek and glowing appearance, neutralize minor surface defects and cleanse pores.

The effect of diamond peeling is achieved by exfoliating the stratum corneum and drawing out dirt from the pores, which prevents the skin from receiving oxygen, minerals and regenerating.

What is diamond grinding

At its core, diamond facial microdermabrasion is a superficial, mechanical peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis. The procedure occurs due to the effect of vacuum and the operation of micro-abrasive elements on a special attachment of the device.

The combined action of both of these factors helps to carry out a high-quality procedure for cleansing the stratum corneum of the epidermis, removing dead skin cells, and obtaining the effect of skin rejuvenation and lightening. The relief is also leveled and the quality and tone of the dermis is improved.

How is dermabrasion performed at the WOSK salon?

We provide gentle facial peeling in a comfortable beauty salon. At the initial consultation, a specialist will conduct a thorough examination, identify problems, find out how you care for your skin, what procedures you do, and what effect you want to achieve. Based on the examination results, the cosmetologist selects a nozzle, the degree of abrasiveness, and determines the depth of cleansing.

Since microdermabrasion only affects the superficial layer of the face, the patient does not experience pain. A slight tingling sensation may be felt during the session. If you have a low pain threshold or hypersensitive facial skin, the specialist will offer local anesthesia.

Diamond peeling machine

In our salon, the procedure is carried out using a modern, certified Dimond Skin device (YL-C609). This cosmetology device uses diamond-coated attachments, with the help of which, as well as due to the vacuum created by the device, the dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis are delicately removed.

For more information about the diamond peeling machine, watch the video:

The device for diamond microdermabrasion is equipped with attachments for different areas of the body. They differ in the size of the nozzle itself and the size of the abrasive elements.

This cosmetology device is also designed for ultrasonic facial cleansing and vacuum roller massage.


A good advantage of diamond facial peeling is an excellent vacuum massage, which has a beneficial effect on the treated area of ​​the skin.

Microdermabrasion: contraindications

Microdermabrasion - reviews, as a rule, have only positive ones. In addition, this is an extremely safe treatment method. But the possible risks of alternative treatment methods (dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, peeling) are much higher than microdermabrasion.

Contraindications –

  • if you are currently taking aspirin or blood thinners.
  • Patients using the drug Isotretinoin or who have taken it within the previous 6-12 months – microdermabrasion is contraindicated due to the increased risk of scarring.

Possible TEMPORARY side effects of microdermabrasion:

  • skin redness,
  • small abrasions (Fig. 12),
  • skin sensitivity,
  • the appearance of spider veins,
  • exacerbation of herpes in the lip area,
  • minor bruising (especially if you are taking aspirin or other blood thinners),
  • Overly aggressive microdermabrasion can lead to the development of inflammation in certain areas of the skin, and as a result, to areas of inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

How to behave after the procedure -

Most people can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Makeup and non-irritating creams can usually be applied immediately after the procedure. Research has shown that microdermabrasion can temporarily make it easier for substances to penetrate the skin by increasing its permeability. To hydrate and plump the skin after microdermabrasion, it is best to use creams and serums with hyaluronic acid.

Important: remember that after the procedure you must use a moisturizer with sun protection (preferably with SPF 30). This is necessary because UV radiation can cause uneven skin tone.

Microdermabrasion Alternatives –

Due to the fact that the procedure involves only the most superficial layer of the skin, microdermabrasion has the following advantages: firstly, a low risk of complications and side effects, and secondly, rapid skin restoration compared to less gentle methods of skin resurfacing. However, you need to understand that the more gentle the procedure, the less potential benefit it can bring.

Alternatives to microdermabrasion are:

  • dermabrasion,
  • peeling (chemical),
  • skin resurfacing with fractional laser.

How is diamond peeling performed?

The diamond microdermabrasion protocol is not much different from other hardware techniques in cosmetology.

First, we carry out high-quality, thorough makeup removal and disinfection of the client’s skin using chlorhexidine bigluconate or hydrogen peroxide. After this stage, it is worth blotting the client’s skin with an absorbent disposable napkin in order to make it completely dry.

Next comes the diamond microdermabrasion procedure itself, which is performed on dry skin using linear movements.

On a note:

Before each procedure, the doctor inserts a new special filter attachment for the desquamated epithelium.

Having turned on the device, the cosmetologist, using the vacuum regulator knob on the diamond peeling device, sets the parameters of the intensity of the effect, starting with the minimum indicators and during the procedure he can increase them.

As already written, the procedure is carried out with linear movements, short strokes, using a diamond peeling attachment. The cosmetologist fixes the area of ​​skin being treated with his left hand, and manipulates the nozzle with his right hand.

It is important!

It is advisable to treat the same zone (line) no more than 5 times.

The paraorbital zone is processed very carefully since the skin here is very thin. To treat the nose, its tip must be tilted in one direction, fixed, and the nozzle must be passed in the opposite direction the required number of times.

Ask a cosmetologist Online

Oksana Grigorievna (@kosmetolog_krd)

Dermatocosmetologist, 14 years of experience

Expert comment: “The correct reaction of the skin to the procedure is slight hyperemia in the affected area. The redness will subside a couple of minutes after the procedure.”

All areas of the face are treated in a similar way: with short strokes, linear in the direction of the massage lines of the face, in the direction of lymph flow.

The total duration of the procedure (when treating one area) is 40, maximum 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

Upon completion of the procedure, we re-treat the skin with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate and apply a soothing cream or mask for the skin problem.

Complementary procedure

After diamond resurfacing of the face, we recommend applying an alginate mask to address the skin problem. These two procedures go well together and give excellent results. You can purchase a mask in our online store for cosmetologists.

Indications for diamond microdermabrasion

According to the recommendations of professional cosmetologists, the procedure is recommended for no earlier than 18 years of age. Diamond peeling is a completely safe procedure, so the main indication is to restore the healthy appearance of the skin and maintain the aesthetic beauty of the skin.

It is worth noting that diamond microdermabrasion is a real discovery for women who have been unsuccessfully fighting postpartum stretch marks for a long time.

Indications for diamond peeling include:

  • dry skin;
  • presence of pigments and hyperpigmentation;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • noticeable signs of skin aging;
  • presence of wrinkles;
  • presence of scars;
  • postpartum stretch marks;
  • stretch marks on the surface of the abdomen and thighs;
  • enlarged pores;
  • the presence of black spots on the face;
  • unevenness of the skin layers;
  • dull skin tone.

How many diamond peeling procedures do you need to do?

Like any cosmetological hardware technique, diamond peeling in a beauty salon is carried out in a course. The average number of procedures in a course is from 5 to 10.

It is not advisable to do diamond microdermabrasion during the active summer period, because... the stratum corneum of the epidermis is removed and its cells become more exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun

In winter, autumn and spring, it is mandatory to use sunscreen with SPF after the procedure.

Microdermabrasion of the face: beauty salon or at home

Microdermabrasion does not require a visit to a beauty salon. It can be done independently at home if you have the proper equipment. You just need to complete the necessary preparation for the procedure and follow all the mandatory care rules, including those provided after finishing the grinding.

However, you should not take risks if you have doubts about your professionalism and qualifications. In addition, conducting a cosmetic session in a salon is significantly cheaper than purchasing the equipment necessary to apply this method yourself. If you do not plan to provide mechanical grinding services at home and doubt your abilities, we recommend contacting a specialist who will perform it professionally and in compliance with all necessary precautions. In addition, in the salon you can consult on all types of microdermabrasion and try this method on yourself. Gorodskoy will help residents of Moscow and the Moscow region receive not only detailed information about mechanical resurfacing, but also recommendations for self-care of facial skin.

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Photos before and after diamond facial peeling

The effect of microdermabrasion is noticeable after the first procedure. Skin looks fresher, healthier, smoother. Read reviews about diamond facial peeling, before and after the procedure, under the article in the comments of our clients.

Microdermabrasion of the face at home

As you already understand, cosmetologists strongly recommend microdermabrasion as one of the most effective ways to regenerate facial skin. However, to achieve the best results, it must be done regularly. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to visit beauty salons and undergo sessions, you can purchase a specially developed cosmetic complex for home use.

Micro-grinding is carried out using a dense air flow. Aluminum oxide crystals under high pressure penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, freeing them from accumulated impurities and dead cells. Renewed skin is saturated with oxygen, microcirculation improves, the oval of the face is tightened, pores are cleaned and reduced. Experts recommend home microdermabrasion from the age of 15.

This procedure is suitable for all skin types. Acting as gently as possible, it is safe even for particularly sensitive areas around the eyes or around the lips. Glycolic peeling significantly increases the effectiveness of the effect if used in combination with microdermabrasion. All layers of the skin are deeply cleansed, which improves complexion and reduces blemishes. Contraindications for home resurfacing procedures are various inflammations, pustular formations, as well as rosacea (vascular network).

If you decide to master microdermasia on your own for personal use, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the latest cosmetic products from the world's leading manufacturers.

RoC Renewex Microdermabrasion System

The RoC company has developed one of the most effective complexes for micro-grinding at home. As with salon dermabrasion, peeling is carried out through the use of a device that delivers a dense air flow with aluminum oxide microcrystals to the skin. At the end of the session, it is recommended to apply a special cream that accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells and moisturizes. Using the complex from the RoC company helps renew the skin, revitalize the complexion, and wrinkles become less noticeable. However, if an allergic reaction occurs, use of the system should be discontinued.

Mary Kay Microdermabrasion System

One of the most affordable at-home microdermabrasion complexes is offered by Mary Kay. A deep cleansing scrub containing aluminum microcrystals polishes the skin, freeing it from dead cells. The procedure ends with the use of a serum that contains glycerin and caffeine, which saturate the epidermis with moisture, and your renewed face looks smoother and fresher.

Microdermabrasion system from Oriflame

The Swedish cosmetics manufacturer offers one of the most affordable and convenient microdermabrasion complexes for girls over 25 years old. This two-component system, consisting of a cleansing cream and a soothing serum, will allow you not only to carry out high-quality micro-resurfacing in comfortable conditions, but also to independently regulate the duration of the session and the amount of products applied. After a course of exfoliating procedures with Oriflame products, the skin looks smoother and renewed thanks to the natural vitamins included in their composition.

Vichy microdermabrasion system

The complex for home micro-polishing from Vichy includes three components:

  • Exfoliator containing glycolic acid;
  • Cream with aluminum oxide microcrystals;
  • Serum RN 7, saturating the skin with moisture.

The price of this complex is very affordable. After 21 days of course use, the skin is evened out, its shine decreases, and minor imperfections become less noticeable. Photos before and after microdermabrasion with Vichy products demonstrate a significant improvement in the condition of the epidermis.

After grinding, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Use vitamin creams and lotions that maintain the desired level of epidermal moisture.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with glycolic or lactic acids.
  • Exfoliating scrubs are prohibited for 3 days after the procedure.
  • Protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. Use special creams with SPF protection of at least 20.
  • It is better to postpone visiting the fitness room or sauna for a while. At this time, the skin of the face is especially sensitive to external pollutants (sweat, dust) and temperature changes.
  • The use of decorative cosmetics is possible only after two days after the end of the procedure.

Carrying out microdemabrasion at home maintains the healthy state of the epidermis and provides the necessary care. For those with young facial skin, this will allow them to maintain their freshness and blooming appearance for a long time and avoid serious cosmetic procedures. At an older age, deep peeling will help delay the withering and loss of elasticity of the epidermis. However, microdermabrasion on its own will not get rid of more significant problems, such as acne, scars, and age spots. In this case, we recommend contacting a specialist who will select a set of treatment procedures and competent care to get rid of imperfections in the skin of the face or body.

Be sure to read the instructions for using home peeling products. Avoid using these complexes too often. If you have any doubts about using microdermabrasion systems on your own, it is better to contact a specialist. Experienced masters of the Moscow beauty salon “Veronika Herba” will select a course of procedures that is suitable for you, preserving youthful skin and a blooming appearance for many years.

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How much does diamond peeling cost?

Services Price
Hardware cosmetology:
Consultation with a cosmetologist500
Repeated consultation with a cosmetologist200
Diamond peeling (diamond microdermabrasion):
Neck + décolleté1500
Face + neck + décolleté2500
* When you sign up online on the website, you receive a 5% discount on any procedure!!!

Indications for dermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is prescribed to the patient after diagnosis, the number of sessions is determined individually.

Indications for diamond peeling:

  • shallow wrinkles;
  • scarring;
  • scars;
  • post-acne;
  • comedones;
  • traces of rashes;
  • dull skin color;
  • peeling;
  • dark spots.

Diamond dermabrasion is prescribed in a course. To achieve a noticeable and lasting effect, 4-8 sessions are required, the duration of one procedure is about 20 minutes. The specialist can reduce or increase the time based on the condition of your skin and reaction to the procedure.

Contraindications to the procedure

All restrictions can be divided into 2 types: general and local.

The first type of restrictions includes the following conditions:

  • pregnancy period;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;

    Bronchial asthma is considered a serious contraindication

  • menstruation period;
  • use of a pacemaker;
  • postoperative period;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute respiratory viral infections or fever;
  • alcoholism.

Alcohol dependence precludes admission to the procedure

The second type includes the following contraindications:

  • skin diseases;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • sunburn;
  • a large number of moles;
  • fresh scars;
  • open wounds or scratches;
  • areas of skin in the area of ​​the heart, genitals and eyes;
  • swelling.

Swelling must be removed before undergoing the procedure.

If the patient does not have the above contraindications, the preparatory stage for him will consist of giving up alcohol and avoiding taking medications that retain fluid in the body. It is recommended to eat foods high in vitamins. It is imperative to visit a dermatologist to confirm that there are no contraindications to diamond dermabrasion.

Important ! To eliminate the risk of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to undergo some tests.

Tests are required before diamond dermabrasion.

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the average cost of one diamond dermabrasion procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure (diamond dermabrasion of the face)
Moscow4500 rub.
Saint Petersburg4600 rub.
Omsk3000 rub.
Ekaterinburg2800 rub.
Arkhangelsk3100 rub.
Permian2600 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod2300 rub.

Diamond dermabrasion is an excellent method for getting rid of scars, wrinkles and scars. If the procedure is performed in a clinic by a qualified specialist, the result will be excellent.

What devices are used

In specialized clinics and salons, the procedure is performed on stationary devices. They are equipped with a vacuum device, have increased power and nozzles of a certain diameter and the degree of abrasiveness of the fractions. Such cosmetology combines allow you to effectively combine different rejuvenation techniques.

Portable models are available for home use, which differ in technical characteristics and price.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

When using diamond grinding yourself, it is necessary to identify areas of dry, sensitive skin. In mixed cases, clearly define the boundaries of increased injury risk so as not to treat them.

The most popular devices for diamond grinding are:

  • Nova NV 60 (Nova (China);

  • Diamond Peel 15 (Shenzhen Nicest Beauty Equipment Co. Ltd, China);

  • Gezatone MD-3 a933 (GEZANNE ITC, France);

  • Rio Crystal Renew (The Dezac Group, UK);

  • KL-010217 (Kateryna Lab, China);

  • PhilipsVisaCare Microdermabrasion (Philips, Netherlands).

Master class on microdermabrasion

Step-by-step instruction.

  1. You need to completely remove all makeup from your face. If necessary, you can pre-clean it with sugar or coffee scrub.
  2. Next, a nourishing cream is distributed over the skin to protect it from the harsh effects of the granular nozzle. Looking in the mirror, you need to select a certain area and treat it with a working device. Manipulations must be carried out very carefully, lingering on problem areas for no more than a few seconds. This targeted treatment will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

    Before treating the skin you need to apply a nourishing cream

  3. Experts recommend making circular movements when working with the nozzle.
  4. At the end of manipulations with the device, a product with a calming effect is applied to the face.

After the session, redness may persist for some time, but it goes away fairly quickly. However, if after 2 hours the redness has not subsided, and flaking and dryness appear on the skin, most likely, the wrong attachment was used, and the top layer of the skin became inflamed.

Important ! In this situation, you can smear your face with a soothing cream, for example, Panthenol, and consult a specialist.

If your skin is inflamed, you can use a soothing cream

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Safety. The particles have a minimal size, so they do not injure the skin. Spraying nozzles does not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Painless procedure. The device works in the superficial layer, where there are practically no nerve endings.
  • The exfoliation effect is achieved due to the complex shape of the crystals.
  • There is no need for preliminary preparation and rehabilitation period.
  • There are no strict age restrictions.
  • The cleaning method is not universal because it is not suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Does not cope with deep scars, old scars.


Diamond dermabrasion is a delicate treatment method. Correct execution guarantees no serious consequences and a quick recovery. The first days there may be redness and slight swelling.

The rules of the rehabilitation period are to comply with certain restrictions:

  • exclude sports and other physical activities for a week;
  • use moisturizing creams;
  • do not use products with retin-A;
  • refuse cosmetics for care with glycolic and lactic acids, alcohol;
  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • When going outside, apply sunscreen with an SPF factor of 20 or more.

Service price

The price of diamond microdermabrasion depends on the area of ​​the treated surface and the individual characteristics of the skin.

The cost of the procedure in Russia ranges from 1,000 to 5 thousand rubles.

Price per zone:

  • Face – from 2 to 4 thousand rubles.
  • Neck – from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.
  • Face + neck – from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, prices will be higher than in the regions.


This procedure will help solve the following problems:

  • fine wrinkles disappear;
  • the skin becomes elastic by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen;
  • due to the fact that cells in the deep layers of the epidermis begin to actively divide, wrinkles stop getting deeper;
  • Scars, stretch marks and acne marks disappear;

    Using this procedure you can get rid of various problems

  • pigment spots become lighter;
  • pores narrow;
  • local blood circulation improves;
  • the movement of lymph in the layers of the skin increases;
  • cells are saturated with nutrients faster;
  • With the help of diamond peeling you can even remove an unnecessary tattoo.

Can effectively cleanse the skin

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