How to properly apply a mask to your face: photo, instructions. How can you apply a mask to your face? When and how often to do face masks?

In this article we will figure out how to properly use face masks depending on the type and what features this procedure has.

A face mask is one of the fastest ways to tidy up and rejuvenate your skin. Moreover, with this procedure you can have a very good rest and relax a little while the product works and nourishes the skin. However, even the best masks can be a disappointment if used incorrectly. The fact is that although the procedure is easy, it has some nuances that also need to be taken into account. Let's find out how to properly use different types of masks.

How can you apply a mask to your face?

How to apply a mask on your face?
If you are wondering how to apply a mask to your face, be sure to first find out how to do it. In fact, there are only two options - hands and arms. In principle, you can use what is more convenient for you, but cosmetologists always recommend using brushes, because they are better able to distribute the product on the face.

Which brush should I use to apply the mask to my face?

Today, in the question of how to apply a mask to the face, you cannot do without special brushes. It is important to select the right tools. Every beginner should understand that there are several different types of brushes - silicone, synthetic and natural. The latter are mainly used for massage.

To choose the right tool, cosmetologists advise initially trying several options. In addition, any high-quality device always has separate packaging.

Synthetic brushes are great for applying masks in the form of films that allow you to evenly distribute the mixture. Their bristles are designed in such a way that they do not absorb grease and are easy to clean from various types of contaminants. But it is better to apply thick scrubs, peels and masks with thick brushes. Thanks to the thick bristles, the compositions are perfectly held.

If you plan to peel, then fan synthetic brushes are ideal for it. They are convenient to use and they distribute heterogeneous mixtures with solid particles well.

Brushes that have an oval shape, made from boiled and bleached pork bristles, are extremely popular It holds dense formulations perfectly and distributes over the skin. In addition, it has denser bristles and massages the skin better.

So, to make applying products as convenient as possible, choose a brush that will be most convenient for you. In general, brushes are not expensive, so choose the highest quality and most convenient tool.

How to properly apply a mask to your face: photo, instructions

It doesn’t matter what exactly you use - a spatula or do everything with your hands, the question of how to apply a mask to your face is solved almost the same way. In general, the scheme for applying masks is always the same:

Mask application lines

The photo shows the main lines according to which any masks are applied. However, in most cases you should avoid the area around the eyes. The fact is that in these places the skin is different, it is much thinner and it requires special care. In particular, more liquid products are used. The same applies to the skin of the lips.

Even if you are sure that you will not have a reaction to the mask, do the test anyway. There are situations when there really seems to be no allergy, but the skin does not react in the best way. So apply a little mask on your wrist and leave it for the required amount of time. If the reaction does not manifest itself within a day, then feel free to use the product.

Before the procedure, collect your hair so that it does not get in your way. The ideal option is to use a cap, but at least a hair tie will suffice. During application, be careful not to get the mask into your eyes, as it may cause burns. This surprises many, because there are often no chemicals in the compositions. In fact, fruit acid is to blame.

When the mask has already been applied to your face, wait a while as indicated by the manufacturer and then rinse with warm water. By the way, not all masks need to be washed off. For example, fabric ones are thrown away after removal, and the remaining product is driven into the face. The same goes for nighttime products. They are completely absorbed into the skin, and in the morning you just need to wash your face as usual.

How to prepare your face for applying a mask

Choose a high quality face mask

Buy a mask from a reputable skin care or makeup brand. Look for charcoal masks that contain activated charcoal, soothing agents (like aloe vera) and essential oils that can soothe the skin.

Check your skin for reaction.

Whether you mix a mask or buy a mask mixture, check your skin for allergic reactions or irritation before applying it to your face. Apply a small amount of mask to your cheek or the underside of your wrist. Wait 10 minutes and check for signs of irritation.

  • Signs of an allergy or irritation include redness, swelling, hives, or itching.

If necessary, tie your hair back.

If you're concerned about your hair falling into your face while you're wearing a mask, use a hair tie to pull it back. This will prevent your hair from sticking to the mask.

Open up your pores.

The easiest way to do this is to take a hot shower before applying the mask.

  • Alternatively, you can take a towel and dip it in hot water (as hot as your face can handle) and cover your face with the towel until it cools down.
  • The third option is to hold your face over a bowl of boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Cleanse and exfoliate your face before using the mask.

Use your favorite gentle cleanser to wash your skin. Washing your face removes dirt and oil from your skin to prepare it for the mask. In order to open up your pores, you should also apply a mild scrub and rinse before you apply the mask.

Take a brush

Face masks are best applied with a soft-bristled brush, such as a paint brush (commonly used for creating artwork) or a coloring brush (commonly used for applying hair dye). Invest in a brush that you will use for this purpose, and be sure to clean it when you're done.

  • You will also need a bowl for your mask, and possibly a washcloth.

Cool down the mask

Keep the mask in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it. This is especially true if you use perishable ingredients in your mask, but even if you use a store-bought mask product, applying it cold can feel great.

  • For a cooling effect, place the face mask in the refrigerator at least one hour before applying.

What can you apply after a face mask - should you apply cream or not?

Cream after a face mask?
When deciding how to apply a mask to the face, it is important to understand that after the procedure the face also requires care. But this does not always happen. The fact is that if the procedure is carried out in the evening, then, in principle, there is no need to give additional care to the skin. Cosmetologists advise applying cream only if the procedure is carried out during the day and you plan to go outside. In this way it will be protected from external influences.

It happens that the cream is applied as additional care. For example, when procedures are carried out to eliminate rosacea. In this case, the cream is an additional moisturizer.

In general, depending on the type of mask, cream may or may not be required. In this case, carefully read the instructions. It should indicate whether additional care is required after the procedure or not. Moreover, after clay masks, the cream must be applied, even if the skin is oily. In addition, the cream must be used if the mask has an aggressive effect. This applies to exfoliating, cleansing and rejuvenating products. In addition, if there is discomfort on the skin in the form of tightness, redness and irritation, then a cream is also used.

It is important to understand that the product must be carefully selected for your skin type.

How to apply a Korean face mask: instructions

Korean masks
Korean masks are mostly made of fabric, and therefore they are subject to appropriate rules of use. So, how to apply a Korean face mask?

  • First we need to cleanse the skin. This can be done with some kind of cleanser, for example, a scrub. This way, the pores will be open and all the substances from the mask will penetrate deep into the skin.
  • After the first stage of the procedure, open the package with the mask. Be careful not to damage it. After that, straighten it and apply it to your face.
  • Next, just lie down and relax so that your facial muscles don’t tense up. Please note that you need to hold it for 20-30 minutes. It should not dry out completely, because then it will begin to take away the moisture from their skin.
  • When the time is up, remove the mask and gently massage the remaining residue into the skin. Do not wash your face under any circumstances.

It happens that after use, essence remains in the package. You shouldn't get rid of it. Just spread it over your neck, ears and décolleté.

How to apply a gold face mask: instructions

Golden mask
Today there is a very large selection of facial care products on the market and the question often arises of how to apply a golden mask to the face. By the way, among the products offered there are also Korean ones. So, the gold mask itself is like a very thin foil that is applied to the surface of the face. When the product acts on the skin, gold ions begin to be released. They make blood circulate better through the vessels. Accordingly, nutrients penetrate the skin as deeply as possible. It is also saturated with oxygen, and the cells regenerate.

  • There are disposable and reusable gold masks. The latter are much more expensive, but they can be used up to 60 times. If the disposable mask cracks, you will have to remove pieces of foil. Well, reusable ones are much easier to remove.
  • There are also alginate masks that are available in powder form. In this case, you first need to dissolve them. Thanks to such products, the skin is maximally moisturized and various types of inflammation go away.
  • The package usually includes two sachets. The gel is placed in one, and the powder in the second. To dilute, place everything in one bowl and mix thoroughly. You should get a thick mixture. By the way, the package sometimes includes a stirring spatula. They are great for applying mass to the face. You just need to do everything quickly, because the composition hardens quickly.
  • By the way, gold masks can be used for the skin around the eyes and lips. Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes. It should start to dry out, and then it is removed. After completing the procedure, you should not refuse to use serum or nourishing cream.

Review of film masks from famous brands

Of course, we cannot ignore the cosmetics that are supplied to the market by manufacturers from around the world. Here is a rating of the most popular means:

• World famous company Avon

supplies a series of natural-based products that are used by women for home treatments.
“Cucumber and Tea Tree”
cleansing film mask is a worthy and inexpensive product that is suitable for women of any age, regardless of skin type. This mask simultaneously moisturizes and tones the dermis.

• Gold mask-film for the face is another quality product from Avon. The product copes well with the first signs of skin aging, nourishes it well and accelerates regeneration processes. With systematic use of this drug, the course of metabolic processes improves, dryness and flaking disappear. Since the product contains sparkling elements, it is called "Shining Gold"

. Such a shimmering face film mask will give the skin a healthy look and a woman a lot of positive emotions.

• This new product, which appeared on the market relatively recently, is distinguished by its multifunctional action. Peel-off gel based product.

. The formula of the drug, in addition to its complex effects, also has such an important advantage - it actively fights almost all known problems of the dermis. Therefore, the drug is included in the list of the best facial care products.

Compliment film mask

more suitable for young people experiencing problems of adolescence. The product contains an antibacterial complex and salicylic acid, which helps effectively eliminate acne and acne. After the cleansing procedure, the dermis is noticeably transformed: traces of inflammation disappear, and the skin takes on a fresh, rested appearance. This product should also be recommended for women with oily skin.

• Product of the Belarusian company Belita-Vitex Black clean

is in particular demand among women. This popularity is largely due to the loyal price of the product. The drug is suitable for absolutely all skin types. The unique formula of the composition provides deep cleansing, restores and nourishes the skin without disturbing the water balance.

Dermal film mask

, the formula of which is based on charcoal, also has antibacterial properties. It perfectly cleanses skin pores, refreshing its tone and evening out the surface. Such cosmetics are inexpensive, so women willingly buy this product.

Xi Fei Shi mask

created based on ancient recipes of Chinese medicine. This is a whole collection of cosmetics that contain plant extracts: seaweed, saffron, almond, lemon. The product is ideal for problematic skin as it eliminates signs of inflammation and cleanses its surface. But the most important thing is that there are no age restrictions for use.

Korean remedy A'Pieu

, which is also popular with the female part of the population, is aimed at solving local problems. Its use is especially recommended for people with sensitive skin. The drug acts gently but effectively. It eliminates blackheads and tightens pores.

If you use film masks at least once a week, you can achieve amazing results. After all, regular care of this very sensitive area will help maintain freshness and beauty for many years. For this reason, it’s worth spending a little time on your own appearance.

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How to apply night face masks: instructions

Night mask
Night face masks are no less in demand. Their use is somewhat different. Let's figure out how to apply a mask to your face correctly.

So, first of all, you should follow a few tips:

  • First of all, consider the application time. It should be done 1-1.5 hours before bedtime
  • Be sure to apply the product exclusively to cleansed skin. That is, there should be no cosmetics
  • Before using the mask, it is recommended to apply tonic or serum. There is an opinion that a mask is the final stage of care, but this is not entirely true. You can use both options
  • Apply the mask correctly using massage movements, as if it were a cream. The amount of product used depends on the texture, as well as the effect that is planned to be obtained in the end. In principle, you can apply the products either thinly or thickly, but it is better to avoid the skin around the eyes.
  • It is recommended to carry out procedures a maximum of 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, the skin will get used to the components of the product and stop reacting to them.
  • Night masks do not require rinsing. It is enough in the morning to simply wash your face after waking up and carry out your usual care. Girls note that the feeling after using the product is excellent - the skin becomes soft and elastic, as well as healthy.

The mask works overnight, but it is absorbed into the skin very quickly.

Application stages

Before applying the mask to your face, you need to tuck your hair under a bandage or bath cap. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the scalp, avoid the lips and eyes. These areas are quite sensitive, so milder medications can be selected for them.

Skin preparation

Apply the composition to your face without makeup. Removing dead skin cells allows beneficial substances to better penetrate the skin.

Thorough facial cleansing

Start cleansing your skin with washing and removing makeup. To do this, use foam, gel, milk, micellar water. Before applying the mask, you can scrub or exfoliate your face, take a steam herbal bath, or apply a hot compress. The procedures will help to better open the skin pores.

Carrying out a sensitivity test

Before applying the mask to your face, check your skin reaction. To do this, spread a little product on your wrist or on the inside of your elbow and leave for 10-15 minutes. If an allergy does not appear, you can safely use it. If redness, irritation or itching occurs, it is better not to use the mask, as it contains an allergen.

Applying a mask

Apply the composition from the chin to the forehead along the massage lines in the following order:

  • from neck to ears;
  • from the corners of the lips to the middle part of the auricle;
  • from nose to temples;
  • from the middle to the edges of the forehead.

How to apply a mask on your face?

The method of applying the composition to the face depends on the texture of the product. A gel-like mask can be applied with your fingers, a liquid mask with a cosmetic brush, a creamy mask with a cotton pad, and an alginate mask with a cosmetic spatula.

Using a brush

Gel and cream masks are more convenient to apply with a brush. You can take a foundation brush. It must be clean and dry. A dirty tool often causes bacteria to grow on the face.

Application without brush

If you don't have a brush or spatula handy, you can apply the mask with your fingers. Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure. We recommend cream masks from the PREMIUM cosmetic line - for example, NMF Cream Mask for skin care with moisture deficiency. It can be applied to cleansed skin with your fingers, avoiding the eyelids and lips. Leave the product on your face for 15-20 minutes, then remove excess with a sponge soaked in tonic lotion.


Carefully remove the product, being careful not to injure your facial skin. To do this, you can use a sponge, brush or soft towel. Afterwards, rinse your face with warm water. There is no need to remove night cream masks: they are absorbed into the epidermis overnight and leave no marks on the face.


Keep the mask on your face according to the time indicated in the instructions. Do not overexpose, otherwise it will negatively affect the condition of the skin. Some masks (clay, cleansing) can dry out and disrupt the protective lipid layer of the skin. Moisturizing or nourishing products may cause irritation or allergic reactions.

How to apply a clay mask on your face: instructions

Clay Mask
Clay face mask is one of the most popular products. At the moment, you can buy a dozen of its varieties. How to apply a mask to this type of face?

In fact, clay masks are a fairly cheap product, but at the same time they are no worse in effectiveness than expensive ones.

Application is carried out as follows:

  • First, the skin is cleansed of impurities. It should be completely free of cosmetics, and scrubbing can also be done before the procedure.
  • After this, dilute the clay with water. The proportions may vary, but the manufacturer always indicates them on the packaging. Please note that it is better to do this in a plastic or ceramic container, but not metal, and also take a spoon made of silicone or wood.
  • After completing the preparation, apply a thick layer of the resulting mask to your face and leave it for a while.
  • If the mask starts to dry out faster than you expected, then spray it with thermal water, otherwise it will take moisture from the skin.
  • To remove the mask, first wet it generously with water and only then remove it.
  • After the procedure, use a cream to moisturize your face.

How to properly apply a film mask to your face: instructions

Film mask
Masks in the form of films are very convenient for cleansing the skin and removing dead cells. In general, this product is best used by those who have normal, oily or problematic skin. The main thing is that it is not too dry or sensitive. Such products resemble ordinary creamy products in appearance, but during use they become a film.

  • Before using the product, the face must be prepared. This is done through cleansing and massage. Only after all procedures dry the skin, otherwise the mask will not work as it should.
  • Then quickly apply a thin layer of the mask. Please note that it dries out quite quickly. The product is not used for the skin around the eyes and eyebrows.
  • Leave the mask on for a while. Again, it all depends on the manufacturer. At this time, you should not wet your face or strain your muscles for the product to work better.
  • By the end of the time, the mask should dry well. If this does not happen, then increase the time
  • When the mask hardens, begin to carefully remove it. This is done from the bottom up so as not to damage the hairs on the face.

It happens that some places do not dry well because the layer is applied too thick. They can be removed with water or tonic. Over time, you will get used to it and the mask will be removed very easily. After using the product, you can use a nourishing cream.

Review of the best cosmetic masks

Below are 5 popular, affordable and effective film masks.

  • Vitex Black Clean cleansing mask-film for the face contains activated bamboo charcoal. It perfectly cleanses the skin of dirt, toxins, excess fat, tightens enlarged pores and makes them almost invisible. However, the manufacturer claims that the product does not dry out the skin. The budget price of the mask is also attractive - about 150 rubles for a volume of 75 ml.
  • Transparent film mask Skinlite Radiance of facial skin pearl gives the skin cleansing and a healthy glow. Effectively evens out the texture, mattifies oily skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles. Available in 15 g bags.
  • One of the best face film masks contains particles of gold. Golden film mask with collagen Collagen Luxury Gold Peel Off Pack cleanses pores and tightens them, nourishes the skin, evens it out, making it smooth. Collagen provides smoothing of fine wrinkles, a lifting effect, moisturizes and regulates water balance. With regular use, the complexion improves and the production of your own collagen and elastin is launched.
  • Himalaya film mask for problem skin with neem prevents the formation of blackheads and other imperfections. Contains plant extracts and turmeric extract. Relieves inflammation, cleanses the skin and brightens post-acne. Despite the budget price segment, the product perfectly performs its stated functions.
  • Smoothing mask film for the face of Planet Spa Seas of Greece from Avon contains seaweed rich in iodine. Effectively cleanses, smoothes and evens out the skin, tightens pores. The product is packaged in a 75 ml tube.

How to properly apply a fabric mask to your face: instructions

Fabric mask
Fabric masks are a means for quick skin care. Despite the ease of use, the question still arises of how to apply a mask to this type of face.

In fact, there is no need to invent anything special here. Just a cloth soaked in care product is evenly distributed on the face. After the procedure, you don’t even need to wash off anything. Just so that the composition is well absorbed into the skin, it must be applied correctly to the face.

  • First, cleanse your skin of impurities.
  • Then open the mask and remove it from the packaging
  • Place the napkin on your face and try to smooth it out as much as possible. Then it will completely cover the surface of the skin
  • Leave the product on the skin for the time indicated on the package
  • After completing the procedure, do not wash off the remaining product, but simply rub it gently into your face.
  • If desired, the result can be secured with cream.

Food mask film for face with softening effect

To not only cleanse, but also soften the skin, you can improve the standard gelatin mask. This product also gives the dermis a matte appearance. Softening food mask film for the face with gelatin, necessary ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of kefir or sour milk,
  • two tablespoons of water,
  • teaspoon of gelatin,
  • a pinch of wheat flour.

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All ingredients are mixed until smooth. Next, the product is heated in a water bath so that everything dissolves well. A food film mask for the face at home is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Removed starting from the chin. Then the face is rinsed with warm water.

How to properly apply a black mask on your face: instructions

Black mask
To answer the question of how to apply a black mask to your face, you don’t need to think too much. In essence, it is the same film mask, but it also has its own characteristics. So, let's find out how the product is used.

  • As with any type of mask, this one requires cleansing the skin of the face.
  • Only then apply the product to the skin. At the same time, it is allowed to use the mask pointwise, that is, on problem areas of the skin. In addition, it is important to avoid sensitive areas around the eyes and lips.
  • Leave the product on for 25 minutes
  • Typically, as the composition dries, it darkens more and turns into a dense film.
  • After completing the procedure, pick up the mask from below and pull it up to remove it as carefully as possible

If you have some of the product left on your face, you can remove it. Cosmetologists recommend steaming the skin well before using the mask. This will open the pores and then the product will penetrate deeply. This will remove all blackheads and cleanse your skin.

What effect do film masks give?

With regular use of a film mask in complex care, you can achieve the following effects:

  • skin cleansing;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • disappearance of acne and blackheads;
  • even out complexion;
  • getting rid of vellus hair;
  • lifting effect;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • maintaining skin tone and youth.

Lifting effect

Alginate face mask - how to apply correctly: instructions

Alginate mask
Alginate masks are also in particular demand. At the same time, girls always have a lot of questions about how to apply a mask to their face. In principle, the use differs little from other masks. So, let's take a step-by-step look at how to use these tools correctly.

  • First of all, the skin is cleansed. This can be done using different means, the main thing is that it is clean. To get a more pleasant effect, it is recommended to peel. This will remove dead skin cells.
  • After preparing the skin, apply serum to solve the skin problem. For example, anti-aging or moisturizing, but it all depends on your desire, so you can do without it.
  • While the serum is absorbed, begin preparing the alginate mask. To do this, dilute 25-30 grams of powder in water. This is usually done in a ratio of 1:3, unless the instructions provide otherwise.
  • Immediately after preparation, apply the composition to your face. This is done with a spatula and you need to tilt your head back a little. Apply a thick layer along the massage lines. By the way, it can even be applied to the eyes, but if you are afraid, then exclude this area. The same goes for the neck and décolleté.
  • Now that the mask has been applied, you can relax for 20-30 minutes. After this time has expired, remove the mask, as well as the film. Remove any remaining product using tonic.

Is it possible to apply a mask to the face after the scrub?

Mask after scrub
Often women don’t even ask about how to apply a mask to their face, but whether it should be done after a scrub. In general, of course, any type of peeling has a strong effect on the skin and therefore dryness and flaking are a natural consequence of the procedure. So the first recommendation from a professional after peeling is moisturizing. Only with the help of suitable products can you restore the skin's moisture balance, reduce irritation and normalize its appearance.

If you scrub, then a nourishing mask is applied to your face after using it. Depending on the composition used, the holding time is determined. It happens that after peeling, microcracks or scratches remain on the face, so it is best to choose a product with a regeneration effect.

Features of film masks

The film mask is a universal product for regular facial skin care. Exist:

  • cleansing,
  • moisturizing,
  • nourishing,
  • anti-aging,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • leveling film masks.

The peculiarities of these products lie in their composition and mechanism of action on the skin.


The film mask may contain the following active components:

  • Activated carbon,
  • glycerol,
  • salicylic acid,
  • plant extracts,
  • oils,
  • vitamins and minerals.

Depending on the composition, there are charcoal, salicylic, gold and other film masks.

Activated carbon

Mechanism of action on facial skin

The mechanism of action depends on the purpose of the mask.

  • All film masks have universal cleansing properties : their sticky film adheres tightly to the skin of the face and, when removed, cleanses the pores well. This is especially true for products with the addition of coal. Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent that enhances the pore cleansing mechanism, literally pulling out impurities from them.
  • Anti-inflammatory film masks usually contain salicylic acid, tea tree oil and similar components. They perfectly relieve inflammation on the skin, tighten pores, eliminate oily shine, and help fight acne and blackheads.
  • Moisturizing masks tone the skin, making it soft and tender. Restoring water balance is a good prevention of age-related changes, therefore, in order to maintain youthful skin, it is advisable to use just such products. They contain natural plant extracts, such as aloe vera.
  • Nourishing masks are rich in vitamins and microelements. The active components penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis due to the tight fit of the film mask. Thanks to this, they nourish the skin and restore its healthy appearance.
  • Leveling agents boast a good mineral composition. For example, the gold mask contains gold particles, which perfectly smooth the skin and get rid of vellus hair.
  • Anti-aging masks have a noticeable lifting effect, smooth out fine wrinkles, and also nourish and moisturize the skin.

Indications and contraindications

The film face mask has universal indications for use. It can be used at any age, starting from 20 years, for facial skin care, if there are no contraindications.

And the contraindications are:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
  • Thin skin. When removed, the film mask can greatly stretch such skin and injure it.
  • Dry and sensitive skin. Film masks have a tightening effect, so they will increase dryness and irritation of this type of skin.
  • Violation of the integrity of the epidermis. Film masks cannot be used if there are wounds on the face.
  • Cuperosis. Medications can intensify its manifestations.

Sensitive skin

When is the best time to apply a mask to your face?

Often, when deciding how to apply a mask to the face, another, no less important question arises - when exactly the procedures should be carried out. It is important to understand that during the day the skin reacts differently to cosmetic products, and therefore you need to learn to choose the time in such a way that the benefits are maximum.

  • From 5 to 7 am the skin begins to awaken, and therefore no strong cosmetics should be used for it. Of course, there will be no harm, but it will not absorb anything useful either. All care consists only of using tonic.
  • From 7 to 10 it is possible to carry out basic procedures. In particular, now the skin perceives hydration very well, and therefore it is recommended to make just such masks. Moreover, this will allow the skin to receive nutrition for the whole day and even more.
  • From 10 to 12, the use of masks is allowed to prevent and eliminate basic problems. Sensitive skin perceives any mask best now, because it shows less reaction.
  • From 12 to 18 hours, the skin does not respond well to the effects of masks, so discard them in favor of tonics and other refreshing products.
  • From 18:00 to 22:00 is the ideal time to cleanse your skin. So feel free to use scrubs and other products.
  • From 10 pm to 11 pm, the skin responds well to nourishing treatments, especially for regeneration.
  • At night, cells regenerate more actively and therefore you need to sleep at this time. It is recommended to use nourishing masks at least half an hour before bedtime. If you go to bed late, the procedure can be performed from 23:00 to 5 in the morning.

Expected effect

It would seem, what is special about film masks, besides an interesting texture? However, it can be very useful. If you believe the reviews, the film mask has the following effects on the skin:

  • evens out the terrain;
  • refreshes complexion;
  • removes dead cells;
  • deeply cleanses and tightens pores;
  • moisturizes and eliminates flaking;
  • gives the skin firmness and elasticity, making it more toned;
  • dries out acne;
  • regulates sebum secretion.

Unfortunately, film masks have a number of contraindications. It is better to avoid such products for girls who have too thin and sensitive skin, as well as those suffering from rosacea and tumors. Also, the use of a film mask should be postponed until the wounds heal or the active stage of inflammatory processes passes.

How often can you apply a mask to your face?

How often to make masks?
When you answer the question of how to apply a mask to your face, it is immediately clear that such products are not suitable for daily use. This is due to the fact that the substances in the composition have a rather strong effect on the skin. More precisely, stronger than cream. So the skin may eventually get used to them and not absorb them as well. Therefore, there are certain restrictions regarding the frequency of use of face masks.

  • Oily skin . It requires cleaning. This should be done more often than other procedures. But you need to be careful with hydration and nutrition, because an oily sheen may appear. In addition, do not get carried away with anti-aging masks, because this type of skin ages much more slowly.
  • Normal skin . For such skin it is allowed to use moisturizers. Standard use involves applying the product twice a week. But you can choose the frequency of use yourself, but not more often than indicated by the manufacturer.
  • Dry skin. In this case, it is important for girls to constantly provide additional moisture to the skin. So they must choose the appropriate means. Procedures can be performed up to three times a week. As for scrubs, it is not recommended to get carried away with them, because they will dry out the skin even more.
  • Sensitive skin . In this case, be careful with any masks. Nutrients are easily absorbed and can be used up to four times a week. But peelings and scrubs should not be used if possible. Combination skin. Caring for such skin is more complex because it combines different types. The frequency of use of cosmetics largely depends on how the sebaceous glands on the skin work. If it has an oily sheen, then moisturizers should be used carefully. It is better to replace them with matting or cleansing ones.

Common mistakes when using masks

When using masks, it is important to avoid:

  • failure to comply with the deadline indicated on the packaging;
  • inconsistencies with skin type;
  • applying the product to uncleaned facial skin;
  • too frequent use;
  • applying the composition to delicate areas of the face;
  • excessive facial stress;
  • applying the mixture with your fingers (not suitable for all types of masks);
  • careless cleansing of the skin after using the product;
  • neglect of subsequent care procedures.

After using masks, the face needs to be toned and moisturized. In a short period of time you will get radiant, renewed skin.

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