How to use facial toner correctly: when to use and after what to apply

All girls know about skin care lotions, but not many pay attention to them. You need to know and understand how to properly use and apply facial tonic after washing and why it is needed. This is an important stage in care, allowing you to maintain the beauty and health of the dermis.
  • What it is
  • Why is it necessary to use facial toner when cleansing the skin?
  • Kinds
  • Compound
  • Facial toner: when is it best to use and how to wipe the skin correctly
  • Hands or cotton pad
  • Application with a cloth
  • Why are massage lines needed?
  • How to properly wipe your face with tonic before cream along massage lines
  • Application instructions
  • How often can you use facial lotion and toner?
  • Do I need to wash it off?
  • What to apply after use
  • Tips from cosmetologists
  • Review of facial toners

What it is

This is a liquid transparent skin care product, it comes in different shades depending on the intended purpose. Pinkish - soothes, green - relieves inflammation, blue - refreshes and tones. Someone removes makeup with it, using it instead of special milk. But it cannot completely wash away makeup products; it was created to consolidate cleansing and even out the acid-base balance. The latter allows the stratum corneum to renew itself, regulates the functioning of enzymes, improves energy metabolism and hormone production, and protects pathogenic flora.

If the cells become excessively oxidized or alkalized, they will quickly die. With a high acid content, tissues become more sensitive, irritated, dry or tight. When there is a lot of alkali in them, acne and inflammation begin to appear, the pores expand, producing a large amount of sebum or sebum. Cleansing cosmetics often disrupt the pH balance in the epidermis, irritating it, which weakens its protective functions and exposes the body to harmful bacteria.

What is the difference between toner and lotion?

  • Toner is a thin, watery liquid that provides hydration, restores skin balance, and is typically alcohol-free. The toner contains astringents that are water based but include alcohol and are used to control excess oil and shrink pores.
  • Despite the fact that it is a liquid lotion, it does not contain alcohol and generously moisturizes the skin. This is a gentler cleanser and can be soothing for sensitive skin.
  • The toner contains a small amount of alcohol, provides a deep cleanse and includes humectants to lock moisture into the skin.

Why is it necessary to use facial toner when cleansing the skin?

You may think that once you remove your makeup, you can apply night cream and go to bed. This is not enough - particles of decorative and cleansing cosmetics usually remain on the surface, which causes the pores to become even more and deeper dirty. Try wiping it with a tonic composition - you will see product residues and understand how important it is to complete the washing procedure.

How effective are the balms you use? Do you want to improve their performance? A lotion will help, preparing for the absorption of active substances and prolonging their results, thus ensuring good nutrition. The dermis also needs constant hydration, which it will also help with. When applied, an almost imperceptible coating is formed that retains moisture inside and prevents drying out.

Description and beneficial properties of tonic

The product gently cleanses the skin of impurities and reduces the percentage of oil. The tonic is a light solution that is quickly absorbed and maintains the required level of moisture.

The liquid purchased in the store contains alcohol, salicylic acid, matting components and nutrients - plant extracts, panthenol and other medicinal additives.

The toner is useful for any skin type because it:

  • restores acidity;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • prevents rapid skin aging;
  • nourishes the dermis, reducing the number of fine wrinkles;
  • acts as an antiseptic, removing inflammation and redness;
  • reduces the hardness of water for washing;
  • removes remnants of products that are applied at the end of the skin cleansing procedure.

Like any cosmetic product, the tonic solution also has its disadvantages:

  • can cause an allergic rash (with intolerance to the components in each specific case);
  • has a short-term effect.

Thus, you should study the label of a store-bought product with special attention, and conduct an allergy test before use.


different properties of the skin, using products with inappropriate ingredients can harm your health. We suggest you figure out which product you should buy.

First determine your skin type:

  1. Normal is rare, more often in children under 11–12 years of age, until their hormonal levels begin to change. It is clean, elastic, velvety to the touch, has an even beige-pink tint, and always stays in good shape.
  2. Dry - thin, matte, with narrow, almost imperceptible pores and often with flaking, especially in the absence of the necessary home care. Small wrinkles appear on it earlier, you may feel tightness and irritation from dust, wind, soap and even some creams.
  3. On the problematic dermis, due to genetic predisposition, stress or hormonal changes, rashes often appear in the form of acne, pimples, sometimes with pus.
  4. The fat type is the most common among women and men. Its owners are characterized by a rough, uneven appearance, enlarged pores and widespread blackheads due to a large amount of sebum.

Having determined the properties, you can choose the right tonic for yourself:

  1. For normal skin, products with a low alcohol content (no more than 10 percent) are suitable; they are more effective at cleansing and disinfecting.
  2. People with dry epidermis should choose alcohol-free cosmetics to avoid excessive drying. It is better that it contains oils and vitamins for additional protection and nutrition.
  3. Those with an oily type need a high alcohol content - 50 percent. It copes well with sebaceous secretions, tightens pores, kills harmful bacteria settling on the surface and prevents them from penetrating inside. Additional components may include salicylic acid, essential oils, plant extracts and various matting elements.
  4. Problematic skin requires surface active particles, BHA (beta hydroxide) and AHA (alpha hydroxide) acids. The former are extracted from willow bark, the latter from their fruits (apples, grapes, citrus fruits), sugar cane and sour milk.

The best facial toners: La Roche-Posay rating

Below are the best La Roche-Posay toning products. The dermatological laboratory of the French brand occupies a leading position in world ratings and reviews of pharmacy cosmetics.

Effaclar Pore Tightening Lotion for oily, blemish-prone skin types


Pore ​​tightening lotion

Effectively fights oily shine, mattifies the skin for a long time, providing a light exfoliating effect due to the LHA acid in the composition. Reduces pores and helps smooth out skin texture.

RUB 1,468 more details


Their main components can be considered purified water with a neutral pH level, and the rest differ in purpose:

  • there are softening, anti-aging cosmetics with hyaluronic acid;
  • alcohol - for drying and disinfection, sometimes they are combined with minerals, for example, zinc, which regulates sebaceous secretions;
  • water-glycerin - for protection and moisturizing, glycerin increases elasticity;
  • aqueous - the most common, many products contain up to 80% neutral liquid; oils, decoctions, amino acids, serums, etc. are added to them.
  • Facial toner: when is it best to use and how to wipe the skin correctly

    Buying the right product is half the battle; it is important to follow the cleansing rules. Women often make mistakes and damage their beauty. To avoid this, you need to follow some recommendations.

    Hands or cotton pad

    The second option is more convenient, as the liquid is absorbed into the cotton wool, lingers in it and does not spill, and all the dirt ultimately remains on it. You can only apply it with your fingers, but you won’t be able to pick up the dirty residue, especially since you can spill it. Although this method is more approved by cosmetologists due to the lack of friction. By applying the composition with light patting movements, you ensure deep penetration of the active substances inside.

    Application with a cloth

    If your skin is too sensitive even to wiping with cotton pads, you can apply the product to gauze or cloth and apply for 30 - 60 seconds. You won’t be able to remove makeup this way, but the tissues won’t be irritated, and there will be enough time to deeply moisturize them and make them soft.

    Why are massage lines needed?

    They prevent the dermis from stretching and a woman from visually aging. If you pull it down and rub it hard, the skin wears out over time, becomes dull, and loses its elasticity. With the help of massage lines you will not only maintain youth, but also remove the first signs of aging. At the same time, the pores are cleaned deeper, swelling and swelling are removed from the eyelids, and a double chin is removed.

    How to properly wipe your face with tonic before cream along massage lines

    The composition must be applied in several directions:

    • from the center of the forehead to the temples;
    • along the eyelids: from above from the nose to the temple and from below in the opposite direction;
    • along the nose: from the area between the eyebrows to the end and from the back to the wings;
    • on the cheeks: from the corners of the lips to the ears;
    • along the chin: from the central part to the ears;
    • along the neck: from the collarbone to the chin.

    Application instructions

    Never use the product without cleansing, otherwise dirt may penetrate inside. Wash off your makeup and wash with water (distilled if possible), pat your skin dry with a towel (do not rub). Make sure it is dry; water particles prevent the active substances from penetrating into the deeper layers. Then apply to a dry surface with light movements without pressure.

    The main rule of choice

    When purchasing, it is recommended to rely on existing problems and the expected effect of the tonic. Otherwise, it will be ineffective or even worsen the situation. It is also important to follow the instructions for use and follow all recommendations. A correctly selected product significantly increases the effect of the moisturizer, ensuring the deepest penetration of the active ingredients. Determine your skin type and select cosmetics based on this.


    This type is suitable for cosmetics enriched with glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and various amino acids. They often add concentrated aloe juice, which has a healing and moisturizing effect. If during the day you spend a lot of time indoors near heating sources or ventilated by air conditioning, then treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day or even more often. Unusual natural conditions, such as a sharp temperature change or climate change, hot and sunny weather or severe frosts will also be a reason for frequent washing.


    To soothe and eliminate irritated areas, it is recommended to select delicate preparations enriched with nourishing oils. They most often include soothing elements, namely chamomile, cornflower or rose. Perfumes, artificial dyes or parabens will only aggravate the condition and may cause irritation.


    Unpleasant and unhealthy shine, enlarged pores and sebum have a detrimental effect on the durability of makeup. Even professional products will not last more than two to three hours. Therefore, it is better to choose a tonic with a mattifying and sebum-regulating effect. The zinc included in most such solutions will solve these difficulties. It is also necessary to pay attention to the inclusion of moisturizing ingredients in the composition. The abundant secretion of the sebaceous glands pulls most of the moisture from the reserve and dehydration begins, so each cell needs additional hydration and nutrition.


    Comedones, or as they are more often called “blackheads”, acne caused by excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, inflammation or irritation become a real problem for girls and women. To completely control the situation, it is recommended to buy drugs with an astringent and exfoliating effect. These include:

    • salicylic acid;
    • tea tree oil;
    • zinc.


    For happy owners of a healthy face who do not know any difficulties, it is also important to maintain a normal level of moisture, regularly soften and nourish with mineral components and trace elements that are included in cosmetics with thermal water.


    If your cheeks feel dry and your forehead, nose or chin feel oily, you can use two toners at once. Each is applied to a separate area, depending on the problem. This processing method is called multizoning.


    Loss of elasticity and fading is not a reason to stop care activities. The liquid will increase elasticity and density. Most drugs are enriched with hyaluronic and glycolic acids, which together with a special massage will become a real salvation. It is also important to pay attention to the presence of a large number of antioxidants, which is especially important for people who sleep little and regularly experience stress. Vitamins C and E, resveratrol will help stop the signs of aging.

    How often can you use facial lotion and toner?

    Usually it is used every day 2 times:

    1. In the morning, after washing off the sebaceous secretions that have formed overnight, apply the composition. The epidermis will be moisturized, nourished with useful minerals and will be ready for makeup that will last longer. The skin will be evened out: the pores will narrow, and facial wrinkles will appear smaller.
    2. Washing off makeup in the evening greatly disturbs the tissue, so use the product to eliminate irritation from friction. So, you will wash away the remaining dirt, soothe the cells, provide nutrition and eliminate the feeling of fatigue.

    An important nuance: the product must be used regularly so that the pH balance is always normal and the health of the dermis does not have to be restored. This is an additional antiseptic that protects against bacteria. In summer weather, it is better to purchase a toning spray that can be used directly on top of decorative cosmetics.

    Why is it used

    Tonic removes makeup residues and excess fat. The positive qualities of this cosmetic product are as follows:

    1. Restoration of natural acid balance.
    2. Neutralization of the effects of hard water.
    3. Antiseptic capabilities.
    4. Eliminate redness.
    5. Replenishment with antioxidants that prevent aging.

    The tonic refreshes and cleanses the skin, and increases the effect of the cream applied afterwards. It is also effective to apply it after a mask.

    Do I need to wash it off?

    This is a fairly common question; many people wash their face even after using a toning solution, preventing the active substances from penetrating inside. It does not have time to do its job, and the meaning of its application is lost. With the correct selection of the composition, there will be no film or feeling of tightness left on the skin; no rinsing is required. Otherwise, you need to replace the product with another one that suits you.

    After which they apply facial toner and what to use afterwards

    Some people think that regular micellar water can replace it, but this is not so. Using micelles, it not only attracts impurities, but also changes the texture of sebum, making it viscous, which causes clogged pores. Wash or wipe off any remaining residue with still mineral water. Remember that rinsing is carried out along massage lines.

    In the morning after applying the composition, wait 10 minutes, during which time the beneficial substances will have time to be absorbed. Afterwards, you can use day care creams or special serums. And only then proceed to toning and cosmetic correction. Go outside half an hour after using the balm, or cover your face with a protective product.

    In the evening, after tonic, you can apply nourishing and restorative gels, serums, and lotions. Then move on to the night mousse, the previous preparations will prepare the skin to perceive it, and the effect will intensify. Use it an hour before bedtime; a vigorous body will better accept care.

    Don't forget about the area around the eyes, it is the driest and requires intense hydration. Buy special eyelid serums; they smooth out small expression wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones.

    Benefits of home cosmetology

    Many girls who do not trust their skin to the effects of industrial cosmetics prefer to use homemade tonics. They are not only very effective, but also absolutely safe, since their recipe is known in advance and is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

    Herbal composition

    This product can be used on any skin. It can have a slight rejuvenating effect and improve complexion. Taking a pinch of dried rowan berries, dandelion flowers, coltsfoot leaves, rowan berries, wormwood and St. John's wort, they are poured into a thermos and poured with a glass of boiling water. After twelve hours of infusion, a teaspoon of dry wine (white) is poured into the product. Rub the prepared mixture onto the skin at least twice a day.

    Uses of green tea

    Freshly brewed and slightly cooled green tea can be used to wipe problematic oily skin prone to irritation. This should be done in the morning and evening hours. Green tea used for brewing should only be large-leaf.

    Watermelon freshness

    Dehydrated and tired skin can be brought into order with the help of a potion made from fresh watermelon. Half a glass of watermelon pulp (along with seeds), crushed in a blender, is mixed with a dessert spoon of water and the same amount of witch hazel tincture. After moisturizing clean skin with the product, wash it off with cool water after five minutes. Apply twice a day.

    Mint tincture

    The action of this product has a rejuvenating effect. After crushing a dessert spoon of dried mint leaves, they are poured with warm distilled water with a dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar. After mixing thoroughly, the drug is infused for at least three days. Dry skin is afraid of the effects of acid, so the composition intended for it is prepared without the participation of vinegar.

    You can prepare a tonic at home, but also other cosmetics, such as a gelatin face mask. The gelatin mask recipe can be found here. Peeling with calcium chloride is also an effective remedy. Find out how to do peeling with calcium chloride at home here.

    Summing up everything said above, I would like to once again emphasize that the procedure for toning the facial skin is by no means a redundant link in complex skin care. Regular use of tonics that tighten pores and thoroughly cleanse the surface of the skin can delay the appearance of facial wrinkles for a long time, preserving the youth of the appearance, the freshness of the face and the natural beauty of its outlines.

    Tips from cosmetologists

    Having seen a product in the supermarket labeled “for all types,” many are glad that they do not need to waste time selecting a special composition. But such means are absolutely useless. They do not have negative consequences, but they do not bring any good either; their use is comparable to wiping with ordinary water. You will be beautiful and well-groomed if you take care of a careful selection of tonic cosmetics.

    We said above that the bottle or the liquid itself is often painted in different colors. This is a hint for the right choice. Blue shades are created for oily and normal types, pink for dry and sensitive types, green for relieving inflammation and eliminating rashes.

    You most likely will not find them in ordinary supermarkets and department stores (even cosmetic stores); for them you need to go to professional stores and pharmacies. Or order in an online store, for example, at There are favorable discounts on purchased goods. You won’t find original brands there; the drugs are produced in the United Arab Emirates, but this does not reduce their quality.

    Now about the cosmetologists themselves. You are unlikely to be able to purchase suitable care the first time; you need to be prepared for this. Some properties of the skin cannot be determined without equipment and a professional eye. Go to a specialist once, he will conduct an examination and select cosmetics. It costs money, but you will immediately buy products for a long time.

    Can I use toner instead of cleansing?

    Undoubtedly! Tonic

    instantly moisturizes and softens the skin after
    . If you use it on a regular basis, not only the surface, but also the deep layers of the skin will be moisturized.

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    Review of tonics

    For your convenience, we will present several options for the product at

    1. Lancôme Tonique Confort. Suitable for skin prone to dryness, it has an appropriate soft pink tint. It effectively completes the cleansing procedure, moisturizes and refreshes the face. As additional components, it contains almond extract and honey, which heal and soothe cells. Avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

    2. "Lancome Blanc Expert". It has a dark blue bottle and a natural tonic composition. It is based on distilled floral water. It quickly cleanses, refreshes and evens out the acid-base balance. It contains alcohol, which easily removes oily shine and tightens pores.

    3. Lancôme Tonique Douceur. This is a liquid in a greenish-blue bottle with a cooling effect that removes oily shine. It has good antiseptic properties and effectively protects against harmful microbes. After using it, you will see a healthy skin color, feel freshness and renewal.
    4. “Lancome Tonique Eclat” is a blue tonic that can not only deeply cleanse the dermis and restore pH balance, but also disinfect it. It contains antioxidants that protect against reactive oxygen species and free radicals that destroy cells, causing aging and dangerous diseases. In addition to preserving youth, it will relieve redness, improve blood microcirculation and smooth out wrinkles.

    Do not neglect careful skin care; not only its appearance, but also the internal state of the body and overall health depend on it. We tried to show when it is better to use a cleansing lotion-tonic for the face and how to choose it correctly. Regularly twice a day, follow the direction of the massage lines. Choose only high-quality cosmetics with natural ingredients according to your skin type. So, you will look beautiful, naturally, and feel several years younger.

    Even more about facial tonics in the video:

    How to choose a good one

    In order for a tonic to be beneficial, you need to choose it correctly for your skin type. To do this, you should listen to the recommendations of cosmetics manufacturers and carefully read the information placed on the label of any cosmetic product, since their formulation is compiled taking into account the tasks to be solved.

    Types of tonics

    • Dry and sensitive skin, which is in dire need of normalizing the water balance, eliminating irritation, peeling and redness, should be treated with hydrant tonics, which necessarily include glycerin and a composition of essential oils. Products based on rose water will be very effective here.
    • Oily and combination skin, characterized by the active functioning of the sebaceous glands, is recommended to be cleansed with alcohol tinctures (sometimes the alcohol content in them reaches 50% of the chemical composition), containing a number of soothing elements: extracts of ginseng, calendula, chamomile and aloe. Exposure to alcohol dries the skin and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands.
    • Problematic skin, which is prone to the formation of pimples, comedones and acne, should be treated with disinfectant tonics, the formulation of which contains glycolic and salicylic acid, extracts of medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile and tea tree extract. The beneficial effects of chamomile will help tighten enlarged pores.

    Aging and mature skin is effectively affected by tonics containing a combination of essential oils of coconut, rose and lavender, mint extract, and honey extract. The high content of antioxidants and substances that help increase the elasticity and firmness of the upper layers of the dermis leads to a slowdown in the aging process and visually improves the appearance of the skin.

    Additional nuances of choice

    Girls with sensitive skin should avoid tonics containing camphor, acetone, menthol, mint, citrus and all kinds of fragrances. All these substances are highly irritating to the skin.

    Tonics containing the composition have a number of advantages:

    • Fruit acids (AHA acids).
    • Surfactants.
    • Panthenol.
    • Urea.
    • Tocopherol (vitamin E).

    Let us emphasize once again that all cosmetic products used for facial skin care must belong to the same series. To a greater extent, this applies to natural tonics containing an aroma composition and a large number of medicinal components. They are incompatible, for example, with cosmetics that contain sea minerals.

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