Hair nanoplasty is a safe alternative to keratin straightening

It’s amazing how easy it is nowadays to create a particular look using various useful complexes for curls, such as hair nanoplasty, Botox or keratin straightening. Today we will talk about a wonderful, restorative procedure - hair nanoplasty. This is the newest type of keratin straightening with the addition of active vitamins and various professional products to restore your curls. Many girls wonder about the difference between keratin and nanoplasty. Let's discuss this.

Read more about the hair nanoplasty procedure

A modern new cosmetic procedure that allows you to transform unruly curls into smooth shiny strands. And if blow-drying or straightening with an iron does not benefit the hair, but can only “scorch” it (especially low-quality cheap models of irons), then this procedure is useful and safe. This method of hair straightening today is the most effective and relevant measure, which makes hair perfectly straight, smooth, healthy and has no contraindications. Straightening is not based on chemical ingredients, as in keratin straightening, but on the basis of organic acids (hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, alpha-lipoic acid, salicylic acid).

Thanks to keratin (protein), which is necessarily present in nails and hair, mechanical strength is created. It is known that hair consists of eighty percent of this protein. The hair nanoplasty procedure allows you to saturate your hair with natural keratin and protein. It allows hair to become straighter, healthier, and restore the structure of both damaged and bleached hair. This happens because, penetrating inside the hair, keratin provides protection from external negative factors and preserves it from the inside.

Hair nanoplasty makes hair smooth and shiny for up to 6 months. It just so happens that a girl with straight hair constantly curls it, and the owner of wavy or curly hair dreams of straightening it. Nowadays, technology and special cosmetics help to quite simply and effectively straighten unruly curls.

The most popular drugs TOP 5

TOP 5 drugs for nanoplasty, the best and most popular products:

MULSAN – Nanoplastic Fluid

Our winner, who was written about at the beginning of the article.

  • No odor
  • Safe to work with
  • Effect 3-6 months
  • Best price


It is considered the best Brazilian-made nanoplastic product. It is based on intracellular nutrition technologies.

One of its advantages is the acceleration of the procedure - you can save up to 90 minutes.

  • No odor
  • Natural composition
  • Does not cause burning
  • Safe for children
  • Does not harm the health of the master and the client
  • Does not burn the respiratory tract
  • Moisturizes hair

The composition includes vitamin C and shea butter, which allows you to straighten your hair for a long time, restore it from the inside and restore its natural shine.

Honma Tokyo

Thanks to its high-quality composition, the drug retains its effect for a long time and allows you to reduce the time of each stage of standard nanoplasty. It is considered one of the most natural.

  • No odor
  • Eco-friendly composition
  • Long lasting effect
  • Increases volume
  • Straightens even an afro
  • Restores structure

The manufacturer promises to straighten even complex ethnic afros and add volume.

W one

This is an innovative development. The composition includes eight essential amino acids, which makes the procedure even more beneficial for hair.

  • Straightens difficult hair
  • Ideal for difficult types: hard. porous
  • Helps both colored and undyed hair
  • Suitable for salon use

Thanks to its low pH, it brightens up to 3 shades after use.

bb one

The formula is enriched with several types of acids and amino acids, oils. All this allows you to straighten your hair 100%.

  • For all hair types
  • Moisturizes
  • Restores
  • Minimum holding time
  • Suitable for people with sensitive skin

The manufacturer assures that bb one eliminates frizz and static, has a positive effect on hair health and is suitable for allergy sufferers.

The difference between hair nanoplastics and keratin straightening

Many people dream of curls, which will add some coquetry and mischief to the image, while others have lost their strength, struggling with unruly curls and dream of only one thing - for their hair to become straight and flow over their shoulders. And here, for many years, beauty salons have offered keratin hair straightening, which has recently become less popular among the fair sex. Let's figure out why. Many people still confuse this procedure with regular permanent straightening. In fact, these are two completely different procedures, and now we will tell you why. There is an opinion that keratin straightening is practically harmless to the hair structure. Unlike other types of hair straightening, it gives the hair saturation with keratin, which does not destroy the condition of the hair and has two goals - straightening and healthy hair. In fact, all keratin straightening products contain aldehydes, which both the master and the client have to inhale during the procedure. Which is harmful to health.

Nanoplasty is much safer than keratin hair straightening. This product straightens due to organic acids, extracts from vegetables and fruits (hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, alpha-lipoic acid, salicylic acid). Therefore, this procedure, unlike keratin, has no contraindications. Approved for use by nursing women, pregnant women and even children.

There is no need for respirators during the nanoplasty procedure. There are no harmful fumes or pungent odor during the procedure.

Depending on certain factors, the technology and means for the procedure are selected, such as:

  • hair structure;
  • the period for which it is necessary to rectify;
  • procedures performed before straightening.

It is based on these points that the technology that will be used to straighten your curls is selected.

Prices for hair nanoplasty
Prices for hair nanoplasty vary greatly depending on many factors. On average, the price for short hair for this procedure in a beauty salon is about 3,000 rubles, for medium-length hair from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. For long hair, the price can even reach up to 20,000 rubles.

Indications for use

Unfortunately, poor nutrition and the aggressive influence of the external environment have a very detrimental effect on the condition of our hair.
Natural keratin is destroyed, and our curls become lifeless and dull. And then there is an urgent need to saturate the hair with keratin, a protein that consists of 99 percent of it. Many begin to resort to professional masks, but most often their effect is not enough to restore the structure of the curls. As a result, keratin is delivered deep into the hair, and then protection from aggressive external influences occurs. As those who have undergone this procedure say, the hair becomes smoother, more elastic, healthier and filled with strength. All this becomes possible due to the fact that porosity completely disappears.

Nanoplasty is recommended if:

  • hair is very weak and thin;
  • very brittle;
  • curly;
  • damaged after lightening, dyeing;
  • after perm, etc.

Contact only trusted, certified professionals, as if the product is not used in accordance with the technology, you can even harm your hair. And there may be consequences such as:

  • hair lightening up to 4 tone;
  • dryness and brittleness;
  • Difficulty combing (after washing).

Also, be careful when choosing a company for this procedure, since low-quality products can cause your hair to smell unpleasant for a long time. The products presented on our website do not have such side effects and are quite easy to use. Under each product you can find detailed instructions for use.

Before the procedure, check with the specialist for a certificate of completion of training. Find out which company will do this procedure for you. Read reviews about it. Remember that after using a high-quality product, your hair should not smell and should not be over-dried. Take your choice of straightening specialist and composition seriously. Check also the quality certificates for this product.

Pros and cons of hair nanoplasty procedure

Of course, in every similar hair restoration procedure, there are both positive and negative qualities. Let's consider the pros and cons of the procedure:

  • the composition does not contain aldehydes, there is no odor;
  • approved for use by pregnant and lactating women;
  • ideal straightening of unruly, curly hair;
  • gives curls strength and shine;
  • improvement of curls within the structure;
  • suitable for use by pregnant and lactating women;
  • eliminates the fragility of curls and their cross-section;
  • lasts up to 6 months.
  • It is prohibited to carry out the procedure on severely damaged hair;
  • high price;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • possible hair lightening;
  • a lot of fake products and unqualified craftsmen;
  • partial loss of volume;
  • accelerated process of contamination of curls;
  • volume decreases or disappears;
  • it is necessary to maintain the effect with sulfate-free cosmetics.

Instructions for hair nanoplasty

Before purchasing the product, you must either undergo training in using this drug or request detailed technological maps.

Nanoplastics are products that straighten hair using acids. A distinctive feature of this procedure is that the composition is washed off from the hair before ironing the hair.


Choose only high-quality products for hair nanoplasty

The procedure itself is almost identical to keratin straightening:

  1. Removing sebum and impurities from hair using deep cleaning shampoo;
  2. Departing one cm from the skin, the composition is distributed along the entire length of wet hair;
  3. After 30-40 minutes, the composition is washed off by 80-100%;
  4. Hair is 100% blow-dried. Next, the hair is carefully smoothed with specialized straightening irons.

Immediately after treatment with a hot iron, the hair takes on a well-groomed appearance.

On average, the procedure takes about 1.5-2 hours, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.

Effect of the procedure

Immediately after completing the hair straightening procedure, you can see the effectiveness of this technique. In fact, you can immediately see: If your hair was curly and fluffy before the procedure, then after its completion it will become smooth and straight; Even lifeless hair will become shiny and healthy, and split ends will disappear; Among other things, your hair will now be protected from ultraviolet rays and harmful environmental influences. It is also important that the effect of straightened, healthy hair will last for three to five months. At the end of this period, it is advisable to repeat the procedure to prolong the effect. Another advantage of the procedure is that after each subsequent use, protein accumulates in the hair, which allows you to extend its duration and intensity.

Hair care after the procedure

After the procedure is done, the master must give you a special sulfate-free shampoo and keratin mask, designed to additionally saturate your hair with protein and keratin. For the first time after this straightening, it is undesirable to do anything with your hair. For example, you should not paint them for the next 2 weeks, or subject them to other chemical procedures. That is, very careful and careful handling of hair is necessary. Then the effect of the procedure will last longer. How long does the effect last? As a rule, this is the most common question asked by girls who want to undergo this procedure. This is actually affected by the condition and type of your hair. For example, if you have thin or bleached hair, the result will last less time. On average, hair retains its appearance after the first procedure for about 3–4 months.

Don't forget that nanoplasty, like keratin, has a cumulative effect. Therefore, with each procedure, you will notice that your hair will remain straight for a longer time.

Be sure to use sulfate-free care cosmetics to maintain the effect.

How to do hair nanoplasty at home

It is not recommended to perform hair nanoplasty on your own. The technique requires preliminary training - the procedure has its own nuances. For example, the exposure time of the composition on the head and the temperature of the straightener are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the hair. It is enough to overheat the iron a little or overexpose the product so that the smooth strands turn into straw rods. It is more profitable and safer to spend time looking for a good master.

As a rule, the effect of a home procedure is less pronounced and disappears faster. But if you still decide to carry out hair nanoplasty yourself, take care of purchasing a quality product. Do not use dubious products that do not indicate the composition...


The uniqueness is also confirmed by the fact that nanoplasty can be performed for allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women and children.

All over the world, the procedure is considered environmentally friendly and safe, therefore it is recommended by many hairdressers for healthy hair.

However, nanoplasty should not be performed for those who suffer from dandruff, skin diseases and wounds, as well as for completely damaged and spoiled hair . To begin with, it is worth carrying out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Real reviews of hair nanoplasty

We invite you to read real stories about the use of this procedure.
Alisa, Moscow: All my life I had unruly curls, I could hardly comb them and I even wanted to cut them off. A friend advised me to do this procedure, that is, to straighten my hair for a long time. To be honest, I didn’t believe that my curls could be fixed with anything. But this is truly a miracle! My locks are now below my shoulders and they are perfectly straight. After washing your hair, they also lie straight, without styling or additional straightening. The only drawback is that the procedure takes a long time, 3.5 hours for my strands, slightly below the shoulders. Overall, I'm delighted!

Anastasia, Saratov: I had the procedure done a month ago, my hair looks like it was originally. I wash my hair every day, it gets dirty quickly, but I read that this is normal. I have absolutely no complaints, I love my strands, which are so easy to style and don’t require any straightening. A very useful and necessary procedure!

Alisa, Yekaterinburg: I ​​treated my curls with Botox and decided to try the procedure. Botox does not straighten or make strands smooth, which cannot be said about the nanoplasty procedure. I liked the fact that for 3 weeks now my hair has not become frizzy or frizzy, as it was before the procedure. Yes, I wash my curls more often, but they have become much stronger and have stopped falling out. I will recommend it to my friends.

Before and after photos for long and short hair

It’s worth looking at a few “before and after” photos and it will become clear that this procedure is a real salvation.

From the photo we can conclude that the procedure works equally well on any length and type of hair.

The only difference can be in price: the longer the hair, the higher the price .


Incredibly useful components are part of nanoplastics.

  • The first thing that serves for quick recovery is keratin. It fills curls with vitality, providing them with thermal protection;
  • Wheat and silk proteins make your hair soft and shiny;
  • Argan oil allows you to straighten your curls with an iron and blow dry. Serves as an excellent heat treatment;
  • Collagen restores dead epithelial cells, thereby giving hair a healthy appearance.

The beneficial properties are developed in such a way that they envelop only those hair cells that are most in need of nutrition and treatment. Keratin cannot oversaturate healthy segments, but only gives them shine and elasticity.

Training of masters

Training of masters can be carried out in groups or individually. During the seminars, training on a live model is mandatory. The duration of training usually does not exceed 1 day. During this time, students receive the theoretical part of the study, and after that they take turns participating in nanoplasty.

Hand cream will help your hair too

To study, it is not necessary to be a hairdresser or take any preliminary courses. Seminars are conducted with students of any preparatory level, from beginner to professional, for whom advanced training lessons are developed separately. There is also distance learning, but this option is the least preferable of all that are offered on the beauty industry market.

Before starting independent practice, it is still better to see the process live, participate in it, feel the quality of the hair to the touch before and after the manipulation. With good training in hairdressing, distance learning is still allowed.

The difference between hair nanoplasty and Botox

Some girls say that Botox is more popular than nanoplasty. Let's talk a little about a procedure called Botox.

Yes, indeed, Botox is much more popular. After all, nanoplastics is a new thing. More recently, this procedure came to us, but has already managed to win the hearts of most of the fair sex.

The difference between Botox and nanoplasty is one thing: Botox does not straighten curls, but simply nourishes them. You can easily perform the Botox procedure at home by treating only the hair roots. Also, Botox differs significantly in its composition from nanoplasty. It does not contain all the useful components and amino acids to obtain the desired result.

Girls with minor damage to their curls turn to Botox to maintain their general condition. The procedure nourishes, protects, gives strength and health, and also provides your curls with an aesthetic appearance.

Prices in showrooms

The nanoplasty procedure in the salon is quite expensive. On average, the price per session is from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.

Depending on the experience of the master and the choice of product, the price can rise to 15-25 thousand rubles.

The price consists of:

  • master's experience
  • prices of funds
  • general additions to nanoplastics
  • installation cost
  • client's hair length
  • hair thickness
  • degree of hair damage

There is no need to spare money for this procedure - the effect will last for a long time, and your hair will delight you with beauty.

PRP therapy cannot be performed if:

  • the patient's blood has a low platelet count;
  • the patient has psychoemotional disorders;
  • have cancer;
  • have blood diseases;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes have arisen;
  • the patient is taking blood thinners;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The effectiveness of the treatment will continue for two or more years. Posting on Instagram with a video of the procedure and a brief description.

Advantages of the method

After looking at photos of hair nanoplasty and reading reviews, you will be convinced that this procedure is very effective and allows you to achieve amazing results. By contacting our studio, you will receive a high-quality service with the following advantages:

  • All products used during nanoplasty are safe; they do not harm your curls and health in general.
  • There are no unpleasant odors during heat treatment of hair, and there is no burning sensation.
  • You get not only an aesthetic, but also a healing effect.
  • The result lasts for a long time.
  • Hair is protected from the adverse effects of external factors, excess oiliness is eliminated and hair growth is accelerated.
  • The root volume of the hair is preserved.
  • After the procedure, care and styling will not take much time or effort.

By contacting our studio, you will receive high-quality, professional hair nanoplasty at an affordable cost.

What should be the water for washing your hair?

If possible, wash your hair with filtered and boiled water. A good solution would be to use water that has been infused with silicon and shungite. These pebbles have a bactericidal effect and draw out everything harmful from the water.

If this is not possible, then add herbal decoctions or soda to the tap water. These components can mitigate the harmful effects of chlorine.

Quick solutions. We get rid of the problem in seconds.

1. Plain or mineral water.

Just moisten your palms and gently run them through your hair - the electricity is gone. Carry a bottle of thermal water with you in your purse. Use it whenever you need to “smooth” your hair.

2. Cream.

Any cream will do to remove “electricity” from strands. The procedure is performed by analogy with water.

Take a little cream, rub it in your palms and go through the strands. But you need to use this product in moderation, otherwise your hair will be greasy.

3. Styling products

Today there are a huge number of such products.

Hairsprays and gels, smoothing serums, styling balms - take a closer look at them and choose the right one.

In addition to the antistatic effect, intensive nutrition and recovery are guaranteed.

4. Moisturizing spray.

It is not difficult to make such a product yourself. Add a few drops of lavender and rose oils to a glass of mineral water.

Once you spray the mixture onto your strands, it will be much easier to style your hair.

5. Hair dryer, iron and comb with ionization.

A modern and reliable way to deal with static electricity on strands is to purchase electrical appliances with an ionization effect.

A simple press of a button activates a mechanism that removes static electricity instantly! Many models have tourmaline coating. This is a crystal that, when heated, saturates the space with negative ions.

Such “smart” devices are more expensive, but they have a comprehensive positive effect on the hair.

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