Which is better: keratin straightening or hair nanoplasty?

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Svetlana Tarasova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in the field of haircuts, styling, hair care, coloring.
Today, the cosmetic services market provides girls with a huge selection of hair care options. With the help of modern preparations, you can give your curls a healthy shine, make them smooth and silky. The most popular procedures are keratin straightening and hair nanoplasty. An uninformed person will not immediately understand the differences between the procedures, since each innovative service has its own execution technique, advantages and disadvantages.

What is the difference between keratin straightening and hair nanoplasty

To decide which procedure to do for yourself, you need to understand how the techniques differ and what effect can be achieved as a result.

Keratin straightening is a cosmetic procedure that uses liquid keratin, a protein that is a building component of the hair structure. In addition, the drug contains formaldehyde, a toxic substance , which is why keratin treatment is often not recommended.

Nanoplasty is essentially a form of straightening that uses acids, oils and keratin. The procedure is considered more gentle, but not as effective. The method will not restore and restore shine to very damaged curls . Hair lamination gives a similar result.

Keratin straightening - what kind of hair treatment and its effect

Even hairdressers sometimes cannot decide what is best to choose for the client’s hair in order to achieve the desired result with minimal harm. During the procedure, a special composition is applied to the curls, after which they are exposed to temperature - worked with irons from 8-24 times, depending on the desired effect.

Although a pronounced result will be noticeable after the first application of the composition, the procedure has a cumulative effect . If you properly care for your hair after straightening and then re-straighten it, the effect of the composition can last for a whole year.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the quality of the original drug. It is worth giving preference to trusted manufacturers with a good reputation .

Since the straightening product contains formaldehyde, the procedure may have negative consequences. Do not work in a room with poor ventilation. You should be careful if you are prone to allergic reactions. The master must use protective equipment - a mask.

The average cost of the procedure is quite high. It depends on the length, thickness of the strands and the quality of the product used. The price is also affected by whether the procedure is carried out at home or in a beauty salon - the cost can reach 150-200 dollars.

Keratin can be of different types. There are classic (strong) and soft compositions. Their use depends on the original hair type and the desired result.

Classic keratin

The classic drug is used when working with very curly and coarse hair. For thick, dark, strong-textured strands, this composition is best suited. It evens out and makes even complex curls smooth.

The master must warn the client that after using classic keratin, it is impossible to achieve hydration, restoration and nutrition of the curls. After the procedure, thickness and volume decrease .

Soft keratin

Restoring the structure of slightly curly hair can be achieved using a soft composition. Straightening is not so harsh, but the procedure brings hydration, density, and strengthening to the curls. The hair will become smooth and shiny.

Compositions in this group are suitable for normal hair that is prone to fluffiness and light curl . Can be used on porous, bleached or light brown hair.

Understanding which product is suitable for whom, you can choose a drug that will only restore beauty and shine, but will not cause harm.

Nanoplasty - what is the procedure and what is the effect?

The purpose of nanoplasty is leveling. The result is achieved after the first application. The basis of the composition is amino acids.

Preparations for nanoplasty cope with highly curled, coarse and dark curls . Since there is not a lot of keratin in the composition, the effect may not be enough for such a long period - it depends on the structure and initial type of hair. The procedure has a more pronounced caring effect.

Nanoplasty should not be used on thin and bleached hair, brittle and damaged hair.

It is useless to expect that severely damaged strands will be restored after nanoplasty. Some of the hair volume may be lost; in some girls, hair falls out quite intensively after the procedure.

Before the procedure, it is worth considering that both for undyed strands and after coloring, the curls will slightly change their color. They become 1-2 shades lighter due to the effect of amino acids.

After nanoplasty, it is important to wash your hair properly. Some girls noticed that smooth hair began to get greasy faster and began to require washing more often.

Negative reviews

Negative reviews come from women who had straightening done by a young specialist who had not mastered the technological process. Such masters charge little for their services, and the consequences of a visit to them can be sad. But not everyone is ready to share negative experiences.

Negative reviews are also associated with incorrect selection of materials. The use of hot ironing immediately after the procedure always causes damage to the hair, which also does not suit clients.

Who is suitable for nanoplasty and who is keratin?

Each girl must decide what is best to do individually. The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • initial condition of hair - degree of damage;
  • structure - how curly and porous it is;
  • how the effect of a particular composition last
  • cost of procedures;
  • health status – keratin has more contraindications.

Keratin is a stronger composition, but also more toxic to both the hair and the respiratory system during straightening. The drug, unlike the composition for nanoplasty, moisturizes and restores hair, changing the porous structure to a smoother one.

How often should the procedure be repeated?

A group of factors influences how long it takes to repeat the procedure. It is important what skincare products a woman uses, how often she washes her hair, and how she takes care of herself.

Keratin straightening

Since keratin has a cumulative effect, straightening will not be required after 2-3 procedures . Renewal is necessary only as new length grows.

Although the effect lasts for at least 4 months after the first keratin treatment, to consolidate the result, the treatment of the strands should be repeated after 2.5-3 months.


Nanoplasty, unlike keratin, does not have a cumulative effect . Repeated treatment can be done after 2 months.

It is important to retreat the composition 2-3 cm from the roots during application - this is a guarantee that the hair will not become oily and appear dirty so quickly.

Negative consequences

Incorrectly performed straightening with a chemical composition leads to various negative consequences.

The effects of the components on the hair structure can be detrimental.

Dropping out

The balm and neutralizer should be applied at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the roots. Otherwise, the chemicals will damage the cells and hair will begin to fall out.

You can stop hair loss with the help of special pharmaceutical hair preparations.

If a month after the procedure there is more hair loss and treatment with improvised means does not help, you should consult a trichologist.


Increased fragility of hair after straightening indicates disturbances in the structure. You can restore it with the help of nourishing oils and masks.

If the condition does not improve over time, the damaged ends need to be cut and a healthy length should be grown again.


The presence of small abrasions on the scalp after the procedure indicates a chemical burn. You should not scratch off the resulting crust, because... suppuration may appear.

It's better to wait for complete healing. If new lesions appear, consult a doctor.

Pros and cons of nanoplasty

The advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • absence of formaldehyde and other toxic substances;
  • harmless to nursing women;
  • benefits for broken and dry ends - they are restored;
  • speed - everything will take about an hour, depending on the length and thickness.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • no cumulative effect;
  • lightening by 1-2 tones;
  • a ban on dyeing immediately after the procedure - the composition simply will not be applied, although there will be no harm;
  • feeling of rapid contamination.

Root coloring can be done in just 1-2 days. The composition will only be taken where the nanoplastic chemical has not been applied.


Overgrown ends should be periodically adjusted. The procedure on the roots will have to be repeated every six months.

A straightening compound is applied to the regrown areas of hair at the roots. After 40-60 minutes, it is washed off and treated with a fixative.

After which the hair becomes smooth along its entire length again. The correction procedure takes up to three hours in the salon.

Advantages and disadvantages of keratin straightening

The method has the following advantages:

  • the result of leveling remains for a long period of time - from 4 months;
  • strands are less susceptible to electrification on frosty days;
  • curls become smoother, shiny, even and elastic;
  • hair is noticeably restored.

The disadvantages of the keratin method include the following:

  • the use of very high temperatures - to achieve the effect, each strand should be ironed at a temperature of 200-230 degrees;
  • a ban on the use of the technique by pregnant and lactating women;
  • the constant presence of a rather pungent odor - due to formaldehyde in the composition.

You should also wait a bit with coloring. Restrictions are lifted 2 weeks after applying the composition and working through the strands. By the way, you can find out whether hair deteriorates after keratin straightening here.

Care cosmetics for hair after straightening with keratin

To maintain the effect of keratin for a long time, proper care is important. Not every product can be used to wash your hair . It is also worth considering how to properly dry your hair and how long you can leave shampoo on your hair.

How to choose the right shampoo and hair conditioner

After keratin treatment, you cannot use regular shampoo - the effect of the procedure will quickly evaporate. It is necessary to select a special product belonging to the sulfate-free group.

In addition to shampoo, you must use moisturizers when washing. During the first month, only conditioners and sprays containing keratin are allowed. After 30 days you can apply masks.

Any moisturizing compositions are not suitable for application to the roots . This will make your head look dirty and greasy in just a few hours, and the root volume will be lost.

Attention! not use shampoos that contain sodium chloride . Preparations that contain oils have a negative effect on the leveling effect.

When washing your hair, you should not rub your hair. In the first few days, you should avoid using a hair dryer or straightener. If you still decide to dry the strands, then it is important to direct the air only from top to bottom, and also use only hot air .

Top 5 best lines of shampoos for hair after keratin straightening and nanoplasty

Choosing an inexpensive but suitable shampoo after keratin straightening can be difficult. Manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, often indicate implausible information on the packaging, so it is important to read the composition very carefully, and not just the advertising information .

Here are the most proven formulations that will help maintain the straightening effect for the stated period:

  1. Hairluxe keratin line.
  2. Bielita organic.
  3. Nano organic.
  4. Kerasist
  5. Schwarzkopf color freeze.

The less foam on the head during the washing process, the less the keratin coating suffers . You can pay attention to this fact when using the composition for the first time.


To ensure maximum effectiveness of the procedure, colorists recommend providing your curls with proper aftercare:

  • regularly apply special moisturizing and fortified masks to the strands, the composition of which is enriched with fermented milk components and vegetable oils;
  • immediately after performing Botox, take any multivitamins;
  • In the first days after restoration with the serum, protect your curls from exposure to direct sunlight, too low or high temperatures, wind and other aggressive natural factors.

Quite often, clients ask which shampoo is best to use after Botox. There are no restrictions in this direction. You can use any shampoo to wash your hair, as long as it is not intended for deep cleansing. The ideal option would be to purchase shampoo from the same brand from which Botox was used.

Expert advice on how to maintain the effect of the procedure longer

To maintain the straightening effect, you should listen to simple recommendations:

  1. In the first three days, do not wet the strands and do not use varnishes, foams or mousses for styling.
  2. Do not visit the sauna , bathhouse, swimming pool or take a bath.
  3. For the first time after straightening with keratin, avoid hairstyles that require pulling or bending the hair.
  4. Sleep on a pillowcase whose material will not stimulate the production of sweat on your head.
  5. Dry your hair with hot air , as under its influence the keratin hardens.
  6. Avoid using citric acid and vinegar in hair masks.

If your hair suddenly becomes a little frizzy, you can use argan oil . This product effectively smoothes strands and consolidates the straightening effect.

Answers to popular questions

What hair cannot be treated with nanoplasty and keratin straightening?

There is no type of curl for which one of these procedures would be contraindicated. You should refuse to perform it only if you have androgenetic alopecia or if there are health contraindications - oncology, allergies, pregnancy, asthma, hormonal imbalances, scalp diseases, taking antibiotics.

Is it possible to dye your hair after keratin and nanoplasty?

Coloring is allowed 2 weeks after straightening or no later than 7 days before the procedure.

Can I use a curling iron and straightener after the procedure?

It is possible, but it is better to do this as rarely as possible, since the hair holds its shape well even after blow-drying.

Features of the compositions

Sodium hydroxide

Harmful. Effective even on very curly hair. Curls should be healthy. If the technology is violated, chemical burns remain on the scalp.

Guanidine hydroxide

Causes moderate damage. Dries out hair a lot. After the procedure, curls require increased hydration.

Ammonium thioglycolate

Used more often than others. Suitable for any hair. Virtually no damage to the structure. Will cause damage to hair if left on longer than stated in the instructions.


Suitable for bleached hair. One of the most gentle. The result after this service may be far from desired

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