Thermal water for the face: how to choose and how to use correctly?

When the water-salt balance is disturbed, the skin takes on a painful, dull appearance, irritation and rashes appear on it. In addition, lack of moisture is one of the main causes of premature aging.

Thermal water will help quench your skin's thirst. You can carry the spray with you in your purse, use it at home or keep it on your desk in the office - your skin will be moisturized and fresh. Regular use of thermal water allows you to retain natural moisture in the layers of the epidermis, as well as protect it from adverse external factors.

What is thermal water and its purpose

The use of mineral water for cosmetic purposes has become relevant since the middle of the last century. It is obtained from various thermal springs. The composition of the liquid cannot be the same, since the content of minerals and trace elements is influenced by regional factors (mineral deposits, groundwater level, ecology).

A modern cosmetic product, thermal water, is a liquid enriched with substances beneficial to the skin. The function of the product is to enhance the protective properties of the epidermis, moisturize and tone. This improves blood microcirculation and opens access to oxygen to the cells.

Thermal water is poured into bottles with a sprayer of different volumes. Small cans are convenient to carry with you to maintain a presentable appearance in the office and on the road.

The cosmetic product contains minerals and trace elements that the skin urgently needs: magnesium, calcium, silicon, selenium. Zinc provides an anti-inflammatory effect, and bicarbonates make the face velvety and soft to the touch. Water relieves irritation, fights redness and signs of premature aging.

In the absence of contraindications, thermal water can be used for any skin type.

Beneficial properties of water for skin

All women try to preserve their beauty longer. To do this, they use modern cosmetics, which, even if they bring an effect, are fleeting. This is because the reasons must be sought within.

Healthy skin always looks attractive and well-groomed. If your body is not functioning properly, it can negatively affect your skin. Wrinkles, dryness and discoloration may occur. It turns out that the cause of such failures may be a simple lack of water in the body.

Benefits of water for skin:

  • body detox;
  • Preventing premature aging;
  • elimination of edema.

The main feature of water is its ability to cleanse the body. It removes toxins, allergens and toxins that negatively affect the skin. In this way, the body is renewed naturally.

Wrinkles, dry skin and loss of skin color can be caused by lack of water. It's no wonder that there are so many cosmetic procedures that enrich the skin with moisture. According to experts, for maximum effectiveness of moisturizing procedures, you need to act both externally and internally. In other words, they recommend drinking water and also making special moisturizing masks.

Remove the cover! This may seem strange, but water calms swelling rather than promoting its formation.

It turns out that excess fluid begins to accumulate in the body not because there is a lot of it, but vice versa. Moreover, drinks such as coffee or tea are not considered water at all. When a woman makes such an uneven change, little needed fluid enters the cells, disrupting their processes. The result is swelling. The skin becomes sluggish, bags under the eyes often appear, especially in the morning. So the cause of swelling is not due to excess water.

How to choose

To select thermal water, take into account the following factors:

  • composition components;
  • manufacturer;
  • purpose of the product;
  • best before date;
  • what problems does it solve?

A product for dry skin should contain minerals and oligoelements in high concentration. They provide intense hydration. It is also worth considering options made on the basis of hyaluronic acid and natural extracts (for example, lotus, white grapes). Water enriched with bicarbonate-sodium complexes deserves attention. Selenium also provides a moisturizing effect, but you may be allergic to it.

For oily skin, thermal water containing zinc salts is suitable. They regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands well. Oligoelements will help prevent inflammation as a result of clogging of pores with fat. Other beneficial substances include: fluorine, manganese, silver, salicylic acid, vitamin C, lactic acid. But iron, if included, should be in the last position on the list.

Thermal water for combination skin should contain:

  • concentrated complex of mineral salts;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins;
  • antioxidants.

These substances help maintain the hydrobalance of the epidermis.

Sensitive skin needs a product enriched with iron, manganese, fluorine, silver, and zinc. The composition should also contain anti-inflammatory substances, components of natural origin: aloe, green/white tea, grape extract, lotus, rice. These are natural antioxidants that do an excellent job of moisturizing and eliminating irritation.

For normal skin, water is selected taking into account the predilection for one or another type. The universal composition contains hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, essential oils, and a sulfate-bicarbonate complex.

Vichy (VICHY)

The resort town of Vichy is located in the heart of France (three hours by train from Paris), on the banks of the Allier River. It is surrounded by green gardens and parks, and its 15 thermal springs originate in the hills of the Auvergne, home of the famous blue cheeses. Volcanic rocks saturate Vichy water with sodium bicarbonate and carbon dioxide.

It also contains 17 mineral salts and 13 trace elements. The healing power of the local thermal water was known thousands of years ago. Warriors of Ancient Rome came to this “Village by Warm Waters” to gain strength and heal their wounds. In the 16th century, King Henry IV of France, having become convinced from his own experience of the beneficial effects of the resort’s thermal water, ordered the construction of his residence in this town and gave it the name Vichy.

For a long time, access to miracle springs was open only to members of the royal family. And now, relaxing in the luxurious hotels of the thermal complex or walking in its beautiful parks, you feel like a guest of the emperor’s summer residence. Since 1931, the L'Oreal concern has been producing a line of medicinal cosmetics based on the thermal water of one of the Vichy springs - Luc.


Vichy thermal water is sodium bicarbonate. There are up to 5.1 g of minerals per 1 liter. If this indicator is higher than 1 g/l, the water already belongs to the class of increased mineralization.


Soothes the skin, enhances its protective properties, promotes the process of cell renewal. Water is famous for its ability to improve metabolic processes at the cellular level and, as a result, effectively remove waste and toxins from the skin.


Designed for both dehydrated sensitive skin and problematic youth skin. It is recommended to spray water on cleansed skin and after half a minute blot off the excess with a napkin.


All thermal waters differ in composition and purpose. Conventionally, the funds are divided into several types.

Low mineral content (up to 1 g/l)The product provides a slight anti-inflammatory effect and moisturizing. Purpose: for dry skin.
High content of minerals and trace elements.Complex effect on dermal tissue. The product dries out acne, reduces sebum production, and relieves inflammation. Purpose: for oily skin.
Water with neutral pH. The concentration of minerals and trace elements corresponds to the indicators of blood and tissue fluids. The cosmetic product has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation, and provides intense hydration. Purpose: normal and dry skin.
Selenium content
Selenium saltsIdeal for summer. The composition soothes the skin, relieves irritation, and neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Purpose: sensitive skin.
Essential oils and plant extracts
Extracts: lavender, cornflower, violets, chamomile, etc. Esters: peach, grape seeds, orange, tea tree, etc.Purified water, enriched with useful components that help eliminate a specific problem (sebum production, inflammation relief, acne drying, etc.).

When choosing thermal water, you should carefully study the composition. If you are allergic to at least one component, you should avoid purchasing.


1. Conducted post-marketing research on the effectiveness of Aven thermal water

in the form of monotherapy or in combination with drug treatment in 794 patients with sensitive skin, allergic, inflammatory skin diseases or after cosmetic procedures showed a significantly significant improvement in all indicators of the dermatological status index, which indicates the advisability of its use in this category of patients.

2. Application of Aven thermal water,

According to the patients themselves, it has a high effect, helping to relieve inflammation, reducing the subjective signs that accompany increased skin sensitivity, which, together with ease of use and the absence of side effects, determines high patient compliance with this method of therapy.

3. Thermal water Avene

indicated for patients with various allergic and inflammatory skin diseases (allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, photodermatitis) provided there is no uncontrolled progression of secondary infection (bacterial, viral), as well as for patients with sensitive (intolerant) skin and after ablative cosmetic procedures.


Achieving the desired effect, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer of thermal water, is possible only if you follow the sequence of the procedure, using the following algorithm of actions:

  1. From a distance of 10-15 cm, press the spray valve, pointing the outlet towards your face.
  2. Wait 1-2 minutes until the product is absorbed.
  3. Gently blot off any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

An alternative way to use water is to create a cloud at head level by pressing down on the spray nozzle. All that remains is to enter it.

It is better to apply water to cleansed skin. You can also spray the product after each layer of cosmetics. This promotes better penetration of care substances into the skin.

There are different ways to use thermal water. Depending on the chosen technique, a certain effect can be achieved.

  1. To preserve makeup, a thermal spray is applied on top of the cream. Using your fingertips, lightly press the moisture into the skin.
  2. Additional moisturizing - the product is applied to the face after cleansing, then massaged with gentle movements of the fingers. Next, use your usual care product.
  3. To get the effect of freshness, splash water on your face every time you feel dry.
  4. You can reduce the intensity of the powdery layer, which emphasizes wrinkles, by spraying thermal water on your face. The dull matte look will be replaced by a radiant look.

When pressing the sprayer, hold the valve for 3-5 seconds.


Not far from Grenoble, in the small town of Uriage-les-Bains at the foot of the Alps, there is one of the most popular thermal resorts in France - Uriage. Its waters have to travel a long way through many crystalline rocks before breaking free in a deep grotto, hidden from external pollution. As a result, they remain bacteriologically pure and are saturated with a cocktail of vital minerals.

The first hydropathic clinic was built in Uriage-les-Bains at the beginning of the 19th century, after the doctor of medicine Jules Wulfranck-Gerdy published a scientific treatise on the unique composition of the water of the local source and its healing effects on the skin. Nowadays, the Biorga laboratory operates on the basis of the source, where they produce Uryazh medicinal cosmetics.


This is the only isotonic thermal water (essentially a saline solution close in composition to the formula of human blood) used in dermatology. Has a neutral pH level.


Moisturizes, soothes, protects the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun, wind, unfavorable environment and stress, gives it radiance, and also increases local immunity.


Designed for sensitive, irritated and inflamed skin of adults and children (even newborns). After spraying, there is no need to blot excess water with a napkin - it will have the best effect if you let it absorb into the skin.

Top 5 funds

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water

Brand: La Roche-Posay.


  • suitable for sensitive types who are prone to irritation;
  • provides anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect;
  • tones, activates regenerative function;
  • eliminates signs of premature aging;
  • neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals;
  • relieves swelling;
  • can be used as a moisturizer to treat dermatological problems, instead of a toner.

There are no shortcomings, as confirmed by user reviews on various forums.

Price – 480 rub.

I am the most thermal water

Brand: I am the most (Russia).
The product is made from water extracted from thermal springs. There are no preservatives or cosmetic additives in the composition. This is a 100% natural product that provides nourishment and hydration to the skin.


  • instant action;
  • eliminates dryness, tightness effect;
  • removes signs of irritation that appear from the sun, air conditioning and other negative factors;
  • maintains makeup throughout the day.

The product has no significant disadvantages.

Price – 294 rub.

Vichy Thermal Water Spa Mineralisante

Brand: Vichy (France).

The products can be used from 18 years of age and are suitable for all skin types. The product is universal, applied at any time of the day. The main purpose of mineralized liquid is to combat irritation, intensive hydration, and toning.


  • starts the process of cell regeneration;
  • the composition has a unique formula, which is due to the extraction of water from the depths of the volcano;
  • the spray bottle sprays the product with small specks;
  • the protective functions of the epidermis are enhanced;
  • highly mineralized liquid, including 17 minerals and 13 trace elements.

There are no disadvantages, as confirmed by numerous user reviews.

Price – from 450 rub.

Librederm Thermal water

Brand: Librederm (Scotland).

The composition is enriched with microelements and mineral salts. The product can be used from 10 years of age on any skin type. The product provides nutrition, hydration, and cleansing.


  • gives tenderness, makes the face fresh;
  • eliminates irritation;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • after drying there is no tightness effect;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.


  • poor-quality sprayer (drops too large);
  • there is no information on the degree of mineralization.

Price 340 rub.

Thermal water Tegoder Cosmetics

Brand: TEGOR (Spain).

Polarized water is part of the line of top-class cosmetics. Its composition, extracted from deep thermal springs, gives it exclusivity. The cosmetic effect is achieved due to the content of active compounds: iron, copper, bromine, iodine, magnesium, sodium, lecithin, oleic acid.


  • is well absorbed by tissues and cells, substances penetrate to the fibroblast layer;
  • Microencapsulation nanotechnology is used in manufacturing;
  • cell renewal;
  • enriching the skin with oxygen and energy;
  • maintaining humidity within normal limits throughout the day;
  • creating protection from ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors;
  • additional actions (anti-inflammatory, desensitizing).

The product has practically no disadvantages. There is no constructive criticism on the forums, only the high cost is mentioned.

Price – 2720 rub.

Material and methods

On the basis of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, clinical post-marketing studies were conducted to study the effectiveness of the use of Aven thermal water

in the form of a spray for patients with problematic facial skin, as well as in complex therapy for patients with acute or chronic diseases with localization of the process on the facial skin.

Inclusion criteria:

- isolated manifestations of increased skin sensitivity (for example, due to climatic stress or the influence of incorrectly selected cosmetics);

- acute allergic or inflammatory symptoms in dermatological diseases (allergic contact dermatitis, simple dermatitis, intolerance to cosmetics, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, erythemotelangiectatic papulopustular form of rosacea, acne, photosensitivity);

- sensitive or hyperreactive (intolerant) skin after dermatological procedures (vascular laser, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, laser resurfacing).

Exclusion criteria:

- exacerbation of inflammatory dermatoses with uncontrolled progression of secondary infection (bacterial, viral).

We observed 794 patients (21.7% men and 78.3% women) aged from 3 to 76 years (median age 34.9±12.5 years). The reasons that prompted patients to visit a medical facility and the basis for prescribing thermal water are presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Reasons for patients seeking consultation and reasons for prescribing Aven thermal water.

Thus, 374 patients (47.1%) with an inflammatory process on the facial skin associated with the underlying skin disease were observed: allergic contact dermatitis (17.6%), simple dermatitis (6.8%), acne (16.6 %), seborrheic dermatitis (13.1%), intolerant skin (12.8%), atopic dermatitis (12.3%), erythematous stage (4.8%) and papulopustular stage of rosacea (2.7%), photodermatoses (4.0%), other dermatoses (2.4%) (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The most common skin diseases in the examined patient population.

Signs of sensitive skin were noted by 294 (37.0%) patients after various cosmetic procedures: chemical peeling (33.2%), laser procedures (27.6%), other procedures (15.8%), vascular laser (12. 2%), cryotherapy (7.7%), dermabrasion (2.6%), electrocoagulation (1.0%) (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The most common cosmetic procedures among the examined patient population.

126 (15.9%) patients had signs of sensitive or intolerant skin, which was the reason for contacting a dermatologist.

All patients used Aven thermal water

in the form of a spray 2 times a day for 6.3±1.6 days (average 7 days) as part of complex treatment (58.7%) or as monotherapy (41.3%). The effectiveness analysis was carried out on the basis of examination, photography and assessment of effectiveness and tolerability by the doctor and the patient himself at two end points: DO+5 - after the first use (5 minutes after irrigation), and D7 - after 7 days. At the last visit, patients' compliance was also assessed and their comparison of previous methods that were used for the same indications.

The work used a developed and adapted skin sensitivity scale (Sensitive Scale), which includes the main criterion - the severity of irritation (irritation) of the skin, two objective signs (hot flashes, visual condition of the skin) and seven subjective signs (tingling, itching, pain, burning, tightness , general discomfort, feeling of heat) on a 10-point scale (the maximum value of the total index is 100 points). In patients with atopic dermatitis, the assessment was carried out based on the dermatological status index TIS (Three Iten Severity Scored), which takes into account the severity of erythema, excoriation and infiltration of papular elements on a 3-point scale (the maximum value of the total index is 9 points).

How to cook at home

An alternative to store-bought cosmetics are products prepared according to folk recipes. They are not difficult to make if you strictly follow the technology.

The composition of thermal water is similar to mineral water, so the easiest option is to use bottled products. It is important that the water is not just carbonated, but mineral. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the place of extraction. It is better if these are mountainous regions or known deposits.

Gases are first released from the water. To do this, the bottle is left open for a couple of days so that excess salts and heavy trace elements evaporate from the liquid contents. The following ingredients can enhance the effect of homemade thermal water:

  • decoctions of medicinal plants (calendula, mint, chamomile, etc.);
  • aloe juice, lemon;
  • essential oils (tea tree, orange, lavender, rosemary, etc.).

The components for the composition are selected taking into account the skin type. Then the product will fully perform its functions.

Combinations of ingredients based on skin type

Skin typeList of components
Drymineral water (100 ml); linden blossom decoction (50 ml); orange ether (2 drops).
Fatmineral water (100 ml); lemon juice (1 tsp); peach ether (2 drops).
Combinedmineral water (100 ml); mint decoction (20 ml); sage decoction (30 ml); ylang-ylang ether (2 drops).
Fadingmineral water (100 ml); lavender ether (3 drops).

Thermal water, which contains decoctions of calendula, mint or chamomile, is recommended to be frozen in ice cube trays. The cooling effect of healing cubes will make your face fresh and toned.

For convenient use of a homemade product, you need to select a small bottle with a spray bottle.

Skin transformation recipes

Nutrition, skin healing, salt peeling for the face are common procedures in beauty salons and spas. You can prepare nutritious, cleansing mixtures at home. This will require a minimum of waste, a little effort and time.

Facial cleansing

Facial cleansing is an important step in facial care. Free pores, clean epidermis free of dirt and sebaceous secretions are the key to excellent “breathing” of cells, rapid absorption of nutritional components from the mask and cream. It is also important to do this carefully so as not to damage the tissue and cause minimal irritation and redness. Let's consider several recipes for high-quality and gentle cleansing:

  • Peeling with salt without additives. Pre-steam your face with a warm towel or steam. Rub the seafood product “Extra” in circular, light movements along the massage lines for 2 minutes. This should be done once every 3 days for those with oily epidermis; for normal and combination skin types, once a week is enough. After the procedure, wash with warm water and apply skin care cream.
  • Face scrub made from salt and soda. Mix 1 tbsp. salt and soda, add 2 tbsp. sour cream (for dry skin) or kefir (for oily skin). Apply the scrub to your steamed face. In problem areas where there are the largest number of blackheads, massage lightly. After 10 minutes, rinse off the product. Be sure to moisten the surface with cream or olive oil.
  • A fruit mask will help perfectly cleanse your face. Grind 1 tbsp. fruit puree from berries, kiwi or green apple with 1 tsp. salty ingredient. Place the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mixture and apply intensive moisturizing cream.


Larisa, 33 years old

I bought 50 ml of Pure aqua thermal water to try. This bottle is convenient to carry with you in your purse. I paid only 100 rubles for it. The first thing I liked was the operation of the sprayer. The flow of liquid turned into tiny particles, which, after application to the face, did not create the effect of phlegm. The second thing I appreciated was the lack of a strong aroma. The budgetary product did provide an effect, but for a short time.

Albina, 25 years old

Daily use of makeup caused dry skin. During the day, you often feel tightness, and after cleansing, peeling of the upper layer of the dermis is noticeable. A friend gave me a cosmetic set that included thermal water. The effect of the product was assessed after the first use. The unpleasant manifestations disappeared, the face began to shine. Makeup lasts better until late at night, which is important given my irregular work schedule.

Chemical composition

It has long been known that water has beneficial effects on health. Moisturizes and cleanses the body, allowing it to function properly.

Thermal water, heated by magma, passing successively through the layers of the earth and in contact with rocks, absorbs and accumulates valuable chemical elements, including:

  • Silicon
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Selenium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Iron;
  • Sulfides;
  • Silicon;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium.

It is with dissolved micro and macroelements that the therapeutic effect on the body is associated. Elevated temperature and slightly acidic reaction promote the absorption of beneficial compounds.

Since the structure of the Earth is not the same everywhere, thermal water from different sources differs in properties and composition. The content of chemical elements is also in different concentrations.

The most common element is calcium, which has a relaxing effect and prevents frequent muscle contractions, and sulfur, which has fungicidal properties.

From a microbiological point of view, such springs are not only rich in mineral compounds, but also crystal clear.

Medicinal properties

The popularity of thermal resorts is due to the fact that it can cure many ailments and is generally good for health. Cities with hospitals have long been formed around such sources.

Thanks to the above ingredients, thermal waters:

  • Improves heart function;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes;
  • Have a positive effect on cholesterol, uric acid and glucose levels;
  • Relieve pain in muscles and joints;
  • Reduce swelling;
  • Stabilizes heart rate;
  • Normalize hormonal balance;
  • Relieve stress
  • Help overcome insomnia;
  • Calms the nervous system.

Like medicinal muds, they have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, with an antioxidant effect. Inhibit free radicals, which have a carcinogenic effect and accelerate the aging of the body.

Bathing in hot springs:

  • Allows faster recovery from illness;
  • Beneficial for the circulatory system;
  • Helps relax;
  • Relieves muscle tension.

Specific properties depend on the type of thermal water, which is divided into:

  • Sulfide;
  • Magnesium;
  • Bromide;
  • Hydrogen sulfide or brine;
  • Iodine-bromine;
  • Sodium chloride;
  • Silicon

and others.

Comparative table of the presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest taking a look at the table with their characteristics below.

Product nameCountry of OriginAge of applicationSkin typeHypoallergenic Price, rub)
La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring WaterFranceanyirritated and sensitiveNofrom 400 to 650
Avene Eau Thermal WaterFranceanydry and sensitiveNofrom 479 to 600
Uriage Eau Thermale DUriageFranceno restrictionssensitiveYesfrom 370 to 500
Vichy Thermal SPA WaterFranceno restrictionsanyYesfrom 411 to 550
TOO FRUIT Fresh MistFrancefrom 7 to 12 yearsany typeYesfrom 826 to 1000
Librederm “Refreshment and hydration”Russiafrom 20 years olddry, irritatedNofrom 577 to 700
Amaranthe “Classic”Ukrainefrom 20 years oldanyYesfrom 200 to 270
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