Circumcision of the foreskin in men: before and after surgery

What is circumcision of the foreskin

Male circumcision is one of the most common urological operations. It is widely believed that circumcision of the foreskin is a very simple, routine procedure. But it is not so! In order to get an excellent aesthetic result after surgery (and not a rough, tugging, asymmetrical scar), it is very important that the procedure is performed by an experienced urologist surgeon.

In our clinic, the operation is performed by a urologist-andrologist, surgeon, Ph.D. BABIKIN Anton Vasilievich. The procedure is carried out according to the standards of aesthetic medicine: after circumcision, an invisible scar is formed.

Male circumcision performed for medical reasons is somewhat different from traditional circumcision and is more effective in treating phimosis, balanoposthitis, rapid ejaculation or eliminating hygiene problems.

Reviews from our patients after circumcision of the foreskin

On the medical forum you can read reviews from our patients after circumcision surgery. Reviews are presented in the form of postoperative photo reports, which show how the healing progressed, what problems arose after the operation and how they were resolved.

The forum discusses the treatment of balanoposthitis, phimosis, rapid ejaculation caused by increased sensitivity of the head and foreskin, and other problems that completely disappear after circumcision of the foreskin.

We perform aesthetic circumcision, when the foreskin is not simply removed, but the patient’s wishes regarding this or that type of circumcision are also taken into account, and after the operation an almost invisible scar is formed.

Indications for intimate plastic surgery

Hypertrophy of the inner labia, i.e. acceleration in development, is not considered a disease and does not impair physiological development and functioning. Depending on the size of the protrusion of the inner labia, large hypertrophy is divided into:

  • first degree - 1-2 cm;
  • second degree - from 2 to 4 cm;
  • third degree - 4-6 cm;
  • fourth degree - over 6 cm (in this case, doctors unanimously speak of hypertrophy of the labia minora).

All this causes some discomfort when wearing tight clothes and underwear, riding a bicycle, or sitting on a chair for a long time. It is impossible to engage in horse riding.

Quite often, intimate plastic surgery is required after childbirth to restore the labia cut with surgical scissors. Postpartum scars in the pelvic area can cause pain in sexual life and other problems.

Vaginal dilatation and prolapse of its walls are a common birth phenomenon. Doctors call this vaginal relaxation syndrome. Muscle tone is lost. This leads to loss of sexual sensations. Using a method of intimate plastic surgery such as laser vaginoplasty, in our medical center you can quickly and painlessly restore the elasticity and firmness of the vaginal muscles.

In the process of contouring, a medical preparation is injected under the skin - a filler, which is most often hyaluronic acid. It is gently absorbed by the human body. There is no rejection. With its help, tissues increase in volume, sagging decreases, natural hydration occurs and elasticity increases. The price for intimate contouring with hyaluronic acid filler depends on the area being treated with a combination of clitoroplasty or labiaplasty.

When is male circumcision performed?

Often circumcision of the foreskin is done simply at the request of the man . Circumcision in this case has several goals: it is a solution to problems with penile hygiene, increasing the duration of sexual intercourse with increased sensitivity of the head, and preventing inflammatory processes.

our operating room

The issue of appearance is important: some believe that the penis should look natural, others, on the contrary, are sure that after circumcision the penis looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Circumcision in men for medical reasons is carried out to treat phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin of the penis). Circumcision is also a method of treating chronic balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin and glans) in the absence of effect from conservative therapy.

Cases of circumcision of the foreskin in older men and overweight individuals are usually associated with the development of diabetes mellitus and a decrease in local immunity, when chronic inflammation of the foreskin occurs with frequent exacerbations, ending in the formation of a narrowing. The operation is aimed at eliminating the substrate of the inflammatory process - the foreskin.

In some cases, removal of the foreskin is performed when correcting the curvature of the penis, as well as before using an extender to enlarge the penis. In the latter case, the operation is justified from the point of view of ease of use of the extender apparatus (it is easier to fix the head when the frenulum and foreskin do not interfere or are pinched).

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Look at the results of treatment of our patients: photos before and after circumcision in men


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Circumcision of the foreskin and other operations in the intimate area are performed by Dr. BABIKIN A.V.


Don't waste time! Get diagnosed remotely. If the diagnosis is confirmed, come immediately for surgery.


We have a transparent pricing policy. The cost of the operation includes all stages of treatment until complete healing and does not change!


Our doctors are always in touch: telephone, forum, email. You will not be left alone after the operation, even if you cannot come to the clinic.

Cost of intimate plastic surgery in Moscow

Inexpensive intimate plastic surgery for women and men, including contouring, is an opportunity for every patient of the DeVita clinic in the Southern Administrative District and South-Western Administrative District to promptly seek qualified help from a plastic surgeon and quickly solve the aesthetic problems of the intimate sphere.

You should come for a consultation in the following cases:

  • there is a need and desire to correct the labia minora;
  • there are postpartum injuries and scars;
  • you experience some discomfort when wearing underwear;
  • involuntary ejaculation occurs periodically;
  • sexual contact causes pain;
  • uterine prolapse occurred;
  • loss of vaginal elasticity;
  • deformation of the penis;
  • excess foreskin.

Correctly performed manipulation and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations will make your sexual life bright and painless. There is no need to be afraid of such procedures! Intimate plastic surgery of the labia minora, vagina, clitoris, and penis has been well studied by specialists, and the use of advanced techniques and technologies will achieve the desired effect.

Plastic surgery today works wonders. Confirmation of this is the correction of the pelvic organs. Prices for female and male plastic surgery of intimate areas depend on the chosen method of correcting identified deficiencies and the wishes of the patient. How much does surgery cost on a specific area, consultation with doctors and rehabilitation after intimate genital plastic surgery can be found out by calling the clinic +7(495) 319-90-36

Why circumcision: pros and cons

What are the main advantages of a circumcised penis over an uncircumcised one:

  • eliminating the risk of developing phimosis
  • prevention of inflammatory diseases and sexually transmitted infections

Photos before and after circumcision are presented on our forum.

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In addition, the advantages of circumcision include:

  • increasing the duration of sexual intercourse due to a slight decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the penis. At the same time, the fullness of sensations during sex does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases due to the fact that the head is no longer covered by the foreskin during friction, but is in contact with the entire surface of the vaginal walls.
  • a significant reduction in the risk of infection during sexual intercourse in women with the HPV virus, which causes cervical cancer (in men, this virus causes genital warts).

However, whether an adult man needs circumcision surgery in the absence of phimosis and inflammatory changes, only he can decide for himself.

Hygiene of the genital organs Indeed, an open head is more hygienic. The fact is that smegma accumulates between the foreskin and the head of the penis. Like any biological fluid, it is a favorable environment for the development of infection. Moreover, it has been proven that when stagnant smegma gets on the cervix during sexual intercourse, it contributes to the appearance of a tumor there (cervical cancer). To avoid all these troubles, a man has to regularly (at least twice a day) toilet his genitals - retract the foreskin and wash off the smegma. After circumcision, there is no need for such careful care. And rumors about the need for smegma for normal sexual life are greatly exaggerated.

Decreasing sensitivity of the glans and increasing the duration of sexual intercourse After circumcision, the glans of the penis becomes less sensitive, and due to this, sexual intercourse is prolonged.

Sometimes the time of sexual intercourse may not increase at all if a man’s rapid ejaculation was not initially associated with the sensitivity of the head of the penis, but was caused by other reasons.

In order to determine whether the duration of sexual intercourse will increase after circumcision and a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans, it is necessary to do a lidocaine test : treat the glans penis with lidocaine spray or gel, and then, when the drug is absorbed, wash off the residue with water and have sexual intercourse (you can use condom with anesthetic). If ejaculation occurs later than usual, then it is safe to say that circumcision will help prolong sexual intercourse.

On average after 1-3 months. after the operation, the head becomes less sensitive, and the duration of sexual intercourse increases by 2-3 times.

However, a decrease in sensitivity can also be considered as a “minus” of circumcision. According to our observations, problems arise in 0.5-1% of patients if the man had problems completing sexual intercourse before surgery.

How intimate plastic surgery is done

The initial step before plastic surgery of the intimate area in women is a visit to the gynecologist. A consultation with a gynecologist will help collect anamnesis for an effective and safe operation. After examining and discussing the patient’s wishes, a number of studies are prescribed:

  • complete blood count;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • blood glucose;
  • blood type and Rn factor;
  • coagulogram;
  • HBsAg (hepatitis B);
  • HiV'l2 (syphilis);
  • general clinical urine test.

Most often, surgery is prescribed after the end of the menstrual cycle or no later than seven days before the start. If there are no contraindications, a date for the procedure is set.

During the intervention, excess tissue is removed with a scalpel or laser. If the adjustment is carried out with a surgical knife, then excess tissue is cut off. The skin is then stitched together with surgical sutures, which dissolve over time. Plastic surgery of intimate places must be performed under anesthesia. General or local - the patient decides if there are no contraindications for this.

An alternative method of surgical intervention includes laser correction. The carbon dioxide laser allows operations to be performed under local anesthesia, which significantly spares the cardiovascular system. The risk of large blood loss and infection during the process of intimate plastic surgery is minimized. The absence of stitches significantly reduces the rehabilitation period.

The cost of intimate plastic surgery depends on the complexity of the procedure and the choice of surgical instruments. Anesthesia, the qualification level of a specialist - all this is also included. You will receive our best intimate plastic surgery surgeon, a highly qualified doctor with extensive experience in performing such operations. You can make an appointment with him using the online form.

The laser rejuvenation procedure is recommended:

  • to restore the vagina after childbirth;
  • with decreased elasticity and sensitivity of the vagina;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • atrophy (exhaustion).

Male circumcision surgery

Circumcision in men is performed under local anesthesia. Anesthesia is used for circumcision in children, or at the urgent request of the patient. The operation is performed to treat phimosis and balanoposthitis (for medical reasons), as well as when performing circumcision of the foreskin for religious reasons or the man’s own desire.

In the vast majority of cases, circumcision surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in a day hospital. Hospitalization is required in rare cases in the presence of severe concomitant pathology.

Circumcision of the foreskin in men: the cost of the operation

The price of the operation is circumcision of the foreskin with frenuloplasty - aesthetic circumcision is performed with the formation of a neat, inconspicuous postoperative scar! — 58 thousand rubles.

The price includes all expenses associated with the operation: preparation for the operation, the operation itself, local anesthesia, stay in the ward.

In our clinic, it is possible to perform circumcision of the foreskin on the day of treatment. The time spent in the clinic is only 2-3 hours!

Interesting article: “What determines the price of a circumcision operation - how much the operation should cost and how not to overpay”

Results of intimate plastic surgery

Having intimate plastic surgery in a clinic means getting a guaranteed result. Operations are carried out in a short time. The rehabilitation period takes a little time. The procedures comply with all international plastic surgery standards. Modern equipment and technologies make it possible to avoid the consequences characteristic of surgical intervention. Missing:

  • swelling;
  • postpartum scars;
  • hematomas;
  • painful sensations;
  • the recovery period takes from several hours to several days.

Contour plastic surgery allows you to feel the results instantly. The effect appears immediately after the procedure. Rehabilitation reaches a maximum of five days. The result lasts for a long time - up to one and a half years!

By contacting the clinic, you are guaranteed to receive:

  • anonymity;
  • individual approach;
  • professionalism of doctors;
  • consultation before surgery and in the postoperative period;
  • high level of service.


In order to undergo treatment with us, please study this small section. You will have all the information, and it will be easier for us to conduct a dialogue.

  1. Check out this information:
  • The price of the operation and what is included in the price
  • What you need to know about the operation and how to prepare for it
  • If you are having surgery to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, do a test with an anesthetic
  • Look at the results and reviews from our patients to get an idea of ​​how the healing is progressing and what the post-operative scar will look like.
  • Contact us by email. email [email protected]
  • Provide information about yourself and what you want to do. We will respond as soon as possible (usually within 1 day).
  • In correspondence we will resolve the necessary issues.
  • If there are many questions or it is difficult to discuss them by mail, we will invite you to an in-person meeting. But, as a rule, this is not required.
  • Of course, we are always glad to see you! So, if you want, come for a consultation, let’s talk (indicate this in the correspondence).
  • Together we will choose the date of the operation! We will send all the instructions: what you can and cannot do, how to prepare.
  • Visit to the clinic
    • You need to arrive at the clinic at the appointed time and tell the receptionist your name and that you are booked for an operation with Dr. Babykin.
    • It is necessary to fill out the contract and pay for the operation. (The administrator will already have all the information about you and your operation)
    • You will be taken to your room and told what to change into. Everything will be given out, you don’t need to take anything with you!
    • Before the operation we will talk, I will answer your questions and ask mine.
  • The operation itself
    • We will come to the operating room together, I will help you lie down on the operating table.
    • It will take some time to prepare and treat the operation area.
    • We will begin the operation and immediately administer anesthesia. It won't hurt!
    • You can talk to us during the operation, but you must not disturb us.
  • After operation
    • We will take you to the ward, where you will need to lie down for a while.
    • We'll give you all the instructions and send you home.
  • How to be monitored after surgery
    • Observation, as a rule, takes place remotely - through a forum or by e-mail. Of course, you can come and show yourself - all this is included in the cost of treatment.
    • The most important thing is to follow our recommendations and inform us about your condition every few days (just write a few words and attach a photo so that we understand that you are doing well).
    • The sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed. But if you really want to, you can come to the clinic or remove them yourself.
  • We are sure that you will like it with us. We'll be waiting for your feedback!
  • FAQ

    • Where can I get intimate plastic surgery in Moscow? You can perform intimate plastic surgery of any complexity at the DeVita clinic in the Southern Administrative District and South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, not far from the Sevastopolskaya and Chertanovskaya metro stations.
    • Please tell me, intimate plastic surgery for vaginal reduction has contraindications, and when planning a pregnancy, will it interfere with childbirth and after it? We recommend doing intimate vaginal plastic surgery after all childbirth; before childbirth, it is better to do only plastic surgery of the labia minora (cosmetic surgery).
    • What is the recovery period after vaginoplasty? The rehabilitation period after vaginoplasty lasts 2 months. In the first month after surgery, you will have to adhere to a strict diet to avoid the risk of constipation, and avoid saunas and hot baths. Intimate contacts are postponed for one and a half to two months. It is imperative to minimize any physical activity, especially lifting anything, and do not forget about enhanced genital hygiene.
    • Is it possible to give birth after vaginoplasty? Women after vaginoplasty can subsequently give birth on their own, without the need for a cesarean section. But the process of childbirth will most likely negate the results of previously performed vaginal plastic surgery, and then it will need to be repeated.
    • How to prepare for intimate plastic surgery? Be in good shape and gather as much information as possible about the preoperative, operative, and postoperative periods.
    • What are the most common complaints after surgery? Swelling and sensitivity, which usually goes away after a few weeks.
    • When will I be able to see the final result? The improvement is noticeable after the stitches are removed, although the final result can only be judged after six months. It is important that your expectations are realistic.

    How is circumcision performed?

    After treating the skin of the penis with a disinfectant solution, local anesthesia of the surgical area is performed. To do this, a rubber tourniquet is temporarily placed at the base of the penis and an anesthetic is injected into the penis. Skin puncture is the only unpleasant moment of the operation for the patient. After injection of the anesthetic, pain sensitivity is completely disabled for the time necessary for circumcision.

    Below is a diagram of the “standard” version of the circumcision operation using the two-incision method:

    ATTENTION: this page contains only schematic images of what the penis will look like after circumcision. You can view PHOTOS of our patients AFTER FORESKIN CIRCUMSTANCE on our forum

    Through a circular incision around the head of the penis, the layers of the foreskin are mobilized and excised with simultaneous plastic surgery of the frenulum (red dotted lines are the incision sites).

    Dr. Babykin A.V.

    In the case of “incomplete” circumcision, a second circular incision is made in such a way as to preserve more of the skin of the penis, which will subsequently fold over the head of the penis and imitate the foreskin. The foreskin itself (inner layer) and scar tissue (with phimosis) are removed in any case, so that there is no recurrence of phimosis or the formation of a constriction ring (if circumcision is performed incorrectly).

    At the final stage of the circumcision operation, absorbable sutures are placed along the length of the skin incision, as well as sutures in the frenulum area. This concludes the operation. The patient is bandaged. And after 1-2 hours you can go home.

    What will the penis look like after circumcision?

    After healing of the surgical wound, an invisible scar remains (up to 1 mm wide), located circularly at a distance of 3-5 mm from the coronal groove of the head of the penis.

    At the request of the patient, incomplete or partial circumcision is performed (when a large part of the skin of the penis remains, simulating the foreskin and partially covering the head), a standard version (the head is open when the penis is at rest), as well as tight circumcision (after which not only the foreskin is removed , but also most of the skin of the penis).

    Look at examples of our work on the forum in the section before and after circumcision surgery

    Rehabilitation after thickening of the penis:

    Thickening the penis with hyaluronic acid imposes some restrictions. During the period of rehabilitation and recovery:

    • It is recommended to abstain from intimate relationships for 3-4 weeks
    • In order to prevent infection, it is possible to take antibacterial therapy as prescribed by a doctor
    • You must carefully observe intimate hygiene measures, which your doctor will tell you about after the procedure.
    • It is forbidden to visit the sauna and bathhouse for 2 weeks
    • It is recommended to wear non-compression underwear.
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