Rutberg after plastic surgery: before and after - Personal life + Video

It is difficult to confuse Yulia Rutberg with anyone.
Her non-standard appearance among movie “Barbies” makes the actress stand out and make her unique. The actress has not acted for several years and has not attended social events. But after the next appearance in honor of the opening of the theater season at the Vakhtangov Theater, everyone noticed the changes that had occurred in Yulia’s face. Rutberg's thin face began to look fuller, and at first glance it was difficult to recognize her. It immediately became clear that Rutberg was after plastic surgery.

Photos of Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery are very different. Experts in the field of cosmetology claim that the actress was unsuccessfully injected with Botox.

What does Julia look like after plastic surgery?

After publishing photos from a gala event to which Rutberg was invited, fans immediately decided that the actress had undergone plastic surgery. However, there is an opinion that the woman’s face has changed due to unsuccessful beauty injections. Below is a photo before and after surgery:

Julia's cheekbones and wide nose became more puffy, and her eyes also noticeably narrowed.

Fans are not delighted with the woman’s appearance, and most of them are sure that she could not have done it without contacting a plastic surgeon. However, experts believe that such metamorphoses most often occur after unsuccessful injections made by an incompetent doctor.

Opinions about Rutberg's appearance are divided: some believe that the woman has lost her individuality, while others support her desire to change and take care of herself.

The actress does not comment on changes in appearance. In addition, she has repeatedly spoken negatively about plastic surgery and facial enhancement using aesthetic medicine.

The popular actress has always delighted fans with her images and extraordinary appearance. At 52 years old, the woman looks fresh and young. Many believe that Julia should not have changed her personality in order to tighten her face and remove wrinkles.

52-year-old Russian actress Yulia Rutberg was transformed after plastic surgery.

The People's Artist of Russia, after 50 years, decided to radically change her appearance, for which she resorted to plastic surgery.

Rutberg changed the oval of her face, the shape of her nose and lips. Now the features of her appearance are not as sharp as before. Of course, the woman’s wrinkles were also corrected, or rather, the skin was tightened so that they (the wrinkles) disappeared. Some commentators believe that Yulia has become more feminine, while others, on the contrary, criticize the artist, saying that she has lost her individuality.

Julia's transformation was noticed at the opening of the new season at the Vakhtangov Theater. Fans were quick to note that Rutberg had changed almost beyond recognition.

A number of fans of 52-year-old Julia believe that her face has begun to look like a mask and that now it will be much more difficult for the artist to express emotions.

“Why correct yourself so obviously? You need to grow old gracefully, it’s a natural process,” “Julia, stop, you’re losing your natural beauty,” “But to me, she looks great. He takes care of himself, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” they write on social networks.

The actress herself has not yet commented on the metamorphoses that have occurred. The star does not go out often and does not maintain social networks. That is why fans know practically nothing about her personal life.

Rutberg became famous in the late 1980s after her role in the film “Seaside Boulevard”. In general, the actress starred in almost one hundred full-length films and TV series.

In recent years, Rutberg has been involved in theatrical productions. Thus, the cabaret “All the Vanity” with her participation is very popular. The last film with her participation, “And There Was the Day,” was released in 2015.

In 2022, Rutberg starred in the film “Fishing.”

Fans of the work of the famous Russian actress accuse the woman of abusing the services of plastic surgery. Photos of Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery confirm that the actress did experiment with her own appearance.

A little biography:

  • Name: Yulia Rutberg
  • Date of birth: July 8, 1965
  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Age: 53 years
  • Place of birth: Moscow
  • Height: 173
  • Occupation: Theater and film actress
  • Marital status: Married to Anatoly Lobotsky

Yulia Rutberg has always had a large army of fans, and attracted attention not only with her acting talent, but above all with her bright appearance. After the celebrity’s recent appearance at the opening of the theater season at the famous Vakhtangov Theater, her fans were shocked

Did the transformation really spoil the actress, or was this measure necessary? Today, the screen star is 52 years old and was previously known for her natural beauty. Many believe that Julia made a terrible mistake by turning to the achievements of modern aesthetic medicine.

Previously, the actress's face really looked different. Rutberg had thin cheekbones, against which the woman’s large eyes stood out perfectly. According to fans, not even the smallest nose spoiled the actress.

Olga Spirkina. “I have holes where my cheeks used to be.”

In 2007, having crossed the 40-year mark, the actress and TV presenter decided to rejuvenate herself with the help of a new technology - implantation of the finest gold threads under the skin.

“On TV they advertise with all their might the threads that were used to “lift” my face,” Olga said upsetly. “I also thought that for just a thousand dollars I would find beauty. She even invited her friend Elena Borzova with her. They injected our faces with painkillers and began to insert threads. Despite the novocaine, the pain was severe. Afterwards, Lena had no effect, except that she could not open her mouth for a whole month. I was more “lucky”: after this procedure, my cheeks “went” up towards my eyes. It seemed like I always wanted to laugh or sneeze.”

Actress Elena Borzova

The doctors who performed the operation tried to correct the situation, but it only got worse:

“I was offered several injections of Kenalog. Then I found out that this drug is used to resolve scars. I had these injections, my cheeks returned to their place, but...

After a few days, holes formed where my cheeks used to be. The drug resolved everything - both the threads and the cheeks. I was shocked! The series was being filmed, and I looked like this. Even under a layer of makeup, everything was noticeable.

At the clinic I was offered to undergo procedures. At first I even paid for them, but then they realized that they were in trouble and offered to do everything for free. I was advised to undergo an expensive surgical operation. But I was afraid to cut my face, and besides, I didn’t have that kind of money.”

Fortunately, the actress managed to solve the problems to some extent and deal with unscrupulous doctors:

“I went abroad and took a whole course in hardware cosmetology. The face has become a little better. But I still have to put on a bunch of makeup before going out.

I got them to pay me 150 thousand rubles, and Elena also got her money back. But no one will return our wasted nerves and time!”

Olga Spirkina in 2018

How else has Rutberg improved her appearance?

The appearance of Yulia Rutberg at Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya's party created a real sensation. All the guests, without exception, noticed the changes in her appearance. Hairstyle and makeup have not undergone any changes. But the woman’s face became radically different.

The oval of the face has become different. Previously elongated and narrow, it now appears smoother. The sharp aristocratic chin became rounder, as if the actress had gained a few extra pounds, although her figure had not undergone any visible changes.

In her desire to smooth out the sharp features of her face, Rutberg went too far. She lost her unique individuality and natural thinness, which distinguished her from other stars of Russian cinema.

Unfortunately, this appearance of the actress may be the result of poorly performed procedures. Fortunately, the drugs that are used in modern cosmetology and beauty medicine are short-lived and are easily removed from the patient’s body.

Native (natural) hyaluronic acid takes the longest to be removed from the body. But here, too, the opposite effect is possible, if, of course, Rutberg really only did injections and not a facelift.

Best films

  • 2021: “Bender: The Beginning”
  • 2020: “Bender: Gold of the Empire”
  • 2018: “Caviar”
  • 2015: “Orlova and Alexandrov”
  • 2014: "The Alchemist"
  • 2013: "Moths"
  • 2013: “Private Pioneer”
  • 2012: "Give Me Sunday"
  • 2012: "Death Cure"
  • 2011: “Path along the river”
  • 2009: "Autumn Flowers"
  • 2009: “Clever, beautiful”
  • 2007: “Saboteur. End of the war"
  • 2007: "The Banker's Girlfriend"
  • 2007: "He, She and Me"
  • 2007: "Contract for Love"
  • 2006: "Falling Leaves Blues"
  • 2006: "Infidelity"
  • 2005: "Anna"
  • 2005: "Diva"
  • 2003: "Plot"
  • 2002: "Atlantis"
  • 2002: "Looking Down"
  • 2000: "Check"
  • 1989: “Two arrows. Stone Age Detective"

Yulia Rutberg before and after facial plastic surgery – photos from 2017-2019 and the whole truth about the actress’s operations

An actress you can't look at without admiration. If a new film is released and Yulia Rutberg takes part in one of the roles, there is no doubt that the film will be a success.

The acting of this actress is talented and realistic. When creating an image, she gets used to the role so much that it is impossible not to believe her heroine.

In cinema or on the theater stage, from the first minute of his appearance he fascinates the viewer with his magnificent performance and acting talent.

This actress has played a great many roles, and in every role she is noticeable and convincing. From playing the main role to small episodes. There is no role that the actress could not reveal.

On the theater stage, performances with the participation of Yulia Rutberg are sold out. The actress is in demand. In recent years, she has been actively acting. Playing in popular TV series, he wins even more love from the audience and fame.

Many people are interested in what Yulia Rutberg looked like before and after plastic surgery; in this article, we will analyze her biography in detail.


People's Artist of Russia. Acting actress of the theater. Vakhtangov. Acts in feature films and TV series. Works on the radio. Voices cartoons.

Bright works in the theater. Vakhtangov:

  1. Zoyka – M. Bulgakov “Zoyka’s apartment”.
  2. Skirina – “Princess Turandot”.
  3. Julie – “Franken Julie.”
  4. Medea - "Medea".

In other theaters:

  1. Anna Andreevna - “Khlestakov” (Stanislavsky Theater).
  2. Author and Performer – cabaret performance “All this vanity” (Theatrical project of Yulia Rutberg).

Famous roles in films and theaters:

  1. "Stalin's funeral."
  2. "Sunset".
  3. "Male character or Tango over the abyss."
  4. "Don't be born beautiful."
  5. "Atlantis".

Biography and years of youth

Yulia Rutberg is a hereditary Muscovite. She grew up in a creative family. All family members were active cultural figures.

  • in their youth, grandfather and grandmother performed on the dance stage in a song and dance ensemble. Father, Ilya Rutberg, is a famous Soviet actor and theater figure. Mother, singer and music teacher;
  • my father's house was filled with creativity. Julia grew up in a friendly, talented family. I spent my childhood on the theater stage. Being present at rehearsals, taking part in staged debates and performances, the girl knew from childhood what profession she would choose;
  • Studying at school was not enjoyable and was difficult. It was much more interesting at my father’s theater. Absorbing the air of Melpomene, she confidently walked towards her dream of becoming an actress;
  • After graduating from school, there were attempts to enter the famous Shchukin School. She didn't succeed for several years. But persistence prevailed;
  • After graduating from college, she entered the Vakhtangov Theater, where she played many roles. Being a lucky person and, of course, talented, from the first days she got the main roles in theatrical productions;
  • With her magnificent performance, she immediately won the love and recognition of the audience. Performances with her participation took place to thunderous applause.

Yulia Rutberg before plastic surgery

Even at the beginning of her creative career, Rutberg stood out among other actors. The girl's face was decorated with large eyes, thin eyebrows, chiseled cheekbones and a narrow long nose.

Instagram #yuliarutberg

The actress has said more than once that she is immediately recognized, and this is not surprising, because Rutberg’s appearance is truly outstanding.

Instagram #yuliarutberg

In numerous interviews, Julia has always opposed plastic surgery, focusing on the fact that by appearance one can determine what kind of life a person has lived. In addition, the talented actress claims that her face is her calling card.

Note: what is lipofilling?

Lipofilling is a plastic surgery, the essence of which is to increase the volume of any area of ​​the body with the patient’s own fat. This way you can enlarge your cheeks, lift your cheekbones, enlarge your lips, etc. Unlike contouring with hyaluronic filler, the effect lasts not for six months, but for several years. Fat cells are most often taken from the abdomen or thighs - about 80% take root in the new place. The operation is minimally invasive and is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Yulia Rutberg had plastic surgery: What the actress looks like now - Photos before and after +

It is difficult to confuse Yulia Rutberg with anyone. Her non-standard appearance among movie “Barbies” makes the actress stand out and make her unique. The actress has not acted for several years and has not attended social events.

But after the next appearance in honor of the opening of the theater season at the Vakhtangov Theater, everyone noticed the changes that had occurred in Yulia’s face. Rutberg's thin face began to look fuller, and at first glance it was difficult to recognize her. It immediately became clear that Rutberg was after plastic surgery.

Photos of Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery are very different. Experts in the field of cosmetology claim that the actress was unsuccessfully injected with Botox.

Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery

Fans immediately began to criticize - plastic surgery ruined the natural beauty of the actress and she stopped looking like herself, trying to keep up with her youth. Julia's appearance has changed irrevocably. Huge eyes have ceased to be a distinctive feature of the actress.

Media representatives reprint photos of Rutberg before and after the operation and unanimously claim that there was also rhinoplasty. Although the actress herself has repeatedly stated in her interviews with journalists that she is against plastic surgery - one must be able to age gracefully. And here is such a sensation. The shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes and the shape of the cheekbones have changed. Changing the oval of the face is a consequence of a circular lift.

It is clear that all women want to remain young and attractive as long as possible, especially for theater and film actresses, where appearance really matters. Therefore, Yulia Rutberg, for the sake of her profession, decided to make dramatic changes in her appearance. Will such changes help Yulia or will the directors not want to cast a younger actress?

Photos of the actress before and after plastic surgery can be seen on the Internet. Without much difficulty you can see the changes her appearance has undergone: her huge eyes have disappeared and her cheeks have become plump.

She did what she thought was necessary and, we hope, her career will not suffer from this, but on the contrary, she will begin to receive even more roles in theater and cinema. Friends and colleagues support the actress.

Personal life

The actress has a cheerful character and is very charismatic; she has always had a wonderful sense of humor. Therefore, in her youth she had a lot of fans.

While still studying at theater school, she had a whirlwind romance with the famous singer Alexei Kortnev. Their relationship lasted 10 years. The marriage was never registered and the couple separated anyway.

There were no children in this relationship.

Her next husband, already official, was Alexander Kuznetsov, known in the acting community as the conqueror of women's hearts and a desperate heartthrob. The marriage did not last long. Due to her husband's infidelities and his further departure to the United States, the couple divorced. Julia and Alexander have a common son, Gregory.

Julia was born in Moscow in 1965 into an acting family. Her parents were also theater actors, and her maternal grandparents were ballet dancers. Her father, Ilya Rutberg, was quite famous in the artistic community and was the founder of the Our House theater.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Julia decided to follow in her footsteps. The little girl grew up on the stage and was behind the scenes of the theater.

Immediately after graduating from theater school, young Yulia immediately began to conquer the capital's stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. She played in several performances at once and was quite a sought-after actress.

She played not only in her native theater, she was repeatedly invited to another stage. She was busy at the Stanislavsky Theater, at the Theater of Nations, and played for such directors. like Roman Viktyuk and Pyotr Fomenko. Julia also has musical talent.

She graduated from the music school at the Gnessin School and often sings on stage.


In addition to regular theatrical productions, Rutberg tried herself in another role. In 2014, she created the one-woman show “All This Vanity.” On stage, the actress was alone and, as planned, communicated with famous people such as Michael Jackson, Liza Minnelli, Edith Piaf.

In 1989, the actress starred in a movie for the first time. It was the musical film “The Maid of Rouen, Nicknamed Puffy.” TV viewers liked Rutberg and they continued to invite her to films. This was followed by the films “Stalin’s Funeral”, Male Character or Tango Over the Abyss, “Check”

In 2001, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2016, Rutberg was already “people’s artist.”

Julia Rutberg starred in more than fifty films.

Reasons for turning to plastic surgeons

Judging by the way Lera Kudryavtseva’s life is shaping up, she has always been a perfectionist. But not only this was the reason for her turning to aesthetic surgery. There are other reasons:

  • Lera always worked a lot, she had little time for proper rest. With chronic lack of sleep, the body ages quickly, and age-related changes are very pronounced. In addition, the work of a TV presenter and singer forces her to spend a lot of time in makeup. As a result, Lera had serious problems with her appearance in general, with her skin, which could be radically solved by surgical methods, hardware and injection cosmetology.
  • In her early youth, Kudryavtseva gave birth to a son. After that, her bust no longer looked as firm as before. And the position of a television star, and even on a youth channel, required him to have an impeccable appearance and, above all, a fit, light figure.
  • After a 3-year marriage to businessman Matvey Morozov, Lera remained alone for quite a long time. Her new romance was a work affair. Singer Sergei Lazarev is 12 years younger than Lera. And although many thought that their relationship was pure advertising for both representatives of show business, it lasted for several years. Kudryavtseva and Lazarev often appeared together in public, and Lera could not afford to look like the singer’s older sister.

And soon hockey player Igor Makarov, who was only 25, appeared in her life. He seriously fell in love with 41-year-old Lera. They got married, and Kudryavtseva, of course, had to match her young husband.

Lera Kudryavtseva with Sergei Lazarev (1 photo) and current husband Igor Makarov (2 photos)

Julia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery - Wikipedia

An actress you can't look at without admiration. If a new film is released and Yulia Rutberg takes part in one of the roles, there is no doubt that the film will be a success.

The acting of this actress is talented and realistic. When creating an image, she gets used to the role so much that it is impossible not to believe her heroine.

In cinema or on the theater stage, from the first minute of his appearance he fascinates the viewer with his magnificent performance and acting talent.

This actress has played a great many roles, and in every role she is noticeable and convincing. From playing the main role to small episodes. There is no role that the actress could not reveal.

On the theater stage, performances with the participation of Yulia Rutberg are sold out. The actress is in demand. In recent years, she has been actively acting. Playing in popular TV series, he wins even more love from the audience and fame.

Many people are interested in what Yulia Rutberg looked like before and after plastic surgery; in this article, we will analyze her biography in detail.

Biography and years of youth

Yulia Rutberg is a hereditary Muscovite. She grew up in a creative family. All family members were active cultural figures.

  • in their youth, grandfather and grandmother performed on the dance stage in a song and dance ensemble. Father, Ilya Rutberg, is a famous Soviet actor and theater figure. Mother, singer and music teacher;
  • my father's house was filled with creativity. Julia grew up in a friendly, talented family. I spent my childhood on the theater stage. Being present at rehearsals, taking part in staged debates and performances, the girl knew from childhood what profession she would choose;
  • Studying at school was not enjoyable and was difficult. It was much more interesting at my father’s theater. Absorbing the air of Melpomene, she confidently walked towards her dream of becoming an actress;
  • After graduating from school, there were attempts to enter the famous Shchukin School. She didn't succeed for several years. But persistence prevailed;
  • After graduating from college, she entered the Vakhtangov Theater, where she played many roles. Being a lucky person and, of course, talented, from the first days she got the main roles in theatrical productions;
  • With her magnificent performance, she immediately won the love and recognition of the audience. Performances with her participation took place to thunderous applause.

Beauty and youth

Individuality is very important for an actor, thanks to which he often has success in the profession and recognition from the audience. In her youth, Yulia Rutberg was a beauty. HER distinctive feature is her bright individual appearance, which cannot be confused with anyone else. Narrow facial features, chiseled cheekbones, thin nose, large expressive eyes.

These eyes drove men crazy, forced directors to look at her with interest, and aroused undisguised envy among women. Exclusively for her bright image, unlike anyone else, she is always in demand as a professional actress. Viewers love and admire her talent.


In the acting community, and not only, it has become very fashionable to use the services of plastic surgery. There are many actors and actresses who independently fight an unequal battle with age.

Thanks to their natural abilities and perseverance, they achieve the desired results. Most actresses use surgical rejuvenation methods.

These methods refresh and rejuvenate some, while others change beyond recognition.

Julia Rutberg has always been against plastic and advocated for nature. She believed that a woman is beautiful at any age, the main thing is how she presents herself. But when her age passed the half-century mark, she changed her mind;

  • By using the services of plastic surgery, Julia caused shock among the acting community and indignation among the audience. HER image has undergone dramatic changes;
  • the thin long nose became much wider. Swelling appeared on the cheekbones, wrinkles smoothed out, but the face began to look puffy;
  • The gorgeous big eyes narrowed and acquired pronounced bags under them. The lips stretched to an unnatural shape.

It is not known for certain whether the actress went under a plastic surgeon’s knife or received beauty injections that gave such an effect. Experts are sure that this happens from incorrectly administered injections. The actress, beloved by many, has lost not only her face, but her personality. Fans hope that the actress will stop at this experience and will not further disappoint them with her experiments.


Julia Rutberg was married several times. Has an adult son. Leads a closed lifestyle.

What do you think about Yulia Rutberg? We are waiting for your comments.

What changes in appearance did Lera Kudryavtseva make?

The TV presenter herself assures that she does not do anything special for her appearance, using only regular care with creams and masks. Moreover, as she says, the cosmetics she buys are by no means the most expensive. But numerous photographs of Lera taken over the years indicate the opposite. It is obvious that aesthetic operations were still performed:

Rhinoplasty. In her youth, Kudryavtseva’s nose had a completely different appearance than it does now. It was wider, and most importantly there was a significant defect - a noticeable deviation from the straight axis. The TV presenter tried to correct it with the help of cosmetics, but certain lighting made the curvature obvious. And Lera decided to intervene.

After it, her nose remained wide enough, that is, her face did not lose its individuality. But now he is more direct and fully complies with all the canons of beauty. Although a slight deviation of the tip to the side still remains.

Mammoplasty. This operation was associated with a breast lift. Although before her, the TV presenter enlarged her bust with the help of a non-absorbable gel. Later it was removed and replaced with round-shaped implants, quite large in size. This is easy to notice by comparing the photo of young Lera and her images in men's magazines of recent times. In the last pictures she is wearing minimal clothing, so her breasts are clearly visible.

Cheiloplasty. The increase in lip size is also obvious. Moreover, surgical intervention is constantly supplemented with injections of biodegradable gel. After all, Lera Kudryavtseva’s mouth looks larger or smaller.

The most obvious indication of cheiloplasty is the changes affecting the upper lip. Before it was thin. And after the operation, not only did it increase in size. When you smile, the contour of the lip stands out noticeably, which is typical for those who have undergone cheiloplasty.

  • Blepharoplasty. Judging by the excellent condition of this area of ​​Kudryavtseva’s face, there was an eyelid lift. There is a photo where the TV presenter has noticeable circles under her eyes, which is not surprising for her age. But for some time now they have magically disappeared. There is also no sagging of the upper eyelid and “crow’s feet”, the presence of which is not uncommon for 46-year-old women.
  • Liposuction. Lera's figure is almost perfect, but it is also unlikely that this is only a gift of nature, rational nutrition and exercise. There are photos where “fat traps” are visible, but the TV presenter suspiciously quickly regains her shape. Diet and exercise could not get rid of excess fat so quickly.

In addition to surgical operations, traces of the use of serious cosmetic procedures are clearly visible on Kudryavtseva’s face:

  • Botox injections. The TV presenter does not admit this. But her forehead looks unnaturally smooth, there is not a single wrinkle on it. Creams and masks cannot achieve this result. In addition, when the emotional Lera speaks, smiles or is in the bright sun, her forehead remains motionless and no crease between the eyebrows is formed.
  • Anti-aging filler injections. The manipulation, apparently, was performed more than once. After all, sometimes the TV presenter’s face looks tired and aged, the nasolabial folds appear more clearly on it, the cheeks and chin sag a little. This happens when the action of the next procedure ends. But after a short time, Lera’s face looks fresh and young again.

The effect is observed due to injections into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and cheekbones. Lips are also exposed to drugs. Although the TV presenter herself only admitted that she had undergone forehead mesotherapy and was dissatisfied. He says that there were bumps on the skin for several months that had to be covered up with cosmetics.

  • Corrections of cheekbones. Obviously, with the same body weight as in her youth, Kudryavtseva’s cheeks became rounder. And her cheekbones look more pronounced. Most likely, injections of drugs that increase tissue volume helped. Lipofilling is not excluded.
  • Eyebrow tattooing. In my youth they were already quite wide. Then Lera plucked them out, turning them into thin threads. But the fashion has come for wide, natural eyebrows. And Kudryavtseva got a tattoo, enlarging them by drawing a line along the upper edge.

Beauty injections for wrinkles

This year, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya’s name day brought together many guests at the Vakhtangov Theater. The invited persons were pop and film stars. Yulia Rutberg amazed everyone. Photos after plastic surgery of this celebrity simply shook up the network and became one of the most discussed events of the theater season.

Having looked at the photographs of the star, plastic surgeons in the capital unanimously declare that the woman definitely gave herself Botox injections. Natural beauty and naturalness have been valued at all times, but the years inexorably take their toll.

The actress's skin has lost its elasticity over the years, especially considering the constant use of theatrical makeup. And if we talk about facial wrinkles, they can appear even in young girls if their face constantly expresses a large number of emotions. Actors are especially susceptible to this problem. The time has come for Rutberg to come to the clinic.

The actress got rid of small wrinkles on her forehead, neck and around her eyes. How could she do this? Definitely using Dysport or Botox. An alternative could be hylauronic acid.

Injections with Botox or Dysport help block nerve impulses in facial muscle fibers. It is because of this blockage that the muscles will be relaxed for a long time, and the skin on the face will age more slowly.

Don’t miss the most popular article in the section: Vera Alentova after plastic surgery - the latest photos, what operations were performed, how the star has changed.

Anastasia Shpagina. Thriller in a video blog

In 2022, a trip to the surgeon turned into a real drama for a young YouTube and Instagram star.

On January 19, Anastasia posted a video where, in blogger style, she described in detail her preparation for the long-awaited rhinoplasty - surgery to change her nose - as well as her feelings after the operation. The girl looked clearly positive and pleased with the result.

Anastasia shows off her new nose on camera for the first time

Unfortunately, the joy did not last long. On April 6, a video was released that featured completely different emotions. Anastasia complained that her nose still couldn’t breathe and depressions appeared on it. The girl also spoke about the indifferent and arrogant attitude of the operating doctor, Timur Nugaev, and the clinic staff. In addition, she said that she consulted with other doctors and found out that the operation was performed poorly - too much skin and cartilage was cut off, the structure of the respiratory tract was damaged, and for restoration it would be necessary to take material from the rib and ear.

Anastasia before surgery

On April 22, the story escalated to the limit. Anastasia said that because of the previous video, she began to receive threats. It all started when she found a note in her mailbox asking her to call.

Note shown by Anastasia

The person who answered this number began accusing the girl of organizing spam attacks and online harassment of the clinic, after which he began threatening violence and demanding the removal of critical videos. Anastasia also said that she tried to contact the police with the recordings of conversations, but they refused to take action only on the basis of threats.

Wanting to take time to think, the girl partially complied with the demands by hiding some of the videos. But in the end, she decided not to hush up the situation, noting that other girls who had suffered from Nugaev and faced threats also contacted her.

Fragment of correspondence shown in the video

The conflict spilled over onto central television and was covered in one of the episodes of the program “Let Them Talk.” There, the video blogger and the surgeon came face to face.

Anastasia Shpagina and Timur Nugaev on the show

On air, Nugaev claimed that he offered Anastasia corrective surgery based on her complaints. He denied any involvement in the telephone threats.

The victim insisted on her claims and expressed a wish that the surgeon be deprived of his license.

Also, several women came to the release and accused Nugaev of dishonesty, to which the doctor replied that they just wanted popularity in the wake of what happened with Shpagina.

Further developments of events were not covered in detail, but Anastasia previously said that she was going to have corrective surgery in a year, when the nasal tissues return to normal. Timur Nugaev continues to practice medicine to this day.

Personal life

The personal life of Yulia Rutberg was often discussed in the press. This was due to the fact that in her youth the actress literally attracted representatives of the opposite sex, and all the men in a woman’s life are bright and extraordinary personalities.

For 8 years, the actress’s heart was owned by the charismatic frontman Alexey Kortnev, whom Julia met at a student skit in the Actor’s House.

Yulia Rutberg and Alexey Kortnev

Rutberg and Kortnev did not officially sign, but for a long time positioned themselves as husband and wife. The couple’s life did not leave the pages of glossy publications until the breakup, which, according to rumors, occurred due to Kortnev’s affair with gymnast Amina Zaripova.

Rutberg’s first official husband was actor Alexander Kuznetsov, with whom the girl studied together at Shchukinsky. Despite Kuznetsov's reputation as a ladies' man, the affair ended with a wedding and the birth of his son Grigory. However, Alexander then decided to immigrate to America. Yulia stayed with the child, declaring that there is no place overseas for a person who speaks Russian and was brought up in Russian culture.

Yulia Rutberg and Alexander Kuznetsov

The artist’s next chosen one also turned out to be a colleague in the acting workshop, Anatoly Lobotsky, known for the films “Zhiharka” and “Envy of the Gods.” Due to her father’s illness, Julia spent all her free time with him, which negatively affected her relationship with her husband. The marriage eventually fell apart.

Julia Rutberg and Anatoly Lobotsky

The only son of the actress, Grigory, graduated from the International Institute of Advertising and studied for 3 years at the Shchukin Theater School. Mom hoped that the desire to become an actor would prevail, although she did not specifically push for this. The young man went on stage, but then said that in the future he might be interested in cinema. Theater, he says, is not a man’s bread.

Yulia Rutberg with her son

Kuznetsov Jr.’s filmography includes the action movie “Code of Honor,” the musical film “Courage” by Alexander Stefanovich and the popular project of Andrei Zvyagintsev “Loveless.” Now the man lives in America, started a family and made Rutberg a grandmother twice.

Julia once shared her secrets on how to maintain appearance and inner harmony. The actress does not wear makeup in everyday life, avoids envy and aggression, chooses dishes with a lot of vegetables and does not eat late at night.

Yulia Rutberg and Alena Sviridova

Yulia Rutberg was often compared to singer Alena Sviridova. But in 2017, not a trace of the former similarity remained. Those present at the anniversary of photographer Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya suspected that the actress invited as a guest had overdone it with plastic surgery. Rutberg's face was noticeably swollen, and the media rushed to report that due to unsuccessful filler injections, the artist had lost her zest.

Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery

In addition to the daughter of Robert Rozhdestvensky, Yulia considers Maria Aronova and Lydia Velezheva, Tatyana Abramova and Natalya Gromushkina as friends and friends.

Yulia is not a fan of social networks, but she started a page on Instagram. True, he doesn’t spoil his fans with the number of photos. The actress does not consider Internet communication, when you cannot see the eyes of the interlocutor and there is no energy exchange, normal. He even reads scripts not on gadgets, but on paper - you can make notes there.

A little about the life of a star and ascent to Olympus

Valeria Kudryavtseva was born in provincial Ust-Kamenogorsk, in a family of people far from show business. There she graduated from the cultural education school, becoming a director, after which she went to conquer Moscow. Thanks to her attractive appearance, flexibility and musicality, she quickly found her place in show business, although not in the forefront to begin with.

Lera worked as a backing vocalist for then popular performers Evgeny Osin, Bogdan Titomir, Igor Sarukhanov. Together with her colleagues, she toured the country a lot. It was a life of wear and tear, but in her youth, the lack of rest did not affect Kudryavtseva’s appearance.

How much do the actress's surgeries cost?

It is not known for certain how much it cost Yulia Rutberg to experiment with her own appearance, and what specific procedures she used. But if we talk about a facelift, the average price in Moscow is 250 thousand rubles (this means a comprehensive facelift with endoscopy). Blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift – 80 thousand rubles. And the same thing with the use of a laser - 96 thousand.

After filler injections Yulia Rutberg.

High-quality rhinoplasty in the capital will cost about 140 thousand rubles. This includes correction of the tip of the nose. If the patient requires correction of the nasal septum, the cost will be slightly higher. On average - 230 thousand rubles.

Speaking of beauty injections, this is the service, according to many Moscow specialists, that the actress took advantage of; their price varies depending on the type of procedure. Injections in the space between the eyebrows cost an average of 8.5 thousand rubles, and around the eye space - 7.5. Correction of the corners of the mouth will cost less - 4 thousand, and the average chin - 3,000 rubles.


After graduating from college, the graduate became part of the troupe of the Evgeni Vakhtangov Theater. Julia's theatrical biography turned out great. The actress played Zoya Denisovna in Bulgakov’s “Zoyka’s Apartment” and Maureen in Martin McDonagh’s scandalous play “Beauty Queen”, leading roles in the productions of “Mistress Julie” and “Medea”. For her work in the latter, the artist received the Crystal Turandot award.

High acting skills and amazing hard work did not go unnoticed - Rutberg fell in love with the theater audience. The actress began to be invited to participate in productions of other theaters. Thus, Yulia played Anna Andreevna in the play “Khlestakov” on the stage of the Konstantin Stanislavsky Theater, for which she was awarded the “Seagull” award. The artist performed in the experimental “The Seagull” of the Theater of Nations, and played several times on the stage of the St. Petersburg theater “On Liteiny”.

Posted by Russian Concerts — on Friday, June 10, 2016

Yulia Rutberg in her youth

Yulia’s subtle psychological portrayal of the role and drama were applauded at the Russian Enterprise of Mikhail Kozakov, the International Theater and the Contemporary Enterprise Theater. Among the directors with whom the actress collaborated, one can find such high-profile and famous names as Roman Viktyuk, Andrei Zholdak and Pyotr Fomenko.

Julia was remembered by the audience for her one-woman show staged in 2004. The actress wanted to go on stage and act in her own production project, so she staged the play “All This Vanity” in a cabaret style. According to the plot, the main character communicates with world stars - Michael Jackson, Edith Piaf, Liza Minnelli.

Later, the artist’s list of solo performances included the creative evening “Cabaret “Stray Dog”” (2017), a poetic solo performance for the 150th anniversary of Zinaida Gippius (2020) and a poetic evening “13 Questions for Akhmatova” (2020), based on poems, myths and personal Rutberg's attitude to the fate of the poetess.


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