Ribs removed and jaw altered to look like Barbie and Ken. How Pixie Foxx and Justin Jedlik live today

“Saying that it’s time for me to give up plastic surgery is like asking Picasso not to paint!”

Justin Jedlica

Thirteen years of intense improvement of his own body, about 100 plastic surgeries , valued at almost $110,000 , are the most famous facts from the biography of Justin Jedlicka. Thanks to the skill of plastic surgeons, the young man became the living embodiment of Ken, the famous young man doll. Justin set his goal to achieve an ideal appearance at the age of 18, when he looked at himself in the mirror and was dissatisfied with his nose. Then, naturally thin and tall (height 187 cm), the young man corrected the shape of his buttocks. Inspired by the result, American Justin Jedlica decided not to stop there and became a regular client of plastic surgery clinics.

First surgery

Justin Jedlica, before and after plastic surgery, had a unique vision of art. Since his school years he was fond of theater, he liked everything unusual and beautiful. The boy loved to draw and play with dolls.

American Ken is now 36 years old. He was born in New York City on August 11, 1980. In 1998, he wanted to have a nose job, which doctors performed quite successfully. Justin spent all his personal savings - $3,500 - on the operation. He was so pleased with the result that the guy wanted to change something else in his appearance, and then another and another. A young man is looking for an ideal man.

“Plastic surgery is a kind of expression of personal extraordinary creativity,” says Justin Jedlica in the press. Before and after surgery, the life of the average American guy is very different. When he became like a living doll, fame came to him. The guy began to be invited to film glossy magazines and TV shows. In the American show This Morning on ITV, Ken compared himself to the artist Picasso. He assured everyone that he was not dependent on operations, but he was not going to stop with the results achieved.

Plastic surgery victims: the most shocking cases in the world

Every year, millions of people around the world trust plastic surgeons in pursuit of an ideal appearance, and many of them cannot stop in time. The most shocking cases of changing your own body with the help of plastic surgery are in the selection of the correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency.

The pursuit of excellence

Hang Mioku

In pursuit of an ideal appearance, a Korean woman went to extremes, which ruined her appearance and health forever. A 48-year-old woman turned into a terrible monster when she began injecting vegetable oil into her facial skin.

For the first time, the initially attractive Korean woman sought the help of surgeons at the age of 28, and operations followed one after another until doctors began to refuse her surgical interventions, considering her desire to correct herself to be a mental disorder.

After another refusal, the woman decided to use a barbaric method - injecting vegetable oil into the face, which caused it to swell to incredible sizes.

The sad story of Hang Mioku was told on local television, and the audience, feeling sorry for the unfortunate woman, collected money from a charity account to improve the appearance of the Korean woman. During medical intervention, doctors removed about 60 g of a foreign substance from the woman’s subcutaneous space, and about 200 g of various oils from her neck.

Thanks to the procedures performed, Hang Mioku's appearance has improved significantly, although her face is covered with a significant number of scars. To return the woman to at least a non-frightening appearance, doctors will still have to work hard.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

This woman is known to the world community as the “Bride of Waldenstein” (by analogy with the “Bride of Frankenstein”) or as “Catwoman”.

The once very beautiful lady, mother of two children and wife of a rich and successful businessman, was the standard of a happy life for many. Until I found my beloved husband in bed with a 21-year-old Russian model. Instead of leaving her unfaithful husband, Jocelyn started a real war for beauty, trying to surpass her rival. So, since the 1970s, a woman has spent more than $4 million on changing her appearance. At the same time, the husband still left for another woman, and Jocelyn turned into a horror queen.

Jackie Stallone

The mother of the popular actor Sylvester Stallone is an unusual woman and has always attracted the attention of the public with her eccentric behavior. So, she was previously an influential public figure in the United States and created a psychological help service, but later she retrained as an astrologer and said that she was able to talk to dogs about the future.

Jackie changed her appearance many times until she completely ruined it with braces, implants, nose reconstruction and lip augmentation. Now she is over 90 years old, and the lady leads an active lifestyle - she learns French, travels the world, tap dances... and continues to experiment with her appearance.

Michaela Romanini

Before her passion for plastic surgery, the Italian socialite was known as an exquisite beauty. However, at the age of 30, Michaela decided that her lips were not plump enough, and for 15 years she constantly corrected their size using collagen and silicone. As a result, the woman is now known for her title “The Huge Lips in Italy.” At the same time, due to too frequent intervention, the contour of Michaela’s lips “swimmed”, and the skin and facial muscles lost their elasticity. The woman tried to correct the situation with Botox injections, but the result was disastrous.

Sydney Rome

Actress, singer, model and simply beautiful Sydney was born in the USA into a wealthy family of the owner of a plastics factory. Her Italian roots made themselves felt: the girl could boast of a slender figure and sophisticated facial features, which quickly turned her into a star in the 1970s. Photo shoots for Playboy magazine also increased in popularity. In the USA, Sydney was also known as an aerobics star, whose course competed with the most popular Jane Fonda.

However, Sydney was not ready to change with age and began to eliminate the signs of time on her face with regular lifts, which gradually turned her into a doll with taut skin. As a result, Sydney almost stopped appearing in public.

Elsa Patton

This seemingly ordinary and quite attractive woman in her youth is a participant in the popular US reality show “Housewives of Miami”. Thanks to the show, the 76-year-old socialite and the favorite character of American tabloids often appears at celebrity parties and red carpets, and the public is once again convinced that in the case of plastic surgery, the main thing is to stop in time.

Become like your favorite character

Dennis Avner

This man became famous for his morbid love for cats, which is why he spent most of his life trying to turn himself into a representative of the feline family, deciding on unimaginable experiments with his appearance: he implanted implants under the skin that allowed him to wear a mustache like a cat, and inserts that formed the jaw, similar to the tiger's.

However, radical experiments with his own body did not bring Dennis happiness and peace, and after a long depression the man committed suicide.

Eric Sprague

Another fan of the fauna world is known as the "lizard man." First, he surgically forked his tongue and then covered his body with numerous tattoos. To look as much like a lizard as possible, Sprague, with the help of surgeons, inserted five Teflon implants into the eyebrow area, imitating the face of a reptile. But even this was not enough for the man: Sprague’s septum and earlobes were stretched with special devices, and his teeth were sharpened so that his entire appearance resembled a huge, scary lizard.

Herbert Chavez

Since childhood, the Filipino resident has been a fan of Superman and really wanted to become like his favorite character. Over the course of 18 years, Chavez subjected his face to various corrective surgeries to achieve maximum resemblance to the original, including the famous dimple on the chin.

Luis Padron

25-year-old Argentinean Luis Padron adored the world of elves as a child. As an adult, Padrón spends about $5,000 every month on various products and injections to keep his face pale. He underwent numerous surgeries, including liposuction, plastic surgery of the nose, chin, cheekbones, ears, and hair removal from all over his body, which cost him more than $30,000. The guy plans to undergo surgery to lengthen his ears and limbs.

Jennifer Pamplona

The once famous and popular model of the Versace house spent about 100 thousand dollars to become like her favorite Kim Kardashian. Jennifer had four ribs removed and underwent numerous surgeries to enlarge her buttocks and breasts, with doctors performing nine surgeries in one case in 24 hours.

Jay Mikka

Being an ardent fan of the pop idol Michael Jackson, the Englishwoman began to transform into the king of pop in 1992, at first simply trying on his images. However, later she resorted to rhinoplasty, cheekbone surgery and multiple subcutaneous injections. At one of the idol’s concerts, a woman managed to get close to him and take a photo together.

Vinny Ohh

Vinnie Oh, or “The Alien” as he is also known, had undergone more than 100 plastic surgeries and various procedures by the age of 22, including implants in his cheekbones and above his eyebrows for $50,000, as well as other interventions. The guy's goal is to turn into a sexless creature, for this Och intends to remove the nipples, navel and genitals.

Pixee Fox

This person was inspired by the image of the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit, Roger Rabbit's lover. The body proportions and visual attractiveness of this heroine seemed ideal to the girl. To turn into Jessica, the girl underwent surgery to enlarge her breasts and buttocks, removed several ribs and changed the shape of her nose. In total, Fox spent about $150 thousand to change her appearance.

Henry Damon

The man's favorite comic book character is the Red Skull, and the Venezuelan has undergone numerous surgeries to look like his hero. In particular, Damon cut off his nose, got a tattoo on his face, got implants under the skin on his forehead and constantly wears black contact lenses.

Rodrigo Alves and Justin William Jedlica

Brazilian Rodrigo Alves, who lives in London, and fellow hobbyist Justin Jedlik spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to transform themselves from a human into a living doll. Alves paid half a million dollars for 33 plastic surgeries and hundreds of aesthetic procedures. And Jedlik paid about 100 thousand dollars to change the shape of his nose, buttocks, chest, biceps and triceps. In addition, he changed the shape of the skull, corrected the eyebrows, cheeks, lips and chin - about 90 operations in total.

Achieve beauty at any cost

Justin Jedlica has already undergone 340 plastic surgeries, before and after which he always posts photos on the Internet. The thirty-six-year-old guy is proud of his appearance. He spent more than $250 million on plastic surgery.

There is practically no place left on the American body where there would be no surgical intervention. Justin's nose has changed five times. This was followed by the acquisition of implants for biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles, shoulders, and abs. The doll man does not consider it necessary to perform physical activity in order to achieve an ideal body.

The press constantly monitors changes in the appearance of the living Ken, named Justin Jedlica. Before and after photos of the American are discussed not only by the media, but also by ordinary people. Experts in the field of plastic surgery are skeptical about the guy’s extreme hobby. According to doctors, such a number of operations could greatly harm Justin's health and even lead to his death. But the star of glossy magazines does not pay any attention to this.

Cindy Jackson is a Guinness World Record holder for plastic surgery.

It all started when Cindy caught her husband playing with a plastic doll. Hints about her own imperfection from the lips of her beloved and put her on the surgical table.

Cindy was so fascinated by plastic surgery that she didn’t even have time to look back before she was included in the Guinness Book of Records with a record of 52 operations.

At 55, the famous American is close to ideal. Jackson shares his personal “plastic experience” in the book “Living Barbie.” She treats surgery simply as a medical advance.

Dangerous operation of a living doll

Jedlica has one unfulfilled dream. He wants to become the creator of unique silicone implants. Ken always prepares meticulously for every surgery. The guy controls the surgeons and offers them his own design for biceps implants.

Before and after numerous plastic surgeries, Justin Jedlica dreamed of performing the most dangerous and expensive procedure. In 2015, a 35-year-old young man decided to have three veins removed from his forehead so that they would not protrude when he smiled. Prior to this, Ken underwent a brow lift, cheek and lip augmentation, chin and buttock augmentation, and reshaping of the ears and neck.

Even the most famous stars do not agree to surgery to remove veins from the forehead. This is a very dangerous procedure that can lead to blindness. Justin spent a long time looking for a specialist who would undertake the operation. And all for the sake of a smooth forehead!

Personal life

Justin Jedlica, before and after more than three hundred plastic surgeries, spoke out about his gay orientation. From his youth he was attracted to men. At the age of 29, Justin met his lover, with whom he even formalized the relationship. The chosen one of the doll man supported Jedlica in everything, but they did not live long. Four years later, the couple's romantic relationship ended in divorce.

In 2012, Justin met Ukrainian Barbie - Valeria Lukyanova. They met while filming for the American television news magazine Inside Edition in New York. The living dolls could not find a common language.

Justin Jedlica wasn't shocked by Valeria's appearance. He said that the girl doesn't look like Barbie at all. This is just her image created with the help of cosmetics and clothes. In response, Lukyanova called Silicone Ken a stupid person. But thanks to a joint photo shoot, the living dolls made good money.

Swedish Barbie and American Ken

For some time, Justin Jedlica dated 26-year-old model from Stockholm Pixie Fox. The girl is also obsessed with plastic surgery; she has undergone about twenty operations to change her appearance. The fictitious couple met on the set of a TV show and realized they had a lot in common.

Justin and Pixie began to live like real Ken and Barbie dolls. We are not talking about any intimate relationships. As you know, Jedlica is gay, and Fox is too obsessed with her own beauty. They plan plastic surgery at the same time so that the recovery period can be spent together and support each other in every possible way.

What is Jedlica capable of?

Even though Justin has been compared to a toy Ken, he is still not an exact replica of the doll. Jedlica is often asked in interviews about his willingness to get rid of his genitals. According to a plastic surgery enthusiast, he is capable of anything!

When Justin began to modify himself, he did not pursue the goal of becoming like Ken. Most of all, he was inspired to resort to plastic surgery by such famous personalities as Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers. According to the doll man, he did not notice the resemblance to Ken at first. But now the guy is very pleased that he is compared to a beautiful toy.

Justin Jedlica was quite a pretty boy before plastic surgery. But the guy is very pleased with his current appearance. He doesn’t want to stop at the achieved result; in Ken’s opinion, he is still far from complete perfection. Despite the condemnation of society, the doll man spares neither his health nor his finances in order to become the standard of an ideal man.


Currently, Justin is doing business with his partner in Chicago, Jedlica is active on Instagram, where she has more than 100 thousand subscribers and is extremely popular. He is invited to television programs and interviewed.

Justin has his own website, where he provides consultations on beauty and care, helps determine the choice of a doctor and the necessary operation. Helps victims of plastic surgery improve their situation.

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