How to properly care for aging skin to look young

Causes of fading skin beauty

Time spares no one. With age, cell division slows down, but the amount of dead epidermis increases. In addition, the hormonal composition of the blood changes, which disrupts the formation of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for youth and elasticity of the skin. Metabolic products are eliminated from the body more slowly, and nutrients from skincare products are absorbed much less well. All this affects the elasticity and freshness of the skin. But it is also worth remembering that these are natural processes. You can slow them down, but not cancel them. Unfortunately, modern living conditions dictate their own rules and all these processes are only getting worse every year due to external factors.

Every day you face many obstacles - lack of sleep, stress, climatic conditions, environmental pollution and other factors affect your health.

The skin only shows what is happening inside the body. If he is constantly under stress, then why are you surprised by his unhealthy complexion, pimples and early age spots?

Before resorting to expensive skincare products, get tested or at least think about what kind of lifestyle you lead. Most likely, your daily routine is filled with habits that cause your skin to age prematurely.

How to properly carry out home hydration and nutrition treatments

It is no coincidence that morning creams are considered moisturizing creams, and evening creams are nourishing ones. This is due to biological rhythms, because In the morning the skin is less receptive. In order for skincare procedures to have maximum effect, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  1. Cleansing. Thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup, sebum and dust. Wash your face with foam suitable for your type.
  2. Toning. Use a tonic; it will not only moisturize the skin, but also increase the effectiveness of subsequent manipulations. Don't neglect this stage; the right tonic can work wonders.
  3. Hydration or nutrition. Use the cream by applying it with light patting movements on the face, neck and décolleté.

It is impossible not to mention masks at this stage. Moisturizing or nourishing - they are the key products of any care. It is best to use them in the evening, when the effectiveness will be maximum.

When selecting, keep in mind that they contain a large number of biologically active substances, which can lead to allergic reactions if you are predisposed to them. Before purchasing, consult a cosmetologist.

It is advisable to take courses in salon procedures several times a year aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin, and between them use cosmetics specially selected by a specialist specifically for your skin.

Causes of premature skin aging

Aging is a natural process. But it has already been scientifically proven that nature and genetics are only 20% involved here. The remaining 80% is related to lifestyle:

  • Bad habits
    negatively affect the functioning of blood vessels. As a result, spider veins and swelling appear, and the complexion becomes dull. And remember that the skin only reflects the processes that occur deep inside, and alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect the entire body.
  • Poor nutrition
    - lack of protein and vitamins, excess of fast carbohydrates, sugar and salt change the structure of collagen. This leads to dryness and sagging.
  • Stress and lack of sleep
    disrupt the synthesis of corticosteroids. Because of this, hyaluronic acid and fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, are destroyed. This is how small wrinkles appear.
  • A polluted environment
    - exhaust gases from cars, emissions from factories form free radicals that destroy cells.
  • Sun
    - if you don’t use Sunscreen, then wrinkles and age spots appear much faster.
  • Lack of water
    - if you don't drink enough water, your skin starts to dry out. And dry dermis is most susceptible to the formation of wrinkles. By the way, washing with tap water makes the situation worse.
  • Toxins
    - if waste products and toxins accumulate in the body, the skin becomes less elastic.

Placental therapy

How to get rid of fading and sagging facial skin? This procedure is performed on people who have reached 40 years of age. It can be used to influence the internal biological clock. Here a systematic effect is provided that covers the entire body.

Placental therapy will help increase the body's resistance to infections and viruses, start metabolic processes, improve the condition and quality of the skin, remove pigmentation, and also provide the patient with sexuality, good mood, performance, and a surge of strength.

Signs of aging facial skin

There are several types of aging. The signs depend on them:

  1. Tired - the skin becomes less elastic. A nasolabial wrinkle may appear or small facial wrinkles may appear, but there are no wrinkles as such;
  2. Wrinkled - everything is clear from the name. Many small wrinkles appear;
  3. Senile deformation of the face and neck - the skin sags, the oval of the face “floats”;
  4. Combined – decrease in skin elasticity and appearance of wrinkles;
  5. Muscular - crow's feet, nasolabial folds and folds appear on the upper and lower eyelids.

There are also several of the most common signs of aging:

  1. Loss of elasticity;
  2. Pigmentation:
  3. Increased dryness of the dermis;
  4. Appearance of grayness or yellowness;
  5. Enlargement of pores in the T-zone;
  6. Floating outline;
  7. Drooping of the corners of the eyes and lips;
  8. Changes in facial contour;
  9. Formation of papillomas and warts;
  10. The appearance of wrinkles.

The sooner you pay attention to these signs, the sooner you can take the necessary measures. Therefore, carefully monitor the condition of your skin.

Sagging skin on the face - causes and treatment with ultrasound

It is worth remembering a procedure such as ultrasonic facial skin cleansing, which helps remove sagging skin. This is a cosmetic procedure that performs a triple action. Here peeling is performed mechanically, while trauma is minimized. Using a scrubber, the upper stratum corneum is exfoliated. Ultrasonic waves and high-frequency vibrations come from the nozzle. They help remove dead cells and clean the surface.

Ultrasound vibrations help penetrate deep into the skin and saturate it with nutrients. The ultrasound power during this procedure is very low, so there will be no negative effect on healthy cells. Vibration also acts as a massage, which promotes collagen production.

How does skin aging occur?

Dermal aging begins at approximately 25 years of age

. For some earlier, for others a little later. 25 is average age. The complexion becomes dull, cell renewal occurs more slowly, and elasticity decreases. At this age, crow's feet, nasolabial and glabellar lines most often appear.

The second stage appears by age 35

. All those defects that have already appeared on you become even more noticeable. The dermis ceases to retain the necessary moisture, fat distribution occurs unevenly, and the production of hyaluronic acid is reduced. A network of capillaries is added to the wrinkles.

The third stage is planned by nature for approximately 50 years

. At this age, all aging processes occur with renewed vigor, as the production of female hormones decreases. At 60, the situation stabilizes a little, but everything that could happen has already happened. Age spots, deep folds, sagging skin...

After 70

The stratum corneum thickens, and the dermis, on the contrary, becomes very thin. Because of this, the skin turns yellow, like parchment.

Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse aging. But it can be slowed down. Proper care and special exercises will help you with this. You can learn about them at the updated “SmeloNET” marathon. It works like a time machine and will take you back 5-7 years - to a young and blooming face.

Facial anatomy

The face, like many other tissues, undergoes sagging processes under the influence of gravity. This process is called gravitational ptosis. I propose to consider the anatomy of the face layer by layer. It is a layer-by-layer description of facial anatomy from the perspective of the concept of Australian surgeon Brian Mendelson that will help to understand the mechanisms of aging.

Essentially, the face consists of 5 layers: skin, fatty tissue, muscles, ligaments, periosteum and facial skeleton.

  1. The skin is the outermost layer. Traditionally, facial aging is associated with skin changes, so most treatments begin with skin care. Many people use creams, masks, etc. It really has a positive effect. However, up to a certain age. According to various authors, facial aging begins at the molecular level on average at the age of 30. This process occurs deep in the structures of the skin, so all rejuvenation procedures are essentially care and do not have a long-lasting effect.
  2. Subcutaneous tissue. Lies under the skin and consists of adipose tissue. The thickness of the fat layer varies in different parts of the face. With age, fat sinks and accumulates in certain places, forming bags under the eyes, jowls, etc.
  3. Muscles . There are 21 facial muscles on the face. With age, muscles weaken and sag, like a hammock in which fat accumulates. In this regard, working exclusively with the skin will not help achieve aesthetic rejuvenation. After all, even after performing a skin tightening, an array of muscles and adipose tissue will stretch the face and the result of skin procedures will disappear in no more than 1 year.
  4. Ligaments . With the help of ligaments, the soft tissues of the face are attached to the facial skeleton and are located in certain places. Time and gravity have virtually no effect on the ligaments, so weakened muscles and hanging fat are thrown over the ligaments, forming pronounced age-related contours of the face.
  5. Periosteum and facial skeleton. The bony skeleton determines the shape of the face and the very uniqueness and individuality of our faces. However, over time, the bone tissue slowly collapses, which creates the preconditions for the heavy mass of the face to slide down.

Rice. 1. Layers of the face according to Mendelssohn

Rice. 2 Mendelssohn's ligaments

Rice. 3 Young and old face

Basics of caring for aging skin

At any age and with any skin type, you need to remember three main stages in daily care:

  • Cleansing
    - for aging skin, products should be as gentle as possible. Never use soap or other products that dry out your skin. All women should forget about them!
  • Toning
    - many people forget about such a wonderful remedy as tonic. But in vain! After all, it is he who restores the pH balance, completes the cleansing stage and prepares the face for moisturizing. As a tonic, you can use a homemade decoction of chamomile, rosehip, rose or calendula.
  • Moisturize
    - both morning and evening. Give preference to natural ingredients and remember that any product should be selected for your skin type and age.

Also, don’t forget about deep nutrition - make masks and use oils. Aging skin needs this stage the most, as it loses moisture very easily. And without it, aging occurs much faster.

Facial massage will help get rid of wrinkles. To get started, try the following exercises:

  1. Removing wrinkles around the eyes:
  2. Getting rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead:
  3. Working with the eyebrow fold:
  4. Saying goodbye to a double chin:

Get into the habit of devoting a few minutes a day to self-massage and within a week you will notice the first results.


In early spring, cosmetologists recommend undergoing procedures such as peeling. It can be laser, mechanical or chemical. And such procedures are usually done before the beginning of April. As for suitable peeling, the cosmetologist decides everything here. He takes into account the skin type, its condition and then prescribes the procedure.

With the help of peeling, you can remove old horn cells, make the skin tone and microrelief more even, prepare the skin for further moisturizing procedures, reduce wrinkles and their depth.

If you do lighter peels, they will be able to remove fine lines of wrinkles and give the skin freshness. But if you need to get rid of post-acne, scars, sagging, folds, wrinkles, pigmentation, then you need to act on the skin more powerfully.

Anti-aging skin care with home remedies

Carrot mask.

Finely grate the carrots and mix it with the yolk of a chicken egg. Apply the mixture to a damp face and keep for 30 minutes. Then remove with a dry cotton pad.

Kefir-orange mask.

Well suited for oily dermis - moisturizes and slightly mattifies it. You will need orange juice, low-fat kefir and 1 teaspoon of starch. Mix the ingredients until you get a mushy consistency. Keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Aloe mask.

Helps in the fight against wrinkles. 1 tbsp. honey, 3 tbsp. milk powder, 1 yolk and pulp of 1 aloe branch. Mix everything, apply to the skin, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After this, you can arrange contrast washes - this is good for blood circulation and lymph flow.

But you should remember that homemade masks can only serve as an additional tool in the fight against aging skin. For complete care, you need to purchase high-quality products, but with natural ingredients.

Ways to restore normal complexion

Another problem inherent in aging skin is age spots. It is difficult to eliminate them. At the same time, with an integrated approach, it is quite possible to cope with this problem. To restore a beautiful color to your facial skin and eliminate existing age spots, you can use a nourishing mask based on cucumber and alcohol yeast . To prepare the product, you need to grind the pulp of the vegetable. Approximately 1 tsp is added to the resulting slurry. yeast. The mixture must be allowed to stand for 1 hour in a warm place. The composition should be applied to the facial skin using a soft brush. Keep the mask on the skin for 15 minutes, after which the residue must be wiped off with a damp cloth. To eliminate age spots and even out complexion, it is advisable to use this product at least 3 times a week.

In addition, you can cope with such skin problems if you use a special acid lotion . To prepare it, take the juice of 1 lemon, ¼ cup of grape vinegar, 1 tbsp. red wine. The finished mixture should be left for 5 hours, after which it can be used to wipe the skin. This lotion should be used at least 2 times a day. This effect allows you to quickly whiten the skin and eliminate age spots.

Another excellent remedy for restoring normal complexion is a sour apple mask . To prepare the product, you need to carefully grate the fruit on a fine grater. You need to squeeze out the excess juice from the pulp. The thickener is applied to the skin of the face. Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes. After this, you need to cleanse the skin with slightly soaked oatmeal. They need to be rubbed in with gentle massaging movements. In this case, oatmeal will act as a scrub, allowing you to remove exfoliating particles and start the process of tissue regeneration.

With the active process of aging, red spots may appear on the skin, which are the result of drying out the upper layer of the epidermis and the appearance of small blood vessels. In order to eliminate such a defect, you can use a special anti-stain mask . To prepare it, take 1 fresh cucumber and ¼ tbsp. cream. The vegetable must be ground in a blender to a pulp. The cream is whipped. Next, the components are mixed and applied to the skin of the face. Keep this mask for at least 30 minutes. You can use this remedy every day. A clear effect is usually achieved within a week.

Review of care products for aging skin

We recommend the best products from for aging skin (and not only!):

  1. Plant-based squalane serum is easily absorbed by the skin and helps get rid of fine wrinkles;
  2. Coconut oil - can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with other products. It nourishes, saturates and even rejuvenates as much as possible.
  3. Rose hydrosol - replace washing with tap water with washing with hydrosol. What comes out of our taps is filled with substances that dry out already damaged skin. Hydrolate is mountain water with substances necessary for any dermis. By the way, you can use it as a tonic or thermal water.
  4. Hemp verbena balm improves the appearance of the skin, accelerates tissue regeneration and prevents premature aging.
  5. Camellia sasanqua oil contains substances necessary for aging skin - vitamins A, E and B. With regular use, it smooths out wrinkles and whitens age spots.

Using modern salon treatments

In pursuit of eternal youth, women are ready to do anything. Even go under the surgeon's knife.

Botox injections

- cosmetologists say that it is “beauty injections” that can smooth out wrinkles and restore the face to its former youth. In fact, aging skin is more likely to simply stretch under the volume of filler or even reject the foreign substance. And in the end you will look much worse than before the procedure.

Chemical and laser peels

— leave burns and create the feeling that you have been scalped. Probably no one wants to experience something like this. And then you won’t be able to go outside - since sunlight is contraindicated, and you yourself won’t want to show yourself to the world with a red, “freshened” face.

Ultrasound machines

— penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy its structure. Experts assure that everything is being done to restore regeneration function, but in reality

Salon treatments are more harmful and addictive. Many girls have encountered the opposite effect and the incompetence of cosmetologists. To avoid a disastrous result, it is better to abandon them altogether. Moreover, you can achieve better results at home, using only your hands and natural ingredients.

Prevention of skin aging

Taking proper care of your health will help prevent premature aging:

  1. Drink more water and don’t indulge in tea and coffee;
  2. Don’t go on diets, it’s better to start introducing proper eating habits;
  3. Use SPF protection. The sun is the enemy of beauty;
  4. Give up bad habits (or at least limit them);
  5. Try to monitor your facial expressions - if they are too active, then facial wrinkles may appear even before the age of 25. Don’t give up on living emotions - just watch their manifestations;
  6. Inactive lifestyle. It is movement that provides us with long youth, activity and beauty. Don't deny yourself this one;
  7. Constant lack of sleep and stress. Only in a dream can we fully relax and recover.

And remember that it is easier to prevent a problem than to get rid of it later. Therefore, take care of your skin now, and not in 15-20 years, when the situation gets worse.

General recommendations

At any age, you can follow these recommendations and your face will tell you a huge “Thank you!”, because it needs care not only after 30 or 50 years.

  1. Watch your diet.
    “We are what we eat” - remember this rule every time you want to splurge on another piece of candy. It’s better to replace sweets with currants, rose hips and gooseberries. These berries are rich in vitamin C and it is this that gives the antioxidant effect. Don't forget about vitamin E - it makes the skin tight and elastic. Add healthy oils to your diet - avocado, wheat germ and olive.
  2. Do self-massage.
    You can use your hands or buy the massage you like. For example, gua sha makes you forget about swelling, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation, and amber massage accelerates lymph exchange, improves complexion and facial contour.
  3. Buy a dry massage brush.
    Its regular use allows you to visually lose a couple of years, get rid of the “Ring of Venus”, cleans out all impurities and speeds up metabolic processes.
  4. Another miracle remedy - cupping massage
    . Accelerates lymph flow, gives amazing skin tone, erases wrinkles like an eraser, removes impurities and toxins.

  5. We can't help but tell you about the roller. This is a tool for static gymnastics. Many problems arise due to poor posture. The roller helps put all the vertebrae in place, improves blood flow, eliminates withers and double chin, malocclusion and drooping eyelids. And if you buy a roller with mint, you will also improve your sleep and cope with stress more easily.

And the most important recommendation is to come to the Basic Marathon “Boldly NO” and say a firm NO to wrinkles, swollen facial contours and age spots! 3 weeks of regular classes and you won’t recognize yourself in the reflection.

What do we recommend giving up at this age?

Beauty and youth are directly related to health. And you need to start thinking about it not only at 50 years old.

It doesn't matter if you are 20, 35 or 50, exclude the following things:

  • Solarium and long stay in the open sun (and don’t forget about SPF protection);
  • Alcohol and smoking;
  • Fast food, processed foods and other food waste;
  • Plenty of coffee and tea;
  • Skin care products that contain alcohol;
  • Sleep on a high pillow.

It doesn’t matter if you find yourself at an alcoholic party or decide to eat a sausage at a picnic - don’t blame yourself for rare deviations from the rules. The main thing is that it does not become a habit and does not become a way of life.

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